package org.testng;

import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Objects;
import org.testng.internal.*;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
import org.testng.log4testng.Logger;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

import java.util.List;

This class represents a test class: - The test methods - The configuration methods (test and method) - The class file
/** * This class represents a test class: - The test methods - The configuration methods (test and * method) - The class file */
class TestClass extends NoOpTestClass implements ITestClass { private IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder = null; // The Strategy used to locate test methods (TestNG, JUnit, etc...) private ITestMethodFinder testMethodFinder = null; private IClass iClass = null; private String testName; private XmlTest xmlTest; private XmlClass xmlClass; private String m_errorMsgPrefix; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(TestClass.class); protected TestClass( IClass cls, ITestMethodFinder testMethodFinder, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, XmlTest xmlTest, XmlClass xmlClass, String errorMsgPrefix) { this.m_errorMsgPrefix = errorMsgPrefix; init(cls, testMethodFinder, annotationFinder, xmlTest, xmlClass); } @Override public String getTestName() { return testName; } @Override public XmlTest getXmlTest() { return xmlTest; } @Override public XmlClass getXmlClass() { return xmlClass; } public IAnnotationFinder getAnnotationFinder() { return annotationFinder; } private void init( IClass cls, ITestMethodFinder testMethodFinder, IAnnotationFinder annotationFinder, XmlTest xmlTest, XmlClass xmlClass) { log(3, "Creating TestClass for " + cls); iClass = cls; m_testClass = cls.getRealClass(); this.xmlTest = xmlTest; this.xmlClass = xmlClass; this.testMethodFinder = testMethodFinder; this.annotationFinder = annotationFinder; initTestClassesAndInstances(); initMethods(); } private void initTestClassesAndInstances() { // // TestClasses and instances // Object[] instances = getInstances(true, this.m_errorMsgPrefix); for (Object instance : instances) { instance = IParameterInfo.embeddedInstance(instance); if (instance instanceof ITest) { testName = ((ITest) instance).getTestName(); break; } } if (testName == null) { testName = iClass.getTestName(); } } @Override public Object[] getInstances(boolean create) { return iClass.getInstances(create); } @Override public Object[] getInstances(boolean create, String errorMsgPrefix) { return iClass.getInstances(create, this.m_errorMsgPrefix); } @Override public long[] getInstanceHashCodes() { return iClass.getInstanceHashCodes(); } @Override public void addInstance(Object instance) { iClass.addInstance(instance); } private void initMethods() { ITestNGMethod[] methods = testMethodFinder.getTestMethods(m_testClass, xmlTest); m_testMethods = createTestMethods(methods); for (Object eachInstance : iClass.getInstances(false)) { Object instance = IParameterInfo.embeddedInstance(eachInstance); m_beforeSuiteMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createSuiteConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getBeforeSuiteMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, true, instance); m_afterSuiteMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createSuiteConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getAfterSuiteMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, false, instance); m_beforeTestConfMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createTestConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getBeforeTestConfigurationMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, true, instance); m_afterTestConfMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createTestConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getAfterTestConfigurationMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, false, instance); m_beforeClassMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createClassConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getBeforeClassMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, true, instance); m_afterClassMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createClassConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getAfterClassMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, false, instance); m_beforeGroupsMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createBeforeConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getBeforeGroupsConfigurationMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, true, instance); m_afterGroupsMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createAfterConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getAfterGroupsConfigurationMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, false, instance); m_beforeTestMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createTestMethodConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getBeforeTestMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, true, instance); m_afterTestMethods = ConfigurationMethod.createTestMethodConfigurationMethods( testMethodFinder.getAfterTestMethods(m_testClass), annotationFinder, false, instance); } }
Create the test methods that belong to this class (rejects all those that belong to a different class).
/** * Create the test methods that belong to this class (rejects all those that belong to a different * class). */
private ITestNGMethod[] createTestMethods(ITestNGMethod[] methods) { List<ITestNGMethod> vResult = Lists.newArrayList(); for (ITestNGMethod tm : methods) { ConstructorOrMethod m = tm.getConstructorOrMethod(); if (m.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(m_testClass)) { for (Object o : iClass.getInstances(false)) { log(4, "Adding method " + tm + " on TestClass " + m_testClass); vResult.add( new TestNGMethod( /* tm.getRealClass(), */ m.getMethod(), annotationFinder, xmlTest, o)); } } else { log(4, "Rejecting method " + tm + " for TestClass " + m_testClass); } } return vResult.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[0]); } public ITestMethodFinder getTestMethodFinder() { return testMethodFinder; } private void log(int level, String s) { Utils.log("TestClass", level, s); } protected void dump() {"===== Test class\n" + m_testClass.getName()); for (ITestNGMethod m : m_beforeClassMethods) {" @BeforeClass " + m); } for (ITestNGMethod m : m_beforeTestMethods) {" @BeforeMethod " + m); } for (ITestNGMethod m : m_testMethods) {" @Test " + m); } for (ITestNGMethod m : m_afterTestMethods) {" @AfterMethod " + m); } for (ITestNGMethod m : m_afterClassMethods) {" @AfterClass " + m); }"======"); } @Override public String toString() { return Objects.toStringHelper(getClass()).add("name", m_testClass).toString(); } public IClass getIClass() { return iClass; } }