Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import rx.Completable; import rx.Observable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set;
An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine.
/** * An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine. */
@Fluent public interface VirtualMachine extends GroupableResource<ComputeManager, VirtualMachineInner>, Refreshable<VirtualMachine>, Updatable<VirtualMachine.Update>, HasNetworkInterfaces { // Actions
Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources.
/** * Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources. */
void deallocate();
Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable deallocateAsync();
Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Shuts down the virtual machine and releases the compute resources asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> deallocateAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Generalizes the virtual machine.
/** * Generalizes the virtual machine. */
void generalize();
Generalizes the virtual machine asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Generalizes the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable generalizeAsync();
Generalizes the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Generalizes the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> generalizeAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Powers off (stops) the virtual machine.
/** * Powers off (stops) the virtual machine. */
void powerOff();
Powers off (stops) the virtual machine asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Powers off (stops) the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable powerOffAsync();
Powers off (stop) the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Powers off (stop) the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> powerOffAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Restarts the virtual machine.
/** * Restarts the virtual machine. */
void restart();
Restarts the virtual machine asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Restarts the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable restartAsync();
Restarts the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Restarts the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> restartAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Starts the virtual machine.
/** * Starts the virtual machine. */
void start();
Starts the virtual machine asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Starts the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable startAsync();
Starts the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Starts the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> startAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Redeploys the virtual machine.
/** * Redeploys the virtual machine. */
void redeploy();
Redeploys the virtual machine asynchronously.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Redeploys the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable redeployAsync();
Redeploys the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Redeploys the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> redeployAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine. The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API.
/** * Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine. * The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API. */
void simulateEviction();
Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine asynchronously. The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API.
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine asynchronously. * The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable simulateEvictionAsync();
Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine asynchronously. The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Simulates the eviction of spot virtual machine asynchronously. * The eviction will occur with 30 minutes after calling this API. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> simulateEvictionAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Returns:entry point to enabling, disabling and querying disk encryption
/** * @return entry point to enabling, disabling and querying disk encryption */
VirtualMachineEncryption diskEncryption();
Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk.
/** * Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk. */
void convertToManaged();
Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk asynchronously. @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk asynchronously. * * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Completable convertToManagedAsync();
Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk asynchronously.
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a handle to cancel the request
/** * Converts (migrates) the virtual machine with un-managed disks to use managed disk asynchronously. * * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a handle to cancel the request */
ServiceFuture<Void> convertToManagedAsync(ServiceCallback<Void> callback);
Lists all available virtual machine sizes this virtual machine can resized to.
Returns:the virtual machine sizes
/** * Lists all available virtual machine sizes this virtual machine can resized to. * * @return the virtual machine sizes */
@Method PagedList<VirtualMachineSize> availableSizes();
Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM.
  • containerName – destination container name to store the captured VHD
  • vhdPrefix – the prefix for the VHD holding captured image
  • overwriteVhd – whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists
Returns:the JSON template for creating more such virtual machines
/** * Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM. * * @param containerName destination container name to store the captured VHD * @param vhdPrefix the prefix for the VHD holding captured image * @param overwriteVhd whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists * @return the JSON template for creating more such virtual machines */
String capture(String containerName, String vhdPrefix, boolean overwriteVhd);
Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM asynchronously.
  • containerName – destination container name to store the captured VHD
  • vhdPrefix – the prefix for the VHD holding captured image
  • overwriteVhd – whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM asynchronously. * * @param containerName destination container name to store the captured VHD * @param vhdPrefix the prefix for the VHD holding captured image * @param overwriteVhd whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
Observable<String> captureAsync(String containerName, String vhdPrefix, boolean overwriteVhd);
Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM asynchronously.
  • containerName – destination container name to store the captured VHD
  • vhdPrefix – the prefix for the VHD holding captured image
  • overwriteVhd – whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists
  • callback – the callback to call on success or failure
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call
/** * Captures the virtual machine by copying virtual hard disks of the VM asynchronously. * * @param containerName destination container name to store the captured VHD * @param vhdPrefix the prefix for the VHD holding captured image * @param overwriteVhd whether to overwrites destination VHD if it exists * @param callback the callback to call on success or failure * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call */
ServiceFuture<String> captureAsync(String containerName, String vhdPrefix, boolean overwriteVhd, ServiceCallback<String> callback);
Refreshes the virtual machine instance view to sync with Azure.

The instance view will be cached for later retrieval using instanceView.

Returns:the refreshed instance view
/** * Refreshes the virtual machine instance view to sync with Azure. * <p> * The instance view will be cached for later retrieval using <code>instanceView</code>. * * @return the refreshed instance view */
@Method VirtualMachineInstanceView refreshInstanceView();
Refreshes the virtual machine instance view to sync with Azure.
Returns:an observable that emits the instance view of the virtual machine.
/** * Refreshes the virtual machine instance view to sync with Azure. * * @return an observable that emits the instance view of the virtual machine. */
@Method Observable<VirtualMachineInstanceView> refreshInstanceViewAsync();
Run shell script in a virtual machine.
  • groupName – the resource group name
  • name – the virtual machine name
  • scriptLines – PowerShell script lines
  • scriptParameters – script parameters
Returns:result of PowerShell script execution
/** * Run shell script in a virtual machine. * * @param groupName the resource group name * @param name the virtual machine name * @param scriptLines PowerShell script lines * @param scriptParameters script parameters * @return result of PowerShell script execution */
RunCommandResult runPowerShellScript(String groupName, String name, List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters);
Run shell script in the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • scriptLines – PowerShell script lines
  • scriptParameters – script parameters
Returns:handle to the asynchronous execution
/** * Run shell script in the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param scriptLines PowerShell script lines * @param scriptParameters script parameters * @return handle to the asynchronous execution */
Observable<RunCommandResult> runPowerShellScriptAsync(List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters);
Run shell script in the virtual machine.
  • scriptLines – shell script lines
  • scriptParameters – script parameters
Returns:result of shell script execution
/** * Run shell script in the virtual machine. * * @param scriptLines shell script lines * @param scriptParameters script parameters * @return result of shell script execution */
RunCommandResult runShellScript(List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters);
Run shell script in the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • scriptLines – shell script lines
  • scriptParameters – script parameters
Returns:handle to the asynchronous execution
/** * Run shell script in the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param scriptLines shell script lines * @param scriptParameters script parameters * @return handle to the asynchronous execution */
Observable<RunCommandResult> runShellScriptAsync(List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters);
Run commands in the virtual machine.
  • inputCommand – command input
Returns:result of execution
/** * Run commands in the virtual machine. * * @param inputCommand command input * @return result of execution */
RunCommandResult runCommand(RunCommandInput inputCommand);
Run commands in the virtual machine asynchronously.
  • inputCommand – command input
Returns:handle to the asynchronous execution
/** * Run commands in the virtual machine asynchronously. * * @param inputCommand command input * @return handle to the asynchronous execution */
Observable<RunCommandResult> runCommandAsync(RunCommandInput inputCommand); // Getters //
Returns:true if managed disks are used for the virtual machine's disks (OS, data)
/** * @return true if managed disks are used for the virtual machine's disks (OS, data) */
boolean isManagedDiskEnabled();
Returns:name of this virtual machine
/** * @return name of this virtual machine */
String computerName();
Returns:the virtual machine size
/** * @return the virtual machine size */
VirtualMachineSizeTypes size();
Returns:the operating system of this virtual machine
/** * @return the operating system of this virtual machine */
OperatingSystemTypes osType();
Returns:the URI to the VHD file backing this virtual machine's operating system disk
/** * @return the URI to the VHD file backing this virtual machine's operating system disk */
String osUnmanagedDiskVhdUri();
Returns:the operating system disk caching type
/** * @return the operating system disk caching type */
CachingTypes osDiskCachingType();
Returns:the size of the operating system disk in GB
/** * @return the size of the operating system disk in GB */
int osDiskSize();
Returns:the storage account type of the managed disk backing OS disk
/** * @return the storage account type of the managed disk backing OS disk */
StorageAccountTypes osDiskStorageAccountType();
Returns:resource ID of the managed disk backing the OS disk
/** * @return resource ID of the managed disk backing the OS disk */
String osDiskId();
Returns:the unmanaged data disks associated with this virtual machine, indexed by LUN number
/** * @return the unmanaged data disks associated with this virtual machine, indexed by LUN number */
Map<Integer, VirtualMachineUnmanagedDataDisk> unmanagedDataDisks();
Returns:the managed data disks associated with this virtual machine, indexed by LUN
/** * @return the managed data disks associated with this virtual machine, indexed by LUN */
Map<Integer, VirtualMachineDataDisk> dataDisks();
Gets the public IP address associated with this virtual machine's primary network interface.

