package com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.base.GeneratorBase;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.json.JsonWriteContext;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.util.JacksonFeatureSet;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema.FieldType;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema.ProtobufField;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema.ProtobufMessage;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema.ProtobufSchema;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.protobuf.schema.WireType;

public class ProtobufGenerator extends GeneratorBase
    /* Constants

Since our context object does NOT implement standard write context, need to do something like use a placeholder...
/** * Since our context object does NOT implement standard write context, need * to do something like use a placeholder... */
protected final static JsonWriteContext BOGUS_WRITE_CONTEXT = JsonWriteContext.createRootContext(null);
This instance is used as a placeholder for cases where we do not know actual field and want to simply skip over any values that caller tries to write for it.
/** * This instance is used as a placeholder for cases where we do not know * actual field and want to simply skip over any values that caller tries * to write for it. */
protected final static ProtobufField UNKNOWN_FIELD = ProtobufField.unknownField();
This is used as a placeholder for case where we don't have an actual message to use, but know (from context) that one is expected.
/** * This is used as a placeholder for case where we don't have an actual message * to use, but know (from context) that one is expected. */
protected final static ProtobufMessage UNKNOWN_MESSAGE = ProtobufMessage.bogusMessage("<unknown>"); /* /********************************************************** /* Configuration /********************************************************** */ final protected IOContext _ioContext; protected ProtobufSchema _schema; /* /********************************************************** /* Output state /********************************************************** */
Reference to the root context since that is needed for serialization
/** * Reference to the root context since that is needed for serialization */
protected ProtobufWriteContext _rootContext; protected boolean _inObject;
Flag that indicates whether values should be written with tag or not; false for packed arrays, true for others.
/** * Flag that indicates whether values should be written with tag or not; * false for packed arrays, true for others. */
protected boolean _writeTag;
Flag that is set when the whole content is complete, can be output.
/** * Flag that is set when the whole content is complete, can * be output. */
protected boolean _complete;
Type of protobuf message that is currently being output: usually matches write context, but for arrays may indicate "parent" of array.
/** * Type of protobuf message that is currently being output: usually * matches write context, but for arrays may indicate "parent" of array. */
protected ProtobufMessage _currMessage;
Field to be output next; set when JsonToken.FIELD_NAME is written, cleared once value has been written
/** * Field to be output next; set when {@link JsonToken#FIELD_NAME} is written, * cleared once value has been written */
protected ProtobufField _currField; /* /********************************************************** /* Output buffering /********************************************************** */
Ultimate destination
/** * Ultimate destination */
final protected OutputStream _output;
Object used in cases where we need to buffer content to calculate length-prefix.
/** * Object used in cases where we need to buffer content to calculate length-prefix. */
protected ByteAccumulator _buffered;
Current context, in form we can use it.
/** * Current context, in form we can use it. */
protected ProtobufWriteContext _pbContext;
Currently active output buffer, place where appends occur.
/** * Currently active output buffer, place where appends occur. */
protected byte[] _currBuffer; // TODO: remove work around in 2.8?
The first allocated (or recycled) buffer instance; needed to avoid issue [dataformat-protobuf#14].
/** * The first allocated (or recycled) buffer instance; needed to avoid * issue [dataformat-protobuf#14]. */
protected byte[] _origCurrBuffer; protected int _currStart; protected int _currPtr; /* /********************************************************** /* Life-cycle /********************************************************** */ public ProtobufGenerator(IOContext ctxt, int jsonFeatures, ObjectCodec codec, OutputStream output) throws IOException { super(jsonFeatures, codec, BOGUS_WRITE_CONTEXT); _ioContext = ctxt; _output = output; _pbContext = _rootContext = ProtobufWriteContext.createNullContext(); _currBuffer = _origCurrBuffer = ctxt.allocWriteEncodingBuffer(); } public void setSchema(ProtobufSchema schema) { if (_schema == schema) { return; } _schema = schema; // start with temporary root... // _currentContext = _rootContext = ProtobufWriteContext.createRootContext(this, schema); _pbContext = _rootContext = ProtobufWriteContext.createRootContext(schema.getRootType()); } @Override public Object getCurrentValue() { return _pbContext.getCurrentValue(); } @Override public void setCurrentValue(Object v) { _pbContext.setCurrentValue(v); } /* /********************************************************** /* Versioned /********************************************************** */ @Override public Version version() { return PackageVersion.VERSION; } /* /********************************************************** /* Capability introspection /********************************************************** */ @Override // since 2.10 public boolean canWriteBinaryNatively() { return true; } @Override // @since 2.12 public JacksonFeatureSet<StreamWriteCapability> getWriteCapabilities() { return DEFAULT_BINARY_WRITE_CAPABILITIES; } @Override public boolean canUseSchema(FormatSchema schema) { return (schema instanceof ProtobufSchema); } /* /********************************************************** /* Overridden methods, configuration /********************************************************** */
Not sure whether to throw an exception or just do no-op; for now, latter.
