 * Copyright DataStax, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.datastax.dse.driver.internal.core.cql.continuous;

import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.DseProtocolVersion;
import com.datastax.dse.driver.api.core.cql.continuous.ContinuousAsyncResultSet;
import com.datastax.dse.driver.internal.core.DseProtocolFeature;
import com.datastax.dse.driver.internal.core.cql.DseConversions;
import com.datastax.dse.protocol.internal.request.Revise;
import com.datastax.dse.protocol.internal.response.result.DseRowsMetadata;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AllNodesFailedException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlIdentifier;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.DriverTimeoutException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.ProtocolVersion;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.RequestThrottlingException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DefaultDriverOption;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.config.DriverExecutionProfile;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.connection.FrameTooLongException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ColumnDefinitions;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.cql.ExecutionInfo;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metadata.Node;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.DefaultNodeMetric;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.DefaultSessionMetric;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.NodeMetric;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.metrics.SessionMetric;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.retry.RetryPolicy;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.retry.RetryVerdict;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.BootstrappingException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.CoordinatorException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.FunctionFailureException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.ProtocolError;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.QueryValidationException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.ReadTimeoutException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.UnavailableException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.servererrors.WriteTimeoutException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.session.Request;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.session.throttling.RequestThrottler;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.session.throttling.Throttled;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.ThrottledAdminRequestHandler;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.adminrequest.UnexpectedResponseException;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.channel.DriverChannel;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.channel.ResponseCallback;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.context.InternalDriverContext;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.Conversions;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.cql.DefaultExecutionInfo;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metadata.DefaultNode;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metrics.NodeMetricUpdater;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.metrics.SessionMetricUpdater;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.session.DefaultSession;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.session.RepreparePayload;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.Loggers;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.internal.core.util.collection.SimpleQueryPlan;
import com.datastax.oss.driver.shaded.guava.common.annotations.VisibleForTesting;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.Frame;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.Message;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.ProtocolConstants;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.request.Prepare;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.Error;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.Result;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.error.Unprepared;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result.Rows;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.response.result.Void;
import com.datastax.oss.protocol.internal.util.Bytes;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.NonNull;
import edu.umd.cs.findbugs.annotations.Nullable;
import io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException;
import io.netty.util.Timeout;
import io.netty.util.Timer;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.Future;
import io.netty.util.concurrent.GenericFutureListener;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.AbstractMap;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Queue;
import java.util.concurrent.CancellationException;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import net.jcip.annotations.GuardedBy;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