Note that this method makes a rest API call to fetch the resource.

Returns:the public IP of the primary network interface
/** * Gets the public IP address associated with this virtual machine's primary network interface. * <p> * Note that this method makes a rest API call to fetch the resource. * * @return the public IP of the primary network interface */
PublicIPAddress getPrimaryPublicIPAddress();
Returns:the resource ID of the public IP address associated with this virtual machine's primary network interface
/** * @return the resource ID of the public IP address associated with this virtual machine's primary network interface */
String getPrimaryPublicIPAddressId();
Returns:the resource ID of the availability set associated with this virtual machine
/** * @return the resource ID of the availability set associated with this virtual machine */
String availabilitySetId();
Returns:the provisioningState value
/** * @return the provisioningState value */
String provisioningState();
Returns:the licenseType value
/** * @return the licenseType value */
String licenseType();
Get specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
Returns:the proximityPlacementGroup.
/** * Get specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be * assigned to. * @return the proximityPlacementGroup. */
ProximityPlacementGroup proximityPlacementGroup();
Returns:a representation of the deferred computation of this call, returning extensions attached to the virtual machine
/** * @return a representation of the deferred computation of this call, returning extensions attached to the virtual machine */
Observable<VirtualMachineExtension> listExtensionsAsync();
Returns:extensions attached to the virtual machine
/** * @return extensions attached to the virtual machine */
Map<String, VirtualMachineExtension> listExtensions();
Returns:the plan value
/** * @return the plan value */
Plan plan();
Returns the storage profile of an Azure virtual machine.
Returns:the storageProfile value
/** * Returns the storage profile of an Azure virtual machine. * * @return the storageProfile value */
StorageProfile storageProfile();
Returns:the operating system profile
/** * @return the operating system profile */
OSProfile osProfile();
Returns:the diagnostics profile
/** * @return the diagnostics profile */
DiagnosticsProfile diagnosticsProfile();
Returns:the virtual machine unique ID.
/** * @return the virtual machine unique ID. */
String vmId();
Returns:the power state of the virtual machine
/** * @return the power state of the virtual machine */
PowerState powerState();
Get the virtual machine instance view.

The instance view will be cached for later retrieval using instanceView.

Returns:the virtual machine's instance view
/** * Get the virtual machine instance view. * <p> * The instance view will be cached for later retrieval using <code>instanceView</code>. * * @return the virtual machine's instance view */
VirtualMachineInstanceView instanceView();
Returns:the availability zones assigned to the virtual machine
/** * @return the availability zones assigned to the virtual machine */
Set<AvailabilityZoneId> availabilityZones();
Returns:true if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine
/** * @return true if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine */
boolean isBootDiagnosticsEnabled();
Returns:the storage blob endpoint uri if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine
/** * @return the storage blob endpoint uri if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine */
String bootDiagnosticsStorageUri();
Returns:true if Managed Service Identity is enabled for the virtual machine
/** * @return true if Managed Service Identity is enabled for the virtual machine */
boolean isManagedServiceIdentityEnabled();
Returns:the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory tenant ID assigned to the virtual machine.
/** * @return the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory tenant ID assigned * to the virtual machine. */
String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityTenantId();
Returns:the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory service principal ID assigned to the virtual machine.
/** * @return the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory service principal ID * assigned to the virtual machine. */
String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityPrincipalId();
Returns:the type of Managed Service Identity used for the virtual machine.
/** * @return the type of Managed Service Identity used for the virtual machine. */
ResourceIdentityType managedServiceIdentityType();
Returns:the resource ids of User Assigned Managed Service Identities associated with the virtual machine.
/** * @return the resource ids of User Assigned Managed Service Identities associated with the virtual machine. */
Set<String> userAssignedManagedServiceIdentityIds();
Returns:the priority for the virtual machine.
/** * @return the priority for the virtual machine. */
VirtualMachinePriorityTypes priority();
Returns:the eviction policy for the virtual machine.
/** * @return the eviction policy for the virtual machine. */
VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes evictionPolicy();
Returns:the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine
/** * @return the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine */
BillingProfile billingProfile(); // Setters //
The virtual machine scale set stages shared between managed and unmanaged based virtual machine definitions.
/** * The virtual machine scale set stages shared between managed and unmanaged based * virtual machine definitions. */
interface DefinitionShared extends DefinitionStages.Blank, DefinitionStages.WithGroup, DefinitionStages.WithNetwork, DefinitionStages.WithSubnet, DefinitionStages.WithPrivateIP, DefinitionStages.WithPublicIPAddress, DefinitionStages.WithPrimaryNetworkInterface, DefinitionStages.WithOS, DefinitionStages.WithProximityPlacementGroup, DefinitionStages.WithCreate { }
The entirety of the virtual machine definition.
/** * The entirety of the virtual machine definition. */
interface DefinitionManagedOrUnmanaged extends DefinitionShared, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminPasswordManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithFromImageCreateOptionsManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsCreateManagedOrUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate, DefinitionStages.WithUnmanagedCreate { }
The entirety of the managed disk based virtual machine definition.
/** * The entirety of the managed disk based virtual machine definition. */
interface DefinitionManaged extends DefinitionShared, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootUsernameManaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminUsernameManaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminPasswordManaged, DefinitionStages.WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateManaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsCreateManaged, DefinitionStages.WithManagedCreate { }
The entirety of the unmanaged disk based virtual machine definition.
/** * The entirety of the unmanaged disk based virtual machine definition. */
interface DefinitionUnmanaged extends DefinitionStages.Blank, DefinitionStages.WithGroup, DefinitionStages.WithNetwork, DefinitionStages.WithSubnet, DefinitionStages.WithPrivateIP, DefinitionStages.WithPublicIPAddress, DefinitionStages.WithPrimaryNetworkInterface, DefinitionStages.WithOS, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootUsernameUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminUsernameUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsAdminPasswordUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithLinuxCreateUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged, DefinitionStages.WithUnmanagedCreate { }
Grouping of virtual machine definition stages.
/** * Grouping of virtual machine definition stages. */
interface DefinitionStages {
The first stage of a virtual machine definition.
/** * The first stage of a virtual machine definition. */
interface Blank extends GroupableResource.DefinitionWithRegion<WithGroup> { }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the resource group.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the resource group. */
interface WithGroup extends GroupableResource.DefinitionStages.WithGroup<WithNetwork> { }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a virtual network with the new primary network interface.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a virtual network with the new primary network interface. */
interface WithNetwork extends WithPrimaryNetworkInterface {
Creates a new virtual network to associate with the virtual machine's primary network interface, based on the provided definition.
  • creatable – a creatable definition for a new virtual network
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new virtual network to associate with the virtual machine's primary network interface, based on * the provided definition. * * @param creatable a creatable definition for a new virtual network * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithPrivateIP withNewPrimaryNetwork(Creatable<Network> creatable);
Creates a new virtual network to associate with the virtual machine's primary network interface.

The virtual network will be created in the same resource group and region as of virtual machine, it will be created with the specified address space and a default subnet covering the entirety of the network IP address space.

