 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
 * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
 * the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
 * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
 * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
 * the License.

package android.service.textservice;

import com.android.internal.textservice.ISpellCheckerService;
import com.android.internal.textservice.ISpellCheckerServiceCallback;
import com.android.internal.textservice.ISpellCheckerSession;
import com.android.internal.textservice.ISpellCheckerSessionListener;

import android.app.Service;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.method.WordIterator;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.textservice.SentenceSuggestionsInfo;
import android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo;
import android.view.textservice.TextInfo;

import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
import java.text.BreakIterator;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;

SpellCheckerService provides an abstract base class for a spell checker. This class combines a service to the system with the spell checker service interface that spell checker must implement.

In addition to the normal Service lifecycle methods, this class introduces a new specific callback that subclasses should override createSession() to provide a spell checker session that is corresponding to requested language and so on. The spell checker session returned by this method should extend Session.

Returning spell check results

Session.onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int) should return spell check results. It receives TextInfo and returns SuggestionsInfo for the input. You may want to override Session.onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[], int, boolean) for better performance and quality.

Please note that Session.getLocale() does not return a valid locale before Session.onCreate()

/** * SpellCheckerService provides an abstract base class for a spell checker. * This class combines a service to the system with the spell checker service interface that * spell checker must implement. * * <p>In addition to the normal Service lifecycle methods, this class * introduces a new specific callback that subclasses should override * {@link #createSession()} to provide a spell checker session that is corresponding * to requested language and so on. The spell checker session returned by this method * should extend {@link SpellCheckerService.Session}. * </p> * * <h3>Returning spell check results</h3> * * <p>{@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)} * should return spell check results. * It receives {@link android.view.textservice.TextInfo} and returns * {@link android.view.textservice.SuggestionsInfo} for the input. * You may want to override * {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[], int, boolean)} for * better performance and quality. * </p> * * <p>Please note that {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#getLocale()} does not return a valid * locale before {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onCreate()} </p> * */
public abstract class SpellCheckerService extends Service { private static final String TAG = SpellCheckerService.class.getSimpleName(); private static final boolean DBG = false; public static final String SERVICE_INTERFACE = "android.service.textservice.SpellCheckerService"; private final SpellCheckerServiceBinder mBinder = new SpellCheckerServiceBinder(this);
Implement to return the implementation of the internal spell checker service interface. Subclasses should not override.
/** * Implement to return the implementation of the internal spell checker * service interface. Subclasses should not override. */
@Override public final IBinder onBind(final Intent intent) { if (DBG) { Log.w(TAG, "onBind"); } return mBinder; }
Factory method to create a spell checker session impl
Returns:SpellCheckerSessionImpl which should be overridden by a concrete implementation.
/** * Factory method to create a spell checker session impl * @return SpellCheckerSessionImpl which should be overridden by a concrete implementation. */
public abstract Session createSession();
This abstract class should be overridden by a concrete implementation of a spell checker.
/** * This abstract class should be overridden by a concrete implementation of a spell checker. */
public static abstract class Session { private InternalISpellCheckerSession mInternalSession; private volatile SentenceLevelAdapter mSentenceLevelAdapter;
