 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result;

import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.PrimitiveCodec;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.PrimitiveSizes;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.ProtocolConstants;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.collection.NullAllowingImmutableList;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.collection.NullAllowingImmutableMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

A data type as returned in protocol responses.

This class aims to encode protocol-level information in the simplest way possible. Any extra features should be handled in the upper layers of the driver.

/** * A data type as returned in protocol responses. * * <p>This class aims to encode protocol-level information in the simplest way possible. Any extra * features should be handled in the upper layers of the driver. */
public abstract class RawType { public static <B> RawType decode(B source, PrimitiveCodec<B> decoder, int protocolVersion) { int id = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); switch (id) { case ProtocolConstants.DataType.CUSTOM: String className = decoder.readString(source); return new RawCustom(className); case ProtocolConstants.DataType.LIST: return new RawList(decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion)); case ProtocolConstants.DataType.SET: return new RawSet(decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion)); case ProtocolConstants.DataType.MAP: RawType key = decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion); RawType value = decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion); return new RawMap(key, value); case ProtocolConstants.DataType.UDT: String keyspace = decoder.readString(source); String typeName = decoder.readString(source); int fieldCount = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); NullAllowingImmutableMap.Builder<String, RawType> fields = NullAllowingImmutableMap.builder(fieldCount); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { String fieldName = decoder.readString(source); RawType fieldType = decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion); fields.put(fieldName, fieldType); } return new RawUdt(keyspace, typeName, fields.build()); case ProtocolConstants.DataType.TUPLE: fieldCount = decoder.readUnsignedShort(source); NullAllowingImmutableList.Builder<RawType> fieldTypes = NullAllowingImmutableList.builder(fieldCount); for (int i = 0; i < fieldCount; i++) { fieldTypes.add(decode(source, decoder, protocolVersion)); } return new RawTuple(fieldTypes.build()); default: RawType type = PRIMITIVES.get(id); if (type == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown type id: " + id); } return type; } }
See Also:
/** @see ProtocolConstants.DataType */
public final int id; protected RawType(int id) { this.id = id; } public abstract <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion); public abstract int encodedSize(int protocolVersion); @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } RawType rawType = (RawType) o; return id == rawType.id; } @Override public int hashCode() { return id; } public static class RawPrimitive extends RawType { private RawPrimitive(int id) { super(id); } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { return PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; } } public static class RawCustom extends RawType { public final String className; public RawCustom(String className) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.CUSTOM); this.className = className; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); encoder.writeString(className, dest); } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { return PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfString(className); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawCustom rawCustom = (RawCustom) o; return className.equals(rawCustom.className); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + className.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class RawList extends RawType { public final RawType elementType; public RawList(RawType elementType) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.LIST); this.elementType = elementType; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); elementType.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { return PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + elementType.encodedSize(protocolVersion); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawList rawList = (RawList) o; return elementType.equals(rawList.elementType); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + elementType.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class RawSet extends RawType { public final RawType elementType; public RawSet(RawType elementType) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.SET); this.elementType = elementType; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); elementType.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { return PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + elementType.encodedSize(protocolVersion); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawSet rawSet = (RawSet) o; return elementType.equals(rawSet.elementType); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + elementType.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class RawMap extends RawType { public final RawType keyType; public final RawType valueType; public RawMap(RawType keyType, RawType valueType) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.MAP); this.keyType = keyType; this.valueType = valueType; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); keyType.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); valueType.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { return PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + keyType.encodedSize(protocolVersion) + valueType.encodedSize(protocolVersion); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawMap rawMap = (RawMap) o; return keyType.equals(rawMap.keyType) && valueType.equals(rawMap.valueType); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + keyType.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + valueType.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class RawUdt extends RawType { public final String keyspace; public final String typeName; public final Map<String, RawType> fields; public RawUdt(String keyspace, String typeName, Map<String, RawType> fields) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.UDT); this.keyspace = keyspace; this.typeName = typeName; this.fields = fields; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); encoder.writeString(keyspace, dest); encoder.writeString(typeName, dest); encoder.writeUnsignedShort(fields.size(), dest); for (Map.Entry<String, RawType> entry : fields.entrySet()) { encoder.writeString(entry.getKey(), dest); entry.getValue().encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { int size = PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfString(keyspace) + PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfString(typeName) + PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; for (Map.Entry<String, RawType> entry : fields.entrySet()) { size += PrimitiveSizes.sizeOfString(entry.getKey()); size += entry.getValue().encodedSize(protocolVersion); } return size; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawUdt rawUdt = (RawUdt) o; return keyspace.equals(rawUdt.keyspace) && typeName.equals(rawUdt.typeName) && fields.equals(rawUdt.fields); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + keyspace.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + typeName.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + fields.hashCode(); return result; } } public static class RawTuple extends RawType { public final List<RawType> fieldTypes; public RawTuple(List<RawType> fieldTypes) { super(ProtocolConstants.DataType.TUPLE); this.fieldTypes = fieldTypes; } @Override public <B> void encode(B dest, PrimitiveCodec<B> encoder, int protocolVersion) { encoder.writeUnsignedShort(id, dest); encoder.writeUnsignedShort(fieldTypes.size(), dest); for (RawType fieldType : fieldTypes) { fieldType.encode(dest, encoder, protocolVersion); } } @Override public int encodedSize(int protocolVersion) { int size = PrimitiveSizes.SHORT + PrimitiveSizes.SHORT; for (RawType fieldType : fieldTypes) { size += fieldType.encodedSize(protocolVersion); } return size; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } if (!super.equals(o)) { return false; } RawTuple rawTuple = (RawTuple) o; return fieldTypes.equals(rawTuple.fieldTypes); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = super.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + fieldTypes.hashCode(); return result; } }
Visible for tests
/** Visible for tests */
public static final Map<Integer, RawType> PRIMITIVES; static { int[] primitiveIds = { ProtocolConstants.DataType.ASCII, ProtocolConstants.DataType.BIGINT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.BLOB, ProtocolConstants.DataType.BOOLEAN, ProtocolConstants.DataType.COUNTER, ProtocolConstants.DataType.DECIMAL, ProtocolConstants.DataType.DOUBLE, ProtocolConstants.DataType.FLOAT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.INET, ProtocolConstants.DataType.INT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.TIMESTAMP, ProtocolConstants.DataType.UUID, ProtocolConstants.DataType.VARCHAR, ProtocolConstants.DataType.VARINT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.TIMEUUID, ProtocolConstants.DataType.SMALLINT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.TINYINT, ProtocolConstants.DataType.DURATION, ProtocolConstants.DataType.DATE, ProtocolConstants.DataType.TIME }; NullAllowingImmutableMap.Builder<Integer, RawType> builder = NullAllowingImmutableMap.builder(primitiveIds.length); for (int id : primitiveIds) { builder.put(id, new RawPrimitive(id)); } PRIMITIVES = builder.build(); } }