// Copyright 2017 Google Inc.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package com.google.crypto.tink.subtle;

import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;
import java.security.KeyFactory;
import java.security.KeyPairGenerator;
import java.security.MessageDigest;
import java.security.Provider;
import java.security.Security;
import java.security.Signature;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import javax.crypto.Cipher;
import javax.crypto.KeyAgreement;
import javax.crypto.Mac;

A factory that returns JCE engines, using pre-specified j.security.Providers.

This class contains a lot of static factories and static functions returning factories: these allow customization and hide the typing complexity in this class. To use this class, import it, and replace your Cipher.getInstance(...) with EngineFactory.CIPHER.getInstance(...).

/** * A factory that returns JCE engines, using pre-specified j.security.Providers. * * <p>This class contains a lot of static factories and static functions returning factories: these * allow customization and hide the typing complexity in this class. To use this class, import it, * and replace your <code>Cipher.getInstance(...)</code> with <code> * EngineFactory.CIPHER.getInstance(...)</code>. * * @since 1.0.0 */
public final class EngineFactory<T_WRAPPER extends EngineWrapper<T_ENGINE>, T_ENGINE> { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(EngineFactory.class.getName()); private static final List<Provider> defaultPolicy; private static final boolean DEFAULT_LET_FALLBACK = true; // Warning: keep this above the initialization of static providers below. or you'll get null // pointer errors (due to this policy not being initialized). static { if (SubtleUtil.isAndroid()) { // TODO(thaidn): test this when Android building and testing are supported. defaultPolicy = toProviderList( "GmsCore_OpenSSL" /* Conscrypt in GmsCore, updatable thus preferrable */, "AndroidOpenSSL" /* Conscrypt in AOSP, not updatable but still better than BC */); } else { defaultPolicy = new ArrayList<Provider>(); } } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TCipher, Cipher> CIPHER = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TCipher()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TCipher, Cipher> getCustomCipherProvider( boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TCipher, Cipher>( new EngineWrapper.TCipher(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMac, Mac> MAC = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TMac()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMac, Mac> getCustomMacProvider( boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMac, Mac>( new EngineWrapper.TMac(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TSignature, Signature> SIGNATURE = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TSignature()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TSignature, Signature> getCustomSignatureProvider( boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TSignature, Signature>( new EngineWrapper.TSignature(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMessageDigest, MessageDigest> MESSAGE_DIGEST = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TMessageDigest()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMessageDigest, MessageDigest> getCustomMessageDigestProvider(boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TMessageDigest, MessageDigest>( new EngineWrapper.TMessageDigest(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyAgreement, KeyAgreement> KEY_AGREEMENT = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TKeyAgreement()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyAgreement, KeyAgreement> getCustomKeyAgreementProvider(boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyAgreement, KeyAgreement>( new EngineWrapper.TKeyAgreement(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyPairGenerator, KeyPairGenerator> KEY_PAIR_GENERATOR = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TKeyPairGenerator()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyPairGenerator, KeyPairGenerator> getCustomKeyPairGeneratorProvider(boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyPairGenerator, KeyPairGenerator>( new EngineWrapper.TKeyPairGenerator(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); } public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyFactory, KeyFactory> KEY_FACTORY = new EngineFactory<>(new EngineWrapper.TKeyFactory()); public static final EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyFactory, KeyFactory> getCustomKeyFactoryProvider(boolean letFallbackToDefault, String... providerNames) { return new EngineFactory<EngineWrapper.TKeyFactory, KeyFactory>( new EngineWrapper.TKeyFactory(), toProviderList(providerNames), letFallbackToDefault); }
Helper function to get a list of Providers from names.
/** Helper function to get a list of Providers from names. */
public static List<Provider> toProviderList(String... providerNames) { List<Provider> providers = new ArrayList<Provider>(); for (String s : providerNames) { Provider p = Security.getProvider(s); if (p != null) { providers.add(p); } else { logger.info(String.format("Provider %s not available", s)); } } return providers; } public EngineFactory(T_WRAPPER instanceBuilder) { this.instanceBuilder = instanceBuilder; this.policy = defaultPolicy; this.letFallback = DEFAULT_LET_FALLBACK; } public EngineFactory(T_WRAPPER instanceBuilder, List<Provider> policy) { this.instanceBuilder = instanceBuilder; this.policy = policy; this.letFallback = DEFAULT_LET_FALLBACK; } public EngineFactory(T_WRAPPER instanceBuilder, List<Provider> policy, boolean letFallback) { this.instanceBuilder = instanceBuilder; this.policy = policy; this.letFallback = letFallback; } public T_ENGINE getInstance(String algorithm) throws GeneralSecurityException { Exception cause = null; for (Provider provider : this.policy) { try { return this.instanceBuilder.getInstance(algorithm, provider); } catch (Exception e) { if (cause == null) { cause = e; } } } if (letFallback) { return this.instanceBuilder.getInstance(algorithm, null); } throw new GeneralSecurityException("No good Provider found.", cause); } private T_WRAPPER instanceBuilder; private List<Provider> policy; private boolean letFallback; }