/** * @hide */
public final void setInternalISpellCheckerSession(InternalISpellCheckerSession session) { mInternalSession = session; }
This is called after the class is initialized, at which point it knows it can call getLocale() etc...
/** * This is called after the class is initialized, at which point it knows it can call * getLocale() etc... */
public abstract void onCreate();
Get suggestions for specified text in TextInfo. This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. So, this is not called on the main thread, but will be called in series on another thread.
  • textInfo – the text metadata
  • suggestionsLimit – the maximum number of suggestions to be returned
Returns:SuggestionsInfo which contains suggestions for textInfo
/** * Get suggestions for specified text in TextInfo. * This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. * So, this is not called on the main thread, * but will be called in series on another thread. * @param textInfo the text metadata * @param suggestionsLimit the maximum number of suggestions to be returned * @return SuggestionsInfo which contains suggestions for textInfo */
public abstract SuggestionsInfo onGetSuggestions(TextInfo textInfo, int suggestionsLimit);
A batch process of onGetSuggestions. This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. So, this is not called on the main thread, but will be called in series on another thread.
  • textInfos – an array of the text metadata
  • suggestionsLimit – the maximum number of suggestions to be returned
  • sequentialWords – true if textInfos can be treated as sequential words.
Returns:an array of SentenceSuggestionsInfo returned by onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)
/** * A batch process of onGetSuggestions. * This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. * So, this is not called on the main thread, * but will be called in series on another thread. * @param textInfos an array of the text metadata * @param suggestionsLimit the maximum number of suggestions to be returned * @param sequentialWords true if textInfos can be treated as sequential words. * @return an array of {@link SentenceSuggestionsInfo} returned by * {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)} */
public SuggestionsInfo[] onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[] textInfos, int suggestionsLimit, boolean sequentialWords) { final int length = textInfos.length; final SuggestionsInfo[] retval = new SuggestionsInfo[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { retval[i] = onGetSuggestions(textInfos[i], suggestionsLimit); retval[i].setCookieAndSequence( textInfos[i].getCookie(), textInfos[i].getSequence()); } return retval; }
Get sentence suggestions for specified texts in an array of TextInfo. The default implementation splits the input text to words and returns SentenceSuggestionsInfo which contains suggestions for each word. This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. So, this is not called on the main thread, but will be called in series on another thread. When you override this method, make sure that suggestionsLimit is applied to suggestions that share the same start position and length.
  • textInfos – an array of the text metadata
  • suggestionsLimit – the maximum number of suggestions to be returned
Returns:an array of SentenceSuggestionsInfo returned by onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)
/** * Get sentence suggestions for specified texts in an array of TextInfo. * The default implementation splits the input text to words and returns * {@link SentenceSuggestionsInfo} which contains suggestions for each word. * This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. * So, this is not called on the main thread, * but will be called in series on another thread. * When you override this method, make sure that suggestionsLimit is applied to suggestions * that share the same start position and length. * @param textInfos an array of the text metadata * @param suggestionsLimit the maximum number of suggestions to be returned * @return an array of {@link SentenceSuggestionsInfo} returned by * {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)} */
