package org.testng.internal;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.testng.IDynamicGraph;
import org.testng.IExecutionVisualiser;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.collections.Sets;

Representation of the graph of methods.
/** Representation of the graph of methods. */
public class DynamicGraph<T> implements IDynamicGraph<T> { private final Set<T> m_nodesReady = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private final Set<T> m_nodesRunning = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private final Set<T> m_nodesFinished = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); private final Edges<T> m_edges = new Edges<>(); private Set<IExecutionVisualiser> visualisers = Sets.newHashSet();
Add a node to the graph.
/** Add a node to the graph. */
public boolean addNode(T node) { return m_nodesReady.add(node); }
  • weight – - Represents one of PriorityWeight ordinals indicating the weightage of a particular node in the graph
  • from – - Represents the edge that depends on another edge.
  • to – - Represents the edge on which another edge depends upon.
/** * @param weight - Represents one of {@link org.testng.TestRunner.PriorityWeight} ordinals * indicating the weightage of a particular node in the graph * @param from - Represents the edge that depends on another edge. * @param to - Represents the edge on which another edge depends upon. */
public void addEdge(int weight, T from, T to) { m_edges.addEdge(weight, from, to, false); } public void setVisualisers(Set<IExecutionVisualiser> listener) { visualisers = listener; }
Add an edge between two nodes.
/** Add an edge between two nodes. */
public void addEdges(int weight, T from, Iterable<T> tos) { for (T to : tos) { addEdge(weight, from, to); } }
Returns:a set of all the nodes that don't depend on any other nodes.
/** @return a set of all the nodes that don't depend on any other nodes. */
public List<T> getFreeNodes() { // Get a list of nodes that are ready and have no outgoing edges. Set<T> free = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(m_nodesReady); free.removeAll(m_edges.fromNodes()); // if all nodes have dependencies, then we can ignore the lowest one if nothing else is running if (free.isEmpty() && m_nodesRunning.isEmpty()) { int lowestWeight = m_edges.getLowestEdgeWeight(m_nodesReady); for (T node : m_nodesReady) { if (m_edges.hasAllEdgesWithWeight(node, lowestWeight)) { free.add(node); } } } // Filter result: remove node if the result contains all nodes from an edge List<T> finalResult = Lists.newArrayList(); for (T node : free) { Map<T, Integer> edges = m_edges.from(node); // disjoint returns true if the two collections have no common items. if (edges == null || Collections.disjoint(edges.keySet(), free)) { finalResult.add(node); } } return finalResult; } public List<T> getDependenciesFor(T node) { Map<T, Integer> data =; if (data == null) { return Lists.newArrayList(); } return Lists.newArrayList(data.keySet()); }
Set the status for a set of nodes.
/** Set the status for a set of nodes. */
public void setStatus(Collection<T> nodes, Status status) { for (T n : nodes) { setStatus(n, status); } }
Set the status for a node.
/** Set the status for a node. */
public void setStatus(T node, Status status) { switch (status) { case RUNNING: m_nodesReady.remove(node); m_nodesRunning.add(node); break; case FINISHED: m_nodesReady.remove(node); m_nodesRunning.remove(node); m_nodesFinished.add(node); Map<T, Integer> outgoingEdges = m_edges.from(node); Map<T, Integer> incomingEdges =; if (outgoingEdges != null && incomingEdges != null) { // Add virtual edge before removing intermediate node. E.g.: // Given graph c -> b -> a, then add c -> a before removing b. for (Map.Entry<T, Integer> out : outgoingEdges.entrySet()) { for (Map.Entry<T, Integer> in : incomingEdges.entrySet()) { if (in.getKey() == out.getKey()) { // Don't create a one node cycle. continue; } else if (in.getValue() > out.getValue()) { // Don't add edges if we're patching up a lower weighted cycle. continue; } int weight = Math.max(in.getValue(), out.getValue()); m_edges.addEdge(weight, in.getKey(), out.getKey(), true); } } } m_edges.removeNode(node); break; case READY: m_nodesReady.add(node); m_nodesRunning.remove(node); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported status: " + status); } this.visualisers.forEach(visualiser -> visualiser.consumeDotDefinition(toDot())); }
Returns:the number of nodes in this graph.