Handles a request that supports multiple response messages (a.k.a. continuous paging request).
/** * Handles a request that supports multiple response messages (a.k.a. continuous paging request). */
@ThreadSafe public abstract class ContinuousRequestHandlerBase<StatementT extends Request, ResultSetT> implements Throttled { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ContinuousRequestHandlerBase.class); protected final String logPrefix; protected final StatementT initialStatement; protected final DefaultSession session; private final CqlIdentifier keyspace; protected final InternalDriverContext context; private final Queue<Node> queryPlan; protected final RequestThrottler throttler; private final boolean protocolBackpressureAvailable; private final Timer timer; private final SessionMetricUpdater sessionMetricUpdater; private final boolean specExecEnabled; private final SessionMetric clientTimeoutsMetric; private final SessionMetric continuousRequestsMetric; private final NodeMetric messagesMetric; private final List<Timeout> scheduledExecutions; // The errors on the nodes that were already tried. // We don't use a map because nodes can appear multiple times. protected final List<Map.Entry<Node, Throwable>> errors = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
The list of in-flight executions, one per node. Executions may be triggered by speculative executions or retries. An execution is added to this list when the write operation completes. It is removed from this list when the callback has done reading responses.
/** * The list of in-flight executions, one per node. Executions may be triggered by speculative * executions or retries. An execution is added to this list when the write operation completes. * It is removed from this list when the callback has done reading responses. */
private final List<NodeResponseCallback> inFlightCallbacks = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>();
The callback selected to stream results back to the client.
/** The callback selected to stream results back to the client. */
private final CompletableFuture<NodeResponseCallback> chosenCallback = new CompletableFuture<>();
How many speculative executions are currently running (including the initial execution). We track this in order to know when to fail the request if all executions have reached the end of the query plan.
/** * How many speculative executions are currently running (including the initial execution). We * track this in order to know when to fail the request if all executions have reached the end of * the query plan. */
private final AtomicInteger activeExecutionsCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
How many speculative executions have started (excluding the initial execution), whether they have completed or not. We track this in order to fill execution info objects with this information.
/** * How many speculative executions have started (excluding the initial execution), whether they * have completed or not. We track this in order to fill execution info objects with this * information. */
protected final AtomicInteger startedSpeculativeExecutionsCount = new AtomicInteger(0); // Set when the execution starts, and is never modified after. private final long startTimeNanos; private volatile Timeout globalTimeout; private final Class<ResultSetT> resultSetClass; public ContinuousRequestHandlerBase( @NonNull StatementT statement, @NonNull DefaultSession session, @NonNull InternalDriverContext context, @NonNull String sessionLogPrefix, @NonNull Class<ResultSetT> resultSetClass, boolean specExecEnabled, SessionMetric clientTimeoutsMetric, SessionMetric continuousRequestsMetric, NodeMetric messagesMetric) { this.resultSetClass = resultSetClass; ProtocolVersion protocolVersion = context.getProtocolVersion(); if (!context .getProtocolVersionRegistry() .supports(protocolVersion, DseProtocolFeature.CONTINUOUS_PAGING)) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Cannot execute continuous paging requests with protocol version " + protocolVersion); } this.clientTimeoutsMetric = clientTimeoutsMetric; this.continuousRequestsMetric = continuousRequestsMetric; this.messagesMetric = messagesMetric; this.logPrefix = sessionLogPrefix + "|" + this.hashCode(); LOG.trace("[{}] Creating new continuous handler for request {}", logPrefix, statement); this.initialStatement = statement; this.session = session; this.keyspace = session.getKeyspace().orElse(null); this.context = context; DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile = Conversions.resolveExecutionProfile(statement, context); this.queryPlan = statement.getNode() != null ? new SimpleQueryPlan(statement.getNode()) : context .getLoadBalancingPolicyWrapper() .newQueryPlan(statement, executionProfile.getName(), session); this.timer = context.getNettyOptions().getTimer(); this.protocolBackpressureAvailable = protocolVersion.getCode() >= DseProtocolVersion.DSE_V2.getCode(); this.throttler = context.getRequestThrottler(); this.sessionMetricUpdater = session.getMetricUpdater(); this.startTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); this.specExecEnabled = specExecEnabled; this.scheduledExecutions = this.specExecEnabled ? new CopyOnWriteArrayList<>() : null; } @NonNull protected abstract Duration getGlobalTimeout(); @NonNull protected abstract Duration getPageTimeout(@NonNull StatementT statement, int pageNumber); @NonNull protected abstract Duration getReviseRequestTimeout(@NonNull StatementT statement); protected abstract int getMaxEnqueuedPages(@NonNull StatementT statement); protected abstract int getMaxPages(@NonNull StatementT statement); @NonNull protected abstract Message getMessage(@NonNull StatementT statement); protected abstract boolean isTracingEnabled(@NonNull StatementT statement); @NonNull protected abstract Map<String, ByteBuffer> createPayload(@NonNull StatementT statement); @NonNull protected abstract ResultSetT createEmptyResultSet(@NonNull ExecutionInfo executionInfo); protected abstract int pageNumber(@NonNull ResultSetT resultSet); @NonNull protected abstract ResultSetT createResultSet( @NonNull StatementT statement, @NonNull Rows rows, @NonNull ExecutionInfo executionInfo, @NonNull ColumnDefinitions columnDefinitions) throws IOException; // MAIN LIFECYCLE @Override public void onThrottleReady(boolean wasDelayed) { DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile = Conversions.resolveExecutionProfile(initialStatement, context); if (wasDelayed // avoid call to nanoTime() if metric is disabled: && sessionMetricUpdater.isEnabled( DefaultSessionMetric.THROTTLING_DELAY, executionProfile.getName())) { session .getMetricUpdater() .updateTimer( DefaultSessionMetric.THROTTLING_DELAY, executionProfile.getName(), System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } activeExecutionsCount.incrementAndGet(); sendRequest(initialStatement, null, 0, 0, specExecEnabled); } @Override public void onThrottleFailure(@NonNull RequestThrottlingException error) { DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile = Conversions.resolveExecutionProfile(initialStatement, context); session .getMetricUpdater() .incrementCounter(DefaultSessionMetric.THROTTLING_ERRORS, executionProfile.getName()); abortGlobalRequestOrChosenCallback(error); } private void abortGlobalRequestOrChosenCallback(@NonNull Throwable error) { if (!chosenCallback.completeExceptionally(error)) { chosenCallback.thenAccept(callback -> callback.abort(error, false)); } } public CompletionStage<ResultSetT> handle() { globalTimeout = scheduleGlobalTimeout(); return fetchNextPage(); }
Builds the future that will get returned to the user from the initial execute call or a fetchNextPage() on the async API.
/** * Builds the future that will get returned to the user from the initial execute call or a * fetchNextPage() on the async API. */
public CompletionStage<ResultSetT> fetchNextPage() { CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> result = new CompletableFuture<>(); // This is equivalent to // `chosenCallback.thenCompose(NodeResponseCallback::dequeueOrCreatePending)`, except // that we need to cancel `result` if `resultSetError` is a CancellationException. chosenCallback.whenComplete( (callback, callbackError) -> { if (callbackError != null) { result.completeExceptionally(callbackError); } else { callback .dequeueOrCreatePending() .whenComplete( (resultSet, resultSetError) -> { if (resultSetError != null) { result.completeExceptionally(resultSetError); } else { result.complete(resultSet); } }); } }); // If the user cancels the future, propagate to our internal components result.whenComplete( (rs, t) -> { if (t instanceof CancellationException) { cancel(); } }); return result; }
Sends the initial request to the next available node.
  • node – if not null, it will be attempted first before the rest of the query plan. It happens only when we retry on the same host.
  • currentExecutionIndex – 0 for the initial execution, 1 for the first speculative one, etc.
  • retryCount – the number of times that the retry policy was invoked for this execution already (note that some internal retries don't go through the policy, and therefore don't increment this counter)
  • scheduleSpeculativeExecution – whether to schedule the next speculative execution
/** * Sends the initial request to the next available node. * * @param node if not null, it will be attempted first before the rest of the query plan. It * happens only when we retry on the same host. * @param currentExecutionIndex 0 for the initial execution, 1 for the first speculative one, etc. * @param retryCount the number of times that the retry policy was invoked for this execution * already (note that some internal retries don't go through the policy, and therefore don't * increment this counter) * @param scheduleSpeculativeExecution whether to schedule the next speculative execution */
private void sendRequest( StatementT statement, @Nullable Node node, int currentExecutionIndex, int retryCount, boolean scheduleSpeculativeExecution) { DriverChannel channel = null; if (node == null || (channel = session.getChannel(node, logPrefix)) == null) { while ((node = queryPlan.poll()) != null) { channel = session.getChannel(node, logPrefix); if (channel != null) { break; } } } if (channel == null) { // We've reached the end of the query plan without finding any node to write to; abort the // continuous paging session. if (activeExecutionsCount.decrementAndGet() == 0) { abortGlobalRequestOrChosenCallback(AllNodesFailedException.fromErrors(errors)); } } else if (!chosenCallback.isDone()) { NodeResponseCallback nodeResponseCallback = new NodeResponseCallback( statement, node, channel, currentExecutionIndex, retryCount, scheduleSpeculativeExecution, logPrefix); inFlightCallbacks.add(nodeResponseCallback); channel .write( getMessage(statement), isTracingEnabled(statement), createPayload(statement), nodeResponseCallback) .addListener(nodeResponseCallback); } } private Timeout scheduleGlobalTimeout() { Duration globalTimeout = getGlobalTimeout(); if (globalTimeout.toNanos() <= 0) { return null; } LOG.trace("[{}] Scheduling global timeout for pages in {}", logPrefix, globalTimeout); return timer.newTimeout( timeout -> abortGlobalRequestOrChosenCallback( new DriverTimeoutException("Query timed out after " + globalTimeout)), globalTimeout.toNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); }
Cancels the continuous paging request.

Called from user code, see DefaultContinuousAsyncResultSet.cancel(), or from a driver I/O thread.

