// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
// https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
// distribution.
//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.

package com.google.protobuf;

import static com.google.protobuf.Internal.checkNotNull;

import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.EnumValueDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FileDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.BooleanList;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.DoubleList;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.FloatList;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.IntList;
import com.google.protobuf.Internal.LongList;
// In opensource protobuf, we have versioned this GeneratedMessageV3 class to GeneratedMessageV3V3 and
// in the future may have GeneratedMessageV3V4 etc. This allows us to change some aspects of this
// class without breaking binary compatibility with old generated code that still subclasses
// the old GeneratedMessageV3 class. To allow these different GeneratedMessageV3V? classes to
// interoperate (e.g., a GeneratedMessageV3V3 object has a message extension field whose class
// type is GeneratedMessageV3V4), these classes still share a common parent class AbstractMessage
// and are using the same GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension class for extension definitions.
// Since this class becomes GeneratedMessageV3V? in opensource, we have to add an import here
// to be able to use GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension. The GeneratedExtension definition in
// this file is also excluded from opensource to avoid conflict.
import com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.ObjectStreamException;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TreeMap;

All generated protocol message classes extend this class. This class implements most of the Message and Builder interfaces using Java reflection. Users can ignore this class and pretend that generated messages implement the Message interface directly.
Author:kenton@google.com Kenton Varda
/** * All generated protocol message classes extend this class. This class * implements most of the Message and Builder interfaces using Java reflection. * Users can ignore this class and pretend that generated messages implement * the Message interface directly. * * @author kenton@google.com Kenton Varda */
public abstract class GeneratedMessageV3 extends AbstractMessage implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; // Whether to use reflection for FieldAccessor private static boolean forTestUseReflection = false; static void setForTestUseReflection(boolean useReflection) { forTestUseReflection = useReflection; }
For testing. Allows a test to disable the optimization that avoids using field builders for nested messages until they are requested. By disabling this optimization, existing tests can be reused to test the field builders.
/** * For testing. Allows a test to disable the optimization that avoids using * field builders for nested messages until they are requested. By disabling * this optimization, existing tests can be reused to test the field builders. */
protected static boolean alwaysUseFieldBuilders = false;
For use by generated code only.
/** For use by generated code only. */
protected UnknownFieldSet unknownFields; protected GeneratedMessageV3() { unknownFields = UnknownFieldSet.getDefaultInstance(); } protected GeneratedMessageV3(Builder<?> builder) { unknownFields = builder.getUnknownFields(); } @Override public Parser<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> getParserForType() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is supposed to be overridden by subclasses."); }
See Also:
  • setAlwaysUseFieldBuildersForTesting(boolean)
/** * @see #setAlwaysUseFieldBuildersForTesting(boolean) */
static void enableAlwaysUseFieldBuildersForTesting() { setAlwaysUseFieldBuildersForTesting(true); }
For testing. Allows a test to disable/re-enable the optimization that avoids using field builders for nested messages until they are requested. By disabling this optimization, existing tests can be reused to test the field builders. See RepeatedFieldBuilder and SingleFieldBuilder.
/** * For testing. Allows a test to disable/re-enable the optimization that avoids * using field builders for nested messages until they are requested. By disabling * this optimization, existing tests can be reused to test the field builders. * See {@link RepeatedFieldBuilder} and {@link SingleFieldBuilder}. */
static void setAlwaysUseFieldBuildersForTesting(boolean useBuilders) { alwaysUseFieldBuilders = useBuilders; }
Get the FieldAccessorTable for this type. We can't have the message class pass this in to the constructor because of bootstrapping trouble with DescriptorProtos.
/** * Get the FieldAccessorTable for this type. We can't have the message * class pass this in to the constructor because of bootstrapping trouble * with DescriptorProtos. */
protected abstract FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable(); @Override public Descriptor getDescriptorForType() { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().descriptor; } protected void mergeFromAndMakeImmutableInternal( CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException { Schema<GeneratedMessageV3> schema = (Schema<GeneratedMessageV3>) Protobuf.getInstance().schemaFor(this); try { schema.mergeFrom(this, CodedInputStreamReader.forCodedInput(input), extensionRegistry); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(this); } catch (IOException e) { throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException(e).setUnfinishedMessage(this); } schema.makeImmutable(this); }
Internal helper to return a modifiable map containing all the fields. The returned Map is modifialbe so that the caller can add additional extension fields to implement getAllFields().
  • getBytesForString – whether to generate ByteString for string fields
/** * Internal helper to return a modifiable map containing all the fields. * The returned Map is modifialbe so that the caller can add additional * extension fields to implement {@link #getAllFields()}. * * @param getBytesForString whether to generate ByteString for string fields */
private Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFieldsMutable( boolean getBytesForString) { final TreeMap<FieldDescriptor, Object> result = new TreeMap<FieldDescriptor, Object>(); final Descriptor descriptor = internalGetFieldAccessorTable().descriptor; final List<FieldDescriptor> fields = descriptor.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { FieldDescriptor field = fields.get(i); final OneofDescriptor oneofDescriptor = field.getContainingOneof(); /* * If the field is part of a Oneof, then at maximum one field in the Oneof is set * and it is not repeated. There is no need to iterate through the others. */ if (oneofDescriptor != null) { // Skip other fields in the Oneof we know are not set i += oneofDescriptor.getFieldCount() - 1; if (!hasOneof(oneofDescriptor)) { // If no field is set in the Oneof, skip all the fields in the Oneof continue; } // Get the pointer to the only field which is set in the Oneof field = getOneofFieldDescriptor(oneofDescriptor); } else { // If we are not in a Oneof, we need to check if the field is set and if it is repeated if (field.isRepeated()) { final List<?> value = (List<?>) getField(field); if (!value.isEmpty()) { result.put(field, value); } continue; } if (!hasField(field)) { continue; } } // Add the field to the map if (getBytesForString && field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.STRING) { result.put(field, getFieldRaw(field)); } else { result.put(field, getField(field)); } } return result; } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { for (final FieldDescriptor field : getDescriptorForType().getFields()) { // Check that all required fields are present. if (field.isRequired()) { if (!hasField(field)) { return false; } } // Check that embedded messages are initialized. if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { if (field.isRepeated()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Message> messageList = (List<Message>) getField(field); for (final Message element : messageList) { if (!element.isInitialized()) { return false; } } } else { if (hasField(field) && !((Message) getField(field)).isInitialized()) { return false; } } } } return true; } @Override public Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFields() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap( getAllFieldsMutable(/* getBytesForString = */ false)); }
Returns a collection of all the fields in this message which are set and their corresponding values. A singular ("required" or "optional") field is set iff hasField() returns true for that field. A "repeated" field is set iff getRepeatedFieldCount() is greater than zero. The values are exactly what would be returned by calling getFieldRaw(FieldDescriptor) for each field. The map is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields in order by field number.
/** * Returns a collection of all the fields in this message which are set * and their corresponding values. A singular ("required" or "optional") * field is set iff hasField() returns true for that field. A "repeated" * field is set iff getRepeatedFieldCount() is greater than zero. The * values are exactly what would be returned by calling * {@link #getFieldRaw(Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)} for each field. The map * is guaranteed to be a sorted map, so iterating over it will return fields * in order by field number. */
Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFieldsRaw() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap( getAllFieldsMutable(/* getBytesForString = */ true)); } @Override public boolean hasOneof(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getOneof(oneof).has(this); } @Override public FieldDescriptor getOneofFieldDescriptor(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getOneof(oneof).get(this); } @Override public boolean hasField(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).has(this); } @Override public Object getField(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).get(this); }
Obtains the value of the given field, or the default value if it is not set. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returned. For embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned. For repeated fields, a java.util.List is returned. For present string fields, a ByteString is returned representing the bytes that the field contains.
/** * Obtains the value of the given field, or the default value if it is * not set. For primitive fields, the boxed primitive value is returned. * For enum fields, the EnumValueDescriptor for the value is returned. For * embedded message fields, the sub-message is returned. For repeated * fields, a java.util.List is returned. For present string fields, a * ByteString is returned representing the bytes that the field contains. */
Object getFieldRaw(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).getRaw(this); } @Override public int getRepeatedFieldCount(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field) .getRepeatedCount(this); } @Override public Object getRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field) .getRepeated(this, index); } @Override public UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is supposed to be overridden by subclasses."); }
Called by subclasses to parse an unknown field.
Returns:true unless the tag is an end-group tag.
/** * Called by subclasses to parse an unknown field. * * @return {@code true} unless the tag is an end-group tag. */
protected boolean parseUnknownField( CodedInputStream input, UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry, int tag) throws IOException { if (input.shouldDiscardUnknownFields()) { return input.skipField(tag); } return unknownFields.mergeFieldFrom(tag, input); }
Delegates to parseUnknownField. This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for compatibility with older generated code.
/** * Delegates to parseUnknownField. This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for * compatibility with older generated code. */
protected boolean parseUnknownFieldProto3( CodedInputStream input, UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry, int tag) throws IOException { return parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag); } protected static <M extends Message> M parseWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, InputStream input) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseFrom(input); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static <M extends Message> M parseWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensions) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseFrom(input, extensions); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static <M extends Message> M parseWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, CodedInputStream input) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseFrom(input); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static <M extends Message> M parseWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensions) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseFrom(input, extensions); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static <M extends Message> M parseDelimitedWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, InputStream input) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseDelimitedFrom(input); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static <M extends Message> M parseDelimitedWithIOException(Parser<M> parser, InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite extensions) throws IOException { try { return parser.parseDelimitedFrom(input, extensions); } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) { throw e.unwrapIOException(); } } protected static boolean canUseUnsafe() { return UnsafeUtil.hasUnsafeArrayOperations() && UnsafeUtil.hasUnsafeByteBufferOperations(); } protected static IntList emptyIntList() { return IntArrayList.emptyList(); } protected static IntList newIntList() { return new IntArrayList(); } protected static IntList mutableCopy(IntList list) { int size = list.size(); return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity( size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2); } protected static LongList emptyLongList() { return LongArrayList.emptyList(); } protected static LongList newLongList() { return new LongArrayList(); } protected static LongList mutableCopy(LongList list) { int size = list.size(); return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity( size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2); } protected static FloatList emptyFloatList() { return FloatArrayList.emptyList(); } protected static FloatList newFloatList() { return new FloatArrayList(); } protected static FloatList mutableCopy(FloatList list) { int size = list.size(); return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity( size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2); } protected static DoubleList emptyDoubleList() { return DoubleArrayList.emptyList(); } protected static DoubleList newDoubleList() { return new DoubleArrayList(); } protected static DoubleList mutableCopy(DoubleList list) { int size = list.size(); return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity( size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2); } protected static BooleanList emptyBooleanList() { return BooleanArrayList.emptyList(); } protected static BooleanList newBooleanList() { return new BooleanArrayList(); } protected static BooleanList mutableCopy(BooleanList list) { int size = list.size(); return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity( size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2); } @Override public void writeTo(final CodedOutputStream output) throws IOException { MessageReflection.writeMessageTo(this, getAllFieldsRaw(), output, false); } @Override public int getSerializedSize() { int size = memoizedSize; if (size != -1) { return size; } memoizedSize = MessageReflection.getSerializedSize( this, getAllFieldsRaw()); return memoizedSize; }
