 * This file is part of lanterna (https://github.com/mabe02/lanterna).
 * lanterna is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * Copyright (C) 2010-2020 Martin Berglund
package com.googlecode.lanterna.terminal.ansi;

import java.io.*;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.Proxy;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

UnixLikeTerminal extends from ANSITerminal and defines functionality that is common to UnixTerminal and CygwinTerminal, like setting tty modes; echo, cbreak and minimum characters for reading as well as a shutdown hook to set the tty back to original state at the end.

If requested, it handles Control-C input to terminate the program, and hooks into Unix WINCH signal to detect when the user has resized the terminal, if supported by the JVM.

Author:Andreas, Martin
/** * UnixLikeTerminal extends from ANSITerminal and defines functionality that is common to * {@code UnixTerminal} and {@code CygwinTerminal}, like setting tty modes; echo, cbreak * and minimum characters for reading as well as a shutdown hook to set the tty back to * original state at the end. * <p> * If requested, it handles Control-C input to terminate the program, and hooks * into Unix WINCH signal to detect when the user has resized the terminal, * if supported by the JVM. * * @author Andreas * @author Martin */
public abstract class UnixLikeTTYTerminal extends UnixLikeTerminal { private final File ttyDev; private String sttyStatusToRestore;
Creates a UnixTerminal using a specified input stream, output stream and character set, with a custom size querier instead of using the default one. This way you can override size detection (if you want to force the terminal to a fixed size, for example). You also choose how you want ctrl+c key strokes to be handled.
  • ttyDev – TTY device file that is representing this terminal session, will be used when calling stty to make it operate on this session
  • terminalInput – Input stream to read terminal input from
  • terminalOutput – Output stream to write terminal output to
  • terminalCharset – Character set to use when converting characters to bytes
  • terminalCtrlCBehaviour – Special settings on how the terminal will behave, see UnixTerminalMode for more details
  • IOException – If there was an I/O error while setting up the terminal
/** * Creates a UnixTerminal using a specified input stream, output stream and character set, with a custom size * querier instead of using the default one. This way you can override size detection (if you want to force the * terminal to a fixed size, for example). You also choose how you want ctrl+c key strokes to be handled. * * @param ttyDev TTY device file that is representing this terminal session, will be used when calling stty to make * it operate on this session * @param terminalInput Input stream to read terminal input from * @param terminalOutput Output stream to write terminal output to * @param terminalCharset Character set to use when converting characters to bytes * @param terminalCtrlCBehaviour Special settings on how the terminal will behave, see {@code UnixTerminalMode} for * more details * @throws IOException If there was an I/O error while setting up the terminal */
protected UnixLikeTTYTerminal( File ttyDev, InputStream terminalInput, OutputStream terminalOutput, Charset terminalCharset, CtrlCBehaviour terminalCtrlCBehaviour) throws IOException { super(terminalInput, terminalOutput, terminalCharset, terminalCtrlCBehaviour); this.ttyDev = ttyDev; // Take ownership of the terminal realAcquire(); } @Override protected void acquire() throws IOException { // Hack! } private void realAcquire() throws IOException { super.acquire(); } @Override protected void registerTerminalResizeListener(final Runnable onResize) throws IOException { try { Class<?> signalClass = Class.forName("sun.misc.Signal"); for(Method m : signalClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { if("handle".equals(m.getName())) { Object windowResizeHandler = Proxy.newProxyInstance(getClass().getClassLoader(), new Class[]{Class.forName("sun.misc.SignalHandler")}, (proxy, method, args) -> { if("handle".equals(method.getName())) { onResize.run(); } return null; }); m.invoke(null, signalClass.getConstructor(String.class).newInstance("WINCH"), windowResizeHandler); } } } catch(Throwable ignore) { // We're probably running on a non-Sun JVM and there's no way to catch signals without resorting to native // code integration } } @Override protected void saveTerminalSettings() throws IOException { sttyStatusToRestore = runSTTYCommand("-g").trim(); } @Override protected void restoreTerminalSettings() throws IOException { if(sttyStatusToRestore != null) { runSTTYCommand(sttyStatusToRestore); } } @Override protected void keyEchoEnabled(boolean enabled) throws IOException { runSTTYCommand(enabled ? "echo" : "-echo"); } @Override protected void canonicalMode(boolean enabled) throws IOException { runSTTYCommand(enabled ? "icanon" : "-icanon"); if(!enabled) { runSTTYCommand("min", "1"); } } @Override protected void keyStrokeSignalsEnabled(boolean enabled) throws IOException { if(enabled) { runSTTYCommand("intr", "^C"); } else { runSTTYCommand("intr", "undef"); } } protected String runSTTYCommand(String... parameters) throws IOException { List<String> commandLine = new ArrayList<>(Collections.singletonList( getSTTYCommand())); commandLine.addAll(Arrays.asList(parameters)); return exec(commandLine.toArray(new String[0])); } protected String exec(String... cmd) throws IOException { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd); if (ttyDev != null) { pb.redirectInput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect.from(ttyDev)); } Process process = pb.start(); ByteArrayOutputStream stdoutBuffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream stdout = process.getInputStream(); int readByte = stdout.read(); while(readByte >= 0) { stdoutBuffer.write(readByte); readByte = stdout.read(); } ByteArrayInputStream stdoutBufferInputStream = new ByteArrayInputStream(stdoutBuffer.toByteArray()); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdoutBufferInputStream)); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); String line; while((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { builder.append(line); } reader.close(); return builder.toString(); } private String getSTTYCommand() { return System.getProperty("com.googlecode.lanterna.terminal.UnixTerminal.sttyCommand", "/bin/stty"); } }