/** * Not sure whether to throw an exception or just do no-op; for now, * latter. */
@Override public ProtobufGenerator useDefaultPrettyPrinter() { return this; } @Override public ProtobufGenerator setPrettyPrinter(PrettyPrinter pp) { return this; } @Override public Object getOutputTarget() { return _output; }
Calculating actual amount of buffering is somewhat complicated, and can not necessarily give 100% accurate answer due to presence of VInt encoding for length indicators. So, for now, we'll respond "don't know": this may be improved if and as needed.
/** * Calculating actual amount of buffering is somewhat complicated, and can not * necessarily give 100% accurate answer due to presence of VInt encoding for * length indicators. So, for now, we'll respond "don't know": this may be * improved if and as needed. */
@Override public int getOutputBuffered() { return -1; } @Override public ProtobufSchema getSchema() { return _schema; } @Override public void setSchema(FormatSchema schema) { if (!(schema instanceof ProtobufSchema)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can not use FormatSchema of type " +schema.getClass().getName()); } setSchema((ProtobufSchema) schema); } /* /********************************************************************** /* Overridden methods; writing field names /********************************************************************** */ /* And then methods overridden to make final, streamline some * aspects... */ @Override public final void writeFieldName(String name) throws IOException { if (!_inObject) { _reportError("Can not write field name: current context not Object but "+_pbContext.typeDesc()); } ProtobufField f = _currField; // important: use current field only if NOT repeated field; repeated // field means an array until START_OBJECT if (f != null && _pbContext.notArray()) { f = f.nextIf(name); if (f == null) { f = _currMessage.field(name); } } else { f = _currMessage.firstIf(name); } if (f == null) { // May be ok, if we have said so if ((_currMessage == UNKNOWN_MESSAGE) || isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.IGNORE_UNKNOWN)) { f = UNKNOWN_FIELD; } else { _reportError("Unrecognized field '"+name+"' (in Message of type "+_currMessage.getName() +"); known fields are: "+_currMessage.fieldsAsString()); } } _pbContext.setField(f); _currField = f; } @Override public final void writeFieldName(SerializableString sstr) throws IOException { if (!_inObject) { _reportError("Can not write field name: current context not Object but "+_pbContext.typeDesc()); } ProtobufField f = _currField; final String name = sstr.getValue(); // important: use current field only if NOT repeated field; repeated // field means an array until START_OBJECT // NOTE: not ideal -- depends on if it really is sibling field of an array, // or an entry within if (f != null && _pbContext.notArray()) { f = f.nextIf(name); if (f == null) { f = _currMessage.field(name); } } else { f = _currMessage.firstIf(name); } if (f == null) { // May be ok, if we have said so if ((_currMessage == UNKNOWN_MESSAGE) || isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.IGNORE_UNKNOWN)) { f = UNKNOWN_FIELD; } else { _reportError("Unrecognized field '"+name+"' (in Message of type "+_currMessage.getName() +"); known fields are: "+_currMessage.fieldsAsString()); } } _pbContext.setField(f); _currField = f; } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API: low-level I/O /********************************************************** */ @Override public final void flush() throws IOException { // can only flush if we do not need accumulation for length prefixes if (_buffered == null) { int start = _currStart; int len = _currPtr - start; if (len > 0) { _currStart = 0; _currPtr = 0; _output.write(_currBuffer, start, len); } } if (isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)) { _output.flush(); } } @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); if (isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_JSON_CONTENT)) { ProtobufWriteContext ctxt; while ((ctxt = _pbContext) != null) { if (ctxt.inArray()) { writeEndArray(); } else if (ctxt.inObject()) { writeEndObject(); } else { break; } } } // May need to finalize... if (!_complete) { _complete(); } if (_output != null) { if (_ioContext.isResourceManaged() || isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.AUTO_CLOSE_TARGET)) { _output.close(); } else if (isEnabled(JsonGenerator.Feature.FLUSH_PASSED_TO_STREAM)) { // 14-Jan-2019, tatu: [dataformats-binary#155]: unless prevented via feature // If we can't close it, we should at least flush _output.flush(); } } // Internal buffer(s) generator has can now be released as well _releaseBuffers(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Public API: structural output /********************************************************** */ @Override public final void writeStartArray() throws IOException { // First: arrays only legal as Message (~= Object) fields: if (!_inObject) { _reportError("Current context not an OBJECT, can not write arrays"); } if (_currField == null) { // just a sanity check _reportError("Can not write START_ARRAY without field (message type "+_currMessage.getName()+")"); return; // never gets here but code analyzers can't see that } if (!_currField.isArray()) { _reportError("Can not write START_ARRAY: field '""' not declared as 'repeated'"); } // NOTE: do NOT clear _currField; needed for actual element type _pbContext = _pbContext.createChildArrayContext(); _writeTag = !