This class is used to make a generated protected method inaccessible from user's code (e.g., the newInstance method below). When this class is used as a parameter's type in a generated protected method, the method is visible to user's code in the same package, but since the constructor of this class is private to protobuf runtime, user's code can't obtain an instance of this class and as such can't actually make a method call on the protected method.
/** * This class is used to make a generated protected method inaccessible from user's code (e.g., * the {@link #newInstance} method below). When this class is used as a parameter's type in a * generated protected method, the method is visible to user's code in the same package, but * since the constructor of this class is private to protobuf runtime, user's code can't obtain * an instance of this class and as such can't actually make a method call on the protected * method. */
protected static final class UnusedPrivateParameter { static final UnusedPrivateParameter INSTANCE = new UnusedPrivateParameter(); private UnusedPrivateParameter() { } }
Creates a new instance of this message type. Overridden in the generated code.
/** * Creates a new instance of this message type. Overridden in the generated code. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused"}) protected Object newInstance(UnusedPrivateParameter unused) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This method must be overridden by the subclass."); }
Used by parsing constructors in generated classes.
/** * Used by parsing constructors in generated classes. */
protected void makeExtensionsImmutable() { // Noop for messages without extensions. }
TODO(xiaofeng): remove this after b/29368482 is fixed. We need to move this interface to AbstractMessage in order to versioning GeneratedMessageV3 but this move breaks binary compatibility for AppEngine. After AppEngine is fixed we can exlude this from google3.
/** * TODO(xiaofeng): remove this after b/29368482 is fixed. We need to move this * interface to AbstractMessage in order to versioning GeneratedMessageV3 but * this move breaks binary compatibility for AppEngine. After AppEngine is * fixed we can exlude this from google3. */
protected interface BuilderParent extends AbstractMessage.BuilderParent {}
TODO(xiaofeng): remove this together with GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent.
/** * TODO(xiaofeng): remove this together with GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderParent. */
protected abstract Message.Builder newBuilderForType(BuilderParent parent); @Override protected Message.Builder newBuilderForType(final AbstractMessage.BuilderParent parent) { return newBuilderForType(new BuilderParent() { @Override public void markDirty() { parent.markDirty(); } }); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract static class Builder <BuilderType extends Builder<BuilderType>> extends AbstractMessage.Builder<BuilderType> { private BuilderParent builderParent; private BuilderParentImpl meAsParent; // Indicates that we've built a message and so we are now obligated // to dispatch dirty invalidations. See GeneratedMessageV3.BuilderListener. private boolean isClean; private UnknownFieldSet unknownFields = UnknownFieldSet.getDefaultInstance(); protected Builder() { this(null); } protected Builder(BuilderParent builderParent) { this.builderParent = builderParent; } @Override void dispose() { builderParent = null; }
Called by the subclass when a message is built.
/** * Called by the subclass when a message is built. */
protected void onBuilt() { if (builderParent != null) { markClean(); } }
Called by the subclass or a builder to notify us that a message was built and may be cached and therefore invalidations are needed.
/** * Called by the subclass or a builder to notify us that a message was * built and may be cached and therefore invalidations are needed. */
@Override protected void markClean() { this.isClean = true; }
Gets whether invalidations are needed
Returns:whether invalidations are needed
/** * Gets whether invalidations are needed * * @return whether invalidations are needed */
protected boolean isClean() { return isClean; } @Override public BuilderType clone() { BuilderType builder = (BuilderType) getDefaultInstanceForType().newBuilderForType(); builder.mergeFrom(buildPartial()); return builder; }
Called by the initialization and clear code paths to allow subclasses to reset any of their builtin fields back to the initial values.
/** * Called by the initialization and clear code paths to allow subclasses to * reset any of their builtin fields back to the initial values. */
@Override public BuilderType clear() { unknownFields = UnknownFieldSet.getDefaultInstance(); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; }
Get the FieldAccessorTable for this type. We can't have the message class pass this in to the constructor because of bootstrapping trouble with DescriptorProtos.
/** * Get the FieldAccessorTable for this type. We can't have the message * class pass this in to the constructor because of bootstrapping trouble * with DescriptorProtos. */
protected abstract FieldAccessorTable internalGetFieldAccessorTable(); @Override public Descriptor getDescriptorForType() { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().descriptor; } @Override public Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFields() { return Collections.unmodifiableMap(getAllFieldsMutable()); }
Internal helper which returns a mutable map.
/** Internal helper which returns a mutable map. */
private Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFieldsMutable() { final TreeMap<FieldDescriptor, Object> result = new TreeMap<FieldDescriptor, Object>(); final Descriptor descriptor = internalGetFieldAccessorTable().descriptor; final List<FieldDescriptor> fields = descriptor.getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.size(); i++) { FieldDescriptor field = fields.get(i); final OneofDescriptor oneofDescriptor = field.getContainingOneof(); /* * If the field is part of a Oneof, then at maximum one field in the Oneof is set * and it is not repeated. There is no need to iterate through the others. */ if (oneofDescriptor != null) { // Skip other fields in the Oneof we know are not set i += oneofDescriptor.getFieldCount() - 1; if (!hasOneof(oneofDescriptor)) { // If no field is set in the Oneof, skip all the fields in the Oneof continue; } // Get the pointer to the only field which is set in the Oneof field = getOneofFieldDescriptor(oneofDescriptor); } else { // If we are not in a Oneof, we need to check if the field is set and if it is repeated if (field.isRepeated()) { final List<?> value = (List<?>) getField(field); if (!value.isEmpty()) { result.put(field, value); } continue; } if (!hasField(field)) { continue; } } // Add the field to the map result.put(field, getField(field)); } return result; } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilderForField(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).newBuilder(); } @Override public Message.Builder getFieldBuilder(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).getBuilder(this); } @Override public Message.Builder getRepeatedFieldBuilder(final FieldDescriptor field, int index) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).getRepeatedBuilder( this, index); } @Override public boolean hasOneof(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getOneof(oneof).has(this); } @Override public FieldDescriptor getOneofFieldDescriptor(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getOneof(oneof).get(this); } @Override public boolean hasField(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).has(this); } @Override public Object getField(final FieldDescriptor field) { Object object = internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).get(this); if (field.isRepeated()) { // The underlying list object is still modifiable at this point. // Make sure not to expose the modifiable list to the caller. return Collections.unmodifiableList((List) object); } else { return object; } } @Override public BuilderType setField(final FieldDescriptor field, final Object value) { internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).set(this, value); return (BuilderType) this; } @Override public BuilderType clearField(final FieldDescriptor field) { internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).clear(this); return (BuilderType) this; } @Override public BuilderType clearOneof(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getOneof(oneof).clear(this); return (BuilderType) this; } @Override public int getRepeatedFieldCount(final FieldDescriptor field) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field) .getRepeatedCount(this); } @Override public Object getRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index) { return internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field) .getRepeated(this, index); } @Override public BuilderType setRepeatedField( final FieldDescriptor field, final int index, final Object value) { internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field) .setRepeated(this, index, value); return (BuilderType) this; } @Override public BuilderType addRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final Object value) { internalGetFieldAccessorTable().getField(field).addRepeated(this, value); return (BuilderType) this; } private BuilderType setUnknownFieldsInternal(final UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) { this.unknownFields = unknownFields; onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; } @Override public BuilderType setUnknownFields(final UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) { return setUnknownFieldsInternal(unknownFields); }
This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for compatibility with older generated code.
/** * This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for compatibility with * older generated code. */
protected BuilderType setUnknownFieldsProto3(final UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) { return setUnknownFieldsInternal(unknownFields); } @Override public BuilderType mergeUnknownFields( final UnknownFieldSet unknownFields) { return setUnknownFields( UnknownFieldSet.newBuilder(this.unknownFields) .mergeFrom(unknownFields) .build()); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { for (final FieldDescriptor field : getDescriptorForType().getFields()) { // Check that all required fields are present. if (field.isRequired()) { if (!hasField(field)) { return false; } } // Check that embedded messages are initialized. if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { if (field.isRepeated()) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final List<Message> messageList = (List<Message>) getField(field); for (final Message element : messageList) { if (!element.isInitialized()) { return false; } } } else { if (hasField(field) && !((Message) getField(field)).isInitialized()) { return false; } } } } return true; } @Override public final UnknownFieldSet getUnknownFields() { return unknownFields; }
Implementation of BuilderParent for giving to our children. This small inner class makes it so we don't publicly expose the BuilderParent methods.
/** * Implementation of {@link BuilderParent} for giving to our children. This * small inner class makes it so we don't publicly expose the BuilderParent * methods. */
private class BuilderParentImpl implements BuilderParent { @Override public void markDirty() { onChanged(); } }
Gets the BuilderParent for giving to our children.
Returns:The builder parent for our children.
/** * Gets the {@link BuilderParent} for giving to our children. * @return The builder parent for our children. */
protected BuilderParent getParentForChildren() { if (meAsParent == null) { meAsParent = new BuilderParentImpl(); } return meAsParent; }
Called when a the builder or one of its nested children has changed and any parent should be notified of its invalidation.
/** * Called when a the builder or one of its nested children has changed * and any parent should be notified of its invalidation. */
protected final void onChanged() { if (isClean && builderParent != null) { builderParent.markDirty(); // Don't keep dispatching invalidations until build is called again. isClean = false; } }
Gets the map field with the given field number. This method should be overridden in the generated message class if the message contains map fields. Unlike other field types, reflection support for map fields can't be implemented based on generated public API because we need to access a map field as a list in reflection API but the generated API only allows us to access it as a map. This method returns the underlying map field directly and thus enables us to access the map field as a list.
/** * Gets the map field with the given field number. This method should be * overridden in the generated message class if the message contains map * fields. * * Unlike other field types, reflection support for map fields can't be * implemented based on generated public API because we need to access a * map field as a list in reflection API but the generated API only allows * us to access it as a map. This method returns the underlying map field * directly and thus enables us to access the map field as a list. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) protected MapField internalGetMapField(int fieldNumber) { // Note that we can't use descriptor names here because this method will // be called when descriptor is being initialized. throw new RuntimeException( "No map fields found in " + getClass().getName()); }
Like internalGetMapField but return a mutable version.
/** Like {@link #internalGetMapField} but return a mutable version. */
@SuppressWarnings({"unused", "rawtypes"}) protected MapField internalGetMutableMapField(int fieldNumber) { // Note that we can't use descriptor names here because this method will // be called when descriptor is being initialized. throw new RuntimeException( "No map fields found in " + getClass().getName()); } } // ================================================================= // Extensions-related stuff public interface ExtendableMessageOrBuilder< MessageType extends ExtendableMessage> extends MessageOrBuilder { // Re-define for return type covariance. @Override Message getDefaultInstanceForType();
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
<Type> boolean hasExtension( ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extension);
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
<Type> int getExtensionCount( ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension);
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extension);
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, int index);
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
<Type> boolean hasExtension( Extension<MessageType, Type> extension);
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
<Type> boolean hasExtension( GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension);
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
<Type> int getExtensionCount( Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension);
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
<Type> int getExtensionCount( GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension);
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( Extension<MessageType, Type> extension);
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension);
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, int index);
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
<Type> Type getExtension( GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, int index); }
Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.