/** @return the number of nodes in this graph. */
public int getNodeCount() { return m_nodesReady.size() + m_nodesRunning.size() + m_nodesFinished.size(); } public int getNodeCountWithStatus(Status status) { return getNodesWithStatus(status).size(); } public Set<T> getNodesWithStatus(Status status) { switch (status) { case READY: return m_nodesReady; case RUNNING: return m_nodesRunning; case FINISHED: return m_nodesFinished; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } } @Override public String toString() { return "[DynamicGraph " + "\n Ready:" + m_nodesReady + "\n Running:" + m_nodesRunning + "\n Finished:" + m_nodesFinished + "\n Edges:\n" + m_edges + "]"; } private static <T> String dotShortName(T t) { String s = t.toString(); int n2 = s.indexOf('('); return s.substring(0, n2).replaceAll("\\Q.\\E", "_"); }
Returns:a .dot file (GraphViz) version of this graph.
/** @return a .dot file (GraphViz) version of this graph. */
public String toDot() { String FREE = "[style=filled color=yellow]"; String RUNNING = "[style=filled color=green]"; String FINISHED = "[style=filled color=grey]"; StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("digraph g {\n"); List<T> freeNodes = getFreeNodes(); String color; for (T n : m_nodesReady) { color = freeNodes.contains(n) ? FREE : ""; result.append(" ").append(dotShortName(n)).append(color).append("\n"); } for (T n : m_nodesRunning) { color = freeNodes.contains(n) ? FREE : RUNNING; result.append(" ").append(dotShortName(n)).append(color).append("\n"); } for (T n : m_nodesFinished) { result.append(" ").append(dotShortName(n)).append(FINISHED).append("\n"); } m_edges.appendDotEdges(result, m_nodesFinished); result.append("}\n"); return result.toString(); }
For tests only
/** For tests only */
Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> getEdges() { return m_edges.getEdges(); }
Manage edges and weights between nodes.
/** Manage edges and weights between nodes. */
private static class Edges<T> { // Maps of edges in the graph organized by incoming or outgoing edges. The integer is the weight // of the edge. It's // important that these maps always stay consistent with each other. All modifications should go // through addEdge // and removeNode. private final Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> m_incomingEdges = new HashMap<>(); private final Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> m_outgoingEdges = new HashMap<>(); public void addEdge(int weight, T from, T to, boolean ignoreCycles) { if (from.equals(to)) { return; } Integer reversedEdgeWeight = findReversedEdge(from, to); if (reversedEdgeWeight != null && reversedEdgeWeight == weight) { if (!ignoreCycles) { throw new IllegalStateException("Circular dependency: " + from + " <-> " + to); } else { return; } } addEdgeToMap(m_incomingEdges, to, from, weight); addEdgeToMap(m_outgoingEdges, from, to, weight); }
Returns:the set of nodes that have outgoing edges.
/** @return the set of nodes that have outgoing edges. */
Set<T> fromNodes() { return m_outgoingEdges.keySet(); } Map<T, Integer> from(T node) { Map<T, Integer> edges = m_outgoingEdges.get(node); return edges == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableMap(edges); } Map<T, Integer> to(T node) { Map<T, Integer> edges = m_incomingEdges.get(node); return edges == null ? null : Collections.unmodifiableMap(edges); }
Return the weight of the edge in the graph that is the reversed direction of edge. For example, if edge a -> b exists, and edge b -> a is passed in, then return a -> b.
  • from – - the from edge
  • to – - the to edge
Returns:the weight of the reversed edge or null if edge does not exist
/** * Return the weight of the edge in the graph that is the reversed direction of edge. For * example, if edge a -> b exists, and edge b -> a is passed in, then return a -> b. * * @param from - the from edge * @param to - the to edge * @return the weight of the reversed edge or null if edge does not exist */
private Integer findReversedEdge(T from, T to) { Map<T, Integer> edges = m_outgoingEdges.get(to); return edges == null ? null : edges.get(from); }
Remove a node from the graph and all associated edges. Each edge needs to be removed from both maps to keep the maps in sync.
