/* Woodstox XML processor
 * Copyright (c) 2004 Tatu Saloranta, tatu.saloranta@iki.fi
 * Licensed under the License specified in file LICENSE, included with
 * the source code.
 * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.ctc.wstx.io;

import java.io.Serializable;

import javax.xml.stream.Location;

import org.codehaus.stax2.XMLStreamLocation2;

import com.ctc.wstx.util.StringUtil;

Basic implementation of Location, used by Wstx readers.
/** * Basic implementation of {@link Location}, used by Wstx readers. */
public class WstxInputLocation implements Serializable, XMLStreamLocation2 { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private final static WstxInputLocation sEmptyLocation = new WstxInputLocation(null, "", "", -1, -1, -1);
Enclosing (parent) input location; location from which current location is derived.
/** * Enclosing (parent) input location; location from which current * location is derived. */
final protected WstxInputLocation mContext; final protected String mPublicId, mSystemId; final protected long mCharOffset; final protected int mCol, mRow; transient protected String mDesc = null;
  • ctxt – Enclosing input location, if any
/** * @param ctxt Enclosing input location, if any */
public WstxInputLocation(WstxInputLocation ctxt, String pubId, String sysId, long charOffset, int row, int col) { mContext = ctxt; mPublicId = pubId; mSystemId = sysId; /* Overflow? Can obviously only handle limited range of overflows, * but let's do that at least? */ mCharOffset = charOffset; mCol = col; mRow = row; } public WstxInputLocation(WstxInputLocation ctxt, String pubId, SystemId sysId, long charOffset, int row, int col) { mContext = ctxt; mPublicId = pubId; mSystemId = (sysId == null) ? "N/A" : sysId.toString(); mCharOffset = charOffset; mCol = col; mRow = row; } public static WstxInputLocation getEmptyLocation() { return sEmptyLocation; } public long getCharacterOffsetLong() { return mCharOffset; } @Override public int getCharacterOffset() { return (int)mCharOffset; } @Override public int getColumnNumber() { return mCol; } @Override public int getLineNumber() { return mRow; } @Override public String getPublicId() { return mPublicId; } @Override public String getSystemId() { return mSystemId; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StAX 2 API: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public XMLStreamLocation2 getContext() { return mContext; } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Overridden standard methods //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ @Override public String toString() { if (mDesc == null) { StringBuilder sb; if (mContext != null) { sb = new StringBuilder(200); } else { sb = new StringBuilder(80); } appendDesc(sb); mDesc = sb.toString(); } return mDesc; } @Override public int hashCode() { return ((int)mCharOffset) ^ (int)(0xffffffff & mCharOffset >> 32) ^ mRow ^ mCol + (mCol << 3); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof WstxInputLocation)) { return false; } WstxInputLocation other = (WstxInputLocation) o; // char offset should be good enough, without row/col: if (other.getCharacterOffsetLong() != getCharacterOffsetLong()) { return false; } String otherPub = other.getPublicId(); if (otherPub == null) { otherPub = ""; } if (!otherPub.equals(mPublicId)) { return false; } String otherSys = other.getSystemId(); if (otherSys == null) { otherSys = ""; } return otherSys.equals(mSystemId); } /* //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Internal methods: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ private void appendDesc(StringBuilder sb) { String srcId; if (mSystemId != null) { sb.append("[row,col,system-id]: "); srcId = mSystemId; } else if (mPublicId != null) { sb.append("[row,col,public-id]: "); srcId = mPublicId; } else { sb.append("[row,col {unknown-source}]: "); srcId = null; } sb.append('['); sb.append(mRow); sb.append(','); sb.append(mCol); // Uncomment for testing, to see the char offset: //sb.append(" #").append(mCharOffset); //sb.append("{").append(System.identityHashCode(this)).append("}"); if (srcId != null) { sb.append(','); sb.append('"'); sb.append(srcId); sb.append('"'); } sb.append(']'); if (mContext != null) { StringUtil.appendLF(sb); sb.append(" from "); mContext.appendDesc(sb); } } }