Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import; import java.util.Collection;
Defines values for roles.
/** * Defines values for roles. */
public final class BuiltInRole extends ExpandableStringEnum<BuiltInRole> {
A role that can manage API Management service and the APIs.
/** A role that can manage API Management service and the APIs. */
public static final BuiltInRole API_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("API Management Service Contributor");
A role that can manage API Management service, but not the APIs themselves.
/** A role that can manage API Management service, but not the APIs themselves. */
public static final BuiltInRole API_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_OPERATOR_ROLE = BuiltInRole.fromString("API Management Service Operator Role");
A role that has read-only access to API Management service and APIs.
/** A role that has read-only access to API Management service and APIs. */
public static final BuiltInRole API_MANAGEMENT_SERVICE_READER_ROLE = BuiltInRole.fromString("API Management Service Reader Role");
A role that can manage Application Insights components.
/** A role that can manage Application Insights components. */
public static final BuiltInRole APPLICATION_INSIGHTS_COMPONENT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Application Insights Component Contributor");
A role that is able to start, stop, suspend, and resume jobs.
/** A role that is able to start, stop, suspend, and resume jobs. */
public static final BuiltInRole AUTOMATION_OPERATOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Automation Operator");
A role that can manage backup in Recovery Services vault.
/** A role that can manage backup in Recovery Services vault. */
public static final BuiltInRole BACKUP_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Backup Contributor");
A role that can manage backup except removing backup, in Recovery Services vault.
/** A role that can manage backup except removing backup, in Recovery Services vault. */
public static final BuiltInRole BACKUP_OPERATOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Backup Operator");
A role that can view all backup management services.
/** A role that can view all backup management services. */
public static final BuiltInRole BACKUP_READER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Backup Reader");
A role that can view all billing information.
/** A role that can view all billing information. */
public static final BuiltInRole BILLING_READER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Billing Reader");
A role that can manage BizTalk services.
/** A role that can manage BizTalk services. */
public static final BuiltInRole BIZTALK_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("BizTalk Contributor");
A role that can manage ClearDB MySQL databases.
/** A role that can manage ClearDB MySQL databases. */
public static final BuiltInRole CLEARDB_MYSQL_DB_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("ClearDB MySQL DB Contributor");
A role that can manage everything except access..
/** A role that can manage everything except access.. */
public static final BuiltInRole CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Contributor");
A role that can create and manage data factories, and child resources within them..
/** A role that can create and manage data factories, and child resources within them.. */
public static final BuiltInRole DATA_FACTORY_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Data Factory Contributor");
A role that can view everything and connect, start, restart, and shutdown virtual machines.
/** A role that can view everything and connect, start, restart, and shutdown virtual machines. */
public static final BuiltInRole DEVTEST_LABS_USER = BuiltInRole.fromString("DevTest Labs User");
A role that can manage DNS zones and records.
/** A role that can manage DNS zones and records. */
public static final BuiltInRole DNS_ZONE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("DNS Zone Contributor");
A role that can manage Azure Cosmos DB accounts.
/** A role that can manage Azure Cosmos DB accounts. */
public static final BuiltInRole AZURE_COSMOS_DB_ACCOUNT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Azure Cosmos DB Account Contributor");
A role that can manage Intelligent Systems accounts.
/** A role that can manage Intelligent Systems accounts. */
public static final BuiltInRole INTELLIGENT_SYSTEMS_ACCOUNT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Intelligent Systems Account Contributor");
A role that can manage user assigned identities.
/** A role that can manage user assigned identities. */
public static final BuiltInRole MANAGED_IDENTITY_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Managed Identity Contributor");
A role that can read and assign user assigned identities.
/** A role that can read and assign user assigned identities. */
public static final BuiltInRole MANAGED_IDENTITY_OPERATOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Managed Identity Operator");
A role that can read all monitoring data.
/** A role that can read all monitoring data. */
public static final BuiltInRole MONITORING_READER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Monitoring Reader");
A role that can read monitoring data and edit monitoring settings.