public SentenceSuggestionsInfo[] onGetSentenceSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[] textInfos, int suggestionsLimit) { if (textInfos == null || textInfos.length == 0) { return SentenceLevelAdapter.EMPTY_SENTENCE_SUGGESTIONS_INFOS; } if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "onGetSentenceSuggestionsMultiple: + " + textInfos.length + ", " + suggestionsLimit); } if (mSentenceLevelAdapter == null) { synchronized(this) { if (mSentenceLevelAdapter == null) { final String localeStr = getLocale(); if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(localeStr)) { mSentenceLevelAdapter = new SentenceLevelAdapter(new Locale(localeStr)); } } } } if (mSentenceLevelAdapter == null) { return SentenceLevelAdapter.EMPTY_SENTENCE_SUGGESTIONS_INFOS; } final int infosSize = textInfos.length; final SentenceSuggestionsInfo[] retval = new SentenceSuggestionsInfo[infosSize]; for (int i = 0; i < infosSize; ++i) { final SentenceLevelAdapter.SentenceTextInfoParams textInfoParams = mSentenceLevelAdapter.getSplitWords(textInfos[i]); final ArrayList<SentenceLevelAdapter.SentenceWordItem> mItems = textInfoParams.mItems; final int itemsSize = mItems.size(); final TextInfo[] splitTextInfos = new TextInfo[itemsSize]; for (int j = 0; j < itemsSize; ++j) { splitTextInfos[j] = mItems.get(j).mTextInfo; } retval[i] = SentenceLevelAdapter.reconstructSuggestions( textInfoParams, onGetSuggestionsMultiple( splitTextInfos, suggestionsLimit, true)); } return retval; }
Request to abort all tasks executed in SpellChecker. This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. So, this is not called on the main thread, but will be called in series on another thread.
/** * Request to abort all tasks executed in SpellChecker. * This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. * So, this is not called on the main thread, * but will be called in series on another thread. */
public void onCancel() {}
Request to close this session. This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. So, this is not called on the main thread, but will be called in series on another thread.
/** * Request to close this session. * This function will run on the incoming IPC thread. * So, this is not called on the main thread, * but will be called in series on another thread. */
public void onClose() {}
Returns:Locale for this session
/** * @return Locale for this session */
public String getLocale() { return mInternalSession.getLocale(); }
Returns:Bundle for this session
/** * @return Bundle for this session */
public Bundle getBundle() { return mInternalSession.getBundle(); } } // Preventing from exposing ISpellCheckerSession.aidl, create an internal class. private static class InternalISpellCheckerSession extends ISpellCheckerSession.Stub { private ISpellCheckerSessionListener mListener; private final Session mSession; private final String mLocale; private final Bundle mBundle; public InternalISpellCheckerSession(String locale, ISpellCheckerSessionListener listener, Bundle bundle, Session session) { mListener = listener; mSession = session; mLocale = locale; mBundle = bundle; session.setInternalISpellCheckerSession(this); } @Override public void onGetSuggestionsMultiple( TextInfo[] textInfos, int suggestionsLimit, boolean sequentialWords) { int pri = Process.getThreadPriority(Process.myTid()); try { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mListener.onGetSuggestions( mSession.onGetSuggestionsMultiple( textInfos, suggestionsLimit, sequentialWords)); } catch (RemoteException e) { } finally { Process.setThreadPriority(pri); } } @Override public void onGetSentenceSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[] textInfos, int suggestionsLimit) { try { mListener.onGetSentenceSuggestions( mSession.onGetSentenceSuggestionsMultiple(textInfos, suggestionsLimit)); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } @Override public void onCancel() { int pri = Process.getThreadPriority(Process.myTid()); try { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mSession.onCancel(); } finally { Process.setThreadPriority(pri); } } @Override public void onClose() { int pri = Process.getThreadPriority(Process.myTid()); try { Process.setThreadPriority(Process.THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND); mSession.onClose(); } finally { Process.setThreadPriority(pri); mListener = null; } } public String getLocale() { return mLocale; } public Bundle getBundle() { return mBundle; } } private static class SpellCheckerServiceBinder extends ISpellCheckerService.Stub { private final WeakReference<SpellCheckerService> mInternalServiceRef; public SpellCheckerServiceBinder(SpellCheckerService service) { mInternalServiceRef = new WeakReference<SpellCheckerService>(service); }
Called from the system when an application is requesting a new spell checker session.

