package org.testng.xml.internal;

import java.util.List;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

The class to work with "-testnames"
/** The class to work with "-testnames" */
public final class TestNamesMatcher { private final List<XmlSuite> cloneSuites = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<String> matchedTestNames = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<XmlTest> matchedTests = Lists.newArrayList(); private final List<String> testNames; public TestNamesMatcher(XmlSuite xmlSuite, List<String> testNames) { this.testNames = testNames; cloneIfContainsTestsWithNamesMatchingAny(xmlSuite, this.testNames); }
Recursive search the given testNames from the current XmlSuite and its child suites.
  • xmlSuite – The XmlSuite to work with.
  • testNames – The list of testnames to iterate through
/** * Recursive search the given testNames from the current {@link XmlSuite} and its child suites. * * @param xmlSuite The {@link XmlSuite} to work with. * @param testNames The list of testnames to iterate through */
private void cloneIfContainsTestsWithNamesMatchingAny(XmlSuite xmlSuite, List<String> testNames) { if (testNames == null || testNames.isEmpty()) { throw new TestNGException("Please provide a valid list of names to check."); } // Start searching in the current suite. addIfNotNull(cloneIfSuiteContainTestsWithNamesMatchingAny(xmlSuite)); // Search through all the child suites. for (XmlSuite suite : xmlSuite.getChildSuites()) { cloneIfContainsTestsWithNamesMatchingAny(suite, testNames); } } public List<XmlSuite> getSuitesMatchingTestNames() { return cloneSuites; } public List<String> getMissMatchedTestNames() { List<String> tmpTestNames = Lists.newArrayList(); tmpTestNames.addAll(testNames); tmpTestNames.removeIf(matchedTestNames::contains); return tmpTestNames; } public List<XmlTest> getMatchedTests() { return matchedTests; } private void addIfNotNull(XmlSuite xmlSuite) { if (xmlSuite != null) { cloneSuites.add(xmlSuite); } } private XmlSuite cloneIfSuiteContainTestsWithNamesMatchingAny(XmlSuite suite) { List<XmlTest> tests = Lists.newLinkedList(); for (XmlTest xt : suite.getTests()) { if (xt.nameMatchesAny(testNames)) { tests.add(xt); matchedTestNames.add(xt.getName()); matchedTests.add(xt); } } if (tests.isEmpty()) { return null; } return cleanClone(suite, tests); } private static XmlSuite cleanClone(XmlSuite xmlSuite, List<XmlTest> tests) { XmlSuite result = (XmlSuite) xmlSuite.clone(); result.getTests().clear(); result.getTests().addAll(tests); return result; } }