 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datastax.dse.protocol.internal.response.result;

import com.datastax.dse.protocol.internal.DseProtocolConstants;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.PrimitiveCodec;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.PrimitiveSizes;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.ProtocolConstants;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result.ColumnSpec;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result.RawType;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result.RowsMetadata;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.Flags;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;

public class DseRowsMetadata extends RowsMetadata {

  public final int continuousPageNumber;
  public final boolean isLastContinuousPage;

Builds a new instance with NO_METADATA == false; the column count is set to the number of column specifications in the provided list.
  • continuousPageNumber – must be negative if this is not a continuous paging response.
/** * Builds a new instance with {@code NO_METADATA == false}; the column count is set to the number * of column specifications in the provided list. * * @param continuousPageNumber must be negative if this is not a continuous paging response. */
public DseRowsMetadata( List<ColumnSpec> columnSpecs, ByteBuffer pagingState, int[] pkIndices, byte[] newResultMetadataId, int continuousPageNumber, boolean isLastContinuousPage) { this( computeFlags( false, columnSpecs, pagingState, newResultMetadataId, continuousPageNumber, isLastContinuousPage), columnSpecs, columnSpecs.size(), pagingState, pkIndices, newResultMetadataId, continuousPageNumber, isLastContinuousPage); }
Builds a new instance with NO_METADATA == true.
  • continuousPageNumber – must be negative if this is not a continuous paging response.
/** * Builds a new instance with {@code NO_METADATA == true}. * * @param continuousPageNumber must be negative if this is not a continuous paging response. */
public DseRowsMetadata( int columnCount, ByteBuffer pagingState, int[] pkIndices, byte[] newResultMetadataId, int continuousPageNumber, boolean isLastContinuousPage) { this( computeFlags( true, Collections.emptyList(), pagingState, newResultMetadataId, continuousPageNumber, isLastContinuousPage), Collections.emptyList(), columnCount, pagingState, pkIndices, newResultMetadataId, continuousPageNumber, isLastContinuousPage); } protected DseRowsMetadata( int flags, List<ColumnSpec> columnSpecs, int columnCount, ByteBuffer pagingState, int[] pkIndices, byte[] newResultMetadataId, int continuousPageNumber, boolean isLastContinuousPage) { super(flags, columnSpecs, columnCount, pagingState, pkIndices, newResultMetadataId); this.continuousPageNumber = continuousPageNumber; this.isLastContinuousPage = isLastContinuousPage; } protected static int computeFlags( boolean noMetadata, List<ColumnSpec> columnSpecs, ByteBuffer pagingState, byte[] newResultMetadataId, int continuousPageNumber, boolean isLastContinuousPage) { int flags = RowsMetadata.computeFlags(noMetadata, columnSpecs, pagingState, newResultMetadataId); if (continuousPageNumber >= 0) { flags = Flags.add(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.CONTINUOUS_PAGING); } if (isLastContinuousPage) { flags = Flags.add(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.LAST_CONTINUOUS_PAGE); } return flags; } @Override public <B> void encode( B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, boolean withPkIndices, int protocolVersion) { // The DSE-specific field `continuousPageNumber` is right in the middle of the payload, so we // unfortunately have to reimplement the whole method: encoder.writeInt(flags, dest); encoder.writeInt(columnCount, dest); if (withPkIndices) { if (pkIndices == null) { encoder.writeInt(0, dest); } else { encoder.writeInt(pkIndices.length, dest); for (int pkIndex : pkIndices) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(pkIndex, dest); } } } if (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.HAS_MORE_PAGES)) { encoder.writeBytes(pagingState, dest); } if (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.METADATA_CHANGED)) { encoder.writeShortBytes(newResultMetadataId, dest); } if (Flags.contains(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.CONTINUOUS_PAGING)) { encoder.writeInt(continuousPageNumber, dest); } if (!Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.NO_METADATA) && !columnSpecs.isEmpty()) { boolean globalTable = Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.GLOBAL_TABLES_SPEC); if (globalTable) { ColumnSpec firstSpec = columnSpecs.get(0); encoder.writeString(firstSpec.ksName, dest); encoder.writeString(firstSpec.tableName, dest); } for (ColumnSpec spec : columnSpecs) { if (!globalTable) { encoder.writeString(spec.ksName, dest); encoder.writeString(spec.tableName, dest); } encoder.writeString(spec.name, dest); spec.type.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } } } @Override public int encodedSize(boolean withPkIndices, int protocolVersion) { return super.encodedSize(withPkIndices, protocolVersion) + (Flags.contains(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.CONTINUOUS_PAGING) ? PrimitiveSizes.INT : 0); } public static <B> DseRowsMetadata decode( B source, PrimitiveCodec<B> decoder, boolean withPkIndices, int protocolVersion) { int flags = decoder.readInt(source); int columnCount = decoder.readInt(source); int[] pkIndices = null; int pkCount; if (withPkIndices && (pkCount = decoder.readInt(source)) > 0) { pkIndices = new int[pkCount]; for (int i = 0; i < pkCount; i++) { pkIndices[i] = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); } } ByteBuffer state = (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.HAS_MORE_PAGES)) ? decoder.readBytes(source) : null; byte[] newResultMetadataId = (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.METADATA_CHANGED)) ? decoder.readShortBytes(source) : null; int continuousPageNumber = (Flags.contains(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.CONTINUOUS_PAGING)) ? decoder.readInt(source) : -1; boolean isLastContinuousPage = Flags.contains(flags, DseProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.LAST_CONTINUOUS_PAGE); List<ColumnSpec> columnSpecs; if (Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.NO_METADATA)) { columnSpecs = Collections.emptyList(); } else { boolean globalTablesSpec = Flags.contains(flags, ProtocolConstants.RowsFlag.GLOBAL_TABLES_SPEC); String globalKsName = null; String globalCfName = null; if (globalTablesSpec) { globalKsName = decoder.readString(source); globalCfName = decoder.readString(source); } List<ColumnSpec> tmpSpecs = new ArrayList<>(columnCount); for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { String ksName = globalTablesSpec ? globalKsName : decoder.readString(source); String cfName = globalTablesSpec ? globalCfName : decoder.readString(source); String name = decoder.readString(source); RawType type = RawType.decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion); tmpSpecs.add(new ColumnSpec(ksName, cfName, name, i, type)); } columnSpecs = Collections.unmodifiableList(tmpSpecs); } return new DseRowsMetadata( flags, columnSpecs, columnCount, state, pkIndices, newResultMetadataId, continuousPageNumber, isLastContinuousPage); } }