Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import;
Entry point to Azure EventHub resource management.
/** * Entry point to Azure EventHub resource management. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_2_0) public final class EventHubManager extends Manager<EventHubManager, EventHubManagementClientImpl> { private EventHubNamespaces namespaces; private EventHubs eventHubs; private EventHubConsumerGroups consumerGroups; private EventHubAuthorizationRules eventHubAuthorizationRules; private EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRules namespaceAuthorizationRules; private EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings eventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings; private DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules disasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules; private StorageManager storageManager;
Get a Configurable instance that can be used to create EventHubManager with optional configuration.
Returns:the instance allowing configurations
/** * Get a Configurable instance that can be used to create EventHubManager with optional configuration. * * @return the instance allowing configurations */
public static Configurable configure() { return new EventHubManager.ConfigurableImpl(); }
Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub resource management API entry points.
  • credentials – the credentials to use
  • subscriptionId – the subscription UUID
Returns:the EventHubManager
/** * Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub resource management API entry points. * * @param credentials the credentials to use * @param subscriptionId the subscription UUID * @return the EventHubManager */
public static EventHubManager authenticate(AzureTokenCredentials credentials, String subscriptionId) { return new EventHubManager(new RestClient.Builder() .withBaseUrl(credentials.environment(), AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.RESOURCE_MANAGER) .withCredentials(credentials) .withSerializerAdapter(new AzureJacksonAdapter()) .withResponseBuilderFactory(new AzureResponseBuilder.Factory()) .withInterceptor(new ProviderRegistrationInterceptor(credentials)) .withInterceptor(new ResourceManagerThrottlingInterceptor()) .build(), subscriptionId); }
Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub resource management API entry points.
  • restClient – the RestClient to be used for API calls.
  • subscriptionId – the subscription UUID
Returns:the EventHubManager
/** * Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub resource management API entry points. * * @param restClient the RestClient to be used for API calls. * @param subscriptionId the subscription UUID * @return the EventHubManager */
public static EventHubManager authenticate(RestClient restClient, String subscriptionId) { return new EventHubManager(restClient, subscriptionId); }
The interface allowing configurations to be set.
/** * The interface allowing configurations to be set. */
public interface Configurable extends AzureConfigurable<Configurable> {
Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub management API entry points.
  • credentials – the credentials to use
  • subscriptionId – the subscription UUID
Returns:the interface exposing EventHub management API entry points that work across subscriptions
/** * Creates an instance of EventHubManager that exposes EventHub management API entry points. * * @param credentials the credentials to use * @param subscriptionId the subscription UUID * @return the interface exposing EventHub management API entry points that work across subscriptions */
EventHubManager authenticate(AzureTokenCredentials credentials, String subscriptionId); }
The implementation for Configurable interface.
/** * The implementation for Configurable interface. */
private static final class ConfigurableImpl extends AzureConfigurableImpl<Configurable> implements Configurable { public EventHubManager authenticate(AzureTokenCredentials credentials, String subscriptionId) { return EventHubManager.authenticate(buildRestClient(credentials), subscriptionId); } } private EventHubManager(RestClient restClient, String subscriptionId) { super( restClient, subscriptionId, new EventHubManagementClientImpl(restClient).withSubscriptionId(subscriptionId)); storageManager = StorageManager.authenticate(restClient, subscriptionId); }
Returns:entry point to manage EventHub namespaces
/** * @return entry point to manage EventHub namespaces */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubNamespaces namespaces() { if (this.namespaces == null) { this.namespaces = new EventHubNamespacesImpl(this); } return this.namespaces; }
Returns:entry point to manage event hubs
/** * @return entry point to manage event hubs */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubs eventHubs() { if (this.eventHubs == null) { this.eventHubs = new EventHubsImpl(this, this.storageManager); } return this.eventHubs; }
Returns:entry point to manage event hub consumer groups
/** * @return entry point to manage event hub consumer groups */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubConsumerGroups consumerGroups() { if (this.consumerGroups == null) { this.consumerGroups = new EventHubConsumerGroupsImpl(this); } return this.consumerGroups; }
Returns:entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing of event hub namespaces.
/** * @return entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing of event hub namespaces. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings eventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings() { if (this.eventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings == null) { this.eventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings = new EventHubDisasterRecoveryPairingsImpl(this); } return this.eventHubDisasterRecoveryPairings; }
Returns:entry point to manage event hub authorization rules.
/** * @return entry point to manage event hub authorization rules. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubAuthorizationRules eventHubAuthorizationRules() { if (this.eventHubAuthorizationRules == null) { this.eventHubAuthorizationRules = new EventHubAuthorizationRulesImpl(this); } return this.eventHubAuthorizationRules; }
Returns:entry point to manage event hub namespace authorization rules.
/** * @return entry point to manage event hub namespace authorization rules. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRules namespaceAuthorizationRules() { if (this.namespaceAuthorizationRules == null) { this.namespaceAuthorizationRules = new EventHubNamespaceAuthorizationRulesImpl(this); } return this.namespaceAuthorizationRules; }
Returns:entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing authorization rules.
/** * @return entry point to manage disaster recovery pairing authorization rules. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V2_0_0) public DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules disasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules() { if (this.disasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules == null) { this.disasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules = new DisasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRulesImpl(this); } return this.disasterRecoveryPairingAuthorizationRules; } }