_currField.packed; /* Unpacked vs packed: if unpacked, nothing special is needed, since it * is equivalent to just replicating same field N times. * With packed, need length prefix, all that stuff, so need accumulator */ if (!_writeTag) { // packed // note: tag SHOULD be written for array itself, but not contents _startBuffering(_currField.typedTag); } } @Override public final void writeEndArray() throws IOException { if (!_pbContext.inArray()) { _reportError("Current context not Array but "+_pbContext.typeDesc()); } _pbContext = _pbContext.getParent(); if (_pbContext.inRoot()) { if (!_complete) { _complete(); } _inObject = false; } else { _inObject = _pbContext.inObject(); } // no arrays inside arrays, so parent can't be array and so: _writeTag = true; // but, did we just end up packed array? if (_currField.packed) { _finishBuffering(); } } @Override public final void writeStartObject() throws IOException { if (_currField == null) { // root? if (!_pbContext.inRoot()) { _reportError("Can not write START_OBJECT without field (message type "+_currMessage.getName()+")"); } _currMessage = _schema.getRootType(); // note: no buffering on root } else { // but also, field value must be Message if so if (!_currField.isObject) { _reportError("Can not write START_OBJECT: type of field '""' not Message but: "+_currField.type); } _currMessage = _currField.getMessageType(); // and we need to start buffering, or add more nesting // but we may or may not want to write tag for object if (_writeTag) { _startBuffering(_currField.typedTag); } else { _startBuffering(); } } if (_inObject) { _pbContext = _pbContext.createChildObjectContext(_currMessage); _currField = null; } else { // must be array, then _pbContext = _pbContext.createChildObjectContext(_currMessage); // but do NOT clear next field here _inObject = true; } // even if within array, object fields use tags _writeTag = true; } @Override public final void writeEndObject() throws IOException { if (!_inObject) { _reportError("Current context not Object but "+_pbContext.typeDesc()); } _pbContext = _pbContext.getParent(); if (_pbContext.inRoot()) { if (!_complete) { _complete(); } } else { _currMessage = _pbContext.getMessageType(); } _currField = _pbContext.getField(); // possible that we might be within array, which might be packed: boolean inObj = _pbContext.inObject(); _inObject = inObj; _writeTag = inObj || !_pbContext.inArray() || !_currField.packed; if (_buffered != null) { // null for root _finishBuffering(); } } @Override public void writeArray(int[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException { _verifyArrayWrite(array); _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length); // one minor optimization: empty arrays do not produce anything if (length > 0) { // NOTE: as a short-cut, leave out construction of intermediate ARRAY final int end = offset+length; if (_currField.packed) { _writePackedArray(array, offset, end); } else { _writeNonPackedArray(array, offset, end); } // and then pieces of END_ARRAY _writeTag = true; } } @Override public void writeArray(long[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException { _verifyArrayWrite(array); _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length); // one minor optimization: empty arrays do not produce anything if (length > 0) { // NOTE: as a short-cut, leave out construction of intermediate ARRAY final int end = offset+length; if (_currField.packed) { _writePackedArray(array, offset, end); } else { _writeNonPackedArray(array, offset, end); } // and then pieces of END_ARRAY _writeTag = true; } } @Override public void writeArray(double[] array, int offset, int length) throws IOException { _verifyArrayWrite(array); _verifyOffsets(array.length, offset, length); // one minor optimization: empty arrays do not produce anything if (length > 0) { // NOTE: as a short-cut, leave out construction of intermediate ARRAY final int end = offset+length; if (_currField.packed) { _writePackedArray(array, offset, end); } else { _writeNonPackedArray(array, offset, end); } // and then pieces of END_ARRAY _writeTag = true; } } private void _verifyArrayWrite(Object array) throws IOException { if (array == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array"); } if (!_inObject) { _reportError("Current context not an OBJECT, can not write arrays"); } if (_currField == null) { // inlined _verifyValueWrite _reportError("Can not write START_ARRAY without field (message type "+_currMessage.getName()+")"); return; // never gets here but need to help code analyzers } if (!_currField.isArray()) { _reportError("Can not write START_ARRAY: field '""' not declared as 'repeated'"); } } private void _writePackedArray(int[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { _startBuffering(_currField.typedTag); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { final boolean zigzag = _currField.usesZigZag; for (; i < end; ++i) { int v = array[i]; if (zigzag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } _writeVIntNoTag(v); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt32NoTag(array[i]); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64NoTag(array[i]); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("int"); } _finishBuffering(); } private void _writePackedArray(long[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { _startBuffering(_currField.typedTag); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { final boolean zigzag = _currField.usesZigZag; for (; i < end; ++i) { long v = array[i]; if (zigzag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } _writeVLongNoTag(v); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt32NoTag((int) array[i]); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64NoTag(array[i]); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("int"); } _finishBuffering(); } private void _writePackedArray(double[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { _startBuffering(_currField.typedTag); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64NoTag(Double.doubleToLongBits( array[i])); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { // should we support such coercion? for (; i < end; ++i) { float f = (float) array[i]; _writeInt32NoTag(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("double"); } _finishBuffering(); } private void _writeNonPackedArray(int[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { final boolean zigzag = _currField.usesZigZag; for (; i < end; ++i) { int v = array[i]; if (zigzag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } _writeVInt(v); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt32(array[i]); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64(array[i]); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("int"); } } private void _writeNonPackedArray(long[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { final boolean zigzag = _currField.usesZigZag; for (; i < end; ++i) { long v = array[i]; if (zigzag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } _writeVLong(v); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt32((int) array[i]); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64(array[i]); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("int"); } } private void _writeNonPackedArray(double[] array, int i, int end) throws IOException { final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { for (; i < end; ++i) { _writeInt64(Double.doubleToLongBits( array[i])); } } else if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { // should we support such coercion? for (; i < end; ++i) { float f = (float) array[i]; _writeInt32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); } } else { _reportWrongWireType("double"); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, textual /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeString(String text) throws IOException { if (text == null) { writeNull(); return; } if (_currField.wireType != WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { _writeEnum(text); return; } // Couple of choices; short (guaranteed to have length <= 127); medium (guaranteed // to fit in single buffer); and large (something else) final int clen = text.length(); // since max encoded = 3*42 == 126, could check for 42 (ta-dah!) // ... or, speculate that we commonly get Ascii anyway, and just occasionally need to move if (clen > 99) { _encodeLongerString(text); return; } if (clen == 0) { _writeEmptyString(); return; } _verifyValueWrite(); _ensureRoom(clen+clen+clen+7); // up to 3 bytes per char; and possibly 2 bytes for length, 5 for tag int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr) + 1; // +1 to leave room for length indicator final int start = ptr; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; int i = 0; while (true) { int c = text.charAt(i); if (c > 0x7F) { break; } buf[ptr++] = (byte) c; if (++i >= clen) { // done! Also, we know length is 7-bit buf[start-1] = (byte) (ptr - start); _currPtr = ptr; return; } } // no; non-ASCII stuff, slower loop while (i < clen) { int c = text.charAt(i++); if (c <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) c; continue; } // Nope, multi-byte: if (c < 0x800) { // 2-byte buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xc0 | (c >> 6)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); continue; } // 3 or 4 bytes (surrogate) // Surrogates? if (c < SURR1_FIRST || c > SURR2_LAST) { // nope, regular 3-byte character buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xe0 | (c >> 12)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); continue; } // Yup, a surrogate pair if (c > SURR1_LAST) { // must be from first range; second won't do _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } // ... meaning it must have a pair if (i >= clen) { _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } c = _decodeSurrogate(c, text.charAt(i++)); if (c > 0x10FFFF) { // illegal in JSON as well as in XML _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xf0 | (c >> 18)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); } // still fits in a single byte? int blen = ptr-start; if (blen <= 0x7F) { // expected case buf[start-1] = (byte) blen; } else { // but sometimes we got it wrong, need to move (bah) System.arraycopy(buf, start, buf, start+1, blen); buf[start-1] = (byte) (0x80 + (blen & 0x7F)); buf[start] = (byte) (blen >> 7); ++ptr; } _currPtr = ptr; } @Override public void writeString(char[] text, int offset, int clen) throws IOException { if (text == null) { writeNull(); return; } if (_currField.wireType != WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { _writeEnum(new String(text, offset, clen)); } // Could guarantee with 42 chars or less; but let's do bit more speculative if (clen > 99) { _encodeLongerString(text, offset, clen); return; } if (clen == 0) { _writeEmptyString(); return; } _verifyValueWrite(); _ensureRoom(clen+clen+clen+7); // up to 3 bytes per char; and possibly 2 bytes for length, 5 for tag int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr) + 1; // +1 to leave room for length indicator final int start = ptr; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; final int end = offset + clen; while (true) { int c = text[offset]; if (c > 0x7F) { break; } buf[ptr++] = (byte) c; if (++offset >= end) { // done! buf[start-1] = (byte) (ptr - start); _currPtr = ptr; return; } } while (offset < end) { int c = text[offset++]; if (c <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) c; continue; } if (c < 0x800) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xc0 | (c >> 6)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); continue; } if (c < SURR1_FIRST || c > SURR2_LAST) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xe0 | (c >> 12)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); continue; } if (c > SURR1_LAST) { _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } // ... meaning it must have a pair if (offset >= end) { _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } c = _decodeSurrogate(c, text[offset++]); if (c > 0x10FFFF) { // illegal in JSON as well as in XML _throwIllegalSurrogate(c); } buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0xf0 | (c >> 18)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 12) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | ((c >> 6) & 0x3f)); buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 | (c & 0x3f)); } // still fits in a single byte? int blen = ptr-start; if (blen <= 0x7F) { // expected case buf[start-1] = (byte) blen; } else { // but sometimes we got it wrong, need to move (bah) System.arraycopy(buf, start, buf, start+1, blen); buf[start-1] = (byte) (0x80 + (blen & 0x7F)); buf[start] = (byte) (blen >> 7); ++ptr; } _currPtr = ptr; } @Override public final void writeString(SerializableString sstr) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); if (_currField.wireType == WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { byte[] b = sstr.asUnquotedUTF8(); _writeLengthPrefixed(b, 0, b.length); } else if (_currField.type == FieldType.ENUM) { int index = _currField.findEnumIndex(sstr); if (index < 0) { _reportEnumError(sstr); } _writeEnum(index); } else { _reportWrongWireType("string"); } } @Override public void writeRawUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (_currField.wireType != WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { _reportWrongWireType("string"); return; } _verifyValueWrite(); _writeLengthPrefixed(text, offset, len); } @Override public final void writeUTF8String(byte[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (_currField.wireType != WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { _reportWrongWireType("string"); return; } _verifyValueWrite(); _writeLengthPrefixed(text, offset, len); } protected void _writeEmptyString() throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); _ensureRoom(6); // up to 5 bytes for tag + 1 for length _currPtr = _writeTag(_currPtr); _currBuffer[_currPtr++] = 0; // length } protected void _writeEnum(String str) throws IOException { if (_currField.type != FieldType.ENUM) { _reportWrongWireType("string"); } // !!! TODO: optimize int index = _currField.findEnumIndex(str); if (index < 0) { _reportEnumError(str); } // basically, _writeVInt, but very likely to be very short; but if not: final int tag = _currField.typedTag; int ptr = _currPtr; if (index > 0x7F || tag > 0x7F || (ptr + 1) >= _currBuffer.length) { _writeVInt(index); return; } final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) tag; buf[ptr++] = (byte) index; _currPtr = ptr; } protected void _writeEnum(int index) throws IOException { // basically, _writeVInt, but very likely to be very short; but if not: final int tag = _currField.typedTag; int ptr = _currPtr; if (index > 0x7F || tag > 0x7F || (ptr + 1) >= _currBuffer.length) { _writeVInt(index); return; } final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) tag; buf[ptr++] = (byte) index; _currPtr = ptr; } protected void _reportEnumError(Object enumValue) throws IOException { _reportErrorF("No Enum '%s' found for property '%s'; valid values = %s" +_currField.getEnumValues(),, enumValue); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, unprocessed ("raw") /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeRaw(String text) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRaw(char c) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(String text) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(String text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } @Override public void writeRawValue(char[] text, int offset, int len) throws IOException { _reportUnsupportedOperation(); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, base64-encoded binary /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeBinary(Base64Variant b64variant, byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException { if (data == null) { writeNull(); return; } _verifyValueWrite(); // Unlike with some other formats, let's NOT Base64 encoded even if nominally // expecting String, and rather assume that if so, caller just provides as // raw bytes of String if (_currField.wireType != WireType.LENGTH_PREFIXED) { _reportWrongWireType("binary"); return; } _ensureRoom(10); _writeLengthPrefixed(data, offset, len); } /* /********************************************************** /* Output method implementations, primitive /********************************************************** */ @Override public void writeBoolean(boolean state) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); // same as 'writeNumber(int)', really final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { // first, common case int b; if (_currField.usesZigZag) { b = state ? 