/** * Cancels the continuous paging request. * * <p>Called from user code, see {@link DefaultContinuousAsyncResultSet#cancel()}, or from a * driver I/O thread. */
public void cancel() { // If chosenCallback is already set, this is a no-op and the chosen callback will be handled by // cancelScheduledTasks chosenCallback.cancel(true); cancelScheduledTasks(null); cancelGlobalTimeout(); } private void cancelGlobalTimeout() { if (globalTimeout != null) { globalTimeout.cancel(); } }
Cancel all pending and scheduled executions, except the one passed as an argument to the method.
  • toIgnore – An optional execution to ignore (will not be cancelled).
/** * Cancel all pending and scheduled executions, except the one passed as an argument to the * method. * * @param toIgnore An optional execution to ignore (will not be cancelled). */
private void cancelScheduledTasks(@Nullable NodeResponseCallback toIgnore) { if (scheduledExecutions != null) { for (Timeout scheduledExecution : scheduledExecutions) { scheduledExecution.cancel(); } } for (NodeResponseCallback callback : inFlightCallbacks) { if (toIgnore == null || toIgnore != callback) { callback.cancel(); } } } @VisibleForTesting int getState() { try { return chosenCallback.get().getState(); } catch (CancellationException e) { // Happens if the test cancels before the callback was chosen return NodeResponseCallback.STATE_FAILED; } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e) { // We never interrupt or fail chosenCallback (other than canceling) throw new AssertionError("Unexpected error", e); } } @VisibleForTesting CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> getPendingResult() { try { return chosenCallback.get().getPendingResult(); } catch (Exception e) { // chosenCallback should always be complete by the time tests call this throw new AssertionError("Expected callback to be chosen at this point"); } }
Handles the interaction with a single node in the query plan.

An instance of this class is created each time we (re)try a node. The first callback that has something ready to enqueue will be allowed to stream results back to the client; the others will be cancelled.

/** * Handles the interaction with a single node in the query plan. * * <p>An instance of this class is created each time we (re)try a node. The first callback that * has something ready to enqueue will be allowed to stream results back to the client; the others * will be cancelled. */
private class NodeResponseCallback implements ResponseCallback, GenericFutureListener<Future<java.lang.Void>> { private final long messageStartTimeNanos = System.nanoTime(); private final StatementT statement; private final Node node; private final DriverChannel channel; // The identifier of the current execution (0 for the initial execution, 1 for the first // speculative execution, etc.) private final int executionIndex; // How many times we've invoked the retry policy and it has returned a "retry" decision (0 for // the first attempt of each execution). private final String logPrefix; private final boolean scheduleSpeculativeExecution; private final DriverExecutionProfile executionProfile; // Coordinates concurrent accesses between the client and I/O threads private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock(); // The page queue, storing responses that we have received and have not been consumed by the // client yet. We instantiate it lazily to avoid unnecessary allocation; this is also used to // check if the callback ever tried to enqueue something. @GuardedBy("lock") private Queue<Object> queue; // If the client requests a page and we can't serve it immediately (empty queue), then we create // this future and have the client wait on it. Otherwise this field is null. @GuardedBy("lock") private CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> pendingResult; // How many pages were requested. This is the total number of pages requested from the // beginning. // It will be zero if the protocol does not support numPagesRequested (DSE_V1) @GuardedBy("lock") private int numPagesRequested; // An integer that represents the state of the continuous paging request: // - if positive, it is the sequence number of the next expected page; // - if negative, it is a terminal state, identified by the constants below. @GuardedBy("lock") private int state = 1; // Whether isLastResponse has returned true already @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean sawLastResponse; @GuardedBy("lock") private boolean sentCancelRequest; private static final int STATE_FINISHED = -1; private static final int STATE_FAILED = -2; @GuardedBy("lock") private int streamId = -1; // These are set when the first page arrives, and are never modified after. private volatile ColumnDefinitions columnDefinitions; private volatile Timeout pageTimeout; // How many times we've invoked the retry policy and it has returned a "retry" decision (0 for // the first attempt, 1 for the first retry, etc.). private final int retryCount; // SpeculativeExecution node metrics should be executed only for the first page (first // invocation) private final AtomicBoolean stopNodeMessageTimerReported = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean nodeErrorReported = new AtomicBoolean(false); private final AtomicBoolean nodeSuccessReported = new AtomicBoolean(false); public NodeResponseCallback( StatementT statement, Node node, DriverChannel channel, int executionIndex, int retryCount, boolean scheduleSpeculativeExecution, String logPrefix) { this.statement = statement; this.node = node; this.channel = channel; this.executionIndex = executionIndex; this.retryCount = retryCount; this.scheduleSpeculativeExecution = scheduleSpeculativeExecution; this.logPrefix = logPrefix + "|" + executionIndex; this.executionProfile = Conversions.resolveExecutionProfile(statement, context); } @Override public void onStreamIdAssigned(int streamId) { LOG.trace("[{}] Assigned streamId {} on node {}", logPrefix, streamId, node); lock.lock(); try { this.streamId = streamId; if (state < 0) { // This happens if we were cancelled before getting the stream id, we have a request in // flight that needs to be cancelled releaseStreamId(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isLastResponse(@NonNull Frame responseFrame) { lock.lock(); try { Message message = responseFrame.message; boolean isLastResponse; if (sentCancelRequest) { // The only response we accept is the SERVER_ERROR triggered by a successful cancellation. // Otherwise we risk releasing and reusing the stream id while the cancel request is still // in flight, and it might end up cancelling an unrelated request. // Note that there is a chance that the request ends normally right after we send the // cancel request. In that case this method never returns true and the stream id will // remain orphaned forever. This should be very rare so this is acceptable. if (message instanceof Error) { Error error = (Error) message; isLastResponse = (error.code == ProtocolConstants.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR) && error.message.contains("Session cancelled by the user"); } else { isLastResponse = false; } } else if (message instanceof Rows) { Rows rows = (Rows) message; DseRowsMetadata metadata = (DseRowsMetadata) rows.getMetadata(); isLastResponse = metadata.isLastContinuousPage; } else { isLastResponse = message instanceof Error; } if (isLastResponse) { sawLastResponse = true; } return isLastResponse; } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Invoked when the write from sendRequest completes.
  • future – The future representing the outcome of the write operation.
/** * Invoked when the write from {@link #sendRequest} completes. * * @param future The future representing the outcome of the write operation. */
@Override public void operationComplete(@NonNull Future<java.lang.Void> future) { if (!future.isSuccess()) { Throwable error = future.cause(); if (error instanceof EncoderException && error.getCause() instanceof FrameTooLongException) { trackNodeError(node, error.getCause()); lock.lock(); try { abort(error.getCause(), false); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } else { LOG.trace( "[{}] Failed to send request on {}, trying next node (cause: {})", logPrefix, channel, error); ((DefaultNode) node) .getMetricUpdater() .incrementCounter(DefaultNodeMetric.UNSENT_REQUESTS, executionProfile.getName()); recordError(node, error); trackNodeError(node, error.getCause()); sendRequest(statement, null, executionIndex, retryCount, scheduleSpeculativeExecution); } } else { LOG.trace("[{}] Request sent on {}", logPrefix, channel); if (scheduleSpeculativeExecution && Conversions.resolveIdempotence(statement, context)) { int nextExecution = executionIndex + 1; // Note that `node` is the first node of the execution, it might not be the "slow" one // if there were retries, but in practice retries are rare. long nextDelay = Conversions.resolveSpeculativeExecutionPolicy(statement, context) .nextExecution(node, keyspace, statement, nextExecution); if (nextDelay >= 0) { scheduleSpeculativeExecution(nextExecution, nextDelay); } else { LOG.trace( "[{}] Speculative execution policy returned {}, no next execution", logPrefix, nextDelay); } } pageTimeout = schedulePageTimeout(1); } } private void scheduleSpeculativeExecution(int nextExecutionIndex, long delay) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Scheduling speculative execution {} in {} ms", logPrefix, nextExecutionIndex, delay); try { scheduledExecutions.add( timer.newTimeout( (Timeout timeout) -> { if (!chosenCallback.isDone()) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Starting speculative execution {}", logPrefix, nextExecutionIndex); activeExecutionsCount.incrementAndGet(); startedSpeculativeExecutionsCount.incrementAndGet(); NodeMetricUpdater nodeMetricUpdater = ((DefaultNode) node).getMetricUpdater(); if (nodeMetricUpdater.isEnabled( DefaultNodeMetric.SPECULATIVE_EXECUTIONS, executionProfile.getName())) { nodeMetricUpdater.incrementCounter( DefaultNodeMetric.SPECULATIVE_EXECUTIONS, executionProfile.getName()); } sendRequest(statement, null, nextExecutionIndex, 0, true); } }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { logTimeoutSchedulingError(e); } } private Timeout schedulePageTimeout(int expectedPage) { if (expectedPage < 0) { return null; } Duration timeout = getPageTimeout(statement, expectedPage); if (timeout.toNanos() <= 0) { return null; } LOG.trace("[{}] Scheduling timeout for page {} in {}", logPrefix, expectedPage, timeout); return timer.newTimeout( t -> onPageTimeout(expectedPage), timeout.toNanos(), TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } private void onPageTimeout(int expectedPage) { lock.lock(); try { if (state == expectedPage) { abort( new DriverTimeoutException( String.format("Timed out waiting for page %d", expectedPage)), false); } else { // Ignore timeout if the request has moved on in the interim. LOG.trace( "[{}] Timeout fired for page {} but query already at state {}, skipping", logPrefix, expectedPage, state); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Invoked when a continuous paging response is received, either a successful or failed one.