/** A role that can read monitoring data and edit monitoring settings. */
public static final BuiltInRole MONITORING_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Monitoring Contributor");
A role that can manage all network resources.
/** A role that can manage all network resources. */
public static final BuiltInRole NETWORK_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Network Contributor");
A role that can manage New Relic Application Performance Management accounts and applications.
/** A role that can manage New Relic Application Performance Management accounts and applications. */
public static final BuiltInRole NEW_RELIC_APM_ACCOUNT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("New Relic APM Account Contributor");
A role that can manage everything, including access.
/** A role that can manage everything, including access. */
public static final BuiltInRole OWNER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Owner");
A role that can view everything, but can't make changes.
/** A role that can view everything, but can't make changes. */
public static final BuiltInRole READER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Reader");
A role that can manage Redis caches.
/** A role that can manage Redis caches. */
public static final BuiltInRole REDIS_CACHE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Redis Cache Contributor");
A role that can manage scheduler job collections.
/** A role that can manage scheduler job collections. */
public static final BuiltInRole SCHEDULER_JOB_COLLECTIONS_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Scheduler Job Collections Contributor");
A role that can manage search services.
/** A role that can manage search services. */
public static final BuiltInRole SEARCH_SERVICE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Search Service Contributor");
A role that can manage security components, security policies, and virtual machines.
/** A role that can manage security components, security policies, and virtual machines. */
public static final BuiltInRole SECURITY_MANAGER = BuiltInRole.fromString("Security Manager");
A role that can manage SQL databases, but not their security-related policies.
/** A role that can manage SQL databases, but not their security-related policies. */
public static final BuiltInRole SQL_DB_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("SQL DB Contributor");
A role that can manage the security-related policies of SQL servers and databases.
/** A role that can manage the security-related policies of SQL servers and databases. */
public static final BuiltInRole SQL_SECURITY_MANAGER = BuiltInRole.fromString("SQL Security Manager");
A role that can manage SQL servers and databases, but not their security-related policies.
/** A role that can manage SQL servers and databases, but not their security-related policies. */
public static final BuiltInRole SQL_SERVER_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("SQL Server Contributor");
A role that can manage classic storage accounts.
/** A role that can manage classic storage accounts. */
public static final BuiltInRole CLASSIC_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Classic Storage Account Contributor");
A role that can manage storage accounts.
/** A role that can manage storage accounts. */
public static final BuiltInRole STORAGE_ACCOUNT_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Storage Account Contributor");
A role that can manage user access to Azure resources.
/** A role that can manage user access to Azure resources. */
public static final BuiltInRole USER_ACCESS_ADMINISTRATOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("User Access Administrator");
A role that can manage classic virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected.
/** A role that can manage classic virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected. */
public static final BuiltInRole CLASSIC_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Classic Virtual Machine Contributor");
A role that can manage virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected.
/** A role that can manage virtual machines, but not the virtual network or storage account to which they are connected. */
public static final BuiltInRole VIRTUAL_MACHINE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Virtual Machine Contributor");
A role that can manage classic virtual networks and reserved IPs.
/** A role that can manage classic virtual networks and reserved IPs. */
public static final BuiltInRole CLASSIC_NETWORK_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Classic Network Contributor");
A role that can manage web plans.
/** A role that can manage web plans. */
public static final BuiltInRole WEB_PLAN_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Web Plan Contributor");
A role that can manage websites, but not the web plans to which they are connected.
/** A role that can manage websites, but not the web plans to which they are connected. */
public static final BuiltInRole WEBSITE_CONTRIBUTOR = BuiltInRole.fromString("Website Contributor");
Finds or creates a role instance based on the specified name.
  • name – a name
Returns:a BuiltInRole instance
/** * Finds or creates a role instance based on the specified name. * @param name a name * @return a BuiltInRole instance */
public static BuiltInRole fromString(String name) { return fromString(name, BuiltInRole.class); }
Returns:known roles
/** * @return known roles */
public static Collection<BuiltInRole> values() { return values(BuiltInRole.class); } }