 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Guava Authors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package com.google.common.graph;

import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState;
import static com.google.common.graph.GraphConstants.PARALLEL_EDGES_NOT_ALLOWED;
import static com.google.common.graph.GraphConstants.REUSING_EDGE;
import static com.google.common.graph.GraphConstants.SELF_LOOPS_NOT_ALLOWED;

import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.errorprone.annotations.CanIgnoreReturnValue;

Configurable implementation of MutableNetwork that supports both directed and undirected graphs. Instances of this class should be constructed with NetworkBuilder.

Time complexities for mutation methods are all O(1) except for removeNode(N node), which is in O(d_node) where d_node is the degree of node.

Author:James Sexton, Joshua O'Madadhain, Omar Darwish
Type parameters:
  • <N> – Node parameter type
  • <E> – Edge parameter type
/** * Configurable implementation of {@link MutableNetwork} that supports both directed and undirected * graphs. Instances of this class should be constructed with {@link NetworkBuilder}. * * <p>Time complexities for mutation methods are all O(1) except for {@code removeNode(N node)}, * which is in O(d_node) where d_node is the degree of {@code node}. * * @author James Sexton * @author Joshua O'Madadhain * @author Omar Darwish * @param <N> Node parameter type * @param <E> Edge parameter type */
final class ConfigurableMutableNetwork<N, E> extends ConfigurableNetwork<N, E> implements MutableNetwork<N, E> {
Constructs a mutable graph with the properties specified in builder.
/** Constructs a mutable graph with the properties specified in {@code builder}. */
ConfigurableMutableNetwork(NetworkBuilder<? super N, ? super E> builder) { super(builder); } @Override @CanIgnoreReturnValue public boolean addNode(N node) { checkNotNull(node, "node"); if (containsNode(node)) { return false; } addNodeInternal(node); return true; }
Adds node to the graph and returns the associated NetworkConnections.
/** * Adds {@code node} to the graph and returns the associated {@link NetworkConnections}. * * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code node} is already present */
@CanIgnoreReturnValue private NetworkConnections<N, E> addNodeInternal(N node) { NetworkConnections<N, E> connections = newConnections(); checkState(nodeConnections.put(node, connections) == null); return connections; } @Override @CanIgnoreReturnValue public boolean addEdge(N nodeU, N nodeV, E edge) { checkNotNull(nodeU, "nodeU"); checkNotNull(nodeV, "nodeV"); checkNotNull(edge, "edge"); if (containsEdge(edge)) { EndpointPair<N> existingIncidentNodes = incidentNodes(edge); EndpointPair<N> newIncidentNodes = EndpointPair.of(this, nodeU, nodeV); checkArgument( existingIncidentNodes.equals(newIncidentNodes), REUSING_EDGE, edge, existingIncidentNodes, newIncidentNodes); return false; } NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsU = nodeConnections.get(nodeU); if (!allowsParallelEdges()) { checkArgument( !(connectionsU != null && connectionsU.successors().contains(nodeV)), PARALLEL_EDGES_NOT_ALLOWED, nodeU, nodeV); } boolean isSelfLoop = nodeU.equals(nodeV); if (!allowsSelfLoops()) { checkArgument(!isSelfLoop, SELF_LOOPS_NOT_ALLOWED, nodeU); } if (connectionsU == null) { connectionsU = addNodeInternal(nodeU); } connectionsU.addOutEdge(edge, nodeV); NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsV = nodeConnections.get(nodeV); if (connectionsV == null) { connectionsV = addNodeInternal(nodeV); } connectionsV.addInEdge(edge, nodeU, isSelfLoop); edgeToReferenceNode.put(edge, nodeU); return true; } @Override @CanIgnoreReturnValue public boolean removeNode(N node) { checkNotNull(node, "node"); NetworkConnections<N, E> connections = nodeConnections.get(node); if (connections == null) { return false; } // Since views are returned, we need to copy the edges that will be removed. // Thus we avoid modifying the underlying view while iterating over it. for (E edge : ImmutableList.copyOf(connections.incidentEdges())) { removeEdge(edge); } nodeConnections.remove(node); return true; } @Override @CanIgnoreReturnValue public boolean removeEdge(E edge) { checkNotNull(edge, "edge"); N nodeU = edgeToReferenceNode.get(edge); if (nodeU == null) { return false; } NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsU = nodeConnections.get(nodeU); N nodeV = connectionsU.adjacentNode(edge); NetworkConnections<N, E> connectionsV = nodeConnections.get(nodeV); connectionsU.removeOutEdge(edge); connectionsV.removeInEdge(edge, allowsSelfLoops() && nodeU.equals(nodeV)); edgeToReferenceNode.remove(edge); return true; } private NetworkConnections<N, E> newConnections() { return isDirected() ? allowsParallelEdges() ? DirectedMultiNetworkConnections.<N, E>of() : DirectedNetworkConnections.<N, E>of() : allowsParallelEdges() ? UndirectedMultiNetworkConnections.<N, E>of() : UndirectedNetworkConnections.<N, E>of(); } }