This class implements type-safe accessors for extensions. They implement all the same operations that you can do with normal fields -- e.g. "has", "get", and "getCount" -- but for extensions. The extensions are identified using instances of the class GeneratedExtension; the protocol compiler generates a static instance of this class for every extension in its input. Through the magic of generics, all is made type-safe.

For example, imagine you have the .proto file:

option java_class = "MyProto";
message Foo {
  extensions 1000 to max;
extend Foo {
  optional int32 bar;

Then you might write code like:

MyProto.Foo foo = getFoo();
int i = foo.getExtension(MyProto.bar);

See also ExtendableBuilder.

/** * Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges * subclass this. * * <p>This class implements type-safe accessors for extensions. They * implement all the same operations that you can do with normal fields -- * e.g. "has", "get", and "getCount" -- but for extensions. The extensions * are identified using instances of the class {@link GeneratedExtension}; * the protocol compiler generates a static instance of this class for every * extension in its input. Through the magic of generics, all is made * type-safe. * * <p>For example, imagine you have the {@code .proto} file: * * <pre> * option java_class = "MyProto"; * * message Foo { * extensions 1000 to max; * } * * extend Foo { * optional int32 bar; * } * </pre> * * <p>Then you might write code like: * * <pre> * MyProto.Foo foo = getFoo(); * int i = foo.getExtension(MyProto.bar); * </pre> * * <p>See also {@link ExtendableBuilder}. */
public abstract static class ExtendableMessage< MessageType extends ExtendableMessage> extends GeneratedMessageV3 implements ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType> { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final FieldSet<FieldDescriptor> extensions; protected ExtendableMessage() { this.extensions = FieldSet.newFieldSet(); } protected ExtendableMessage( ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, ?> builder) { super(builder); this.extensions = builder.buildExtensions(); } private void verifyExtensionContainingType( final Extension<MessageType, ?> extension) { if (extension.getDescriptor().getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType()) { // This can only happen if someone uses unchecked operations. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Extension is for type \"" + extension.getDescriptor().getContainingType().getFullName() + "\" which does not match message type \"" + getDescriptorForType().getFullName() + "\"."); } }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, Type> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); return extensions.hasField(extension.getDescriptor()); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); final FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); return extensions.getRepeatedFieldCount(descriptor); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final <Type> Type getExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, Type> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); final Object value = extensions.getField(descriptor); if (value == null) { if (descriptor.isRepeated()) { return (Type) Collections.emptyList(); } else if (descriptor.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { return (Type) extension.getMessageDefaultInstance(); } else { return (Type) extension.fromReflectionType( descriptor.getDefaultValue()); } } else { return (Type) extension.fromReflectionType(value); } }
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public final <Type> Type getExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite, final int index) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); return (Type) extension.singularFromReflectionType( extensions.getRepeatedField(descriptor, index)); }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final Extension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return hasExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override public final <Type> boolean hasExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return hasExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) { return getExtensionCount((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) { return getExtensionCount((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension(final Extension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index); }
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index); }
Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized.
/** Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized. */
protected boolean extensionsAreInitialized() { return extensions.isInitialized(); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return super.isInitialized() && extensionsAreInitialized(); } @Override protected boolean parseUnknownField( CodedInputStream input, UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry, int tag) throws IOException { return MessageReflection.mergeFieldFrom( input, input.shouldDiscardUnknownFields() ? null : unknownFields, extensionRegistry, getDescriptorForType(), new MessageReflection.ExtensionAdapter(extensions), tag); }
Delegates to parseUnknownField. This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for compatibility with older generated code.
/** * Delegates to parseUnknownField. This method is obsolete, but we must retain it for * compatibility with older generated code. */
@Override protected boolean parseUnknownFieldProto3( CodedInputStream input, UnknownFieldSet.Builder unknownFields, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry, int tag) throws IOException { return parseUnknownField(input, unknownFields, extensionRegistry, tag); }
Used by parsing constructors in generated classes.
/** * Used by parsing constructors in generated classes. */
@Override protected void makeExtensionsImmutable() { extensions.makeImmutable(); }
Used by subclasses to serialize extensions. Extension ranges may be interleaved with field numbers, but we must write them in canonical (sorted by field number) order. ExtensionWriter helps us write individual ranges of extensions at once.
/** * Used by subclasses to serialize extensions. Extension ranges may be * interleaved with field numbers, but we must write them in canonical * (sorted by field number) order. ExtensionWriter helps us write * individual ranges of extensions at once. */
protected class ExtensionWriter { // Imagine how much simpler this code would be if Java iterators had // a way to get the next element without advancing the iterator. private final Iterator<Map.Entry<FieldDescriptor, Object>> iter = extensions.iterator(); private Map.Entry<FieldDescriptor, Object> next; private final boolean messageSetWireFormat; private ExtensionWriter(final boolean messageSetWireFormat) { if (iter.hasNext()) { next = iter.next(); } this.messageSetWireFormat = messageSetWireFormat; } public void writeUntil(final int end, final CodedOutputStream output) throws IOException { while (next != null && next.getKey().getNumber() < end) { FieldDescriptor descriptor = next.getKey(); if (messageSetWireFormat && descriptor.getLiteJavaType() == WireFormat.JavaType.MESSAGE && !descriptor.isRepeated()) { if (next instanceof LazyField.LazyEntry<?>) { output.writeRawMessageSetExtension(descriptor.getNumber(), ((LazyField.LazyEntry<?>) next).getField().toByteString()); } else { output.writeMessageSetExtension(descriptor.getNumber(), (Message) next.getValue()); } } else { // TODO(xiangl): Taken care of following code, it may cause // problem when we use LazyField for normal fields/extensions. // Due to the optional field can be duplicated at the end of // serialized bytes, which will make the serialized size change // after lazy field parsed. So when we use LazyField globally, // we need to change the following write method to write cached // bytes directly rather than write the parsed message. FieldSet.writeField(descriptor, next.getValue(), output); } if (iter.hasNext()) { next = iter.next(); } else { next = null; } } } } protected ExtensionWriter newExtensionWriter() { return new ExtensionWriter(false); } protected ExtensionWriter newMessageSetExtensionWriter() { return new ExtensionWriter(true); }
Called by subclasses to compute the size of extensions.
/** Called by subclasses to compute the size of extensions. */
protected int extensionsSerializedSize() { return extensions.getSerializedSize(); } protected int extensionsSerializedSizeAsMessageSet() { return extensions.getMessageSetSerializedSize(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Reflection protected Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getExtensionFields() { return extensions.getAllFields(); } @Override public Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFields() { final Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> result = super.getAllFieldsMutable(/* getBytesForString = */ false); result.putAll(getExtensionFields()); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } @Override public Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFieldsRaw() { final Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> result = super.getAllFieldsMutable(/* getBytesForString = */ false); result.putAll(getExtensionFields()); return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } @Override public boolean hasField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); return extensions.hasField(field); } else { return super.hasField(field); } } @Override public Object getField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); final Object value = extensions.getField(field); if (value == null) { if (field.isRepeated()) { return Collections.emptyList(); } else if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { // Lacking an ExtensionRegistry, we have no way to determine the // extension's real type, so we return a DynamicMessage. return DynamicMessage.getDefaultInstance(field.getMessageType()); } else { return field.getDefaultValue(); } } else { return value; } } else { return super.getField(field); } } @Override public int getRepeatedFieldCount(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); return extensions.getRepeatedFieldCount(field); } else { return super.getRepeatedFieldCount(field); } } @Override public Object getRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); return extensions.getRepeatedField(field, index); } else { return super.getRepeatedField(field, index); } } private void verifyContainingType(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "FieldDescriptor does not match message type."); } } }
Generated message builders for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.