2 : 0; } else { b = state ? 1 : 0; } _writeVInt(b); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { _writeInt32(state ? 1 : 0); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { _writeInt64(state ? 1L : 0L); return; } _reportWrongWireType("boolean"); } @Override public void writeNull() throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); if (_currField == UNKNOWN_FIELD) { return; } // protobuf has no way of writing null does it? // ...but should we try to add placeholders in arrays? /* 10-Nov-2014, tatu: At least one problem: required fields... * Let's complain about those? In future, could add placeholders * for such cases. */ if (_currField.required) { _reportError("Can not omit writing of `null` value for required field '""' (type "+_currField.type+")"); } } @Override public void writeNumber(int v) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { // first, common case if (_currField.usesZigZag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } _writeVInt(v); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { _writeInt32(v); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { _writeInt64(v); return; } _reportWrongWireType("int"); } @Override public void writeNumber(long v) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.VINT) { // first, common case if (_currField.usesZigZag) { v = ProtobufUtil.zigzagEncode(v); } // is this ok? _writeVLong(v); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { _writeInt32((int) v); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { _writeInt64(v); return; } _reportWrongWireType("long"); } @Override public void writeNumber(BigInteger v) throws IOException { if (v == null) { writeNull(); return; } if (_currField == UNKNOWN_FIELD) { return; } // !!! TODO: better scheme to detect overflow or something writeNumber(v.longValue()); } @Override public void writeNumber(double d) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { // should we coerce like this? float f = (float) d; _writeInt32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { _writeInt64(Double.doubleToLongBits(d)); return; } if (_currField.type == FieldType.STRING) { _encodeLongerString(String.valueOf(d)); return; } _reportWrongWireType("double"); } @Override public void writeNumber(float f) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); final int type = _currField.wireType; if (type == WireType.FIXED_32BIT) { _writeInt32(Float.floatToRawIntBits(f)); return; } if (type == WireType.FIXED_64BIT) { _writeInt64(Double.doubleToLongBits((double) f)); return; } if (_currField.type == FieldType.STRING) { _encodeLongerString(String.valueOf(f)); return; } _reportWrongWireType("float"); } @Override public void writeNumber(BigDecimal v) throws IOException { if (v == null) { writeNull(); return; } if (_currField == UNKNOWN_FIELD) { return; } // !!! TODO: better handling here... exception or write as string or... ? writeNumber(v.doubleValue()); } @Override public void writeNumber(String encodedValue) throws IOException { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Can not write 'untyped' numbers"); } protected final void _verifyValueWrite() throws IOException { if (_currField == null) { _reportError("Can not write value without indicating field first (in message of type "+_currMessage.getName()+")"); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Implementations for methods from base class /********************************************************** */ @Override protected void _verifyValueWrite(String typeMsg) throws IOException { _throwInternal(); } @Override protected void _releaseBuffers() { byte[] b = _currBuffer; if (b != null) { _currBuffer = null; byte[] b2 = _origCurrBuffer; // 07-Mar-2016, tatu: Crude, but until jackson-core 2.8, need // to work around an issue by only returning current buffer // if it is early same as original, or larger byte[] toRelease = ((b == b2) || (b.length > b2.length)) ? b : b2; _ioContext.releaseWriteEncodingBuffer(toRelease); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal text/binary writes /********************************************************** */ private final static Charset UTF8 = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); protected void _encodeLongerString(char[] text, int offset, int clen) throws IOException { _verifyValueWrite(); byte[] b = new String(text, offset, clen).getBytes(UTF8); _writeLengthPrefixed(b, 0, b.length); } protected void _encodeLongerString(String text) throws IOException { byte[] b = text.getBytes(UTF8); _writeLengthPrefixed(b, 0, b.length); } protected void _writeLengthPrefixed(byte[] data, int offset, int len) throws IOException { // 15-Jun-2017, tatu: [dataformats-binary#94]: need to ensure there is actually // enough space for simple add; if not, need more checking _ensureRoom(10); // max tag 5 bytes, ditto max length int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr); ptr = ProtobufUtil.appendLengthLength(len, _currBuffer, ptr); // and then loop until we are done while (len > 0) { int max = Math.min(len, _currBuffer.length - ptr); System.arraycopy(data, offset, _currBuffer, ptr, max); ptr += max; if ((len -= max) == 0) { _currPtr = ptr; break; } offset += max; ByteAccumulator acc = _buffered; final int start = _currStart; _currStart = 0; int toFlush = ptr - start; ptr = 0; // without accumulation, we know buffer is free for reuse if (acc == null) { if (toFlush > 0) { _output.write(_currBuffer, start, toFlush); } ptr = 0; continue; } // but with buffered, need to append, allocate new buffer (since old // almost certainly