Delegates further processing to appropriate methods: processResultResponse(Result, Frame) if the response was successful, or processErrorResponse(Error) if it wasn't.

  • response – the received Frame.
/** * Invoked when a continuous paging response is received, either a successful or failed one. * * <p>Delegates further processing to appropriate methods: {@link #processResultResponse(Result, * Frame)} if the response was successful, or {@link #processErrorResponse(Error)} if it wasn't. * * @param response the received {@link Frame}. */
@Override public void onResponse(@NonNull Frame response) { stopNodeMessageTimer(); cancelTimeout(pageTimeout); lock.lock(); try { if (state < 0) { LOG.trace("[{}] Got result but the request has been cancelled, ignoring", logPrefix); return; } try { Message responseMessage = response.message; if (responseMessage instanceof Result) { LOG.trace("[{}] Got result", logPrefix); processResultResponse((Result) responseMessage, response); } else if (responseMessage instanceof Error) { LOG.trace("[{}] Got error response", logPrefix); processErrorResponse((Error) responseMessage); } else { IllegalStateException error = new IllegalStateException("Unexpected response " + responseMessage); trackNodeError(node, error); abort(error, false); } } catch (Throwable t) { trackNodeError(node, t); abort(t, false); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
Invoked when a continuous paging request hits an unexpected error.

Delegates further processing to to the retry policy (processRetryVerdict(RetryVerdict, Throwable).