  • addressSpace – the address space for the virtual network
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new virtual network to associate with the virtual machine's primary network interface. * <p> * The virtual network will be created in the same resource group and region as of virtual machine, it will be * created with the specified address space and a default subnet covering the entirety of the network IP address space. * * @param addressSpace the address space for the virtual network * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithPrivateIP withNewPrimaryNetwork(String addressSpace);
Associates an existing virtual network with the virtual machine's primary network interface.
  • network – an existing virtual network
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing virtual network with the virtual machine's primary network interface. * * @param network an existing virtual network * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSubnet withExistingPrimaryNetwork(Network network); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the virtual network subnet for a new primary network interface.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the virtual network subnet for a new primary network interface. * */
interface WithSubnet {
Associates a subnet with the virtual machine's primary network interface.
  • name – the subnet name
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates a subnet with the virtual machine's primary network interface. * * @param name the subnet name * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithPrivateIP withSubnet(String name); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a private IP address within a virtual network subnet.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a private IP address within a virtual network subnet. */
interface WithPrivateIP {
Enables dynamic private IP address allocation within the specified existing virtual network subnet for the VM's primary network interface.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Enables dynamic private IP address allocation within the specified existing virtual network subnet for * the VM's primary network interface. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithPublicIPAddress withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressDynamic();
Assigns the specified static private IP address within the specified existing virtual network subnet to the VM's primary network interface.
  • staticPrivateIPAddress – a static IP address within the specified subnet
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Assigns the specified static private IP address within the specified existing virtual network subnet to the * VM's primary network interface. * * @param staticPrivateIPAddress a static IP address within the specified subnet * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithPublicIPAddress withPrimaryPrivateIPAddressStatic(String staticPrivateIPAddress); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to associate a public IP address with its primary network interface.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to associate a public IP address with its primary network interface. */
interface WithPublicIPAddress {
Creates a new public IP address to associate with the VM's primary network interface.
  • creatable – a creatable definition for a new public IP
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new public IP address to associate with the VM's primary network interface. * * @param creatable a creatable definition for a new public IP * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withNewPrimaryPublicIPAddress(Creatable<PublicIPAddress> creatable);
Creates a new public IP address in the same region and resource group as the resource, with the specified DNS label and associates it with the VM's primary network interface.

The internal name for the public IP address will be derived from the DNS label.

  • leafDnsLabel – a leaf domain label
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new public IP address in the same region and resource group as the resource, with the specified DNS label * and associates it with the VM's primary network interface. * <p> * The internal name for the public IP address will be derived from the DNS label. * * @param leafDnsLabel a leaf domain label * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withNewPrimaryPublicIPAddress(String leafDnsLabel);
Associates an existing public IP address with the VM's primary network interface.
  • publicIPAddress – an existing public IP address
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing public IP address with the VM's primary network interface. * * @param publicIPAddress an existing public IP address * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withExistingPrimaryPublicIPAddress(PublicIPAddress publicIPAddress);
Specifies that the VM should not have a public IP address.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that the VM should not have a public IP address. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withoutPrimaryPublicIPAddress(); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the primary network interface.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the primary network interface. */
interface WithPrimaryNetworkInterface {
Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine as its primary network interface, based on the provided definition.
  • creatable – a creatable definition for a new network interface
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine as its primary network interface, * based on the provided definition. * * @param creatable a creatable definition for a new network interface * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withNewPrimaryNetworkInterface(Creatable<NetworkInterface> creatable);
Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine as its primary network interface.
  • networkInterface – an existing network interface
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine as its primary network interface. * * @param networkInterface an existing network interface * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithProximityPlacementGroup withExistingPrimaryNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface networkInterface); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to * set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should * be assigned to. */
interface WithProximityPlacementGroup extends WithOS {
Set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
  • promixityPlacementGroupId – The Id of the proximity placement group subResource.
Returns:the next stage of the definition.
/** * Set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should * be assigned to. * @param promixityPlacementGroupId The Id of the proximity placement group subResource. * * @return the next stage of the definition. */
WithOS withProximityPlacementGroup(String promixityPlacementGroupId);
Creates a new proximity placement gruup witht he specified name and then adds it to the VM.
  • proximityPlacementGroupName – The name of the group to be created.
  • type – the type of the group
Returns:the next stage of the definition.
/** * Creates a new proximity placement gruup witht he specified name and then adds it to the VM. * @param proximityPlacementGroupName The name of the group to be created. * @param type the type of the group * @return the next stage of the definition. */
WithOS withNewProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroupName, ProximityPlacementGroupType type); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the operating system image.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify the operating system image. */
interface WithOS {
Specifies a known marketplace Windows image to be used for the virtual machine's OS.
  • knownImage – a known market-place image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a known marketplace Windows image to be used for the virtual machine's OS. * * @param knownImage a known market-place image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withPopularWindowsImage(KnownWindowsVirtualMachineImage knownImage);
Specifies that the latest version of a marketplace Windows image should to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • publisher – specifies the publisher of the image
  • offer – specifies the offer of the image
  • sku – specifies the SKU of the image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that the latest version of a marketplace Windows image should to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param publisher specifies the publisher of the image * @param offer specifies the offer of the image * @param sku specifies the SKU of the image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withLatestWindowsImage(String publisher, String offer, String sku);
Specifies a version of a marketplace Windows image to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • imageReference – describes publisher, offer, SKU and version of the market-place image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a version of a marketplace Windows image to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param imageReference describes publisher, offer, SKU and version of the market-place image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withSpecificWindowsImageVersion(ImageReference imageReference);
Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Windows custom image to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • customImageId – the resource ID of the custom image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Windows custom image to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param customImageId the resource ID of the custom image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameManaged withWindowsCustomImage(String customImageId);
Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Windows custom image to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • customImageId – the resource ID of the custom image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Windows custom image to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param customImageId the resource ID of the custom image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManaged withSpecializedWindowsCustomImage(String customImageId);
Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Windows gallery image version to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • galleryImageVersionId – the resource ID of the gallery image version
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Windows gallery image version to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param galleryImageVersionId the resource ID of the gallery image version * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameManaged withWindowsGalleryImageVersion(String galleryImageVersionId);
Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Windows gallery image version to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • galleryImageVersionId – the resource ID of the gallery image version
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Windows gallery image version to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param galleryImageVersionId the resource ID of the gallery image version * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManaged withSpecializedWindowsGalleryImageVersion(String galleryImageVersionId);
Specifies the user (generalized) Windows image to be used for the virtual machine's OS.
  • imageUrl – the URL of a VHD
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the user (generalized) Windows image to be used for the virtual machine's OS. * * @param imageUrl the URL of a VHD * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminUsernameUnmanaged withStoredWindowsImage(String imageUrl);
Specifies a known marketplace Linux image to be used for the virtual machine's OS.
  • knownImage – a known market-place image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a known marketplace Linux image to be used for the virtual machine's OS. * * @param knownImage a known market-place image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withPopularLinuxImage(KnownLinuxVirtualMachineImage knownImage);
Specifies that the latest version of a marketplace Linux image is to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • publisher – specifies the publisher of an image
  • offer – specifies an offer of the image
  • sku – specifies a SKU of the image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that the latest version of a marketplace Linux image is to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param publisher specifies the publisher of an image * @param offer specifies an offer of the image * @param sku specifies a SKU of the image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withLatestLinuxImage(String publisher, String offer, String sku);
Specifies a version of a market-place Linux image to be used as the virtual machine's OS.
  • imageReference – describes the publisher, offer, SKU and version of the market-place image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a version of a market-place Linux image to be used as the virtual machine's OS. * * @param imageReference describes the publisher, offer, SKU and version of the market-place image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged withSpecificLinuxImageVersion(ImageReference imageReference);
Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Linux custom image to be used as the virtual machines' OS.
  • customImageId – the resource ID of a custom image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Linux custom image to be used as the virtual machines' OS. * * @param customImageId the resource ID of a custom image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManaged withLinuxCustomImage(String customImageId);
Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Linux custom image to be used as the virtual machines' OS.
  • customImageId – the resource ID of a custom image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Linux custom image to be used as the virtual machines' OS. * * @param customImageId the resource ID of a custom image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManaged withSpecializedLinuxCustomImage(String customImageId);
Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Linux gallery image version to be used as the virtual machines' OS.
  • galleryImageVersionId – the resource ID of a gallery image version
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a generalized Linux gallery image version to be used as the virtual machines' OS. * * @param galleryImageVersionId the resource ID of a gallery image version * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameManaged withLinuxGalleryImageVersion(String galleryImageVersionId);
Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Linux gallery image version to be used as the virtual machines' OS.
  • galleryImageVersionId – the resource ID of a gallery image version
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the resource ID of a specialized Linux gallery image version to be used as the virtual machines' OS. * * @param galleryImageVersionId the resource ID of a gallery image version * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManaged withSpecializedLinuxGalleryImageVersion(String galleryImageVersionId);
Specifies a user (generalized) Linux image to be used for the virtual machine's OS.
  • imageUrl – the URL of a VHD
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a user (generalized) Linux image to be used for the virtual machine's OS. * * @param imageUrl the URL of a VHD * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootUsernameUnmanaged withStoredLinuxImage(String imageUrl);
Specifies a specialized operating system unmanaged disk to be attached to the virtual machine.
  • osDiskUrl – osDiskUrl the URL to the OS disk in the Azure Storage account
  • osType – the OS type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a specialized operating system unmanaged disk to be attached to the virtual machine. * * @param osDiskUrl osDiskUrl the URL to the OS disk in the Azure Storage account * @param osType the OS type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithUnmanagedCreate withSpecializedOSUnmanagedDisk(String osDiskUrl, OperatingSystemTypes osType);
Specifies a specialized operating system managed disk to be attached to the virtual machine.
  • disk – the managed disk to attach
  • osType – the OS type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a specialized operating system managed disk to be attached to the virtual machine. * * @param disk the managed disk to attach * @param osType the OS type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withSpecializedOSDisk(Disk disk, OperatingSystemTypes osType); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name. */
interface WithLinuxRootUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged {
Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootUserName – a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootUserName a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManagedOrUnmanaged withRootUsername(String rootUserName); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name. */
interface WithLinuxRootUsernameManaged {
Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootUserName – a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootUserName a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManaged withRootUsername(String rootUserName); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root user name. */
interface WithLinuxRootUsernameUnmanaged {
Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootUserName – a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH root user name for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootUserName a user name following the required naming convention for Linux user names * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyUnmanaged withRootUsername(String rootUserName); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key. */
interface WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManagedOrUnmanaged {
Specifies the SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootPassword – a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootPassword a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged withRootPassword(String rootPassword);
Specifies the SSH public key.
  • publicKey – an SSH public key in the PEM format.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the SSH public key. * @param publicKey an SSH public key in the PEM format. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key. */
interface WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyManaged {
Specifies the SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootPassword – a password, following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootPassword a password, following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManaged withRootPassword(String rootPassword);
Specifies an SSH public key.
  • publicKey – an SSH public key in the PEM format.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH public key. * @param publicKey an SSH public key in the PEM format. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition allowing to specify an SSH root password or public key. */
interface WithLinuxRootPasswordOrPublicKeyUnmanaged {
Specifies an SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine.
  • rootPassword – a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH root password for the Linux virtual machine. * * @param rootPassword a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Linux VM passwords. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateUnmanaged withRootPassword(String rootPassword);
Specifies an SSH public key.
  • publicKey – an SSH public key in the PEM format.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH public key. * @param publicKey an SSH public key in the PEM format. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateUnmanaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name. */
interface WithWindowsAdminUsernameManagedOrUnmanaged {
Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminUserName – a user name following the required naming convention for Windows user names.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminUserName a user name following the required naming convention for Windows user names. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminPasswordManagedOrUnmanaged withAdminUsername(String adminUserName); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name. */
interface WithWindowsAdminUsernameManaged {
Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminUserName – a user name followinmg the required naming convention for Windows user names
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminUserName a user name followinmg the required naming convention for Windows user names * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminPasswordManaged withAdminUsername(String adminUserName); }
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
/** * The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name. */
interface WithWindowsAdminUsernameUnmanaged {
Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminUserName – a user name following the required naming convention for Windows user names
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator user name for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminUserName a user name following the required naming convention for Windows user names * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsAdminPasswordUnmanaged withAdminUsername(String adminUserName); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password. */
interface WithWindowsAdminPasswordManagedOrUnmanaged {
Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminPassword – a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminPassword a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManagedOrUnmanaged withAdminPassword(String adminPassword); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator user name. */
interface WithWindowsAdminPasswordManaged {
Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminPassword – a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminPassword a password following the complexity criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManaged withAdminPassword(String adminPassword); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition allowing to specify an administrator password. */
interface WithWindowsAdminPasswordUnmanaged {
Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine.
  • adminPassword – a password following the criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the administrator password for the Windows virtual machine. * * @param adminPassword a password following the criteria for Azure Windows VM passwords. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withAdminPassword(String adminPassword); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image. */
interface WithFromImageCreateOptionsManagedOrUnmanaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged {
Specifies that unmanaged disks will be used.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that unmanaged disks will be used. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged withUnmanagedDisks(); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image. */
interface WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged extends WithManagedCreate {
Specifies the custom data for the virtual machine.
  • base64EncodedCustomData – the base64 encoded custom data
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the custom data for the virtual machine. * * @param base64EncodedCustomData the base64 encoded custom data * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged withCustomData(String base64EncodedCustomData);
Specifies the computer name for the virtual machine.
  • computerName – a name for the computer
Returns:the next stage stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the computer name for the virtual machine. * * @param computerName a name for the computer * @return the next stage stage of the definition */
WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged withComputerName(String computerName); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition containing various settings when virtual machine is created from image. */
interface WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged extends WithUnmanagedCreate {
Specifies the custom data for the virtual machine.
  • base64EncodedCustomData – base64 encoded custom data
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the custom data for the virtual machine. * * @param base64EncodedCustomData base64 encoded custom data * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged withCustomData(String base64EncodedCustomData);
Specifies the computer name for the virtual machine.
  • computerName – a computer name
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the computer name for the virtual machine. * * @param computerName a computer name * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged withComputerName(String computerName); }
The stage of the Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of the Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows * for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsManagedOrUnmanaged {
Specifies an SSH public key.
  • publicKey – an SSH public key in the PEM format.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH public key. * @param publicKey an SSH public key in the PEM format. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateManagedOrUnmanaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithLinuxCreateManaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged {
Specifies the SSH public key.