contains buffered data) if (toFlush > 0) { acc.append(_currBuffer, start, toFlush); } _currBuffer = ProtobufUtil.allocSecondary(_currBuffer); } } /* /********************************************************** /* Internal scalar value writes /********************************************************** */ private final void _writeVInt(int v) throws IOException { // Max tag length 5 bytes, then at most 5 bytes _ensureRoom(10); int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr); if (v < 0) { _currPtr = _writeVIntMax(v, ptr); return; } final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 + (v & 0x7F)); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; // and now must have at most 3 bits (since negatives were offlined) buf[ptr++] = (byte) (v & 0x7F); } } } } _currPtr = ptr; } // @since 2.8 private final void _writeVIntNoTag(int v) throws IOException { // Max at most 5 bytes _ensureRoom(5); int ptr = _currPtr; if (v < 0) { _currPtr = _writeVIntMax(v, ptr); return; } final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) (0x80 + (v & 0x7F)); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; // and now must have at most 3 bits (since negatives were offlined) buf[ptr++] = (byte) (v & 0x7F); } } } } _currPtr = ptr; } // off-lined version for 5-byte VInts private final int _writeVIntMax(int v, int ptr) throws IOException { final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; return ptr; } private final void _writeVLong(long v) throws IOException { // Max tag length 5 bytes, then at most 10 bytes _ensureRoom(16); int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr); if (v < 0L) { _currPtr = _writeVLongMax(v, ptr); return; } // first, 4 bytes or less? if (v <= 0x0FFFFFFF) { int i = (int) v; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { do { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; } while (i > 0x7F); buf[ptr++] = (byte) i; } _currPtr = ptr; return; } // nope, so we know 28 LSBs are to be written first int i = (int) v; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>>= 28; // still got 36 bits, chop of LSB if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); // but then can switch to int for remaining max 28 bits i = (int) (v >> 7); do { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; } while (i > 0x7F); buf[ptr++] = (byte) i; } _currPtr = ptr; } // @since 2.8 private final void _writeVLongNoTag(long v) throws IOException { // Max: 10 bytes _ensureRoom(10); int ptr = _currPtr; if (v < 0L) { _currPtr = _writeVLongMax(v, ptr); return; } // first, 4 bytes or less? if (v <= 0x0FFFFFFF) { int i = (int) v; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { do { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; } while (i > 0x7F); buf[ptr++] = (byte) i; } _currPtr = ptr; return; } // nope, so we know 28 LSBs are to be written first int i = (int) v; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); v >>>= 28; // still got 36 bits, chop of LSB if (v <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; } else { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((v & 0x7F) + 0x80); // but then can switch to int for remaining max 28 bits i = (int) (v >> 7); do { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; } while (i > 0x7F); buf[ptr++] = (byte) i; } _currPtr = ptr; } // off-lined version for 10-byte VLongs private final int _writeVLongMax(long v, int ptr) throws IOException { final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; // first, LSB 28 bits int i = (int) v; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); // then next 28 (for 56 so far) i = (int) (v >>> 28); buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); // and last 2 (for 7 bits, and 1 bit, respectively) i = (int) (v >>> 56); buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((i & 0x7F) + 0x80); i >>= 7; buf[ptr++] = (byte) i; return ptr; } private final void _writeInt32(int v) throws IOException { _ensureRoom(9); // max tag 5 bytes int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr); final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; _currPtr = ptr; } private final void _writeInt32NoTag(int v) throws IOException { _ensureRoom(4); int ptr = _currPtr; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; _currPtr = ptr; } private final void _writeInt64(long v64) throws IOException { _ensureRoom(13); // max tag 5 bytes int ptr = _writeTag(_currPtr); final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; int v = (int) v64; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v = (int) (v64 >> 32); buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; _currPtr = ptr; } private final void _writeInt64NoTag(long v64) throws IOException { _ensureRoom(8); int ptr = _currPtr; final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; int v = (int) v64; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v = (int) (v64 >> 32); buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; v >>= 8; buf[ptr++] = (byte) v; _currPtr = ptr; } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods, buffering /********************************************************** */ private final int _writeTag(int ptr) { if (_writeTag) { final byte[] buf = _currBuffer; int tag = _currField.typedTag; if (tag <= 0x7F) { buf[ptr++] = (byte) tag; } else { // Note: caller must have ensured space for at least 5 bytes do { buf[ptr++] = (byte) ((tag & 0x7F) + 0x80); tag >>= 7; } while (tag > 0x7F); buf[ptr++] = (byte) tag; } } return ptr; }
Method called when buffering an entry that should be prefixed with a type tag.