  • error – the error encountered, usually a network problem.
/** * Invoked when a continuous paging request hits an unexpected error. * * <p>Delegates further processing to to the retry policy ({@link * #processRetryVerdict(RetryVerdict, Throwable)}. * * @param error the error encountered, usually a network problem. */
@Override public void onFailure(@NonNull Throwable error) { cancelTimeout(pageTimeout); LOG.trace(String.format("[%s] Request failure", logPrefix), error); RetryVerdict verdict; if (!Conversions.resolveIdempotence(statement, context) || error instanceof FrameTooLongException) { verdict = RetryVerdict.RETHROW; } else { try { RetryPolicy retryPolicy = Conversions.resolveRetryPolicy(statement, context); verdict = retryPolicy.onRequestAbortedVerdict(statement, error, retryCount); } catch (Throwable cause) { abort( new IllegalStateException("Unexpected error while invoking the retry policy", cause), false); return; } } updateErrorMetrics( ((DefaultNode) node).getMetricUpdater(), verdict, DefaultNodeMetric.ABORTED_REQUESTS, DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES_ON_ABORTED, DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES_ON_ABORTED); lock.lock(); try { processRetryVerdict(verdict, error); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } // PROCESSING METHODS
Processes a new result response, creating the corresponding ResultSetT object and then enqueuing it or serving it directly to the user if he was waiting for it.
  • result – the result to process. It is normally a Rows object, but may be a Void object if the retry policy decided to ignore an error.
  • frame – the Frame (used to create the ExecutionInfo the first time).
/** * Processes a new result response, creating the corresponding {@link ResultSetT} object and * then enqueuing it or serving it directly to the user if he was waiting for it. * * @param result the result to process. It is normally a {@link Rows} object, but may be a * {@link Void} object if the retry policy decided to ignore an error. * @param frame the {@link Frame} (used to create the {@link ExecutionInfo} the first time). */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") // this method is only called with the lock held private void processResultResponse(@NonNull Result result, @Nullable Frame frame) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); try { ExecutionInfo executionInfo = createExecutionInfo(result, frame); if (result instanceof Rows) { DseRowsMetadata rowsMetadata = (DseRowsMetadata) ((Rows) result).getMetadata(); if (columnDefinitions == null) { // Contrary to ROWS responses from regular queries, // the first page always includes metadata so we use this // regardless of whether or not the query was from a prepared statement. columnDefinitions = Conversions.toColumnDefinitions(rowsMetadata, context); } int pageNumber = rowsMetadata.continuousPageNumber; int currentPage = state; if (pageNumber != currentPage) { abort( new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Received page %d but was expecting %d", pageNumber, currentPage)), false); } else { int pageSize = ((Rows) result).getData().size(); ResultSetT resultSet = createResultSet(statement, (Rows) result, executionInfo, columnDefinitions); if (rowsMetadata.isLastContinuousPage) { LOG.trace("[{}] Received last page ({} - {} rows)", logPrefix, pageNumber, pageSize); state = STATE_FINISHED; reenableAutoReadIfNeeded(); enqueueOrCompletePending(resultSet); stopGlobalRequestTimer(); cancelTimeout(globalTimeout); } else { LOG.trace("[{}] Received page {} ({} rows)", logPrefix, pageNumber, pageSize); if (currentPage > 0) { state = currentPage + 1; } enqueueOrCompletePending(resultSet); } } } else { // Void responses happen only when the retry decision is ignore. assert result instanceof Void; ResultSetT resultSet = createEmptyResultSet(executionInfo); LOG.trace( "[{}] Continuous paging interrupted by retry policy decision to ignore error", logPrefix); state = STATE_FINISHED; reenableAutoReadIfNeeded(); enqueueOrCompletePending(resultSet); stopGlobalRequestTimer(); cancelTimeout(globalTimeout); } } catch (Throwable error) { abort(error, false); } }
Processes an unsuccessful response.

Depending on the error, may trigger:

  1. a re-prepare cycle, see processUnprepared(Unprepared);
  2. an immediate retry on the next host, bypassing the retry policy, if the host was bootstrapping;
  3. an immediate abortion if the error is unrecoverable;
  4. further processing if the error is recoverable, see processRecoverableError(CoordinatorException)
  • errorMessage – the error message received.
/** * Processes an unsuccessful response. * * <p>Depending on the error, may trigger: * * <ol> * <li>a re-prepare cycle, see {@link #processUnprepared(Unprepared)}; * <li>an immediate retry on the next host, bypassing the retry policy, if the host was * bootstrapping; * <li>an immediate abortion if the error is unrecoverable; * <li>further processing if the error is recoverable, see {@link * #processRecoverableError(CoordinatorException)} * </ol> * * @param errorMessage the error message received. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") // this method is only called with the lock held private void processErrorResponse(@NonNull Error errorMessage) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (errorMessage instanceof Unprepared) { processUnprepared((Unprepared) errorMessage); } else { CoordinatorException error = DseConversions.toThrowable(node, errorMessage, context); if (error instanceof BootstrappingException) { LOG.trace("[{}] {} is bootstrapping, trying next node", logPrefix, node); recordError(node, error); trackNodeError(node, error); sendRequest(statement, null, executionIndex, retryCount, false); } else if (error instanceof QueryValidationException || error instanceof FunctionFailureException || error instanceof ProtocolError || state > 1) { // we only process recoverable errors for the first page, // errors on subsequent pages will always trigger an immediate abortion LOG.trace("[{}] Unrecoverable error, rethrowing", logPrefix); NodeMetricUpdater metricUpdater = ((DefaultNode) node).getMetricUpdater(); metricUpdater.incrementCounter( DefaultNodeMetric.OTHER_ERRORS, executionProfile.getName()); trackNodeError(node, error); abort(error, true); } else { try { processRecoverableError(error); } catch (Throwable cause) { abort(cause, false); } } } }
Processes a recoverable error.

In most cases, delegates to the retry policy and its decision, see processRetryVerdict(RetryVerdict, Throwable).

