


Abstract base class that implements shared functionality that all current WstxInputSource implementations Woodstox includes need.
/** * Abstract base class that implements shared functionality that all current * {@link WstxInputSource} implementations Woodstox includes need. */
public abstract class BaseInputSource extends WstxInputSource { final String mPublicId;
URL for/from systemId points to original source of input, if known; null if not known (source constructed with just a stream or reader). Used for resolving references from the input that's read from this source. Can be overridden by reader; done if P_BASE_URL is changed on stream reader for which this input source is the currently active input source.
/** * URL for/from systemId points to original source of input, if known; null if not * known (source constructed with just a stream or reader). Used for * resolving references from the input that's read from this source. * Can be overridden by reader; done if P_BASE_URL is changed on * stream reader for which this input source is the currently * active input source. */
SystemId mSystemId;
Input buffer this input source uses, if any.
/** * Input buffer this input source uses, if any. */
protected char[] mBuffer;
Length of the buffer, if buffer used
/** * Length of the buffer, if buffer used */
protected int mInputLast; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Saved location information; active information is directly // handled by Reader, and then saved to input source when switching // to a nested input source. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
Number of characters read from the current input source prior to the current buffer
/** * Number of characters read from the current input source prior to * the current buffer */
long mSavedInputProcessed = 0; int mSavedInputRow = 1; int mSavedInputRowStart = 0; int mSavedInputPtr = 0; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Some simple lazy-loading/reusing support... //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ transient WstxInputLocation mParentLocation = null; /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Life-cycle //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ protected BaseInputSource(WstxInputSource parent, String fromEntity, String publicId, SystemId systemId) { super(parent, fromEntity); mSystemId = systemId; mPublicId = publicId; } @Override public void overrideSource(URL src) { //19-May-2014, tatu: I assume this should also override observed systemId... mSystemId = SystemId.construct(src); } @Override public abstract boolean fromInternalEntity(); @Override public URL getSource() throws IOException { return (mSystemId == null) ? null : mSystemId.asURL(); } @Override public String getPublicId() { return mPublicId; } @Override public String getSystemId() { return (mSystemId == null) ? null : mSystemId.toString(); } @Override protected abstract void doInitInputLocation(WstxInputData reader); @Override public abstract int readInto(WstxInputData reader) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; @Override public abstract boolean readMore(WstxInputData reader, int minAmount) throws IOException, XMLStreamException; @Override public void saveContext(WstxInputData reader) { // First actual input data mSavedInputPtr = reader.mInputPtr; // then location mSavedInputProcessed = reader.mCurrInputProcessed; mSavedInputRow = reader.mCurrInputRow; mSavedInputRowStart = reader.mCurrInputRowStart; } @Override public void restoreContext(WstxInputData reader) { reader.mInputBuffer = mBuffer; reader.mInputEnd = mInputLast; reader.mInputPtr = mSavedInputPtr; // then location reader.mCurrInputProcessed = mSavedInputProcessed; reader.mCurrInputRow = mSavedInputRow; reader.mCurrInputRowStart = mSavedInputRowStart; } @Override public abstract void close() throws IOException; /* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods for accessing location information ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */
This method only gets called by the 'child' input source (for example, contents of an expanded entity), to get the enclosing context location.
/** * This method only gets called by the 'child' input source (for example, * contents of an expanded entity), to get the enclosing context location. */
@Override protected final WstxInputLocation getLocation() { // Note: columns are 1-based, need to add 1. return getLocation(mSavedInputProcessed + mSavedInputPtr - 1L, mSavedInputRow, mSavedInputPtr - mSavedInputRowStart + 1); } @Override public final WstxInputLocation getLocation(long total, int row, int col) { WstxInputLocation pl; if (mParent == null) { pl = null; } else { /* 13-Apr-2005, TSa: We can actually reuse parent location, since * it can not change during lifetime of this child context... */ pl = mParentLocation; if (pl == null) { mParentLocation = pl = mParent.getLocation(); } pl = mParent.getLocation(); } /* !!! 15-Apr-2005, TSa: This will cause overflow for total count, * but since StAX 1.0 API doesn't have any way to deal with that, * let's just let that be... */ return new WstxInputLocation(pl, getPublicId(), getSystemId(), total, row, col); } }