package org.testng.internal;

import org.testng.IClass;
import org.testng.IConfigurationListener;
import org.testng.ITestListener;
import org.testng.ITestNGListener;
import org.testng.ITestNGListenerFactory;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.annotations.IListenersAnnotation;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;

import java.util.List;

A helper class that internally houses some of the listener related actions support.
/** A helper class that internally houses some of the listener related actions support. */
public final class TestListenerHelper { private TestListenerHelper() { // Utility class. Defeat instantiation. } static void runPreConfigurationListeners(ITestResult tr, ITestNGMethod tm, List<IConfigurationListener> listeners) { for (IConfigurationListener icl : listeners) { icl.beforeConfiguration(tr); try { icl.beforeConfiguration(tr, tm); } catch (Exception e) { ignoreInternalGradleException(e); } } } static void runPostConfigurationListeners( ITestResult tr, ITestNGMethod tm, List<IConfigurationListener> listeners) { for (IConfigurationListener icl : listeners) { switch (tr.getStatus()) { case ITestResult.SKIP: icl.onConfigurationSkip(tr); try { icl.onConfigurationSkip(tr, tm); } catch (Exception e) { ignoreInternalGradleException(e); } break; case ITestResult.FAILURE: icl.onConfigurationFailure(tr); try { icl.onConfigurationFailure(tr, tm); } catch (Exception e) { ignoreInternalGradleException(e); } break; case ITestResult.SUCCESS: icl.onConfigurationSuccess(tr); try { icl.onConfigurationSuccess(tr,tm); } catch (Exception e) { ignoreInternalGradleException(e); } break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unexpected value: " + tr.getStatus()); } } } //This method is added because Gradle which builds TestNG seems to be using an older version //of TestNG that doesn't know about the new methods that we added and so it causes //the TestNG build to keep failing. private static void ignoreInternalGradleException(Exception e) { if (!e.getClass().getPackage().getName().startsWith("org.gradle.internal")) { throw new ListenerInvocationException(e); } }
Iterates through a bunch of listeners and invokes them.
  • tr – - The ITestResult object that is to be fed into a listener when invoking it.
  • listeners – - A list of ITestListener objects which are to be invoked.
/** * Iterates through a bunch of listeners and invokes them. * * @param tr - The {@link ITestResult} object that is to be fed into a listener when invoking it. * @param listeners - A list of {@link ITestListener} objects which are to be invoked. */
public static void runTestListeners(ITestResult tr, List<ITestListener> listeners) { for (ITestListener itl : listeners) { switch (tr.getStatus()) { case ITestResult.SKIP: itl.onTestSkipped(tr); break; case ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE: itl.onTestFailedButWithinSuccessPercentage(tr); break; case ITestResult.FAILURE: if (ITestResult.wasFailureDueToTimeout(tr)) { itl.onTestFailedWithTimeout(tr); } else { itl.onTestFailure(tr); } break; case ITestResult.SUCCESS: itl.onTestSuccess(tr); break; case ITestResult.STARTED: itl.onTestStart(tr); break; default: throw new AssertionError("Unknown status: " + tr.getStatus()); } } }
Returns:all the @Listeners annotations found in the current class and its superclasses.
/** @return all the @Listeners annotations found in the current class and its superclasses. */
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static ListenerHolder findAllListeners(Class<?> cls, IAnnotationFinder finder) { ListenerHolder result = new ListenerHolder(); result.listenerClasses = Lists.newArrayList(); while (cls != Object.class) { IListenersAnnotation l = finder.findAnnotation(cls, IListenersAnnotation.class); if (l != null) { Class<? extends ITestNGListener>[] classes = l.getValue(); for (Class<? extends ITestNGListener> c : classes) { result.listenerClasses.add(c); if (ITestNGListenerFactory.class.isAssignableFrom(c)) { if (result.listenerFactoryClass == null) { result.listenerFactoryClass = (Class<? extends ITestNGListenerFactory>) c; } else { throw new TestNGException( "Found more than one class implementing " + "ITestNGListenerFactory:" + c + " and " + result.listenerFactoryClass); } } } } cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } return result; } public static ITestNGListenerFactory createListenerFactory( TestNGClassFinder finder, Class<? extends ITestNGListenerFactory> factoryClass) { ITestNGListenerFactory listenerFactory = null; try { if (finder != null) { IClass ic = finder.getIClass(factoryClass); if (ic != null) { listenerFactory = (ITestNGListenerFactory) ic.getInstances(false)[0]; } } if (listenerFactory == null) { listenerFactory = factoryClass != null ? factoryClass.newInstance() : null; } return listenerFactory; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new TestNGException("Couldn't instantiate the ITestNGListenerFactory: " + ex); } } public static class ListenerHolder { private List<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>> listenerClasses; private Class<? extends ITestNGListenerFactory> listenerFactoryClass; public List<Class<? extends ITestNGListener>> getListenerClasses() { return listenerClasses; } public Class<? extends ITestNGListenerFactory> getListenerFactoryClass() { return listenerFactoryClass; } } static class ListenerInvocationException extends RuntimeException { public ListenerInvocationException(Throwable cause) { super(cause); } } }