This class implements type-safe accessors for extensions. They implement all the same operations that you can do with normal fields -- e.g. "get", "set", and "add" -- but for extensions. The extensions are identified using instances of the class GeneratedExtension; the protocol compiler generates a static instance of this class for every extension in its input. Through the magic of generics, all is made type-safe.

For example, imagine you have the .proto file:

option java_class = "MyProto";
message Foo {
  extensions 1000 to max;
extend Foo {
  optional int32 bar;

Then you might write code like:

MyProto.Foo foo =
    .setExtension(MyProto.bar, 123)

See also ExtendableMessage.

/** * Generated message builders for message types that contain extension ranges * subclass this. * * <p>This class implements type-safe accessors for extensions. They * implement all the same operations that you can do with normal fields -- * e.g. "get", "set", and "add" -- but for extensions. The extensions are * identified using instances of the class {@link GeneratedExtension}; the * protocol compiler generates a static instance of this class for every * extension in its input. Through the magic of generics, all is made * type-safe. * * <p>For example, imagine you have the {@code .proto} file: * * <pre> * option java_class = "MyProto"; * * message Foo { * extensions 1000 to max; * } * * extend Foo { * optional int32 bar; * } * </pre> * * <p>Then you might write code like: * * <pre> * MyProto.Foo foo = * MyProto.Foo.newBuilder() * .setExtension(MyProto.bar, 123) * .build(); * </pre> * * <p>See also {@link ExtendableMessage}. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public abstract static class ExtendableBuilder< MessageType extends ExtendableMessage, BuilderType extends ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType>> extends Builder<BuilderType> implements ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType> { private FieldSet.Builder<FieldDescriptor> extensions; protected ExtendableBuilder() {} protected ExtendableBuilder( BuilderParent parent) { super(parent); } // For immutable message conversion. void internalSetExtensionSet(FieldSet<FieldDescriptor> extensions) { this.extensions = FieldSet.Builder.fromFieldSet(extensions); } @Override public BuilderType clear() { extensions = null; return super.clear(); } private void ensureExtensionsIsMutable() { if (extensions == null) { extensions = FieldSet.newBuilder(); } } private void verifyExtensionContainingType( final Extension<MessageType, ?> extension) { if (extension.getDescriptor().getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType()) { // This can only happen if someone uses unchecked operations. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Extension is for type \"" + extension.getDescriptor().getContainingType().getFullName() + "\" which does not match message type \"" + getDescriptorForType().getFullName() + "\"."); } }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, Type> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); return extensions == null ? false : extensions.hasField(extension.getDescriptor()); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); final FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); return extensions == null ? 0 : extensions.getRepeatedFieldCount(descriptor); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, Type> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); final Object value = extensions == null ? null : extensions.getField(descriptor); if (value == null) { if (descriptor.isRepeated()) { return (Type) Collections.emptyList(); } else if (descriptor.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { return (Type) extension.getMessageDefaultInstance(); } else { return (Type) extension.fromReflectionType( descriptor.getDefaultValue()); } } else { return (Type) extension.fromReflectionType(value); } }
Get one element of a repeated extension.
/** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite, final int index) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); if (extensions == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return (Type) extension.singularFromReflectionType(extensions.getRepeatedField(descriptor, index)); }
Set the value of an extension.
/** Set the value of an extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extensionLite, final Type value) { Extension<MessageType, Type> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); final FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); extensions.setField(descriptor, extension.toReflectionType(value)); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; }
Set the value of one element of a repeated extension.
/** Set the value of one element of a repeated extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite, final int index, final Type value) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); final FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); extensions.setRepeatedField( descriptor, index, extension.singularToReflectionType(value)); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; }
Append a value to a repeated extension.
/** Append a value to a repeated extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType addExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite, final Type value) { Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); final FieldDescriptor descriptor = extension.getDescriptor(); extensions.addRepeatedField( descriptor, extension.singularToReflectionType(value)); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; }
Clear an extension.
/** Clear an extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType clearExtension( final ExtensionLite<MessageType, ?> extensionLite) { Extension<MessageType, ?> extension = checkNotLite(extensionLite); verifyExtensionContainingType(extension); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.clearField(extension.getDescriptor()); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final Extension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return hasExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Check if a singular extension is present.
/** Check if a singular extension is present. */
@Override public final <Type> boolean hasExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return hasExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) { return getExtensionCount((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension); }
Get the number of elements in a repeated extension.
/** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
@Override public final <Type> int getExtensionCount( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) { return getExtensionCount((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension(final Extension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index); }
Get the value of an extension.
/** Get the value of an extension. */
@Override public final <Type> Type getExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index) { return getExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index); }
Set the value of an extension.
/** Set the value of an extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final Extension<MessageType, Type> extension, final Type value) { return setExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension, value); }
Set the value of an extension.
/** Set the value of an extension. */
public <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extension, final Type value) { return setExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type>) extension, value); }
Set the value of one element of a repeated extension.
/** Set the value of one element of a repeated extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index, final Type value) { return setExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index, value); }
Set the value of one element of a repeated extension.
/** Set the value of one element of a repeated extension. */
public <Type> BuilderType setExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int index, final Type value) { return setExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, index, value); }
Append a value to a repeated extension.
/** Append a value to a repeated extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType addExtension( final Extension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final Type value) { return addExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, value); }
Append a value to a repeated extension.
/** Append a value to a repeated extension. */
public <Type> BuilderType addExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final Type value) { return addExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>>) extension, value); }
Clear an extension.
/** Clear an extension. */
public final <Type> BuilderType clearExtension( final Extension<MessageType, ?> extension) { return clearExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, ?>) extension); }
Clear an extension.
/** Clear an extension. */
public <Type> BuilderType clearExtension( final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, ?> extension) { return clearExtension((ExtensionLite<MessageType, ?>) extension); }
Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized.
/** Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized. */
protected boolean extensionsAreInitialized() { return extensions == null ? true : extensions.isInitialized(); }
Called by the build code path to create a copy of the extensions for building the message.
/** * Called by the build code path to create a copy of the extensions for * building the message. */
private FieldSet<FieldDescriptor> buildExtensions() { return extensions == null ? (FieldSet<FieldDescriptor>) FieldSet.emptySet() : extensions.build(); } @Override public boolean isInitialized() { return super.isInitialized() && extensionsAreInitialized(); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // Reflection @Override public Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> getAllFields() { final Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> result = super.getAllFieldsMutable(); if (extensions != null) { result.putAll(extensions.getAllFields()); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result); } @Override public Object getField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); final Object value = extensions == null ? null : extensions.getField(field); if (value == null) { if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { // Lacking an ExtensionRegistry, we have no way to determine the // extension's real type, so we return a DynamicMessage. return DynamicMessage.getDefaultInstance(field.getMessageType()); } else { return field.getDefaultValue(); } } else { return value; } } else { return super.getField(field); } } @Override public Message.Builder getFieldBuilder(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); if (field.getJavaType() != FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); final Object value = extensions.getFieldAllowBuilders(field); if (value == null) { Message.Builder builder = DynamicMessage.newBuilder(field.getMessageType()); extensions.setField(field, builder); onChanged(); return builder; } else { if (value instanceof Message.Builder) { return (Message.Builder) value; } else if (value instanceof Message) { Message.Builder builder = ((Message) value).toBuilder(); extensions.setField(field, builder); onChanged(); return builder; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } } } else { return super.getFieldBuilder(field); } } @Override public int getRepeatedFieldCount(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); return extensions == null ? 0 : extensions.getRepeatedFieldCount(field); } else { return super.getRepeatedFieldCount(field); } } @Override public Object getRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); if (extensions == null) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } return extensions.getRepeatedField(field, index); } else { return super.getRepeatedField(field, index); } } @Override public Message.Builder getRepeatedFieldBuilder(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); if (field.getJavaType() != FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } final Object value = extensions.getRepeatedFieldAllowBuilders(field, index); if (value instanceof Message.Builder) { return (Message.Builder) value; } else if (value instanceof Message) { Message.Builder builder = ((Message) value).toBuilder(); extensions.setRepeatedField(field, index, builder); onChanged(); return builder; } else { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } } else { return super.getRepeatedFieldBuilder(field, index); } } @Override public boolean hasField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); return extensions == null ? false : extensions.hasField(field); } else { return super.hasField(field); } } @Override public BuilderType setField(final FieldDescriptor field, final Object value) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.setField(field, value); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; } else { return super.setField(field, value); } } @Override public BuilderType clearField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.clearField(field); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; } else { return super.clearField(field); } } @Override public BuilderType setRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final int index, final Object value) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; } else { return super.setRepeatedField(field, index, value); } } @Override public BuilderType addRepeatedField(final FieldDescriptor field, final Object value) { if (field.isExtension()) { verifyContainingType(field); ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.addRepeatedField(field, value); onChanged(); return (BuilderType) this; } else { return super.addRepeatedField(field, value); } } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilderForField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.isExtension()) { return DynamicMessage.newBuilder(field.getMessageType()); } else { return super.newBuilderForField(field); } } protected final void mergeExtensionFields(final ExtendableMessage other) { if (other.extensions != null) { ensureExtensionsIsMutable(); extensions.mergeFrom(other.extensions); onChanged(); } } private void verifyContainingType(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.getContainingType() != getDescriptorForType()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "FieldDescriptor does not match message type."); } } } // -----------------------------------------------------------------