  • error – the recoverable error.
/** * Processes a recoverable error. * * <p>In most cases, delegates to the retry policy and its decision, see {@link * #processRetryVerdict(RetryVerdict, Throwable)}. * * @param error the recoverable error. */
private void processRecoverableError(@NonNull CoordinatorException error) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); NodeMetricUpdater metricUpdater = ((DefaultNode) node).getMetricUpdater(); RetryVerdict verdict; RetryPolicy retryPolicy = Conversions.resolveRetryPolicy(statement, context); if (error instanceof ReadTimeoutException) { ReadTimeoutException readTimeout = (ReadTimeoutException) error; verdict = retryPolicy.onReadTimeoutVerdict( statement, readTimeout.getConsistencyLevel(), readTimeout.getBlockFor(), readTimeout.getReceived(), readTimeout.wasDataPresent(), retryCount); updateErrorMetrics( metricUpdater, verdict, DefaultNodeMetric.READ_TIMEOUTS, DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES_ON_READ_TIMEOUT, DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES_ON_READ_TIMEOUT); } else if (error instanceof WriteTimeoutException) { WriteTimeoutException writeTimeout = (WriteTimeoutException) error; if (Conversions.resolveIdempotence(statement, context)) { verdict = retryPolicy.onWriteTimeoutVerdict( statement, writeTimeout.getConsistencyLevel(), writeTimeout.getWriteType(), writeTimeout.getBlockFor(), writeTimeout.getReceived(), retryCount); } else { verdict = RetryVerdict.RETHROW; } updateErrorMetrics( metricUpdater, verdict, DefaultNodeMetric.WRITE_TIMEOUTS, DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES_ON_WRITE_TIMEOUT, DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES_ON_WRITE_TIMEOUT); } else if (error instanceof UnavailableException) { UnavailableException unavailable = (UnavailableException) error; verdict = retryPolicy.onUnavailableVerdict( statement, unavailable.getConsistencyLevel(), unavailable.getRequired(), unavailable.getAlive(), retryCount); updateErrorMetrics( metricUpdater, verdict, DefaultNodeMetric.UNAVAILABLES, DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES_ON_UNAVAILABLE, DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES_ON_UNAVAILABLE); } else { verdict = Conversions.resolveIdempotence(statement, context) ? retryPolicy.onErrorResponseVerdict(statement, error, retryCount) : RetryVerdict.RETHROW; updateErrorMetrics( metricUpdater, verdict, DefaultNodeMetric.OTHER_ERRORS, DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES_ON_OTHER_ERROR, DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES_ON_OTHER_ERROR); } processRetryVerdict(verdict, error); }
Processes an Unprepared error by re-preparing then retrying on the same host.
  • errorMessage – the unprepared error message.
/** * Processes an {@link Unprepared} error by re-preparing then retrying on the same host. * * @param errorMessage the unprepared error message. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") // this method is only called with the lock held private void processUnprepared(@NonNull Unprepared errorMessage) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); ByteBuffer idToReprepare = ByteBuffer.wrap(errorMessage.id); LOG.trace( "[{}] Statement {} is not prepared on {}, re-preparing", logPrefix, Bytes.toHexString(idToReprepare), node); RepreparePayload repreparePayload = session.getRepreparePayloads().get(idToReprepare); if (repreparePayload == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( String.format( "Tried to execute unprepared query %s but we don't have the data to re-prepare it", Bytes.toHexString(idToReprepare))); } Prepare prepare = repreparePayload.toMessage(); Duration timeout = executionProfile.getDuration(DefaultDriverOption.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); ThrottledAdminRequestHandler.prepare( channel, true, prepare, repreparePayload.customPayload, timeout, throttler, sessionMetricUpdater, logPrefix) .start() .whenComplete( (repreparedId, exception) -> { // If we run into an unrecoverable error, surface it to the client instead of // retrying Throwable fatalError = null; if (exception == null) { if (!repreparedId.equals(idToReprepare)) { IllegalStateException illegalStateException = new IllegalStateException( String.format( "ID mismatch while trying to reprepare (expected %s, got %s). " + "This prepared statement won't work anymore. " + "This usually happens when you run a 'USE...' query after " + "the statement was prepared.", Bytes.toHexString(idToReprepare), Bytes.toHexString(repreparedId))); trackNodeError(node, illegalStateException); fatalError = illegalStateException; } else { LOG.trace( "[{}] Re-prepare successful, retrying on the same node ({})", logPrefix, node); sendRequest(statement, node, executionIndex, retryCount, false); } } else { if (exception instanceof UnexpectedResponseException) { Message prepareErrorMessage = ((UnexpectedResponseException) exception).message; if (prepareErrorMessage instanceof Error) { CoordinatorException prepareError = DseConversions.toThrowable(node, (Error) prepareErrorMessage, context); if (prepareError instanceof QueryValidationException || prepareError instanceof FunctionFailureException || prepareError instanceof ProtocolError) { LOG.trace("[{}] Unrecoverable error on re-prepare, rethrowing", logPrefix); trackNodeError(node, prepareError); fatalError = prepareError; } } } else if (exception instanceof RequestThrottlingException) { trackNodeError(node, exception); fatalError = exception; } if (fatalError == null) { LOG.trace("[{}] Re-prepare failed, trying next node", logPrefix); recordError(node, exception); trackNodeError(node, exception); sendRequest(statement, null, executionIndex, retryCount, false); } } if (fatalError != null) { lock.lock(); try { abort(fatalError, true); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } }); }
Processes the retry decision by triggering a retry, aborting or ignoring; also records the failures for further access.
  • verdict – the verdict to process.
  • error – the original error.
/** * Processes the retry decision by triggering a retry, aborting or ignoring; also records the * failures for further access. * * @param verdict the verdict to process. * @param error the original error. */
private void processRetryVerdict(@NonNull RetryVerdict verdict, @NonNull Throwable error) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); LOG.trace("[{}] Processing retry decision {}", logPrefix, verdict); switch (verdict.getRetryDecision()) { case RETRY_SAME: recordError(node, error); trackNodeError(node, error); sendRequest( verdict.getRetryRequest(statement), node, executionIndex, retryCount + 1, false); break; case RETRY_NEXT: recordError(node, error); trackNodeError(node, error); sendRequest( verdict.getRetryRequest(statement), null, executionIndex, retryCount + 1, false); break; case RETHROW: trackNodeError(node, error); abort(error, true); break; case IGNORE: processResultResponse(Void.INSTANCE, null); break; } } // PAGE HANDLING
Enqueues a response or, if the client was already waiting for it, completes the pending future.

Guarded by NodeResponseCallback.lock.

  • pageOrError – the next page, or an error.
/** * Enqueues a response or, if the client was already waiting for it, completes the pending * future. * * <p>Guarded by {@link #lock}. * * @param pageOrError the next page, or an error. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") // this method is only called with the lock held private void enqueueOrCompletePending(@NonNull Object pageOrError) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (queue == null) { // This is the first time this callback tries to stream something back to the client, check // if it can be selected if (!chosenCallback.complete(this)) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Trying to enqueue {} but another callback was already chosen, aborting", logPrefix, asTraceString(pageOrError)); } // Discard the data, this callback will be canceled shortly since the chosen callback // invoked cancelScheduledTasks return; } queue = new ArrayDeque<>(getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement)); numPagesRequested = protocolBackpressureAvailable ? getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement) : 0; cancelScheduledTasks(this); } if (pendingResult != null) { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Client was waiting on empty queue, completing with {}", logPrefix, asTraceString(pageOrError)); } CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> tmp = pendingResult; // null out pendingResult before completing it because its completion // may trigger a call to fetchNextPage -> dequeueOrCreatePending, // which expects pendingResult to be null. pendingResult = null; completeResultSetFuture(tmp, pageOrError); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("[{}] Enqueuing {}", logPrefix, asTraceString(pageOrError)); } queue.add(pageOrError); // Backpressure without protocol support: if the queue grows too large, // disable auto-read so that the channel eventually becomes // non-writable on the server side (causing it to back off for a while) if (!protocolBackpressureAvailable && queue.size() == getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement) && state > 0) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Exceeded {} queued response pages, disabling auto-read", logPrefix, queue.size()); channel.config().setAutoRead(false); } } }
Dequeue a response or, if the queue is empty, create the future that will get notified of the next response, when it arrives.