Note: This is an internal protocol used by the system to establish spell checker sessions, which is not guaranteed to be stable and is subject to change.

/** * Called from the system when an application is requesting a new spell checker session. * * <p>Note: This is an internal protocol used by the system to establish spell checker * sessions, which is not guaranteed to be stable and is subject to change.</p> * * @param locale locale to be returned from {@link Session#getLocale()} * @param listener IPC channel object to be used to implement * {@link Session#onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[], int, boolean)} and * {@link Session#onGetSuggestions(TextInfo, int)} * @param bundle bundle to be returned from {@link Session#getBundle()} * @param callback IPC channel to return the result to the caller in an asynchronous manner */
@Override public void getISpellCheckerSession( String locale, ISpellCheckerSessionListener listener, Bundle bundle, ISpellCheckerServiceCallback callback) { final SpellCheckerService service = mInternalServiceRef.get(); final InternalISpellCheckerSession internalSession; if (service == null) { // If the owner SpellCheckerService object was already destroyed and got GC-ed, // the weak-reference returns null and we should just ignore this request. internalSession = null; } else { final Session session = service.createSession(); internalSession = new InternalISpellCheckerSession(locale, listener, bundle, session); session.onCreate(); } try { callback.onSessionCreated(internalSession); } catch (RemoteException e) { } } }
Adapter class to accommodate word level spell checking APIs to sentence level spell checking APIs used in Session.onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[], int, boolean)
/** * Adapter class to accommodate word level spell checking APIs to sentence level spell checking * APIs used in * {@link SpellCheckerService.Session#onGetSuggestionsMultiple(TextInfo[], int, boolean)} */
private static class SentenceLevelAdapter { public static final SentenceSuggestionsInfo[] EMPTY_SENTENCE_SUGGESTIONS_INFOS = new SentenceSuggestionsInfo[] {}; private static final SuggestionsInfo EMPTY_SUGGESTIONS_INFO = new SuggestionsInfo(0, null);
Container for split TextInfo parameters
/** * Container for split TextInfo parameters */
public static class SentenceWordItem { public final TextInfo mTextInfo; public final int mStart; public final int mLength; public SentenceWordItem(TextInfo ti, int start, int end) { mTextInfo = ti; mStart = start; mLength = end - start; } }
Container for originally queried TextInfo and parameters
/** * Container for originally queried TextInfo and parameters */
public static class SentenceTextInfoParams { final TextInfo mOriginalTextInfo; final ArrayList<SentenceWordItem> mItems; final int mSize; public SentenceTextInfoParams(TextInfo ti, ArrayList<SentenceWordItem> items) { mOriginalTextInfo = ti; mItems = items; mSize = items.size(); } } private final WordIterator mWordIterator; public SentenceLevelAdapter(Locale locale) { mWordIterator = new WordIterator(locale); } private SentenceTextInfoParams getSplitWords(TextInfo originalTextInfo) { final WordIterator wordIterator = mWordIterator; final CharSequence originalText = originalTextInfo.getText(); final int cookie = originalTextInfo.getCookie(); final int start = 0; final int end = originalText.length(); final ArrayList<SentenceWordItem> wordItems = new ArrayList<SentenceWordItem>(); wordIterator.setCharSequence(originalText, 0, originalText.length()); int wordEnd = wordIterator.following(start); int wordStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(wordEnd); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "iterator: break: ---- 1st word start = " + wordStart + ", end = " + wordEnd + "\n" + originalText); } while (wordStart <= end && wordEnd != BreakIterator.DONE && wordStart != BreakIterator.DONE) { if (wordEnd >= start && wordEnd > wordStart) { final CharSequence query = originalText.subSequence(wordStart, wordEnd); final TextInfo ti = new TextInfo(query, 0, query.length(), cookie, query.hashCode()); wordItems.add(new SentenceWordItem(ti, wordStart, wordEnd)); if (DBG) { Log.d(TAG, "Adapter: word (" + (wordItems.size() - 1) + ") " + query); } } wordEnd = wordIterator.following(wordEnd); if (wordEnd == BreakIterator.DONE) { break; } wordStart = wordIterator.getBeginning(wordEnd); } return new SentenceTextInfoParams(originalTextInfo, wordItems); } public static SentenceSuggestionsInfo reconstructSuggestions( SentenceTextInfoParams originalTextInfoParams, SuggestionsInfo[] results) { if (results == null || results.length == 0) { return null; } if (DBG) { Log.w(TAG, "Adapter: onGetSuggestions: got " + results.length); } if (originalTextInfoParams == null) { if (DBG) { Log.w(TAG, "Adapter: originalTextInfoParams is null."); } return null; } final int originalCookie = originalTextInfoParams.mOriginalTextInfo.getCookie(); final int originalSequence = originalTextInfoParams.mOriginalTextInfo.getSequence(); final int querySize = originalTextInfoParams.mSize; final int[] offsets = new int[querySize]; final int[] lengths = new int[querySize]; final SuggestionsInfo[] reconstructedSuggestions = new SuggestionsInfo[querySize]; for (int i = 0; i < querySize; ++i) { final SentenceWordItem item = originalTextInfoParams.mItems.get(i); SuggestionsInfo result = null; for (int j = 0; j < results.length; ++j) { final SuggestionsInfo cur = results[j]; if (cur != null && cur.getSequence() == item.mTextInfo.getSequence()) { result = cur; result.setCookieAndSequence(originalCookie, originalSequence); break; } } offsets[i] = item.mStart; lengths[i] = item.mLength; reconstructedSuggestions[i] = result != null ? result : EMPTY_SUGGESTIONS_INFO; if (DBG) { final int size = reconstructedSuggestions[i].getSuggestionsCount(); Log.w(TAG, "reconstructedSuggestions(" + i + ")" + size + ", first = " + (size > 0 ? reconstructedSuggestions[i].getSuggestionAt(0) : "<none>") + ", offset = " + offsets[i] + ", length = " + lengths[i]); } } return new SentenceSuggestionsInfo(reconstructedSuggestions, offsets, lengths); } } }