  • node – Node to remove.
/** * Remove a node from the graph and all associated edges. Each edge needs to be removed from * both maps to keep the maps in sync. * * @param node Node to remove. */
void removeNode(T node) { Map<T, Integer> outgoingEdges = m_outgoingEdges.remove(node); if (outgoingEdges != null) { removeEdgesFromMap(m_incomingEdges, outgoingEdges.keySet(), node); } Map<T, Integer> incomingEdges = m_incomingEdges.remove(node); if (incomingEdges != null) { removeEdgesFromMap(m_outgoingEdges, incomingEdges.keySet(), node); } } int getLowestEdgeWeight(Set<T> nodes) { if (nodes.isEmpty()) { return 0; } Set<T> intersection = Sets.newHashSet(nodes); intersection.retainAll(m_outgoingEdges.keySet()); if (intersection.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int lowestWeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (T node : intersection) { Map<T, Integer> weightMap = m_outgoingEdges.get(node); // Not catching NoSuchElementException, because that would indicate our graph is corrupt. lowestWeight = Math.min(lowestWeight, Collections.min(weightMap.values())); } return lowestWeight; } boolean hasAllEdgesWithWeight(T node, int level) { Map<T, Integer> weights = m_outgoingEdges.get(node); if (weights == null) { return true; } for (int weight : weights.values()) { if (weight != level) { return false; } } return true; }
Remove edges from a map given a node and a list of destination nodes. Given:

   a -> b
   b -> a
   c -> a
   d -> a
Then, calling this method to remove node c on both maps as done in removeNode(), would result in a -> c and c -> a edges being removed.
/** * Remove edges from a map given a node and a list of destination nodes. Given: * * <pre>{@code * m_outgoingEdges: * a -> b * c * d * m_incomingEdges: * b -> a * c -> a * d -> a * * }</pre> * * Then, calling this method to remove node c on both maps as done in removeNode(), would result * in a -> c and c -> a edges being removed. */
private static <T> void removeEdgesFromMap( Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> map, Collection<T> nodes, T node) { for (T k : nodes) { Map<T, Integer> edges = map.get(k); if (edges == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("Edge not found in map."); } edges.remove(node); if (edges.isEmpty()) { map.remove(k); } } } private static <T> void addEdgeToMap(Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> map, T n1, T n2, int weight) { Map<T, Integer> edges = map.computeIfAbsent(n1, k -> new HashMap<>()); Integer existingWeight = edges.get(n2); edges.put(n2, Math.max(weight, existingWeight != null ? existingWeight : Integer.MIN_VALUE)); }
Allow raw access to the edges, but protect inside unmodifiableMaps. This is for tests, toString and toDot.
/** * Allow raw access to the edges, but protect inside unmodifiableMaps. This is for tests, * toString and toDot. */
Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> getEdges() { Map<T, Map<T, Integer>> edges = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Map.Entry<T, Map<T, Integer>> es : m_outgoingEdges.entrySet()) { edges.put(es.getKey(), Collections.unmodifiableMap(es.getValue())); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(edges); } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry<T, Map<T, Integer>> es : m_outgoingEdges.entrySet()) { sb.append(" ").append(es.getKey()).append("\n"); for (Map.Entry<T, Integer> to : es.getValue().entrySet()) { sb.append(" (") .append(to.getValue()) .append(") ") .append(to.getKey()) .append("\n"); } } return sb.toString(); } void appendDotEdges(StringBuilder sb, Set<T> finished) { for (Map.Entry<T, Map<T, Integer>> es : m_outgoingEdges.entrySet()) { T from = es.getKey(); for (T to : es.getValue().keySet()) { String dotted = finished.contains(from) ? "style=dotted" : ""; sb.append(" ") .append(dotShortName(from)) .append(" -> ") .append(dotShortName(to)) .append(" [dir=back ") .append(dotted) .append("]\n"); } } } } }