Each call to this method adds the given public key to the list of VM's public keys.

  • publicKey – the SSH public key in PEM format.
Returns:the stage representing creatable Linux VM definition
/** * Specifies the SSH public key. * <p> * Each call to this method adds the given public key to the list of VM's public keys. * * @param publicKey the SSH public key in PEM format. * @return the stage representing creatable Linux VM definition */
WithLinuxCreateManaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of a Linux virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithLinuxCreateUnmanaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged {
Specifies an SSH public key.
  • publicKey – an SSH public key in the PEM format.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an SSH public key. * @param publicKey an SSH public key in the PEM format. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithLinuxCreateUnmanaged withSsh(String publicKey); }
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to enable unmanaged disks or continue the definition of the VM with managed disks only.
/** * The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition allowing to enable unmanaged disks * or continue the definition of the VM with managed disks only. */
interface WithWindowsCreateManagedOrUnmanaged extends WithWindowsCreateManaged {
Enables unmanaged disk support on this virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Enables unmanaged disk support on this virtual machine. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withUnmanagedDisks(); }
The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of a Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithWindowsCreateManaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsManaged {
Prevents the provisioning of a VM agent.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Prevents the provisioning of a VM agent. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
@Method WithWindowsCreateManaged withoutVMAgent();
Disables automatic updates.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Disables automatic updates. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
@Method WithWindowsCreateManaged withoutAutoUpdate();
Specifies the time-zone.
  • timeZone – a time zone
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the time-zone. * * @param timeZone a time zone * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManaged withTimeZone(String timeZone);
Specifies WinRM listener.

Each call to this method adds the given listener to the list of the VM's WinRM listeners.

  • listener – a WinRM listener
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies WinRM listener. * <p> * Each call to this method adds the given listener to the list of the VM's WinRM listeners. * * @param listener a WinRM listener * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithWindowsCreateManaged withWinRM(WinRMListener listener); }
The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of the Windows virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged extends WithFromImageCreateOptionsUnmanaged {
Specifies that VM Agent should not be provisioned.
Returns:the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition
/** * Specifies that VM Agent should not be provisioned. * * @return the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition */
@Method WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withoutVMAgent();
Specifies that automatic updates should be disabled.
Returns:the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition
/** * Specifies that automatic updates should be disabled. * * @return the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition */
@Method WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withoutAutoUpdate();
Specifies the time-zone.
  • timeZone – the timezone
Returns:the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition
/** * Specifies the time-zone. * * @param timeZone the timezone * @return the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition */
WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withTimeZone(String timeZone);
Specifies the WINRM listener.

