 * Copyright 2004-2019 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0,
 * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html).
 * Initial Developer: H2 Group
package org.h2.result;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import org.h2.engine.Database;
import org.h2.engine.Session;
import org.h2.engine.SessionInterface;
import org.h2.expression.Expression;
import org.h2.message.DbException;
import org.h2.mvstore.db.MVTempResult;
import org.h2.util.Utils;
import org.h2.value.TypeInfo;
import org.h2.value.Value;
import org.h2.value.ValueRow;

A local result set contains all row data of a result set. This is the object generated by engine, and it is also used directly by the ResultSet class in the embedded mode. If the result does not fit in memory, it is written to a temporary file.
/** * A local result set contains all row data of a result set. * This is the object generated by engine, * and it is also used directly by the ResultSet class in the embedded mode. * If the result does not fit in memory, it is written to a temporary file. */
public class LocalResultImpl implements LocalResult { private int maxMemoryRows; private Session session; private int visibleColumnCount; private Expression[] expressions; private int rowId, rowCount; private ArrayList<Value[]> rows; private SortOrder sort; // HashSet cannot be used here, because we need to compare values of // different type or scale properly. private TreeMap<Value, Value[]> distinctRows; private Value[] currentRow; private int offset; private int limit = -1; private boolean fetchPercent; private SortOrder withTiesSortOrder; private boolean limitsWereApplied; private ResultExternal external; private boolean distinct; private int[] distinctIndexes; private boolean closed; private boolean containsLobs; private Boolean containsNull;
Construct a local result object.
/** * Construct a local result object. */
public LocalResultImpl() { // nothing to do }
Construct a local result object.
  • session – the session
  • expressions – the expression array
  • visibleColumnCount – the number of visible columns
/** * Construct a local result object. * * @param session the session * @param expressions the expression array * @param visibleColumnCount the number of visible columns */
public LocalResultImpl(Session session, Expression[] expressions, int visibleColumnCount) { this.session = session; if (session == null) { this.maxMemoryRows = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } else { Database db = session.getDatabase(); if (db.isPersistent() && !db.isReadOnly()) { this.maxMemoryRows = session.getDatabase().getMaxMemoryRows(); } else { this.maxMemoryRows = Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } rows = Utils.newSmallArrayList(); this.visibleColumnCount = visibleColumnCount; rowId = -1; this.expressions = expressions; } @Override public boolean isLazy() { return false; } @Override public void setMaxMemoryRows(int maxValue) { this.maxMemoryRows = maxValue; }
Create a shallow copy of the result set. The data and a temporary table (if there is any) is not copied.
  • targetSession – the session of the copy
Returns:the copy if possible, or null if copying is not possible
/** * Create a shallow copy of the result set. The data and a temporary table * (if there is any) is not copied. * * @param targetSession the session of the copy * @return the copy if possible, or null if copying is not possible */
@Override public LocalResultImpl createShallowCopy(SessionInterface targetSession) { if (external == null && (rows == null || rows.size() < rowCount)) { return null; } if (containsLobs) { return null; } ResultExternal e2 = null; if (external != null) { e2 = external.createShallowCopy(); if (e2 == null) { return null; } } LocalResultImpl copy = new LocalResultImpl(); copy.maxMemoryRows = this.maxMemoryRows; copy.session = (Session) targetSession; copy.visibleColumnCount = this.visibleColumnCount; copy.expressions = this.expressions; copy.rowId = -1; copy.rowCount = this.rowCount; copy.rows = this.rows; copy.sort = this.sort; copy.distinctRows = this.distinctRows; copy.distinct = distinct; copy.distinctIndexes = distinctIndexes; copy.currentRow = null; copy.offset = 0; copy.limit = -1; copy.external = e2; copy.containsNull = containsNull; return copy; } @Override public void setSortOrder(SortOrder sort) { this.sort = sort; }
Remove duplicate rows.
/** * Remove duplicate rows. */
@Override public void setDistinct() { assert distinctIndexes == null; distinct = true; distinctRows = new TreeMap<>(session.getDatabase().getCompareMode()); }
Remove rows with duplicates in columns with specified indexes.