Gets the descriptor for an extension. The implementation depends on whether the extension is scoped in the top level of a file or scoped in a Message.
/** * Gets the descriptor for an extension. The implementation depends on whether * the extension is scoped in the top level of a file or scoped in a Message. */
static interface ExtensionDescriptorRetriever { FieldDescriptor getDescriptor(); } // =================================================================
Calls Class.getMethod and throws a RuntimeException if it fails.
/** Calls Class.getMethod and throws a RuntimeException if it fails. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static Method getMethodOrDie( final Class clazz, final String name, final Class... params) { try { return clazz.getMethod(name, params); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Generated message class \"" + clazz.getName() + "\" missing method \"" + name + "\".", e); } }
Calls invoke and throws a RuntimeException if it fails.
/** Calls invoke and throws a RuntimeException if it fails. */
private static Object invokeOrDie( final Method method, final Object object, final Object... params) { try { return method.invoke(object, params); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Couldn't use Java reflection to implement protocol message " + "reflection.", e); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { final Throwable cause = e.getCause(); if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) cause; } else if (cause instanceof Error) { throw (Error) cause; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected exception thrown by generated accessor method.", cause); } } }
Calls invoke and throws a RuntimeException if it fails.
/** Calls invoke and throws a RuntimeException if it fails. */
private static RuntimeException handleException(Throwable e) { if (e instanceof ClassCastException) { // Reflection throws a bad param type as an IllegalArgumentException, whereas MethodHandle // throws it as a ClassCastException; convert for backwards compatibility throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } else if (e instanceof RuntimeException) { throw (RuntimeException) e; } else if (e instanceof Error) { throw (Error) e; } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Unexpected exception thrown by generated accessor method.", e); } }
Gets the map field with the given field number. This method should be overridden in the generated message class if the message contains map fields. Unlike other field types, reflection support for map fields can't be implemented based on generated public API because we need to access a map field as a list in reflection API but the generated API only allows us to access it as a map. This method returns the underlying map field directly and thus enables us to access the map field as a list.
/** * Gets the map field with the given field number. This method should be * overridden in the generated message class if the message contains map * fields. * * Unlike other field types, reflection support for map fields can't be * implemented based on generated public API because we need to access a * map field as a list in reflection API but the generated API only allows * us to access it as a map. This method returns the underlying map field * directly and thus enables us to access the map field as a list. */
@SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unused"}) protected MapField internalGetMapField(int fieldNumber) { // Note that we can't use descriptor names here because this method will // be called when descriptor is being initialized. throw new RuntimeException( "No map fields found in " + getClass().getName()); }
Users should ignore this class. This class provides the implementation with access to the fields of a message object using Java reflection.
/** * Users should ignore this class. This class provides the implementation * with access to the fields of a message object using Java reflection. */
public static final class FieldAccessorTable {
Construct a FieldAccessorTable for a particular message class. Only one FieldAccessorTable should ever be constructed per class.
  • descriptor – The type's descriptor.
  • camelCaseNames – The camelcase names of all fields in the message. These are used to derive the accessor method names.
  • messageClass – The message type.
  • builderClass – The builder type.
/** * Construct a FieldAccessorTable for a particular message class. Only * one FieldAccessorTable should ever be constructed per class. * * @param descriptor The type's descriptor. * @param camelCaseNames The camelcase names of all fields in the message. * These are used to derive the accessor method names. * @param messageClass The message type. * @param builderClass The builder type. */
public FieldAccessorTable( final Descriptor descriptor, final String[] camelCaseNames, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { this(descriptor, camelCaseNames); ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized(messageClass, builderClass); }
Construct a FieldAccessorTable for a particular message class without initializing FieldAccessors.
/** * Construct a FieldAccessorTable for a particular message class without * initializing FieldAccessors. */
public FieldAccessorTable( final Descriptor descriptor, final String[] camelCaseNames) { this.descriptor = descriptor; this.camelCaseNames = camelCaseNames; fields = new FieldAccessor[descriptor.getFields().size()]; oneofs = new OneofAccessor[descriptor.getOneofs().size()]; initialized = false; }
Ensures the field accessors are initialized. This method is thread-safe.
  • messageClass – The message type.
  • builderClass – The builder type.
/** * Ensures the field accessors are initialized. This method is thread-safe. * * @param messageClass The message type. * @param builderClass The builder type. * @return this */
public FieldAccessorTable ensureFieldAccessorsInitialized( Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { if (initialized) { return this; } synchronized (this) { if (initialized) { return this; } int fieldsSize = fields.length; for (int i = 0; i < fieldsSize; i++) { FieldDescriptor field = descriptor.getFields().get(i); String containingOneofCamelCaseName = null; if (field.getContainingOneof() != null) { containingOneofCamelCaseName = camelCaseNames[fieldsSize + field.getContainingOneof().getIndex()]; } if (field.isRepeated()) { if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { if (field.isMapField()) { fields[i] = new MapFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass); } else { fields[i] = new RepeatedMessageFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass); } } else if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.ENUM) { fields[i] = new RepeatedEnumFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass); } else { fields[i] = new RepeatedFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass); } } else { if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE) { fields[i] = new SingularMessageFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); } else if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.ENUM) { fields[i] = new SingularEnumFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); } else if (field.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.STRING) { fields[i] = new SingularStringFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); } else { fields[i] = new SingularFieldAccessor( field, camelCaseNames[i], messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); } } } int oneofsSize = oneofs.length; for (int i = 0; i < oneofsSize; i++) { oneofs[i] = new OneofAccessor( descriptor, camelCaseNames[i + fieldsSize], messageClass, builderClass); } initialized = true; camelCaseNames = null; return this; } } private final Descriptor descriptor; private final FieldAccessor[] fields; private String[] camelCaseNames; private final OneofAccessor[] oneofs; private volatile boolean initialized;
Get the FieldAccessor for a particular field.
/** Get the FieldAccessor for a particular field. */
private FieldAccessor getField(final FieldDescriptor field) { if (field.getContainingType() != descriptor) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "FieldDescriptor does not match message type."); } else if (field.isExtension()) { // If this type had extensions, it would subclass ExtendableMessage, // which overrides the reflection interface to handle extensions. throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This type does not have extensions."); } return fields[field.getIndex()]; }
Get the OneofAccessor for a particular oneof.
/** Get the OneofAccessor for a particular oneof. */
private OneofAccessor getOneof(final OneofDescriptor oneof) { if (oneof.getContainingType() != descriptor) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "OneofDescriptor does not match message type."); } return oneofs[oneof.getIndex()]; }
Abstract interface that provides access to a single field. This is implemented differently depending on the field type and cardinality.
/** * Abstract interface that provides access to a single field. This is * implemented differently depending on the field type and cardinality. */
private interface FieldAccessor { Object get(GeneratedMessageV3 message); Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder); Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3 message); Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder); void set(Builder builder, Object value); Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3 message, int index); Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index); Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3 message, int index); Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index); void setRepeated(Builder builder, int index, Object value); void addRepeated(Builder builder, Object value); boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3 message); boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder); int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3 message); int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder); void clear(Builder builder); Message.Builder newBuilder(); Message.Builder getBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder); Message.Builder getRepeatedBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index); }
OneofAccessor provides access to a single oneof.
/** OneofAccessor provides access to a single oneof. */
private static class OneofAccessor { OneofAccessor( final Descriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { this.descriptor = descriptor; caseMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Case"); caseMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Case"); clearMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "clear" + camelCaseName); } private final Descriptor descriptor; private final Method caseMethod; private final Method caseMethodBuilder; private final Method clearMethod; public boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { if (((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethod, message)).getNumber() == 0) { return false; } return true; } public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { if (((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethodBuilder, builder)).getNumber() == 0) { return false; } return true; } public FieldDescriptor get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { int fieldNumber = ((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethod, message)).getNumber(); if (fieldNumber > 0) { return descriptor.findFieldByNumber(fieldNumber); } return null; } public FieldDescriptor get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { int fieldNumber = ((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethodBuilder, builder)).getNumber(); if (fieldNumber > 0) { return descriptor.findFieldByNumber(fieldNumber); } return null; } public void clear(final Builder builder) { invokeOrDie(clearMethod, builder); } } private static boolean supportFieldPresence(FileDescriptor file) { return file.getSyntax() == FileDescriptor.Syntax.PROTO2; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- private static class SingularFieldAccessor implements FieldAccessor { private interface MethodInvoker { Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message); Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3 message); int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); void set(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value); boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message); boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); } private static final class ReflectionInvoker implements MethodInvoker { protected final Method getMethod; protected final Method getMethodBuilder; protected final Method setMethod; protected final Method hasMethod; protected final Method hasMethodBuilder; protected final Method clearMethod; protected final Method caseMethod; protected final Method caseMethodBuilder; ReflectionInvoker( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass, final String containingOneofCamelCaseName, boolean isOneofField, boolean hasHasMethod) { getMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName); getMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName); Class<?