Called from user code, see AsyncPagingIterable<Row,ContinuousAsyncResultSet>.fetchNextPage().

Returns:the next page's future; never null.
/** * Dequeue a response or, if the queue is empty, create the future that will get notified of the * next response, when it arrives. * * <p>Called from user code, see {@link ContinuousAsyncResultSet#fetchNextPage()}. * * @return the next page's future; never null. */
@NonNull public CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> dequeueOrCreatePending() { lock.lock(); try { // If the client was already waiting for a page, there's no way it can call this method // again // (this is guaranteed by our public API because in order to ask for the next page, // you need the reference to the previous page). assert pendingResult == null; Object head = null; if (queue != null) { head = queue.poll(); if (!protocolBackpressureAvailable && head != null && queue.size() == getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement) - 1) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Back to {} queued response pages, re-enabling auto-read", logPrefix, queue.size()); channel.config().setAutoRead(true); } maybeRequestMore(); } if (head != null) { if (state == STATE_FAILED && !(head instanceof Throwable)) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Client requested next page on cancelled queue, discarding page and returning cancelled future", logPrefix); return cancelledResultSetFuture(); } else { if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Client requested next page on non-empty queue, returning immediate future of {}", logPrefix, asTraceString(head)); } return immediateResultSetFuture(head); } } else { if (state == STATE_FAILED) { LOG.trace( "[{}] Client requested next page on cancelled empty queue, returning cancelled future", logPrefix); return cancelledResultSetFuture(); } else { LOG.trace( "[{}] Client requested next page but queue is empty, installing future", logPrefix); pendingResult = new CompletableFuture<>(); // Only schedule a timeout if we're past the first page (the first page's timeout is // handled in sendRequest). if (state > 1) { pageTimeout = schedulePageTimeout(state); // Note: each new timeout is cancelled when the next response arrives, see // onResponse(Frame). } return pendingResult; } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } }
If the total number of results in the queue and in-flight (requested - received) is less than half the queue size, then request more pages, unless the NodeResponseCallback.state is failed, we're still waiting for the first page (so maybe still throttled or in the middle of a retry), or we don't support backpressure at the protocol level.
/** * If the total number of results in the queue and in-flight (requested - received) is less than * half the queue size, then request more pages, unless the {@link #state} is failed, we're * still waiting for the first page (so maybe still throttled or in the middle of a retry), or * we don't support backpressure at the protocol level. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") private void maybeRequestMore() { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); if (state < 2 || streamId == -1 || !protocolBackpressureAvailable) { return; } // if we have already requested more than the client needs, then no need to request some more int maxPages = getMaxPages(statement); if (maxPages > 0 && numPagesRequested >= maxPages) { return; } // the pages received so far, which is the state minus one int received = state - 1; int requested = numPagesRequested; // the pages that fit in the queue, which is the queue free space minus the requests in flight int freeSpace = getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement) - queue.size(); int inFlight = requested - received; int numPagesFittingInQueue = freeSpace - inFlight; if (numPagesFittingInQueue > 0 && numPagesFittingInQueue >= getMaxEnqueuedPages(statement) / 2) { LOG.trace("[{}] Requesting more {} pages", logPrefix, numPagesFittingInQueue); numPagesRequested = requested + numPagesFittingInQueue; sendMorePagesRequest(numPagesFittingInQueue); } }
Sends a request for more pages (a.k.a. backpressure request).
  • nextPages – the number of extra pages to request.
/** * Sends a request for more pages (a.k.a. backpressure request). * * @param nextPages the number of extra pages to request. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") private void sendMorePagesRequest(int nextPages) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); assert channel != null : "expected valid connection in order to request more pages"; assert protocolBackpressureAvailable; assert streamId != -1; LOG.trace("[{}] Sending request for more pages", logPrefix); ThrottledAdminRequestHandler.query( channel, true, Revise.requestMoreContinuousPages(streamId, nextPages), statement.getCustomPayload(), getReviseRequestTimeout(statement), throttler, session.getMetricUpdater(), logPrefix, "request " + nextPages + " more pages for id " + streamId) .start() .handle( (result, error) -> { if (error != null) { Loggers.warnWithException( LOG, "[{}] Error requesting more pages, aborting.", logPrefix, error); lock.lock(); try { // Set fromServer to false because we want the callback to still cancel the // session if possible or else the server will wait on a timeout. abort(error, false); } finally { lock.unlock(); } } return null; }); }
Cancels the given timeout, if non null.
/** Cancels the given timeout, if non null. */
private void cancelTimeout(Timeout timeout) { if (timeout != null) { LOG.trace("[{}] Cancelling timeout", logPrefix); timeout.cancel(); } } // CANCELLATION public void cancel() { lock.lock(); try { if (state < 0) { return; } else { LOG.trace( "[{}] Cancelling continuous paging session with state {} on node {}", logPrefix, state, node); state = STATE_FAILED; if (pendingResult != null) { pendingResult.cancel(true); } releaseStreamId(); } } finally { lock.unlock(); } reenableAutoReadIfNeeded(); } @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") private void releaseStreamId() { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); // If we saw the last response already, InFlightHandler will release the id so no need to // cancel explicitly if (streamId >= 0 && !sawLastResponse && !channel.closeFuture().isDone()) { // This orphans the stream id, but it will still be held until we see the last response: channel.cancel(this); // This tells the server to stop streaming, and send a terminal response: sendCancelRequest(); } } @SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") private void sendCancelRequest() { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); LOG.trace("[{}] Sending cancel request", logPrefix); ThrottledAdminRequestHandler.query( channel, true, Revise.cancelContinuousPaging(streamId), statement.getCustomPayload(), getReviseRequestTimeout(statement), throttler, session.getMetricUpdater(), logPrefix, "cancel request") .start() .handle( (result, error) -> { if (error != null) { Loggers.warnWithException( LOG, "[{}] Error sending cancel request. " + "This is not critical (the request will eventually time out server-side).", logPrefix, error); } else { LOG.trace("[{}] Continuous paging session cancelled successfully", logPrefix); } return null; }); sentCancelRequest = true; } // TERMINATION private void reenableAutoReadIfNeeded() { // Make sure we don't leave the channel unreadable LOG.trace("[{}] Re-enabling auto-read", logPrefix); if (!protocolBackpressureAvailable) { channel.config().setAutoRead(true); } } // ERROR HANDLING private void recordError(@NonNull Node node, @NonNull Throwable error) { errors.