  • distinctIndexes – distinct indexes
/** * Remove rows with duplicates in columns with specified indexes. * * @param distinctIndexes distinct indexes */
@Override public void setDistinct(int[] distinctIndexes) { assert !distinct; this.distinctIndexes = distinctIndexes; distinctRows = new TreeMap<>(session.getDatabase().getCompareMode()); }
Returns:whether this result is a distinct result
/** * @return whether this result is a distinct result */
private boolean isAnyDistinct() { return distinct || distinctIndexes != null; }
Remove the row from the result set if it exists.
  • values – the row
/** * Remove the row from the result set if it exists. * * @param values the row */
@Override public void removeDistinct(Value[] values) { if (!distinct) { DbException.throwInternalError(); } assert values.length == visibleColumnCount; if (distinctRows != null) { ValueRow array = ValueRow.get(values); distinctRows.remove(array); rowCount = distinctRows.size(); } else { rowCount = external.removeRow(values); } }
Check if this result set contains the given row.
  • values – the row
Returns:true if the row exists
/** * Check if this result set contains the given row. * * @param values the row * @return true if the row exists */
@Override public boolean containsDistinct(Value[] values) { assert values.length == visibleColumnCount; if (external != null) { return external.contains(values); } if (distinctRows == null) { distinctRows = new TreeMap<>(session.getDatabase().getCompareMode()); for (Value[] row : rows) { ValueRow array = getDistinctRow(row); distinctRows.put(array, array.getList()); } } ValueRow array = ValueRow.get(values); return distinctRows.get(array) != null; } @Override public boolean containsNull() { Boolean r = containsNull; if (r == null) { r = false; reset(); loop: while (next()) { Value[] row = currentRow; for (int i = 0; i < visibleColumnCount; i++) { if (row[i].containsNull()) { r = true; break loop; } } } reset(); containsNull = r; } return r; } @Override public void reset() { rowId = -1; currentRow = null; if (external != null) { external.reset(); } } @Override public Value[] currentRow() { return currentRow; } @Override public boolean next() { if (!closed && rowId < rowCount) { rowId++; if (rowId < rowCount) { if (external != null) { currentRow = external.next(); } else { currentRow = rows.get(rowId); } return true; } currentRow = null; } return false; } @Override public int getRowId() { return rowId; } @Override public boolean isAfterLast() { return rowId >= rowCount; } private void cloneLobs(Value[] values) { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { Value v = values[i]; Value v2 = v.copyToResult(); if (v2 != v) { containsLobs = true; session.addTemporaryLob(v2); values[i] = v2; } } } private ValueRow getDistinctRow(Value[] values) { if (distinctIndexes != null) { int cnt = distinctIndexes.length; Value[] newValues = new Value[cnt]; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { newValues[i] = values[distinctIndexes[i]]; } values = newValues; } else if (values.length > visibleColumnCount) { values = Arrays.copyOf(values, visibleColumnCount); } return ValueRow.get(values); } private void createExternalResult() { external = MVTempResult.of(session.getDatabase(), expressions, distinct, distinctIndexes, visibleColumnCount, sort); }
Add a row to this object.
  • values – the row to add
/** * Add a row to this object. * * @param values the row to add */
@Override public void addRow(Value[] values) { cloneLobs(values); if (isAnyDistinct()) { if (distinctRows != null) { ValueRow array = getDistinctRow(values); Value[] previous = distinctRows.get(array); if (previous == null || sort != null && sort.compare(previous, values) > 0) { distinctRows.put(array, values); } rowCount = distinctRows.size(); if (rowCount > maxMemoryRows) { createExternalResult(); rowCount = external.addRows(distinctRows.values()); distinctRows = null; } } else { rowCount = external.addRow(values); } } else { rows.add(values); rowCount++; if (rows.size() > maxMemoryRows) { addRowsToDisk(); } } } private void addRowsToDisk() { if (external == null) { createExternalResult(); } rowCount = external.addRows(rows); rows.clear(); } @Override public int getVisibleColumnCount() { return visibleColumnCount; }
This method is called after all rows have been added.