> type = getMethod.getReturnType(); setMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "set" + camelCaseName, type); hasMethod = hasHasMethod ? getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "has" + camelCaseName) : null; hasMethodBuilder = hasHasMethod ? getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "has" + camelCaseName) : null; clearMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "clear" + camelCaseName); caseMethod = isOneofField ? getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + containingOneofCamelCaseName + "Case") : null; caseMethodBuilder = isOneofField ? getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + containingOneofCamelCaseName + "Case") : null; } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invokeOrDie(getMethod, message); } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { return invokeOrDie(getMethodBuilder, builder); } @Override public int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return ((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethod, message)).getNumber(); } @Override public int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { return ((Internal.EnumLite) invokeOrDie(caseMethodBuilder, builder)).getNumber(); } @Override public void set(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value) { invokeOrDie(setMethod, builder, value); } @Override public boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return (Boolean) invokeOrDie(hasMethod, message); } @Override public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { return (Boolean) invokeOrDie(hasMethodBuilder, builder); } @Override public void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { invokeOrDie(clearMethod, builder); } } private static final class MethodHandleInvoker implements MethodInvoker { protected final MethodHandle getMethod; protected final MethodHandle getMethodBuilder; protected final MethodHandle setMethod; protected final MethodHandle hasMethod; protected final MethodHandle hasMethodBuilder; protected final MethodHandle clearMethod; protected final MethodHandle caseMethod; protected final MethodHandle caseMethodBuilder; MethodHandleInvoker(ReflectionInvoker accessor) throws IllegalAccessException { MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.publicLookup(); this.getMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getMethod); this.getMethodBuilder = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getMethodBuilder); this.setMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.setMethod); this.hasMethod = (accessor.hasMethod != null) ? lookup.unreflect(accessor.hasMethod) : null; this.hasMethodBuilder = (accessor.hasMethodBuilder != null) ? lookup.unreflect(accessor.hasMethodBuilder) : null; this.clearMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.clearMethod); this.caseMethod = (accessor.caseMethod != null) ? lookup.unreflect(accessor.caseMethod) : null; this.caseMethodBuilder = (accessor.caseMethodBuilder != null) ? lookup.unreflect(accessor.caseMethodBuilder) : null; } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { try { return getMethod.invoke(message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { return getMethodBuilder.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { try { return ((Internal.EnumLite) caseMethod.invoke(message)).getNumber(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public int getOneofFieldNumber(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { return ((Internal.EnumLite) caseMethodBuilder.invoke(builder)).getNumber(); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public void set(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value) { try { setMethod.invoke(builder, value); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { try { return (Boolean) hasMethod.invoke(message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { return (Boolean) hasMethodBuilder.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { clearMethod.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } } SingularFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass, final String containingOneofCamelCaseName) { isOneofField = descriptor.getContainingOneof() != null; hasHasMethod = supportFieldPresence(descriptor.getFile()) || (!isOneofField && descriptor.getJavaType() == FieldDescriptor.JavaType.MESSAGE); ReflectionInvoker reflectionInvoker = new ReflectionInvoker( descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName, isOneofField, hasHasMethod); field = descriptor; type = reflectionInvoker.getMethod.getReturnType(); invoker = tryGetMethodHandleInvoke(reflectionInvoker); } static MethodInvoker tryGetMethodHandleInvoke(ReflectionInvoker accessor) { if (forTestUseReflection) { return accessor; } try { return new MethodHandleInvoker(accessor); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // Fall back to reflection if MethodHandleInvoker isn't available, // allowing clients that don't want to use method handles to opt out // by deleting the class. return accessor; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Note: We use Java reflection to call public methods rather than // access private fields directly as this avoids runtime security // checks. protected final Class<?> type; protected final FieldDescriptor field; protected final boolean isOneofField; protected final boolean hasHasMethod; protected final MethodInvoker invoker; @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invoker.get(message); } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return invoker.get(builder); } @Override public Object getRaw(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return get(message); } @Override public Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return get(builder); } @Override public void set(final Builder builder, final Object value) { invoker.set(builder, value); } @Override public Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getRepeatedField() called on a singular field."); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldRaw() called on a singular field."); } @Override public Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getRepeatedField() called on a singular field."); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldRaw() called on a singular field."); } @Override public void setRepeated(final Builder builder, final int index, final Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setRepeatedField() called on a singular field."); } @Override public void addRepeated(final Builder builder, final Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("addRepeatedField() called on a singular field."); } @Override public boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { if (!hasHasMethod) { if (isOneofField) { return invoker.getOneofFieldNumber(message) == field.getNumber(); } return !get(message).equals(field.getDefaultValue()); } return invoker.has(message); } @Override public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { if (!hasHasMethod) { if (isOneofField) { return invoker.getOneofFieldNumber(builder) == field.getNumber(); } return !get(builder).equals(field.getDefaultValue()); } return invoker.has(builder); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldSize() called on a singular field."); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldSize() called on a singular field."); } @Override public void clear(final Builder builder) { invoker.clear(builder); } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilder() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "newBuilderForField() called on a non-Message type."); } @Override public Message.Builder getBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } @Override public Message.Builder getRepeatedBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } } private static class RepeatedFieldAccessor implements FieldAccessor { interface MethodInvoker { public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message); public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index); Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, int index); void setRepeated( final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final int index, final Object value); void addRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value); int getRepeatedCount(final GeneratedMessageV3 message); int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder); } private static final class ReflectionInvoker implements MethodInvoker { protected final Method getMethod; protected final Method getMethodBuilder; protected final Method getRepeatedMethod; protected final Method getRepeatedMethodBuilder; protected final Method setRepeatedMethod; protected final Method addRepeatedMethod; protected final Method getCountMethod; protected final Method getCountMethodBuilder; protected final Method clearMethod; ReflectionInvoker( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { getMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "List"); getMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "List"); getRepeatedMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName, Integer.TYPE); getRepeatedMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName, Integer.TYPE); Class<?> type = getRepeatedMethod.getReturnType(); setRepeatedMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "set" + camelCaseName, Integer.TYPE, type); addRepeatedMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "add" + camelCaseName, type); getCountMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Count"); getCountMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Count"); clearMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "clear" + camelCaseName); } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invokeOrDie(getMethod, message); } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { return invokeOrDie(getMethodBuilder, builder); } @Override public Object getRepeated( final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { return invokeOrDie(getRepeatedMethod, message, index); } @Override public Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, int index) { return invokeOrDie(getRepeatedMethodBuilder, builder, index); } @Override public void setRepeated( final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final int index, final Object value) { invokeOrDie(setRepeatedMethod, builder, index, value); } @Override public void addRepeated( final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value) { invokeOrDie(addRepeatedMethod, builder, value); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return (Integer) invokeOrDie(getCountMethod, message); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { return (Integer) invokeOrDie(getCountMethodBuilder, builder); } @Override public void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { invokeOrDie(clearMethod, builder); } } private static final class MethodHandleInvoker implements MethodInvoker { protected final MethodHandle getMethod; protected final MethodHandle getMethodBuilder; protected final MethodHandle getRepeatedMethod; protected final MethodHandle getRepeatedMethodBuilder; protected final MethodHandle setRepeatedMethod; protected final MethodHandle addRepeatedMethod; protected final MethodHandle getCountMethod; protected final MethodHandle getCountMethodBuilder; protected final MethodHandle clearMethod; MethodHandleInvoker(ReflectionInvoker accessor) throws IllegalAccessException { MethodHandles.Lookup lookup = MethodHandles.lookup(); this.getMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getMethod); this.getMethodBuilder = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getMethodBuilder); this.getRepeatedMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getRepeatedMethod); this.getRepeatedMethodBuilder = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getRepeatedMethodBuilder); this.setRepeatedMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.setRepeatedMethod); this.addRepeatedMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.addRepeatedMethod); this.getCountMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getCountMethod); this.getCountMethodBuilder = lookup.unreflect(accessor.getCountMethodBuilder); this.clearMethod = lookup.unreflect(accessor.clearMethod); } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { try { return getMethod.invoke(message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { return getMethodBuilder.