/** * Method called when buffering an entry that should be prefixed * with a type tag. */
private final void _startBuffering(int typedTag) throws IOException { // need to ensure room for tag id, length (10 bytes); might as well ask for bit more _ensureRoom(20); // and leave the gap of 10 bytes int ptr = _currPtr; int start = _currStart; // root level content to flush first? if (_buffered == null) { int len = ptr - start; if (len > 0) { ptr = start = 0; _output.write(_currBuffer, start, len); } } _buffered = new ByteAccumulator(_buffered, typedTag, _currBuffer, ptr, _currStart); ptr += 10; _currStart = ptr; _currPtr = ptr; }
Method called when buffering an entry that should not be prefixed with a type tag.
/** * Method called when buffering an entry that should not be prefixed * with a type tag. */
private final void _startBuffering() throws IOException { // since no tag written, could skimp on space needed _ensureRoom(16); int ptr = _currPtr; /* 02-Jun-2015, tatu: It would seem like we should check for flushing here, * similar to method above. But somehow that does not seem to be needed... * Let's add it just to be safe, still. */ // 04-Apr-2017, tatu: Most likely this is because this can only happen when we are // writing Objects as elements of packed array; and this can not be root-level // value: and if so we must be buffering (to get length prefix) /* if (_buffered == null) { int len = ptr - _currStart; if (len > 0) { ptr = 0; _output.write(_currBuffer, _currStart, len); } } */ _buffered = new ByteAccumulator(_buffered, -1, _currBuffer, ptr, _currStart); ptr += 5; _currStart = ptr; _currPtr = ptr; }
Helper method called when the current buffering scope is closed; when packed array is completed (`writeEndArray()`) or record is completed (`writeEndObject()`).
/** * Helper method called when the current buffering scope is closed; * when packed array is completed (`writeEndArray()`) or record is * completed (`writeEndObject()`). */
private final void _finishBuffering() throws IOException { final int start = _currStart; final int newStart = _currPtr; final int currLen = newStart - start; ByteAccumulator acc = _buffered; acc = acc.finish(_output, _currBuffer, start, currLen); _buffered = acc; if (acc == null) { _currStart = 0; _currPtr = 0; return; } _currStart = newStart; // already same, no need to change // _currPtr = newStart; } protected final void _ensureRoom(int needed) throws IOException { // common case: we got it already if ((_currPtr + needed) > _currBuffer.length) { _ensureMore(); } } protected final void _ensureMore() throws IOException { // if not, either simple (flush), or final int start = _currStart; final int currLen = _currPtr - start; _currStart = 0; _currPtr = 0; ByteAccumulator acc = _buffered; if (acc == null) { // without accumulation, we know buffer is free for reuse if (currLen > 0) { _output.write(_currBuffer, start, currLen); } return; } // but with buffered, need to append, allocate new buffer (since old // almost certainly contains buffered data) if (currLen > 0) { acc.append(_currBuffer, start, currLen); } _currBuffer = ProtobufUtil.allocSecondary(_currBuffer); } protected void _complete() throws IOException { _complete = true; final int start = _currStart; final int currLen = _currPtr - start; _currPtr = start; ByteAccumulator acc = _buffered; if (acc == null) { if (currLen > 0) { _output.write(_currBuffer, start, currLen); _currStart = 0; _currPtr = 0; } } else { acc = acc.finish(_output, _currBuffer, start, currLen); while (acc != null) { acc = acc.finish(_output, _currBuffer); } _buffered = null; } } /* /********************************************************** /* Helper methods, error reporting /********************************************************** */ protected void _reportWrongWireType(String typeStr) throws IOException { if (_currField == UNKNOWN_FIELD) { return; } _reportErrorF("Can not write `string` value for '%s' (type %s)",, _currField.type); } private void _reportErrorF(String format, Object... args) throws JsonGenerationException { _reportError(String.format(format, args)); } private void _throwIllegalSurrogate(int code) { if (code > 0x10FFFF) { // over max? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal character point (0x"+Integer.toHexString(code)+") to output; max is 0x10FFFF as per RFC 4627"); } if (code >= SURR1_FIRST) { if (code <= SURR1_LAST) { // Unmatched first part (closing without second part?) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched first part of surrogate pair (0x"+Integer.toHexString(code)+")"); } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unmatched second part of surrogate pair (0x"+Integer.toHexString(code)+")"); } // should we ever get this? throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal character point (0x"+Integer.toHexString(code)+") to output"); } }