Each call to this method adds the given listener to the list of VM's WinRM listeners.

  • listener – the WinRMListener
Returns:the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition
/** * Specifies the WINRM listener. * <p> * Each call to this method adds the given listener to the list of VM's WinRM listeners. * * @param listener the WinRMListener * @return the stage representing creatable Windows VM definition */
WithWindowsCreateUnmanaged withWinRM(WinRMListener listener); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify OS disk configurations.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify OS disk configurations. */
interface WithOSDiskSettings {
Specifies the caching type for the OS disk.
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the caching type for the OS disk. * * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withOSDiskCaching(CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies the encryption settings for the OS Disk.
  • settings – the encryption settings
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the encryption settings for the OS Disk. * * @param settings the encryption settings * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withOSDiskEncryptionSettings(DiskEncryptionSettings settings);
Specifies the size of the OSDisk in GB.
  • size – the VHD size
Returns:the next stage of the definition
Deprecated:use withOSDiskSizeInGB(int) instead
/** * Specifies the size of the OSDisk in GB. * * @param size the VHD size * @return the next stage of the definition * @deprecated use {@link #withOSDiskSizeInGB(int)} instead */
@Deprecated WithCreate withOSDiskSizeInGB(Integer size);
Specifies the size of the OSDisk in GB.
  • size – the VHD size
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the size of the OSDisk in GB. * * @param size the VHD size * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withOSDiskSizeInGB(int size);
Specifies the name for the OS Disk.
  • name – an OS disk name
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the name for the OS Disk. * * @param name an OS disk name * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withOSDiskName(String name); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to select a VM size.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to select a VM size. */
interface WithVMSize {
Selects the size of the virtual machine.
  • sizeName – the name of a size for the virtual machine as text
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Selects the size of the virtual machine. * * @param sizeName the name of a size for the virtual machine as text * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withSize(String sizeName);
Specifies the size of the virtual machine.
  • size – a size from the list of available sizes for the virtual machine
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the size of the virtual machine. * * @param size a size from the list of available sizes for the virtual machine * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes size); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to add an unmanaged data disk.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to add an unmanaged data disk. */
interface WithUnmanagedDataDisk {
Attaches a new blank unmanaged data disk to the virtual machine.
  • sizeInGB – the disk size in GB
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Attaches a new blank unmanaged data disk to the virtual machine. * * @param sizeInGB the disk size in GB * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithUnmanagedCreate withNewUnmanagedDataDisk(Integer sizeInGB);
Attaches an existing unmanaged VHD as a data disk to the virtual machine.
  • storageAccountName – a storage account name
  • containerName – the name of the container holding the VHD file
  • vhdName – the name for the VHD file
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Attaches an existing unmanaged VHD as a data disk to the virtual machine. * * @param storageAccountName a storage account name * @param containerName the name of the container holding the VHD file * @param vhdName the name for the VHD file * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithUnmanagedCreate withExistingUnmanagedDataDisk(String storageAccountName, String containerName, String vhdName);
Begins definition of an unmanaged data disk to be attached to the virtual machine.
  • name – the name for the data disk
Returns:the first stage of an unmanaged data disk definition
/** * Begins definition of an unmanaged data disk to be attached to the virtual machine. * * @param name the name for the data disk * @return the first stage of an unmanaged data disk definition */
VirtualMachineUnmanagedDataDisk.DefinitionStages.Blank<WithUnmanagedCreate> defineUnmanagedDataDisk(String name); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a managed data disk.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a managed data disk. */
interface WithManagedDataDisk {
Specifies that a managed disk should be created explicitly with the given definition and attached to the virtual machine as a data disk.
  • creatable – a creatable disk definition
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that a managed disk should be created explicitly with the given definition and * attached to the virtual machine as a data disk. * * @param creatable a creatable disk definition * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(Creatable<Disk> creatable);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and attach to the virtual machine as data disk.
  • creatable – a creatable disk
  • lun – the data disk LUN
  • cachingType – a data disk caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and * attach to the virtual machine as data disk. * * @param creatable a creatable disk * @param lun the data disk LUN * @param cachingType a data disk caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(Creatable<Disk> creatable, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given size.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk in GB
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given size. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk in GB * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk in GB
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – the caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk in GB * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType the caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk in GB
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – the caching type
  • storageAccountType – the storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk in GB * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType the caching type * @param storageAccountType the storage account type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType, StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType);
Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine.
  • disk – an existing managed disk
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine. * * @param disk an existing managed disk * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk);
Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine and specifies additional settings.
  • disk – a managed disk
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine and specifies additional settings. * * @param disk a managed disk * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine and specifies additional settings.
  • disk – a managed disk
  • newSizeInGB – the disk resize size in GB
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing source managed disk with the virtual machine and specifies additional settings. * * @param disk a managed disk * @param newSizeInGB the disk resize size in GB * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk, int newSizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
  • imageLun – the LUN of the source data disk image
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image. * * @param imageLun the LUN of the source data disk image * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun);
Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
  • imageLun – the LUN of the source data disk image
  • newSizeInGB – the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image. * * @param imageLun the LUN of the source data disk image * @param newSizeInGB the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun, int newSizeInGB, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image.
  • imageLun – the LUN of the source data disk image
  • newSizeInGB – the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image
  • cachingType – a caching type
  • storageAccountType – a storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the data disk to be created from the data disk image in the virtual machine image. * * @param imageLun the LUN of the source data disk image * @param newSizeInGB the new size that overrides the default size specified in the data disk image * @param cachingType a caching type * @param storageAccountType a storage account type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withNewDataDiskFromImage(int imageLun, int newSizeInGB, CachingTypes cachingType, StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify availability set.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify availability set. */
interface WithAvailabilitySet {
Specifies the name of a new availability set to associate with the virtual machine.
  • name – the name of an availability set
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the name of a new availability set to associate with the virtual machine. * @param name the name of an availability set * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withNewAvailabilitySet(String name);
Specifies definition of a not-yet-created availability set definition to associate the virtual machine with.
  • creatable – a creatable availability set definition
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies definition of a not-yet-created availability set definition * to associate the virtual machine with. * @param creatable a creatable availability set definition * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withNewAvailabilitySet(Creatable<AvailabilitySet> creatable);
Specifies an existing availability set to associate with the virtual machine.
  • availabilitySet – an existing availability set
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an existing availability set to associate with the virtual machine. * @param availabilitySet an existing availability set * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withExistingAvailabilitySet(AvailabilitySet availabilitySet); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a storage account.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a storage account. */
interface WithStorageAccount {
Specifies the name of a new storage account to put the VM's OS and data disk VHD into.

Only an OS disk based on a marketplace image will be stored in the new storage account. An OS disk based on a user image will be stored in the same storage account as the user image.

  • name – the name for a new storage account
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the name of a new storage account to put the VM's OS and data disk VHD into. * <p> * Only an OS disk based on a marketplace image will be stored in the new storage account. * An OS disk based on a user image will be stored in the same storage account as the user image. * * @param name the name for a new storage account * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withNewStorageAccount(String name);
Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created storage account to put the VM's OS and data disk VHDs into.

Only the OS disk based on a marketplace image will be stored in the new storage account. An OS disk based on a user image will be stored in the same storage account as the user image.

  • creatable – a creatable storage account definition
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created storage account * to put the VM's OS and data disk VHDs into. * <p> * Only the OS disk based on a marketplace image will be stored in the new storage account. * An OS disk based on a user image will be stored in the same storage account as the user image. * * @param creatable a creatable storage account definition * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withNewStorageAccount(Creatable<StorageAccount> creatable);
Specifies an existing storage account to put the VM's OS and data disk VHD in.