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { try { return getRepeatedMethod.invoke(message, index); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, int index) { try { return getRepeatedMethodBuilder.invoke(builder, index); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public void setRepeated( final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final int index, final Object value) { try { setRepeatedMethod.invoke(builder, index, value); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public void addRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder, final Object value) { try { addRepeatedMethod.invoke(builder, value); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { try { return (Integer) getCountMethod.invoke(message); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { return (Integer) getCountMethodBuilder.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } @Override public void clear(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder<?> builder) { try { clearMethod.invoke(builder); } catch (Throwable e) { throw handleException(e); } } } protected final Class type; protected final MethodInvoker invoker; RepeatedFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { ReflectionInvoker reflectionInvoker = new ReflectionInvoker(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass); type = reflectionInvoker.getRepeatedMethod.getReturnType(); invoker = tryGetMethodHandleInvoke(reflectionInvoker); } static MethodInvoker tryGetMethodHandleInvoke(ReflectionInvoker accessor) { if (forTestUseReflection) { return accessor; } try { return new MethodHandleInvoker(accessor); } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { // Fall back to reflection if MethodHandleInvoker isn't available, // allowing clients that don't want to use method handles to opt out // by deleting the class. return accessor; } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invoker.get(message); } @Override public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return invoker.get(builder); } @Override public Object getRaw(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return get(message); } @Override public Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return get(builder); } @Override public void set(final Builder builder, final Object value) { // Add all the elements individually. This serves two purposes: // 1) Verifies that each element has the correct type. // 2) Insures that the caller cannot modify the list later on and // have the modifications be reflected in the message. clear(builder); for (final Object element : (List<?>) value) { addRepeated(builder, element); } } @Override public Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { return invoker.getRepeated(message, index); } @Override public Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { return invoker.getRepeated(builder, index); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3 message, int index) { return getRepeated(message, index); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { return getRepeated(builder, index); } @Override public void setRepeated(final Builder builder, final int index, final Object value) { invoker.setRepeated(builder, index, value); } @Override public void addRepeated(final Builder builder, final Object value) { invoker.addRepeated(builder, value); } @Override public boolean has(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hasField() called on a repeated field."); } @Override public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("hasField() called on a repeated field."); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invoker.getRepeatedCount(message); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return invoker.getRepeatedCount(builder); } @Override public void clear(final Builder builder) { invoker.clear(builder); } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilder() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "newBuilderForField() called on a non-Message type."); } @Override public Message.Builder getBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("getFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } @Override public Message.Builder getRepeatedBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "getRepeatedFieldBuilder() called on a non-Message type."); } } private static class MapFieldAccessor implements FieldAccessor { MapFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { field = descriptor; Method getDefaultInstanceMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "getDefaultInstance"); MapField defaultMapField = getMapField( (GeneratedMessageV3) invokeOrDie(getDefaultInstanceMethod, null)); mapEntryMessageDefaultInstance = defaultMapField.getMapEntryMessageDefaultInstance(); } private final FieldDescriptor field; private final Message mapEntryMessageDefaultInstance; private MapField<?, ?> getMapField(GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return (MapField<?, ?>) message.internalGetMapField(field.getNumber()); } private MapField<?, ?> getMapField(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return (MapField<?, ?>) builder.internalGetMapField(field.getNumber()); } private MapField<?, ?> getMutableMapField( GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return (MapField<?, ?>) builder.internalGetMutableMapField( field.getNumber()); } private Message coerceType(Message value) { if (value == null) { return null; } if (mapEntryMessageDefaultInstance.getClass().isInstance(value)) { return value; } // The value is not the exact right message type. However, if it // is an alternative implementation of the same type -- e.g. a // DynamicMessage -- we should accept it. In this case we can make // a copy of the message. return mapEntryMessageDefaultInstance.toBuilder().mergeFrom(value).build(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object get(GeneratedMessageV3 message) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < getRepeatedCount(message); i++) { result.add(getRepeated(message, i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object get(Builder builder) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < getRepeatedCount(builder); i++) { result.add(getRepeated(builder, i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(result); } @Override public Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return get(message); } @Override public Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return get(builder); } @Override public void set(Builder builder, Object value) { clear(builder); for (Object entry : (List) value) { addRepeated(builder, entry); } } @Override public Object getRepeated(GeneratedMessageV3 message, int index) { return getMapField(message).getList().get(index); } @Override public Object getRepeated(Builder builder, int index) { return getMapField(builder).getList().get(index); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(GeneratedMessageV3 message, int index) { return getRepeated(message, index); } @Override public Object getRepeatedRaw(Builder builder, int index) { return getRepeated(builder, index); } @Override public void setRepeated(Builder builder, int index, Object value) { getMutableMapField(builder).getMutableList().set(index, coerceType((Message) value)); } @Override public void addRepeated(Builder builder, Object value) { getMutableMapField(builder).getMutableList().add(coerceType((Message) value)); } @Override public boolean has(GeneratedMessageV3 message) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "hasField() is not supported for repeated fields."); } @Override public boolean has(Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "hasField() is not supported for repeated fields."); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return getMapField(message).getList().size(); } @Override public int getRepeatedCount(Builder builder) { return getMapField(builder).getList().size(); } @Override public void clear(Builder builder) { getMutableMapField(builder).getMutableList().clear(); } @Override public com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder newBuilder() { return mapEntryMessageDefaultInstance.newBuilderForType(); } @Override public com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder getBuilder(Builder builder) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Nested builder not supported for map fields."); } @Override public com.google.protobuf.Message.Builder getRepeatedBuilder(Builder builder, int index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Nested builder not supported for map fields."); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- private static final class SingularEnumFieldAccessor extends SingularFieldAccessor { SingularEnumFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass, final String containingOneofCamelCaseName) { super(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); enumDescriptor = descriptor.getEnumType(); valueOfMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "valueOf", EnumValueDescriptor.class); getValueDescriptorMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "getValueDescriptor"); supportUnknownEnumValue = descriptor.getFile().supportsUnknownEnumValue(); if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { getValueMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Value"); getValueMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Value"); setValueMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "set" + camelCaseName + "Value", int.class); } } private EnumDescriptor enumDescriptor; private Method valueOfMethod; private Method getValueDescriptorMethod; private boolean supportUnknownEnumValue; private Method getValueMethod; private Method getValueMethodBuilder; private Method setValueMethod; @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { int value = (Integer) invokeOrDie(getValueMethod, message); return enumDescriptor.findValueByNumberCreatingIfUnknown(value); } return invokeOrDie(getValueDescriptorMethod, super.get(message)); } @Override public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { int value = (Integer) invokeOrDie(getValueMethodBuilder, builder); return enumDescriptor.findValueByNumberCreatingIfUnknown(value); } return invokeOrDie(getValueDescriptorMethod, super.get(builder)); } @Override public void set(final Builder builder, final Object value) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { invokeOrDie(setValueMethod, builder, ((EnumValueDescriptor) value).getNumber()); return; } super.set(builder, invokeOrDie(valueOfMethod, null, value)); } } private static final class RepeatedEnumFieldAccessor extends RepeatedFieldAccessor { RepeatedEnumFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { super(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass); enumDescriptor = descriptor.getEnumType(); valueOfMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "valueOf", EnumValueDescriptor.class); getValueDescriptorMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "getValueDescriptor"); supportUnknownEnumValue = descriptor.getFile().supportsUnknownEnumValue(); if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { getRepeatedValueMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Value", int.class); getRepeatedValueMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Value", int.class); setRepeatedValueMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "set" + camelCaseName + "Value", int.class, int.class); addRepeatedValueMethod = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "add" + camelCaseName + "Value", int.class); } } private EnumDescriptor enumDescriptor; private final Method valueOfMethod; private final Method getValueDescriptorMethod; private boolean supportUnknownEnumValue; private Method getRepeatedValueMethod; private Method getRepeatedValueMethodBuilder; private Method setRepeatedValueMethod; private Method addRepeatedValueMethod; @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { final List newList = new ArrayList(); final int size = getRepeatedCount(message); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { newList.add(getRepeated(message, i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(newList); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Object get(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { final List newList = new ArrayList(); final int size = getRepeatedCount(builder); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { newList.add(getRepeated(builder, i)); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(newList); } @Override public Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3 message, final int index) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { int value = (Integer) invokeOrDie(getRepeatedValueMethod, message, index); return enumDescriptor.findValueByNumberCreatingIfUnknown(value); } return invokeOrDie(getValueDescriptorMethod, super.getRepeated(message, index)); } @Override public Object getRepeated(final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, final int index) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { int value = (Integer) invokeOrDie(getRepeatedValueMethodBuilder, builder, index); return enumDescriptor.findValueByNumberCreatingIfUnknown(value); } return invokeOrDie(getValueDescriptorMethod, super.getRepeated(builder, index)); } @Override public void setRepeated(final Builder builder, final int index, final Object value) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { invokeOrDie(setRepeatedValueMethod, builder, index, ((EnumValueDescriptor) value).getNumber()); return; } super.setRepeated(builder, index, invokeOrDie(valueOfMethod, null, value)); } @Override public void addRepeated(final Builder builder, final Object value) { if (supportUnknownEnumValue) { invokeOrDie(addRepeatedValueMethod, builder, ((EnumValueDescriptor) value).getNumber()); return; } super.addRepeated(builder, invokeOrDie(valueOfMethod, null, value)); } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------
Field accessor for string fields.

