Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
/** * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for * license information. */
package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonIgnore; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties;
This class describes the information from a .azureauth file.
/** * This class describes the information from a .azureauth file. */
@Beta(SinceVersion.V1_1_0) final class AuthFile { private String clientId; private String tenantId; private String clientSecret; private String clientCertificate; private String clientCertificatePassword; private String subscriptionId; @JsonIgnore private AzureEnvironment environment; @JsonIgnore private static final JacksonAdapter ADAPTER = new JacksonAdapter(); @JsonIgnore private String authFilePath; private AuthFile() { environment = new AzureEnvironment(new HashMap<String, String>()); environment.endpoints().putAll(AzureEnvironment.AZURE.endpoints()); }
Parses an auth file and read into an AuthFile object.
  • file – the auth file to read
  • IOException – thrown when the auth file or the certificate file cannot be read or parsed
Returns:the AuthFile object created
/** * Parses an auth file and read into an AuthFile object. * @param file the auth file to read * @return the AuthFile object created * @throws IOException thrown when the auth file or the certificate file cannot be read or parsed */
static AuthFile parse(File file) throws IOException { String content = Files.toString(file, Charsets.UTF_8).trim(); AuthFile authFile; if (isJsonBased(content)) { authFile = ADAPTER.deserialize(content, AuthFile.class); Map<String, String> endpoints = ADAPTER.deserialize(content, new TypeToken<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType()); authFile.environment.endpoints().putAll(endpoints); } else { // Set defaults Properties authSettings = new Properties(); authSettings.put(CredentialSettings.AUTH_URL.toString(), AzureEnvironment.AZURE.activeDirectoryEndpoint()); authSettings.put(CredentialSettings.BASE_URL.toString(), AzureEnvironment.AZURE.resourceManagerEndpoint()); authSettings.put(CredentialSettings.MANAGEMENT_URI.toString(), AzureEnvironment.AZURE.managementEndpoint()); authSettings.put(CredentialSettings.GRAPH_URL.toString(), AzureEnvironment.AZURE.graphEndpoint()); authSettings.put(CredentialSettings.VAULT_SUFFIX.toString(), AzureEnvironment.AZURE.keyVaultDnsSuffix()); // Load the credentials from the file StringReader credentialsReader = new StringReader(content); authSettings.load(credentialsReader); credentialsReader.close(); authFile = new AuthFile(); authFile.clientId = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.CLIENT_ID.toString()); authFile.tenantId = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.TENANT_ID.toString()); authFile.clientSecret = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.CLIENT_KEY.toString()); authFile.clientCertificate = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.CLIENT_CERT.toString()); authFile.clientCertificatePassword = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.CLIENT_CERT_PASS.toString()); authFile.subscriptionId = authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.SUBSCRIPTION_ID.toString()); authFile.environment.endpoints().put(Endpoint.MANAGEMENT.identifier(), authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.MANAGEMENT_URI.toString())); authFile.environment.endpoints().put(Endpoint.ACTIVE_DIRECTORY.identifier(), authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.AUTH_URL.toString())); authFile.environment.endpoints().put(Endpoint.RESOURCE_MANAGER.identifier(), authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.BASE_URL.toString())); authFile.environment.endpoints().put(Endpoint.GRAPH.identifier(), authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.GRAPH_URL.toString())); authFile.environment.endpoints().put(Endpoint.KEYVAULT.identifier(), authSettings.getProperty(CredentialSettings.VAULT_SUFFIX.toString())); } authFile.authFilePath = file.getParent(); return authFile; } private static boolean isJsonBased(String content) { return content.startsWith("{"); }
Returns:an ApplicationTokenCredentials object from the information in this class
/** * @return an ApplicationTokenCredentials object from the information in this class */
ApplicationTokenCredentials generateCredentials() throws IOException { if (clientSecret != null) { return (ApplicationTokenCredentials) new ApplicationTokenCredentials( clientId, tenantId, clientSecret, environment).withDefaultSubscriptionId(subscriptionId); } else if (clientCertificate != null) { byte[] certData; if (new File(clientCertificate).exists()) { certData = Files.toByteArray(new File(clientCertificate)); } else { certData = Files.toByteArray(new File(authFilePath, clientCertificate)); } return (ApplicationTokenCredentials) new ApplicationTokenCredentials( clientId, tenantId, certData, clientCertificatePassword, environment).withDefaultSubscriptionId(subscriptionId); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Please specify either a client key or a client certificate."); } }
Contains the keys of the settings in a Properties file to read credentials from.
/** * Contains the keys of the settings in a Properties file to read credentials from. */
private enum CredentialSettings {
The subscription GUID.
/** The subscription GUID. */
The tenant GUID or domain.
/** The tenant GUID or domain. */
The client id for the client application.
/** The client id for the client application. */
The client secret for the service principal.
/** The client secret for the service principal. */
The client certificate for the service principal.
/** The client certificate for the service principal. */
The password for the client certificate for the service principal.
/** The password for the client certificate for the service principal. */
The management endpoint.
/** The management endpoint. */
The base URL to the current Azure environment.
/** The base URL to the current Azure environment. */
The URL to Active Directory authentication.
/** The URL to Active Directory authentication. */
The URL to Active Directory Graph.
/** The URL to Active Directory Graph. */
The suffix of Key Vaults.
/** The suffix of Key Vaults. */
The name of the key in the properties file.
/** The name of the key in the properties file. */
private final String name; CredentialSettings(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return; } } }