An OS disk based on a marketplace or a user image (generalized image) will be stored in this storage account.

  • storageAccount – an existing storage account
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies an existing storage account to put the VM's OS and data disk VHD in. * <p> * An OS disk based on a marketplace or a user image (generalized image) will be stored in this * storage account. * * @param storageAccount an existing storage account * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withExistingStorageAccount(StorageAccount storageAccount); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify additional network interfaces.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify additional network interfaces. */
interface WithSecondaryNetworkInterface {
Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine, based on the provided definition.

Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, a new secondary network interface added to the virtual machine.

  • creatable – a creatable definition for a new network interface
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine, based on the * provided definition. * <p> * Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, a new secondary * network interface added to the virtual machine. * * @param creatable a creatable definition for a new network interface * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withNewSecondaryNetworkInterface(Creatable<NetworkInterface> creatable);
Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine.

Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary network interface added to the virtual machine.

  • networkInterface – an existing network interface
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine. * <p> * Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary * network interface added to the virtual machine. * * @param networkInterface an existing network interface * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withExistingSecondaryNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface networkInterface); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify extensions.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify extensions. */
interface WithExtension {
Starts the definition of an extension to be attached to the virtual machine.
  • name – the reference name for the extension
Returns:the first stage stage of an extension definition
/** * Starts the definition of an extension to be attached to the virtual machine. * * @param name the reference name for the extension * @return the first stage stage of an extension definition */
VirtualMachineExtension.DefinitionStages.Blank<WithCreate> defineNewExtension(String name); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a purchase plan.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify a purchase plan. */
interface WithPlan {
Specifies the purchase plan for the virtual machine.
  • plan – a purchase plan
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the purchase plan for the virtual machine. * * @param plan a purchase plan * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withPlan(PurchasePlan plan);
Specifies the purchase plan for the virtual machine.
  • plan – a purchase plan
  • promotionCode – a promotion code
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the purchase plan for the virtual machine. * * @param plan a purchase plan * @param promotionCode a promotion code * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withPromotionalPlan(PurchasePlan plan, String promotionCode); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics. */
interface WithBootDiagnostics {
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. Managed storage account is used.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * Managed storage account is used. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withBootDiagnosticsOnManagedStorageAccount();
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withBootDiagnostics();
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • creatable – the storage account to be created and used for store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param creatable the storage account to be created and used for store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withBootDiagnostics(Creatable<StorageAccount> creatable);
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • storageAccount – an existing storage account to be uses to store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param storageAccount an existing storage account to be uses to store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withBootDiagnostics(StorageAccount storageAccount);
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • storageAccountBlobEndpointUri – a storage account blob endpoint to store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param storageAccountBlobEndpointUri a storage account blob endpoint to store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withBootDiagnostics(String storageAccountBlobEndpointUri); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify priority.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify priority. */
interface WithPriority {
Specifies the priority of the virtual machine.
  • priority – the priority to set
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the priority of the virtual machine. * * @param priority the priority to set * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withPriority(VirtualMachinePriorityTypes priority);
Specify that virtual machine should be low priority.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specify that virtual machine should be low priority. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
@Deprecated WithCreate withLowPriority();
Specify that virtual machines should be low priority VMs with the provided eviction policy.
  • policy – eviction policy for the virtual machine
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specify that virtual machines should be low priority VMs with the provided eviction policy. * * @param policy eviction policy for the virtual machine * @return the next stage of the definition */
@Deprecated WithCreate withLowPriority(VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes policy);
Specify that virtual machine should be spot priority.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specify that virtual machine should be spot priority. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withSpotPriority();
Specify that virtual machines should be spot priority VMs with the provided eviction policy.
  • policy – eviction policy for the virtual machine
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specify that virtual machines should be spot priority VMs with the provided eviction policy. * * @param policy eviction policy for the virtual machine * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withSpotPriority(VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes policy); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine. */
interface WithBillingProfile {
Set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine. This price is in US Dollars.
  • maxPrice – the maxPrice value to set
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine. This price is in US Dollars. * @param maxPrice the maxPrice value to set * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithCreate withMaxPrice(Double maxPrice); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity. */
interface WithSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity {
Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate withSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(); }
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing to set access role for the identity.
/** * The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing to * set access role for the identity. */
interface WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate extends WithCreate {
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access (described by the role) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource.
  • resourceId – the ARM identifier of the resource
  • role – access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access * (described by the role) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. Applications running * on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource. * * @param resourceId the ARM identifier of the resource * @param role access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(String resourceId, BuiltInRole role);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access (described by the role) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group.
  • role – access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access * (described by the role) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running * on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group. * * @param role access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access (described by the role definition) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource.
  • resourceId – scope of the access represented in ARM resource ID format
  • roleDefinitionId – access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access * (described by the role definition) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. * Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource. * * @param resourceId scope of the access represented in ARM resource ID format * @param roleDefinitionId access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(String resourceId, String roleDefinitionId);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access (described by the role definition) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group.
  • roleDefinitionId – access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access * (described by the role definition) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. * Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the * resource group. * * @param roleDefinitionId access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrCreate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(String roleDefinitionId); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities. */
interface WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity {
Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine.
  • creatableIdentity – a creatable identity definition
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine definition
/** * Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine. * * @param creatableIdentity a creatable identity definition * @return the next stage of the virtual machine definition */
WithCreate withNewUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(Creatable<Identity> creatableIdentity);
Specifies an existing user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine.
  • identity – the identity
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine definition
/** * Specifies an existing user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine. * * @param identity the identity * @return the next stage of the virtual machine definition */
WithCreate withExistingUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(Identity identity); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed * on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system. */
interface WithLicenseType {
Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises.
  • licenseType – license type
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine definition
/** * Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. * * @param licenseType license type * @return the next stage of the virtual machine definition */
WithCreate withLicenseType(String licenseType); }
The stage of the VM definition allowing to specify availability zone.
/** * The stage of the VM definition allowing to specify availability zone. */
interface WithAvailabilityZone {
Specifies the availability zone for the virtual machine.
  • zoneId – the zone identifier.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the availability zone for the virtual machine. * * @param zoneId the zone identifier. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withAvailabilityZone(AvailabilityZoneId zoneId); }
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using managed OS disk to be created and optionally allow managed data disks specific settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using managed OS disk * to be created and optionally allow managed data disks specific settings to be specified. */
interface WithManagedCreate extends WithManagedDataDisk, WithAvailabilityZone, WithCreate {