This class makes getFooBytes() and setFooBytes() available for reflection API so that reflection based serialize/parse functions can access the raw bytes of the field to preserve non-UTF8 bytes in the string.

This ensures the serialize/parse round-trip safety, which is important for servers which forward messages.

/** * Field accessor for string fields. * * <p>This class makes getFooBytes() and setFooBytes() available for * reflection API so that reflection based serialize/parse functions can * access the raw bytes of the field to preserve non-UTF8 bytes in the * string. * * <p>This ensures the serialize/parse round-trip safety, which is important * for servers which forward messages. */
private static final class SingularStringFieldAccessor extends SingularFieldAccessor { SingularStringFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass, final String containingOneofCamelCaseName) { super(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); getBytesMethod = getMethodOrDie(messageClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Bytes"); getBytesMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Bytes"); setBytesMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "set" + camelCaseName + "Bytes", ByteString.class); } private final Method getBytesMethod; private final Method getBytesMethodBuilder; private final Method setBytesMethodBuilder; @Override public Object getRaw(final GeneratedMessageV3 message) { return invokeOrDie(getBytesMethod, message); } @Override public Object getRaw(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return invokeOrDie(getBytesMethodBuilder, builder); } @Override public void set(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, Object value) { if (value instanceof ByteString) { invokeOrDie(setBytesMethodBuilder, builder, value); } else { super.set(builder, value); } } } // --------------------------------------------------------------- private static final class SingularMessageFieldAccessor extends SingularFieldAccessor { SingularMessageFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass, final String containingOneofCamelCaseName) { super(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass, containingOneofCamelCaseName); newBuilderMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "newBuilder"); getBuilderMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Builder"); } private final Method newBuilderMethod; private final Method getBuilderMethodBuilder; private Object coerceType(final Object value) { if (type.isInstance(value)) { return value; } else { // The value is not the exact right message type. However, if it // is an alternative implementation of the same type -- e.g. a // DynamicMessage -- we should accept it. In this case we can make // a copy of the message. return ((Message.Builder) invokeOrDie(newBuilderMethod, null)) .mergeFrom((Message) value) .buildPartial(); } } @Override public void set(final Builder builder, final Object value) { super.set(builder, coerceType(value)); } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilder() { return (Message.Builder) invokeOrDie(newBuilderMethod, null); } @Override public Message.Builder getBuilder(GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder) { return (Message.Builder) invokeOrDie(getBuilderMethodBuilder, builder); } } private static final class RepeatedMessageFieldAccessor extends RepeatedFieldAccessor { RepeatedMessageFieldAccessor( final FieldDescriptor descriptor, final String camelCaseName, final Class<? extends GeneratedMessageV3> messageClass, final Class<? extends Builder> builderClass) { super(descriptor, camelCaseName, messageClass, builderClass); newBuilderMethod = getMethodOrDie(type, "newBuilder"); getBuilderMethodBuilder = getMethodOrDie(builderClass, "get" + camelCaseName + "Builder", Integer.TYPE); } private final Method newBuilderMethod; private final Method getBuilderMethodBuilder; private Object coerceType(final Object value) { if (type.isInstance(value)) { return value; } else { // The value is not the exact right message type. However, if it // is an alternative implementation of the same type -- e.g. a // DynamicMessage -- we should accept it. In this case we can make // a copy of the message. return ((Message.Builder) invokeOrDie(newBuilderMethod, null)) .mergeFrom((Message) value) .build(); } } @Override public void setRepeated(final Builder builder, final int index, final Object value) { super.setRepeated(builder, index, coerceType(value)); } @Override public void addRepeated(final Builder builder, final Object value) { super.addRepeated(builder, coerceType(value)); } @Override public Message.Builder newBuilder() { return (Message.Builder) invokeOrDie(newBuilderMethod, null); } @Override public Message.Builder getRepeatedBuilder( final GeneratedMessageV3.Builder builder, final int index) { return (Message.Builder) invokeOrDie( getBuilderMethodBuilder, builder, index); } } }
Replaces this object in the output stream with a serialized form. Part of Java's serialization magic. Generated sub-classes must override this method by calling return super.writeReplace();
Returns:a SerializedForm of this message
/** * Replaces this object in the output stream with a serialized form. * Part of Java's serialization magic. Generated sub-classes must override * this method by calling {@code return super.writeReplace();} * @return a SerializedForm of this message */
protected Object writeReplace() throws ObjectStreamException { return new GeneratedMessageLite.SerializedForm(this); }
Checks that the Extension is non-Lite and returns it as a GeneratedExtension.
/** * Checks that the {@link Extension} is non-Lite and returns it as a {@link GeneratedExtension}. */
private static <MessageType extends ExtendableMessage<MessageType>, T> Extension<MessageType, T> checkNotLite(ExtensionLite<MessageType, T> extension) { if (extension.isLite()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected non-lite extension."); } return (Extension<MessageType, T>) extension; } protected static int computeStringSize(final int fieldNumber, final Object value) { if (value instanceof String) { return CodedOutputStream.computeStringSize(fieldNumber, (String) value); } else { return CodedOutputStream.computeBytesSize(fieldNumber, (ByteString) value); } } protected static int computeStringSizeNoTag(final Object value) { if (value instanceof String) { return CodedOutputStream.computeStringSizeNoTag((String) value); } else { return CodedOutputStream.computeBytesSizeNoTag((ByteString) value); } } protected static void writeString( CodedOutputStream output, final int fieldNumber, final Object value) throws IOException { if (value instanceof String) { output.writeString(fieldNumber, (String) value); } else { output.writeBytes(fieldNumber, (ByteString) value); } } protected static void writeStringNoTag( CodedOutputStream output, final Object value) throws IOException { if (value instanceof String) { output.writeStringNoTag((String) value); } else { output.writeBytesNoTag((ByteString) value); } } protected static <V> void serializeIntegerMapTo( CodedOutputStream out, MapField<Integer, V> field, MapEntry<Integer, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber) throws IOException { Map<Integer, V> m = field.getMap(); if (!out.isSerializationDeterministic()) { serializeMapTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber); return; } // Sorting the unboxed keys and then look up the values during serialziation is 2x faster // than sorting map entries with a custom comparator directly. int[] keys = new int[m.size()]; int index = 0; for (int k : m.keySet()) { keys[index++] = k; } Arrays.sort(keys); for (int key : keys) { out.writeMessage(fieldNumber, defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(key) .setValue(m.get(key)) .build()); } } protected static <V> void serializeLongMapTo( CodedOutputStream out, MapField<Long, V> field, MapEntry<Long, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber) throws IOException { Map<Long, V> m = field.getMap(); if (!out.isSerializationDeterministic()) { serializeMapTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber); return; } long[] keys = new long[m.size()]; int index = 0; for (long k : m.keySet()) { keys[index++] = k; } Arrays.sort(keys); for (long key : keys) { out.writeMessage(fieldNumber, defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(key) .setValue(m.get(key)) .build()); } } protected static <V> void serializeStringMapTo( CodedOutputStream out, MapField<String, V> field, MapEntry<String, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber) throws IOException { Map<String, V> m = field.getMap(); if (!out.isSerializationDeterministic()) { serializeMapTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber); return; } // Sorting the String keys and then look up the values during serialziation is 25% faster than // sorting map entries with a custom comparator directly. String[] keys = new String[m.size()]; keys = m.keySet().toArray(keys); Arrays.sort(keys); for (String key : keys) { out.writeMessage(fieldNumber, defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(key) .setValue(m.get(key)) .build()); } } protected static <V> void serializeBooleanMapTo( CodedOutputStream out, MapField<Boolean, V> field, MapEntry<Boolean, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber) throws IOException { Map<Boolean, V> m = field.getMap(); if (!out.isSerializationDeterministic()) { serializeMapTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber); return; } maybeSerializeBooleanEntryTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber, false); maybeSerializeBooleanEntryTo(out, m, defaultEntry, fieldNumber, true); } private static <V> void maybeSerializeBooleanEntryTo( CodedOutputStream out, Map<Boolean, V> m, MapEntry<Boolean, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber, boolean key) throws IOException { if (m.containsKey(key)) { out.writeMessage(fieldNumber, defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(key) .setValue(m.get(key)) .build()); } }
Serialize the map using the iteration order.
/** Serialize the map using the iteration order. */
private static <K, V> void serializeMapTo( CodedOutputStream out, Map<K, V> m, MapEntry<K, V> defaultEntry, int fieldNumber) throws IOException { for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : m.entrySet()) { out.writeMessage(fieldNumber, defaultEntry.newBuilderForType() .setKey(entry.getKey()) .setValue(entry.getValue()) .build()); } } }