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<>(node, error)); } private void trackNodeError(@NonNull Node node, @NonNull Throwable error) { if (nodeErrorReported.compareAndSet(false, true)) { long latencyNanos = System.nanoTime() - this.messageStartTimeNanos; context .getRequestTracker() .onNodeError(this.statement, error, latencyNanos, executionProfile, node, logPrefix); } }
Aborts the continuous paging session due to an error that can be either from the server or the client.
  • error – the error that causes the abortion.
  • fromServer – whether the error was triggered by the coordinator or by the driver.
/** * Aborts the continuous paging session due to an error that can be either from the server or * the client. * * @param error the error that causes the abortion. * @param fromServer whether the error was triggered by the coordinator or by the driver. */
@SuppressWarnings("GuardedBy") // this method is only called with the lock held private void abort(@NonNull Throwable error, boolean fromServer) { assert lock.isHeldByCurrentThread(); LOG.trace( "[{}] Aborting due to {} ({})", logPrefix, error.getClass().getSimpleName(), error.getMessage()); if (channel == null) { // This only happens when sending the initial request, if no host was available // or if the iterator returned by the LBP threw an exception. // In either case the write was not even attempted, and // we set the state right now. enqueueOrCompletePending(error); state = STATE_FAILED; } else if (state > 0) { enqueueOrCompletePending(error); if (fromServer) { // We can safely assume the server won't send any more responses, // so set the state and call release() right now. state = STATE_FAILED; reenableAutoReadIfNeeded(); } else { // attempt to cancel first, i.e. ask server to stop sending responses, // and only then release. cancel(); } } stopGlobalRequestTimer(); cancelTimeout(globalTimeout); } // METRICS private void stopNodeMessageTimer() { if (stopNodeMessageTimerReported.compareAndSet(false, true)) { ((DefaultNode) node) .getMetricUpdater() .updateTimer( messagesMetric, executionProfile.getName(), System.nanoTime() - messageStartTimeNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } } private void stopGlobalRequestTimer() { session .getMetricUpdater() .updateTimer( continuousRequestsMetric, null, System.nanoTime() - startTimeNanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); } private void updateErrorMetrics( @NonNull NodeMetricUpdater metricUpdater, @NonNull RetryVerdict verdict, @NonNull DefaultNodeMetric error, @NonNull DefaultNodeMetric retriesOnError, @NonNull DefaultNodeMetric ignoresOnError) { metricUpdater.incrementCounter(error, executionProfile.getName()); switch (verdict.getRetryDecision()) { case RETRY_SAME: case RETRY_NEXT: metricUpdater.incrementCounter(DefaultNodeMetric.RETRIES, executionProfile.getName()); metricUpdater.incrementCounter(retriesOnError, executionProfile.getName()); break; case IGNORE: metricUpdater.incrementCounter(DefaultNodeMetric.IGNORES, executionProfile.getName()); metricUpdater.incrementCounter(ignoresOnError, executionProfile.getName()); break; case RETHROW: // nothing do do } } // UTILITY METHODS @NonNull private CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> immediateResultSetFuture(@NonNull Object pageOrError) { CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> future = new CompletableFuture<>(); completeResultSetFuture(future, pageOrError); return future; } @NonNull private CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> cancelledResultSetFuture() { return immediateResultSetFuture( new CancellationException( "Can't get more results because the continuous query has failed already. " + "Most likely this is because the query was cancelled")); } private void completeResultSetFuture( @NonNull CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> future, @NonNull Object pageOrError) { long now = System.nanoTime(); long totalLatencyNanos = now - startTimeNanos; long nodeLatencyNanos = now - messageStartTimeNanos; if (resultSetClass.isInstance(pageOrError)) { if (future.complete(resultSetClass.cast(pageOrError))) { throttler.signalSuccess(ContinuousRequestHandlerBase.this); if (nodeSuccessReported.compareAndSet(false, true)) { context .getRequestTracker() .onNodeSuccess(statement, nodeLatencyNanos, executionProfile, node, logPrefix); } context .getRequestTracker() .onSuccess(statement, totalLatencyNanos, executionProfile, node, logPrefix); } } else { Throwable error = (Throwable) pageOrError; if (future.completeExceptionally(error)) { context .getRequestTracker() .onError(statement, error, totalLatencyNanos, executionProfile, node, logPrefix); if (error instanceof DriverTimeoutException) { throttler.signalTimeout(ContinuousRequestHandlerBase.this); session .getMetricUpdater() .incrementCounter(clientTimeoutsMetric, executionProfile.getName()); } else if (!(error instanceof RequestThrottlingException)) { throttler.signalError(ContinuousRequestHandlerBase.this, error); } } } } @NonNull private ExecutionInfo createExecutionInfo(@NonNull Result result, @Nullable Frame response) { ByteBuffer pagingState = result instanceof Rows ? ((Rows) result).getMetadata().pagingState : null; return new DefaultExecutionInfo( statement, node, startedSpeculativeExecutionsCount.get(), executionIndex, errors, pagingState, response, true, session, context, executionProfile); } private void logTimeoutSchedulingError(IllegalStateException timeoutError) { // If we're racing with session shutdown, the timer might be stopped already. We don't want // to schedule more executions anyway, so swallow the error. if (!"cannot be started once stopped".equals(timeoutError.getMessage())) { Loggers.warnWithException( LOG, "[{}] Error while scheduling timeout", logPrefix, timeoutError); } } @NonNull private String asTraceString(@NonNull Object pageOrError) { return resultSetClass.isInstance(pageOrError) ? "page " + pageNumber(resultSetClass.cast(pageOrError)) : ((Exception) pageOrError).getClass().getSimpleName(); } private int getState() { lock.lock(); try { return state; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } private CompletableFuture<ResultSetT> getPendingResult() { lock.lock(); try { return pendingResult; } finally { lock.unlock(); } } } }