package org.testng.reporters;

This class houses handling all JVM arguments related to TestNG's default reports.
/** This class houses handling all JVM arguments related to TestNG's default reports. */
public class RuntimeBehavior { public static final String FILE_NAME = "testng-results.xml"; private RuntimeBehavior() {} public static boolean verboseMode() { return System.getProperty("fileStringBuffer") != null; } public static String getDefaultEmailableReport2Name() { return System.getProperty(""); } public static String getDefaultEmailableReportName() { return System.getProperty(""); } public static String getDefaultStacktraceLevels() { return System.getProperty( "stacktrace.success.output.level", XMLReporterConfig.StackTraceLevels.FULL.toString()); } public static String getDefaultFileNameForXmlReports() { return System.getProperty("", FILE_NAME); } public static String getDefaultLineSeparator() { return System.getProperty("line.separator"); } public static String getLineSeparatorOrNewLine() { return System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); } }