package com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.impl;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.SettableBeanProperty;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.introspect.*;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.util.ClassUtil;

This sub-class is used to handle special case of value being a non-static inner class. If so, we will have to use a special alternative for default constructor; but otherwise can delegate to regular implementation.
/** * This sub-class is used to handle special case of value being a * non-static inner class. If so, we will have to use a special * alternative for default constructor; but otherwise can delegate * to regular implementation. */
public final class InnerClassProperty extends SettableBeanProperty.Delegating { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
Constructor used when deserializing this property. Transient since there is no need to persist; only needed during construction of objects.
/** * Constructor used when deserializing this property. * Transient since there is no need to persist; only needed during * construction of objects. */
final protected transient Constructor<?> _creator;
Serializable version of single-arg constructor we use for value instantiation.
/** * Serializable version of single-arg constructor we use for value instantiation. */
protected AnnotatedConstructor _annotated; public InnerClassProperty(SettableBeanProperty delegate, Constructor<?> ctor) { super(delegate); _creator = ctor; }
Constructor used with JDK Serialization; needed to handle transient Constructor, wrap/unwrap in/out-of Annotated variant.
/** * Constructor used with JDK Serialization; needed to handle transient * Constructor, wrap/unwrap in/out-of Annotated variant. */
protected InnerClassProperty(SettableBeanProperty src, AnnotatedConstructor ann) { super(src); _annotated = ann; _creator = (_annotated == null) ? null : _annotated.getAnnotated(); if (_creator == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing constructor (broken JDK (de)serialization?)"); } } @Override protected SettableBeanProperty withDelegate(SettableBeanProperty d) { if (d == this.delegate) { return this; } return new InnerClassProperty(d, _creator); } /* /********************************************************** /* Deserialization methods /********************************************************** */ @Override public void deserializeAndSet(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object bean) throws IOException { JsonToken t = p.currentToken(); Object value; if (t == JsonToken.VALUE_NULL) { value = _valueDeserializer.getNullValue(ctxt); } else if (_valueTypeDeserializer != null) { value = _valueDeserializer.deserializeWithType(p, ctxt, _valueTypeDeserializer); } else { // the usual case try { value = _creator.newInstance(bean); } catch (Exception e) { ClassUtil.unwrapAndThrowAsIAE(e, String.format( "Failed to instantiate class %s, problem: %s", _creator.getDeclaringClass().getName(), e.getMessage())); value = null; } _valueDeserializer.deserialize(p, ctxt, value); } set(bean, value); } @Override public Object deserializeSetAndReturn(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt, Object instance) throws IOException { return setAndReturn(instance, deserialize(p, ctxt)); } // these are fine with defaults // public final void set(Object instance, Object value) throws IOException { } // public Object setAndReturn(Object instance, Object value) throws IOException { } /* /********************************************************** /* JDK serialization handling /********************************************************** */ // When reading things back, Object readResolve() { return new InnerClassProperty(this, _annotated); } Object writeReplace() { // need to construct a fake instance to support serialization if (_annotated == null) { return new InnerClassProperty(this, new AnnotatedConstructor(null, _creator, null, null)); } return this; } }