/** * This method is called after all rows have been added. */
@Override public void done() { if (external != null) { addRowsToDisk(); } else { if (isAnyDistinct()) { rows = new ArrayList<>(distinctRows.values()); } if (sort != null && limit != 0 && !limitsWereApplied) { boolean withLimit = limit > 0 && withTiesSortOrder == null; if (offset > 0 || withLimit) { sort.sort(rows, offset, withLimit ? limit : rows.size()); } else { sort.sort(rows); } } } applyOffsetAndLimit(); reset(); } private void applyOffsetAndLimit() { if (limitsWereApplied) { return; } int offset = Math.max(this.offset, 0); int limit = this.limit; if (offset == 0 && limit < 0 && !fetchPercent || rowCount == 0) { return; } if (fetchPercent) { if (limit < 0 || limit > 100) { throw DbException.getInvalidValueException("FETCH PERCENT", limit); } // Oracle rounds percent up, do the same for now limit = (int) (((long) limit * rowCount + 99) / 100); } boolean clearAll = offset >= rowCount || limit == 0; if (!clearAll) { int remaining = rowCount - offset; limit = limit < 0 ? remaining : Math.min(remaining, limit); if (offset == 0 && remaining <= limit) { return; } } else { limit = 0; } distinctRows = null; rowCount = limit; if (external == null) { if (clearAll) { rows.clear(); return; } int to = offset + limit; if (withTiesSortOrder != null) { Value[] expected = rows.get(to - 1); while (to < rows.size() && withTiesSortOrder.compare(expected, rows.get(to)) == 0) { to++; rowCount++; } } if (offset != 0 || to != rows.size()) { // avoid copying the whole array for each row rows = new ArrayList<>(rows.subList(offset, to)); } } else { if (clearAll) { external.close(); external = null; return; } trimExternal(offset, limit); } } private void trimExternal(int offset, int limit) { ResultExternal temp = external; external = null; temp.reset(); while (--offset >= 0) { temp.next(); } Value[] row = null; while (--limit >= 0) { row = temp.next(); rows.add(row); if (rows.size() > maxMemoryRows) { addRowsToDisk(); } } if (withTiesSortOrder != null && row != null) { Value[] expected = row; while ((row = temp.next()) != null && withTiesSortOrder.compare(expected, row) == 0) { rows.add(row); rowCount++; if (rows.size() > maxMemoryRows) { addRowsToDisk(); } } } if (external != null) { addRowsToDisk(); } temp.close(); } @Override public int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } @Override public void limitsWereApplied() { this.limitsWereApplied = true; } @Override public boolean hasNext() { return !closed && rowId < rowCount - 1; }
Set the number of rows that this result will return at the maximum.
  • limit – the limit (-1 means no limit, 0 means no rows)
/** * Set the number of rows that this result will return at the maximum. * * @param limit the limit (-1 means no limit, 0 means no rows) */
@Override public void setLimit(int limit) { this.limit = limit; }
  • fetchPercent – whether limit expression specifies percentage of rows
/** * @param fetchPercent whether limit expression specifies percentage of rows */
@Override public void setFetchPercent(boolean fetchPercent) { this.fetchPercent = fetchPercent; } @Override public void setWithTies(SortOrder withTiesSortOrder) { assert sort == null || sort == withTiesSortOrder; this.withTiesSortOrder = withTiesSortOrder; } @Override public boolean needToClose() { return external != null; } @Override public void close() { if (external != null) { external.close(); external = null; closed = true; } } @Override public String getAlias(int i) { return expressions[i].getAlias(); } @Override public String getTableName(int i) { return expressions[i].getTableName(); } @Override public String getSchemaName(int i) { return expressions[i].getSchemaName(); } @Override public String getColumnName(int i) { return expressions[i].getColumnName(); } @Override public TypeInfo getColumnType(int i) { return expressions[i].getType(); } @Override public int getNullable(int i) { return expressions[i].getNullable(); } @Override public boolean isAutoIncrement(int i) { return expressions[i].isAutoIncrement(); }
Set the offset of the first row to return.
  • offset – the offset
/** * Set the offset of the first row to return. * * @param offset the offset */
@Override public void setOffset(int offset) { this.offset = offset; } @Override public String toString() { return super.toString() + " columns: " + visibleColumnCount + " rows: " + rowCount + " pos: " + rowId; }
Check if this result set is closed.
Returns:true if it is
/** * Check if this result set is closed. * * @return true if it is */
@Override public boolean isClosed() { return closed; } @Override public int getFetchSize() { return 0; } @Override public void setFetchSize(int fetchSize) { // ignore } }