Specifies the storage account type for the managed OS disk.
  • accountType – storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the storage account type for the managed OS disk. * * @param accountType storage account type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withOSDiskStorageAccountType(StorageAccountTypes accountType);
Specifies the default caching type for the managed data disks.
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of teh definition
/** * Specifies the default caching type for the managed data disks. * * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of teh definition */
WithManagedCreate withDataDiskDefaultCachingType(CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies the default caching type for managed data disks.
  • storageAccountType – a storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the default caching type for managed data disks. * * @param storageAccountType a storage account type * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithManagedCreate withDataDiskDefaultStorageAccountType(StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using storage account (unmanaged based OS disk to be created and optionally allow unmanaged data disk and settings specific to unmanaged OS disk to be specified.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the VM using * storage account (unmanaged based OS disk to be created and optionally allow unmanaged data disk and settings * specific to unmanaged OS disk to be specified. */
interface WithUnmanagedCreate extends WithUnmanagedDataDisk, WithCreate {
Specifies the name of an OS disk VHD file and its parent container.
  • containerName – the name of the container in the selected storage account
  • vhdName – the name for the OS disk VHD.
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies the name of an OS disk VHD file and its parent container. * * @param containerName the name of the container in the selected storage account * @param vhdName the name for the OS disk VHD. * @return the next stage of the definition */
WithUnmanagedCreate withOSDiskVhdLocation(String containerName, String vhdName); }
The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for the resource to be created, but also allows for any other optional settings to be specified.
/** * The stage of the definition which contains all the minimum required inputs for * the resource to be created, but also allows * for any other optional settings to be specified. */
interface WithCreate extends Creatable<VirtualMachine>, Resource.DefinitionWithTags<WithCreate>, DefinitionStages.WithOSDiskSettings, DefinitionStages.WithVMSize, DefinitionStages.WithStorageAccount, DefinitionStages.WithAvailabilitySet, DefinitionStages.WithSecondaryNetworkInterface, DefinitionStages.WithExtension, DefinitionStages.WithPlan, DefinitionStages.WithBootDiagnostics, DefinitionStages.WithPriority, DefinitionStages.WithBillingProfile, DefinitionStages.WithSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity, DefinitionStages.WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity, DefinitionStages.WithLicenseType { } }
Grouping of virtual machine update stages.
/** * Grouping of virtual machine update stages. */
interface UpdateStages {
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to set/remove information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to * set/remove information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should * be assigned to. */
interface WithProximityPlacementGroup {
Set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machineshould be assigned to.
  • proximityPlacementGroupId – The Id of the proximity placement group subResource.
Returns:the next stage of the definition.
/** * Set information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machineshould * be assigned to. * @param proximityPlacementGroupId The Id of the proximity placement group subResource. * * @return the next stage of the definition. */
Update withProximityPlacementGroup(String proximityPlacementGroupId);
Removes the Proximity placement group from the VM.
Returns:the next stage of the definition.
/** * Removes the Proximity placement group from the VM. * @return the next stage of the definition. */
Update withoutProximityPlacementGroup(); }
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify billing profile.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify billing profile. */
interface WithBillingProfile {
Set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine.
  • maxPrice – the maxPrice value to set
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Set the billing related details of a low priority virtual machine. * @param maxPrice the maxPrice value to set * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withMaxPrice(Double maxPrice); }
The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify unmanaged data disk configuration.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine definition allowing to specify unmanaged data disk configuration. */
interface WithUnmanagedDataDisk {
Specifies that a new blank unmanaged data disk needs to be attached to virtual machine.
  • sizeInGB – the disk size in GB
Returns:the stage representing creatable VM definition
/** * Specifies that a new blank unmanaged data disk needs to be attached to virtual machine. * * @param sizeInGB the disk size in GB * @return the stage representing creatable VM definition */
Update withNewUnmanagedDataDisk(Integer sizeInGB);
Specifies an existing VHD that needs to be attached to the virtual machine as data disk.
  • storageAccountName – the storage account name
  • containerName – the name of the container holding the VHD file
  • vhdName – the name for the VHD file
Returns:the stage representing creatable VM definition
/** * Specifies an existing VHD that needs to be attached to the virtual machine as data disk. * * @param storageAccountName the storage account name * @param containerName the name of the container holding the VHD file * @param vhdName the name for the VHD file * @return the stage representing creatable VM definition */
Update withExistingUnmanagedDataDisk(String storageAccountName, String containerName, String vhdName);
Begins the definition of a blank unmanaged data disk to be attached to the virtual machine along with its configuration.
  • name – the name for the data disk
Returns:the first stage of the data disk definition
/** * Begins the definition of a blank unmanaged data disk to be attached to the virtual machine along with its configuration. * * @param name the name for the data disk * @return the first stage of the data disk definition */
VirtualMachineUnmanagedDataDisk.UpdateDefinitionStages.Blank<Update> defineUnmanagedDataDisk(String name);
Begins the description of an update of an existing unmanaged data disk of this virtual machine.
  • name – the name of an existing disk
Returns:the first stage of the data disk update
/** * Begins the description of an update of an existing unmanaged data disk of this virtual machine. * * @param name the name of an existing disk * @return the first stage of the data disk update */
VirtualMachineUnmanagedDataDisk.Update updateUnmanagedDataDisk(String name);
Detaches an unmanaged data disk from the virtual machine.
  • name – the name of an existing data disk to remove
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Detaches an unmanaged data disk from the virtual machine. * * @param name the name of an existing data disk to remove * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutUnmanagedDataDisk(String name);
Detaches a unmanaged data disk from the virtual machine.
  • lun – the logical unit number of the data disk to remove
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Detaches a unmanaged data disk from the virtual machine. * * @param lun the logical unit number of the data disk to remove * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutUnmanagedDataDisk(int lun); }
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify a managed data disk.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify a managed data disk. */
interface WithManagedDataDisk {
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and attached to the virtual machine as a data disk.
  • creatable – a creatable disk definition
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and * attached to the virtual machine as a data disk. * * @param creatable a creatable disk definition * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewDataDisk(Creatable<Disk> creatable);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and attached to the virtual machine as a data disk.
  • creatable – a creatable disk definition
  • lun – the data disk LUN
  • cachingType – a data disk caching type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created explicitly with the given definition and * attached to the virtual machine as a data disk. * * @param creatable a creatable disk definition * @param lun the data disk LUN * @param cachingType a data disk caching type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewDataDisk(Creatable<Disk> creatable, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given size.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given size. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings.
  • sizeInGB – the size of the managed disk
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
  • storageAccountType – a storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that a managed disk needs to be created implicitly with the given settings. * * @param sizeInGB the size of the managed disk * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @param storageAccountType a storage account type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewDataDisk(int sizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType, StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType);
Associates an existing source managed disk with the VM.
  • disk – a managed disk
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Associates an existing source managed disk with the VM. * * @param disk a managed disk * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk);
Specifies an existing source managed disk and settings.
  • disk – the managed disk
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies an existing source managed disk and settings. * * @param disk the managed disk * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies an existing source managed disk and settings.
  • disk – a managed disk
  • newSizeInGB – the disk resize size in GB
  • lun – the disk LUN
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies an existing source managed disk and settings. * * @param disk a managed disk * @param newSizeInGB the disk resize size in GB * @param lun the disk LUN * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withExistingDataDisk(Disk disk, int newSizeInGB, int lun, CachingTypes cachingType);
Detaches a managed data disk with the given LUN from the virtual machine.
  • lun – the disk LUN
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Detaches a managed data disk with the given LUN from the virtual machine. * * @param lun the disk LUN * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutDataDisk(int lun); /** * Updates the size of a managed data disk with the given LUN. * * @param lun the disk LUN * @param newSizeInGB the new size of the disk * @return the next stage of the update */ // TODO: This has been disabled by the Azure REST API // Update withDataDiskUpdated(int lun, int newSizeInGB); /** * Updates the size and caching type of a managed data disk with the given LUN. * * @param lun the disk LUN * @param newSizeInGB the new size of the disk * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the update */ // TODO: This has been disabled by the Azure REST API //Update withDataDiskUpdated(int lun, int newSizeInGB, CachingTypes cachingType); /** * Updates the size, caching type and storage account type of a managed data disk with the given LUN. * @param lun the disk LUN * @param newSizeInGB the new size of the disk * @param cachingType a caching type * @param storageAccountType a storage account type * @return the next stage of the update */ // TODO: This has been disabled by the Azure REST API //Update withDataDiskUpdated(int lun, // int newSizeInGB, // CachingTypes cachingType, // StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType); }
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify additional network interfaces.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify additional network interfaces. */
interface WithSecondaryNetworkInterface {
Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine.

Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary network interface added to the virtual machine.

  • creatable – a creatable definition for a new network interface
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Creates a new network interface to associate with the virtual machine. * <p> * Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary * network interface added to the virtual machine. * * @param creatable a creatable definition for a new network interface * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withNewSecondaryNetworkInterface(Creatable<NetworkInterface> creatable);
Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine. Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary network interface added to the virtual machine.
  • networkInterface – an existing network interface
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Associates an existing network interface with the virtual machine. * * Note this method's effect is additive, i.e. each time it is used, the new secondary * network interface added to the virtual machine. * * @param networkInterface an existing network interface * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withExistingSecondaryNetworkInterface(NetworkInterface networkInterface);
Removes a secondary network interface from the virtual machine.
  • name – the name of a secondary network interface to remove
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Removes a secondary network interface from the virtual machine. * * @param name the name of a secondary network interface to remove * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutSecondaryNetworkInterface(String name); }
The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify extensions.
/** * The stage of a virtual machine update allowing to specify extensions. */
interface WithExtension {
Begins the definition of an extension to be attached to the virtual machine.
  • name – a reference name for the extension
Returns:the first stage of an extension definition
/** * Begins the definition of an extension to be attached to the virtual machine. * * @param name a reference name for the extension * @return the first stage of an extension definition */
VirtualMachineExtension .UpdateDefinitionStages .Blank<Update> defineNewExtension(String name);
Begins the description of an update of an existing extension of this virtual machine.
  • name – the reference name of an existing extension
Returns:the first stage of an extension update
/** * Begins the description of an update of an existing extension of this virtual machine. * * @param name the reference name of an existing extension * @return the first stage of an extension update */
VirtualMachineExtension.Update updateExtension(String name);
Detaches an extension from the virtual machine.
  • name – the reference name of the extension to be removed/uninstalled
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Detaches an extension from the virtual machine. * * @param name the reference name of the extension to be removed/uninstalled * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutExtension(String name); }
The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine definition allowing to enable boot diagnostics. */
interface WithBootDiagnostics {
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. Managed storage account is used.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * Managed storage account is used. * * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withBootDiagnosticsOnManagedStorageAccount();
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withBootDiagnostics();
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • creatable – the storage account to be created and used for store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param creatable the storage account to be created and used for store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withBootDiagnostics(Creatable<StorageAccount> creatable);
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • storageAccount – an existing storage account to be uses to store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param storageAccount an existing storage account to be uses to store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withBootDiagnostics(StorageAccount storageAccount);
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
  • storageAccountBlobEndpointUri – a storage account blob endpoint to store the boot diagnostics
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be enabled in the virtual machine. * * @param storageAccountBlobEndpointUri a storage account blob endpoint to store the boot diagnostics * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withBootDiagnostics(String storageAccountBlobEndpointUri);
Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be disabled in the virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that boot diagnostics needs to be disabled in the virtual machine. * * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutBootDiagnostics(); }
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to enable System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity. */
interface WithSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity {
Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the virtual machine.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be enabled in the * virtual machine. * * @return the next stage of the update */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate withSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity();
Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be disabled.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity needs to be disabled. * * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withoutSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(); }
The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing to set access role for the identity.
/** * The stage of the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity enabled virtual machine allowing * to set access role for the identity. */
interface WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate extends Update {
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access (described by the role) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource.
  • resourceId – the ARM identifier of the resource
  • role – access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given * access (described by the role) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. * Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on * the ARM resource. * * @param resourceId the ARM identifier of the resource * @param role access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the update */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(String resourceId, BuiltInRole role);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access (described by the role) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group.
  • role – access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the given access * (described by the role) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running * on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group. * * @param role access role to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the update */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(BuiltInRole role);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access (described by the role definition) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the ARM resource.
  • resourceId – scope of the access represented in ARM resource ID format
  • roleDefinitionId – access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access * (described by the role definition) on an ARM resource identified by the resource ID. * Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on * the ARM resource. * * @param resourceId scope of the access represented in ARM resource ID format * @param roleDefinitionId access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the update */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessTo(String resourceId, String roleDefinitionId);
Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access (described by the role definition) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group.
  • roleDefinitionId – access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies that virtual machine's system assigned (local) identity should have the access (described by the * role definition) on the resource group that virtual machine resides. Applications running * on the virtual machine will have the same permission (role) on the resource group. * * @param roleDefinitionId access role definition to assigned to the virtual machine's local identity * @return the next stage of the update */
WithSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessOrUpdate withSystemAssignedIdentityBasedAccessToCurrentResourceGroup(String roleDefinitionId); }
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to add or remove User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to add or remove User Assigned (External) Managed Service Identities. */
interface WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity {
Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine.
  • creatableIdentity – a creatable identity definition
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine update
/** * Specifies the definition of a not-yet-created user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine. * * @param creatableIdentity a creatable identity definition * @return the next stage of the virtual machine update */
Update withNewUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(Creatable<Identity> creatableIdentity);
Specifies an existing user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine.
  • identity – the identity
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine update
/** * Specifies an existing user assigned identity to be associated with the virtual machine. * @param identity the identity * @return the next stage of the virtual machine update */
Update withExistingUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(Identity identity);
Specifies that an user assigned identity associated with the virtual machine should be removed.
  • identityId – ARM resource id of the identity
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine update
/** * Specifies that an user assigned identity associated with the virtual machine should be removed. * * @param identityId ARM resource id of the identity * @return the next stage of the virtual machine update */
Update withoutUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity(String identityId); }
The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system.
/** * The stage of the virtual machine update allowing to specify that the image or disk that is being used was licensed * on-premises. This element is only used for images that contain the Windows Server operating system. */
interface WithLicenseType {
Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises.
  • licenseType – license type
Returns:the next stage of the virtual machine update
/** * Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. * * @param licenseType license type * @return the next stage of the virtual machine update */
Update withLicenseType(String licenseType); } }
The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified.
/** * The template for an update operation, containing all the settings that can be modified. */
interface Update extends Appliable<VirtualMachine>, Resource.UpdateWithTags<Update>, UpdateStages.WithProximityPlacementGroup, UpdateStages.WithUnmanagedDataDisk, UpdateStages.WithManagedDataDisk, UpdateStages.WithSecondaryNetworkInterface, UpdateStages.WithExtension, UpdateStages.WithBootDiagnostics, UpdateStages.WithBillingProfile, UpdateStages.WithSystemAssignedManagedServiceIdentity, UpdateStages.WithUserAssignedManagedServiceIdentity, UpdateStages.WithLicenseType {
Specifies the encryption settings for the OS Disk.
  • settings – the encryption settings.
Returns:the stage representing creatable VM update
/** * Specifies the encryption settings for the OS Disk. * * @param settings the encryption settings. * @return the stage representing creatable VM update */
Update withOSDiskEncryptionSettings(DiskEncryptionSettings settings);
Specifies the default caching type for the managed data disks.
  • cachingType – a caching type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies the default caching type for the managed data disks. * * @param cachingType a caching type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withDataDiskDefaultCachingType(CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies a storage account type.
  • storageAccountType – a storage account type
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies a storage account type. * * @param storageAccountType a storage account type * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withDataDiskDefaultStorageAccountType(StorageAccountTypes storageAccountType);
Specifies the caching type for the OS disk.
  • cachingType – a caching type.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies the caching type for the OS disk. * * @param cachingType a caching type. * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withOSDiskCaching(CachingTypes cachingType);
Specifies the size of the OS disk in GB.

Only unmanaged disks may be resized as part of a VM update. Managed disks must be resized separately, using managed disk API.

  • size – a disk size.
Returns:the next stage of the update
Deprecated:use withOSDiskSizeInGB(int) instead.
/** * Specifies the size of the OS disk in GB. * <p> * Only unmanaged disks may be resized as part of a VM update. Managed disks must be resized separately, using managed disk API. * * @param size a disk size. * @return the next stage of the update * @deprecated use {@link #withOSDiskSizeInGB(int)} instead. */
@Deprecated Update withOSDiskSizeInGB(Integer size);
Specifies the size of the OS disk in GB.

Only unmanaged disks may be resized as part of a VM update. Managed disks must be resized separately, using managed disk API.

  • size – a disk size.
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies the size of the OS disk in GB. * <p> * Only unmanaged disks may be resized as part of a VM update. Managed disks must be resized separately, using managed disk API. * * @param size a disk size. * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withOSDiskSizeInGB(int size);
Specifies a new size for the virtual machine.
  • sizeName – the name of a size for the virtual machine as text
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies a new size for the virtual machine. * * @param sizeName the name of a size for the virtual machine as text * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withSize(String sizeName);
Specifies a new size for the virtual machine.
  • size – a size from the list of available sizes for the virtual machine
Returns:the next stage of the definition
/** * Specifies a new size for the virtual machine. * * @param size a size from the list of available sizes for the virtual machine * @return the next stage of the definition */
Update withSize(VirtualMachineSizeTypes size);
Specifies a new priority for the virtual machine.
  • priority – a priority from the list of available priority types
Returns:the next stage of the update
/** * Specifies a new priority for the virtual machine. * * @param priority a priority from the list of available priority types * @return the next stage of the update */
Update withPriority(VirtualMachinePriorityTypes priority); } }