/* Copyright 2002-2006, 2009, 2014, 2018, 2020 Elliotte Rusty Harold
   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of version 2.1 of the GNU Lesser General Public 
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the 
   Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, 
   Boston, MA 02111-1307  USA
   You can contact Elliotte Rusty Harold by sending e-mail to
   elharo@ibiblio.org. Please include the word "XOM" in the
   subject line. The XOM home page is located at https://xom.nu/

package nu.xom;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.DTDHandler;
import org.xml.sax.Locator;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.ext.DeclHandler;
import org.xml.sax.ext.LexicalHandler;

Author:Elliotte Rusty Harold
/** * @author Elliotte Rusty Harold * @version 1.3.3 * */
class XOMHandler implements ContentHandler, LexicalHandler, DeclHandler, DTDHandler { protected Document document; protected String documentBaseURI; // parent is never null. It is the node we're adding children // to. current corresponds to the most recent startElement() // method and may be null if we've skipped it (makeElement // returned null.) If we didn't skip it, then parent and // current should be the same node. protected ParentNode parent; protected ParentNode current; protected ArrayList<ParentNode> parents; protected boolean inProlog; protected boolean inDTD; protected int position; // current number of items in prolog protected Locator locator; protected DocType doctype; protected StringBuffer internalDTDSubset; protected NodeFactory factory; boolean usingCrimson = false; XOMHandler(NodeFactory factory) { this.factory = factory; } public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) { this.locator = locator; } Document getDocument() { return document; } // See http://www.servlets.com/archive/servlet/ReadMsg?msgId=554071&listName=jdom-interest // This method is called to avoid leaking document sized memory // when a Builder is not immediately reused void freeMemory() { document = null; parent = null; current = null; parents = null; locator = null; doctype = null; internalDTDSubset = null; } public void startDocument() { inDTD = false; document = factory.startMakingDocument(); parent = document; current = document; parents = new ArrayList<ParentNode>(); parents.add(document); inProlog = true; position = 0; textString = null; doctype = null; if (locator != null) { documentBaseURI = locator.getSystemId(); // According to the XML spec, // "It is an error for a fragment identifier // (beginning with a # character) to be part of a system identifier" // but some parsers including Xerces seem to get this wrong, so we'll document.setBaseURI(documentBaseURI); } buffer = null; } public void endDocument() { factory.finishMakingDocument(document); parents.remove(parents.size()-1); } public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName, org.xml.sax.Attributes attributes) throws SAXException { flushText(); Element element; if (parent != document) { element = factory.startMakingElement(qualifiedName, namespaceURI); } else { // root element = factory.makeRootElement(qualifiedName, namespaceURI); if (element == null) { // null root; that's a no-no throw new NullPointerException( "Factory failed to create root element." ); } document.setRootElement(element); inProlog = false; } current = element; // Need to push this, even if it's null parents.add(element); if (element != null) { // wasn't filtered out if (parent != document) { // a.k.a. parent not instanceof Document parent.appendChild(element); } // This is optimized for the very common case where // everything in the document has the same actual base URI. // It may add redundant base URIs in cases like XInclude // where different parts of the document have different // base URIs. if (locator != null) { String baseURI = locator.getSystemId(); if (baseURI != null && !baseURI.equals(documentBaseURI)) { element.setActualBaseURI(baseURI); } } // Attach the attributes; this must be done before the // namespaces are attached. // XXX pull out length // XXX we've got a pretty good guess at how many attributes there // will be here; we should ensureCapacity up to that length for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String qName = attributes.getQName(i); if (qName.startsWith("xmlns:") || qName.equals("xmlns")) { continue; } else { String namespace = attributes.getURI(i); String value = attributes.getValue(i); Nodes nodes = factory.makeAttribute( qName, namespace, value, convertStringToType(attributes.getType(i)) ); int numberChildren = 0; for (int j=0; j < nodes.size(); j++) { Node node = nodes.get(j); if (node.isAttribute()) { factory.addAttribute(element, (Attribute) node); } else { factory.insertChild(element, node, numberChildren++); } } } } // Attach the namespaces for (int i = 0; i < attributes.getLength(); i++) { String qName = attributes.getQName(i); if (qName.startsWith("xmlns:")) { String namespaceName = attributes.getValue(i); String namespacePrefix = qName.substring(6); String currentValue = element.getNamespaceURI(namespacePrefix); if (!namespaceName.equals(currentValue) && ! namespacePrefix.equals(element.getNamespacePrefix())) { element.addNamespaceDeclaration( namespacePrefix, namespaceName); } } else if (qName.equals("xmlns")) { String namespaceName = attributes.getValue(i); String namespacePrefix = ""; String currentValue = element.getNamespaceURI(namespacePrefix); if (!namespaceName.equals(currentValue) && ! "".equals(element.getNamespacePrefix())) { element.addNamespaceDeclaration(namespacePrefix, namespaceName); } } } // this is the new parent parent = element; } } public void endElement( String namespaceURI, String localName, String qualifiedName) { // If we're immediately inside a skipped element // we need to reset current to null, not to the parent current = (ParentNode) parents.remove(parents.size()-1); flushText(); if (current != null) { parent = current.getParent(); Nodes result = factory.finishMakingElement((Element) current); // Optimization for default case where result only contains current if (result.size() != 1 || result.get(0) != current) { if (!parent.isDocument()) { // allow factories to detach the element itself in // finishMakingElement int childCount = parent.getChildCount(); try { parent.removeChild(childCount - 1); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException ex) { throw new XMLException( "Factory detached element in finishMakingElement()", ex); } for (int i=0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); if (node.isAttribute()) { ((Element) parent).addAttribute((Attribute) node); } else { parent.appendChild(node); } } } else { // root element Document doc = (Document) parent; Element currentRoot = doc.getRootElement(); boolean beforeRoot = true; for (int i=0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); if (node.isElement()) { if (node != currentRoot) { if (!beforeRoot) { // already set root, oops throw new IllegalAddException("Factory returned multiple roots"); } doc.setRootElement((Element) node); } beforeRoot = false; } else if (beforeRoot) { doc.insertChild(node, doc.indexOf(doc.getRootElement())); } else { doc.appendChild(node); } } if (beforeRoot) { // somebody tried to replace the root element with // no element at all. That's a no-no throw new WellformednessException( "Factory attempted to remove the root element"); } } } } } static Attribute.Type convertStringToType(String saxType) { if (saxType.equals("CDATA")) return Attribute.Type.CDATA; if (saxType.equals("ID")) return Attribute.Type.ID; if (saxType.equals("IDREF")) return Attribute.Type.IDREF; if (saxType.equals("IDREFS")) return Attribute.Type.IDREFS; if (saxType.equals("NMTOKEN")) return Attribute.Type.NMTOKEN; if (saxType.equals("NMTOKENS")) return Attribute.Type.NMTOKENS; if (saxType.equals("ENTITY")) return Attribute.Type.ENTITY; if (saxType.equals("ENTITIES")) return Attribute.Type.ENTITIES; if (saxType.equals("NOTATION")) return Attribute.Type.NOTATION; // non-standard but some parsers use this if (saxType.equals("ENUMERATION")) { return Attribute.Type.ENUMERATION; } if (saxType.startsWith("(")) return Attribute.Type.ENUMERATION; return Attribute.Type.UNDECLARED; } protected String textString = null; protected StringBuffer buffer = null; public void characters(char[] text, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (length <= 0) return; if (textString == null) textString = new String(text, start, length); else { if (buffer == null) buffer = new StringBuffer(textString); buffer.append(text, start, length); } if (finishedCDATA) inCDATA = false; } // accumulate all text that's in the buffer into a text node private void flushText() { if (buffer != null) { textString = buffer.toString(); buffer = null; } if (textString != null) { Nodes result; if (!inCDATA) { result = factory.makeText(textString); } else { result = factory.makeCDATASection(textString); } for (int i=0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); if (node.isAttribute()) { ((Element) parent).addAttribute((Attribute) node); } else { parent.appendChild(node); } } textString = null; } inCDATA = false; finishedCDATA = false; } public void ignorableWhitespace( char[] text, int start, int length) throws SAXException { characters(text, start, length); } public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { if (!inDTD) flushText(); if (inDTD && !inInternalSubset()) return; Nodes result = factory.makeProcessingInstruction(target, data); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); if (!inDTD) { if (inProlog) { parent.insertChild(node, position); position++; } else { if (node.isAttribute()) { ((Element) parent).addAttribute((Attribute) node); } else parent.appendChild(node); } } else { if (node.isProcessingInstruction() || node.isComment()) { internalDTDSubset.append(" "); internalDTDSubset.append(node.toXML()); internalDTDSubset.append("\n"); } else { throw new XMLException("Factory tried to put a " + node.getClass().getName() + " in the internal DTD subset"); } } } } // XOM handles this with attribute values; not prefix mappings public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {} public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {} public void skippedEntity(String name) { // Xerces 2.7 now calls this method in the DTD // for parameter entities it doesn't resolve. We can ignore these. if (name.startsWith("%")) return; flushText(); throw new XMLException("Could not resolve entity " + name); } // LexicalHandler events public void startDTD(String rootName, String publicID, String systemID) throws SAXException { inDTD = true; Nodes result = factory.makeDocType(rootName, publicID, systemID); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); document.insertChild(node, position); position++; if (node.isDocType()) { DocType doctype = (DocType) node; internalDTDSubset = new StringBuffer(); this.doctype = doctype; } } } public void endDTD() { inDTD = false; if (doctype != null) { doctype.setInternalDTDSubset(internalDTDSubset.toString()); } } protected boolean inExternalSubset = false; // We have a problem here. Xerces gets this right, // but Crimson and possibly other parsers don't properly // report these entities, or perhaps just not tag them // with [dtd] like they're supposed to. public void startEntity(String name) { if (name.equals("[dtd]")) inExternalSubset = true; } public void endEntity(String name) { if (name.equals("[dtd]")) inExternalSubset = false; } protected boolean inCDATA = false; protected boolean finishedCDATA = false; public void startCDATA() { if (textString == null) inCDATA = true; finishedCDATA = false; } public void endCDATA() { finishedCDATA = true; } public void comment(char[] text, int start, int length) throws SAXException { if (!inDTD) flushText(); if (inDTD && !inInternalSubset()) return; Nodes result = factory.makeComment(new String(text, start, length)); for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) { Node node = result.get(i); if (!inDTD) { if (inProlog) { parent.insertChild(node, position); position++; } else { if (node instanceof Attribute) { ((Element) parent).addAttribute((Attribute) node); } else parent.appendChild(node); } } else { if (node.isComment() || node.isProcessingInstruction()) { internalDTDSubset.append(" "); internalDTDSubset.append(node.toXML()); internalDTDSubset.append("\n"); } else { throw new XMLException("Factory tried to put a " + node.getClass().getName() + " in the internal DTD subset"); } } } } // TODO(elharo) an untrusted parser could push in bad names and // values in declaration in the internal DTD subset. // Possibly declarations should be created in the factory too. public void elementDecl(String name, String model) { if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!ELEMENT "); internalDTDSubset.append(name); internalDTDSubset.append(' '); internalDTDSubset.append(model); // workaround for Crimson bug if (model.indexOf("#PCDATA") > 0 && model.indexOf('|') > 0) { if (model.endsWith(")")) { internalDTDSubset.append('*'); } } internalDTDSubset.append(">\n"); } } // This method only behaves properly when called from the DeclHandler // and DTDHandler callbacks; i.e. from inside the DTD; // It is not intended for use anywhere in the document. protected boolean inInternalSubset() { if (!usingCrimson) { return !inExternalSubset; } String currentURI = locator.getSystemId(); if (currentURI == this.documentBaseURI) return true; if (currentURI == null) return false; if (currentURI.equals(this.documentBaseURI)) return true; return false; } public void attributeDecl(String elementName, String attributeName, String type, String mode, String defaultValue) { // workaround for Crimson bug if (type.startsWith("NOTATION ")) { if (type.indexOf('(') == -1 && ! type.endsWith(")")) { type = "NOTATION (" + type.substring("NOTATION ".length()) + ")"; } } if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!ATTLIST "); internalDTDSubset.append(elementName); internalDTDSubset.append(' '); internalDTDSubset.append(attributeName); internalDTDSubset.append(' '); internalDTDSubset.append(type); if (mode != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(' '); internalDTDSubset.append(mode); } if (defaultValue != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(' '); internalDTDSubset.append('"'); internalDTDSubset.append( escapeReservedCharactersInDefaultAttributeValues(defaultValue) ); internalDTDSubset.append('\"'); } internalDTDSubset.append(">\n"); } } public void internalEntityDecl(String name, String value) { if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!ENTITY "); if (name.startsWith("%")) { internalDTDSubset.append("% "); internalDTDSubset.append(name.substring(1)); } else { internalDTDSubset.append(name); } internalDTDSubset.append(" \""); internalDTDSubset.append(escapeReservedCharactersInDeclarations(value)); internalDTDSubset.append("\">\n"); } } public void externalEntityDecl(String name, String publicID, String systemID) { if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!ENTITY "); if (name.startsWith("%")) { internalDTDSubset.append("% "); internalDTDSubset.append(name.substring(1)); } else { internalDTDSubset.append(name); } if (locator != null && URIUtil.isAbsolute(systemID)) { String documentURL = locator.getSystemId(); // work around Crimson style file:/root URLs if (documentURL != null) { if (documentURL.startsWith("file:/") && !documentURL.startsWith("file:///")) { documentURL = "file://" + documentURL.substring(5); } if (systemID.startsWith("file:/") && !systemID.startsWith("file:///")) { systemID = "file://" + systemID.substring(5); } systemID = URIUtil.relativize(documentURL, systemID); } } if (publicID != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" PUBLIC \""); internalDTDSubset.append(publicID); internalDTDSubset.append("\" \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); } else { // need to escape system ID???? could it contain an ampersand? internalDTDSubset.append(" SYSTEM \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); } internalDTDSubset.append("\">\n"); } } public void notationDecl(String name, String publicID, String systemID) { if (systemID != null) { systemID = escapeReservedCharactersInDeclarations(systemID); } if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!NOTATION "); internalDTDSubset.append(name); if (publicID != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" PUBLIC \""); internalDTDSubset.append(publicID); internalDTDSubset.append('"'); if (systemID != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); internalDTDSubset.append('"'); } } else { internalDTDSubset.append(" SYSTEM \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); internalDTDSubset.append('"'); } internalDTDSubset.append(">\n"); } } public void unparsedEntityDecl(String name, String publicID, String systemID, String notationName) { // escapable characters???? if (inInternalSubset() && doctype != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(" <!ENTITY "); if (publicID != null) { internalDTDSubset.append(name); internalDTDSubset.append(" PUBLIC \""); internalDTDSubset.append(publicID); internalDTDSubset.append("\" \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); internalDTDSubset.append("\" NDATA "); internalDTDSubset.append(notationName); } else { internalDTDSubset.append(name); internalDTDSubset.append(" SYSTEM \""); internalDTDSubset.append(systemID); internalDTDSubset.append("\" NDATA "); internalDTDSubset.append(notationName); } internalDTDSubset.append(">\n"); } } private static String escapeReservedCharactersInDeclarations(String s) { int length = s.length(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\r': result.append("&#x0D;"); break; case 14: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 15: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 16 : // placeholder for table lookup break; case 17: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 18: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 19: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 20: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 21: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 22: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 23: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 24: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 25: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 26: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 27: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 28: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 29: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 30: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 31: // placeholder for table lookup break; case ' ': result.append(' '); break; case '!': result.append('!'); break; case '\"': result.append("&#x22;"); break; case '#': result.append('#'); break; case '$': result.append('$'); break; case '%': result.append("&#x25;"); break; case '&': result.append("&#x26;"); break; default: result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } private static String escapeReservedCharactersInDefaultAttributeValues(String s) { int length = s.length(); StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(length); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\r': result.append("&#x0D;"); break; case 14: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 15: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 16 : // placeholder for table lookup break; case 17: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 18: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 19: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 20: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 21: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 22: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 23: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 24: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 25: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 26: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 27: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 28: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 29: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 30: // placeholder for table lookup break; case 31: // placeholder for table lookup break; case ' ': result.append(' '); break; case '!': result.append('!'); break; case '\"': result.append("&quot;"); break; case '#': result.append('#'); break; case '$': result.append('$'); break; case '%': result.append("&#x25;"); break; case '&': result.append("&amp;"); break; case '\'': result.append('\''); break; case '(': result.append('('); break; case ')': result.append(')'); break; case '*': result.append('*'); break; case '+': result.append('+'); break; case ',': result.append(','); break; case '-': result.append('-'); break; case '.': result.append('.'); break; case '/': result.append('/'); break; case '0': result.append('0'); break; case '1': result.append('1'); break; case '2': result.append('2'); break; case '3': result.append('3'); break; case '4': result.append('4'); break; case '5': result.append('5'); break; case '6': result.append('6'); break; case '7': result.append('7'); break; case '8': result.append('8'); break; case '9': result.append('9'); break; case ':': result.append(':'); break; case ';': result.append(';'); break; case '<': result.append("&lt;"); break; default: result.append(c); } } return result.toString(); } }