package org.testng.xml;

import static org.testng.internal.Utils.isStringNotBlank;

import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.log4testng.Logger;
import org.testng.reporters.XMLStringBuffer;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

This class is used to encapsulate a launch. Various synthetic XML files are created depending on whether the user is trying to launch a suite, a class, a method, etc...
/** * This class is used to encapsulate a launch. Various synthetic XML files are created * depending on whether the user is trying to launch a suite, a class, a method, etc... */
public abstract class LaunchSuite {
This class's log4testng Logger.
/** This class's log4testng Logger. */
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(LaunchSuite.class); protected boolean m_temporary;
Constructs a LaunchSuite
  • isTemp – the temporary status
/** * Constructs a <code>LaunchSuite</code> * * @param isTemp the temporary status */
protected LaunchSuite(boolean isTemp) { m_temporary = isTemp; }
Returns the temporary state.
Returns:the temporary state.
/** * Returns the temporary state. * @return the temporary state. */
public boolean isTemporary() { return m_temporary; }
Saves the suite file in the specified directory and returns the file pathname.
  • directory – the directory where the suite file is to be saved.
Returns:the file pathname of the saved file.
/** * Saves the suite file in the specified directory and returns the file * pathname. * * @param directory the directory where the suite file is to be saved. * @return the file pathname of the saved file. */
public abstract File save(File directory); public abstract XMLStringBuffer getSuiteBuffer();
ExistingSuite is a non-temporary LaunchSuite based on an existing file.
/** * <code>ExistingSuite</code> is a non-temporary LaunchSuite based on an existing * file. */
public static class ExistingSuite extends LaunchSuite {
The existing suite path (either relative to the project root or an absolute path)
/** * The existing suite path (either relative to the project root or an absolute path) */
private File m_suitePath;
Constructs a ExistingSuite based on an existing file
  • path – the path to the existing Launch suite.
/** * Constructs a <code>ExistingSuite</code> based on an existing file * * @param path the path to the existing Launch suite. */
public ExistingSuite(File path) { super(false); m_suitePath = path; } @Override public XMLStringBuffer getSuiteBuffer() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented yet"); }
Trying to run an existing XML file: copy its content to where the plug-in expects it.
/** * Trying to run an existing XML file: copy its content to where the plug-in * expects it. */
@Override public File save(File directory) { return m_suitePath; } }
CustomizedSuite TODO cquezel JavaDoc.
/** * <code>CustomizedSuite</code> TODO cquezel JavaDoc. */
private abstract static class CustomizedSuite extends LaunchSuite { protected String m_projectName; protected String m_suiteName;
The annotation type. May be null.
/** The annotation type. May be null. */
protected Map<String, String> m_parameters;
The string buffer used to write the XML file.
/** The string buffer used to write the XML file. */
private XMLStringBuffer m_suiteBuffer;
Constructs a CustomizedSuite TODO cquezel JavaDoc.
  • projectName –
  • className –
  • parameters –
  • annotationType –
/** * Constructs a <code>CustomizedSuite</code> TODO cquezel JavaDoc. * * @param projectName * @param className * @param parameters * @param annotationType */
private CustomizedSuite(final String projectName, final String className, final Map<String, String> parameters, final String annotationType) { super(true); m_projectName = projectName; m_suiteName = className; m_parameters = parameters; }
TODO cquezel JavaDoc
/** * TODO cquezel JavaDoc * * @return */
protected XMLStringBuffer createContentBuffer() { XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer = new XMLStringBuffer(); suiteBuffer.setDocType("suite SYSTEM \"" + Parser.TESTNG_DTD_URL + "\""); Properties attrs = new Properties(); attrs.setProperty("parallel", XmlSuite.ParallelMode.NONE.toString()); attrs.setProperty("name", m_suiteName); suiteBuffer.push("suite", attrs); if (m_parameters != null) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : m_parameters.entrySet()) { Properties paramAttrs = new Properties(); paramAttrs.setProperty("name", entry.getKey()); paramAttrs.setProperty("value", entry.getValue()); suiteBuffer.push("parameter", paramAttrs); suiteBuffer.pop("parameter"); } } initContentBuffer(suiteBuffer); suiteBuffer.pop("suite"); return suiteBuffer; }
TODO cquezel JavaDoc
/** * TODO cquezel JavaDoc * * @return */
@Override public XMLStringBuffer getSuiteBuffer() { if (null == m_suiteBuffer) { m_suiteBuffer = createContentBuffer(); } return m_suiteBuffer; }
Initializes the content of the xml string buffer.
  • suiteBuffer – the string buffer to initialize.
/** * Initializes the content of the xml string buffer. * * @param suiteBuffer the string buffer to initialize. */
protected abstract void initContentBuffer(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer);
{@inheritDoc} This implementation saves the suite to the "temp-testng-customsuite.xml" file in the specified directory.
/** * {@inheritDoc} This implementation saves the suite to the "temp-testng-customsuite.xml" * file in the specified directory. */
@Override public File save(File directory) { final File suiteFile = new File(directory, "temp-testng-customsuite.xml"); saveSuiteContent(suiteFile, getSuiteBuffer()); return suiteFile; }
Saves the content of the string buffer to the specified file.
  • file – the file to write to.
  • content – the content to write to the file.
/** * Saves the content of the string buffer to the specified file. * * @param file the file to write to. * @param content the content to write to the file. */
protected void saveSuiteContent(final File file, final XMLStringBuffer content) { try (OutputStreamWriter fw = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(file), Charset.forName("UTF-8"))) { fw.write(content.getStringBuffer().toString()); } catch (IOException ioe) { // TODO CQ is this normal to swallow exception here LOGGER.error("IO Exception", ioe); } } }
A MethodsSuite is a suite made up of methods.
/** * A <code>MethodsSuite</code> is a suite made up of methods. */
static class MethodsSuite extends CustomizedSuite { protected Collection<String> m_methodNames; protected String m_className; protected int m_logLevel;
Constructs a MethodsSuite TODO cquezel JavaDoc.
  • projectName –
  • className –
  • methodNames –
  • parameters –
  • annotationType – (may be null)
  • logLevel –
/** * Constructs a <code>MethodsSuite</code> TODO cquezel JavaDoc. * * @param projectName * @param className * @param methodNames * @param parameters * @param annotationType (may be null) * @param logLevel */
MethodsSuite(final String projectName, final String className, final Collection<String> methodNames, final Map<String, String> parameters, final String annotationType, final int logLevel) { super(projectName, className, parameters, annotationType); m_className = className; m_methodNames = methodNames; m_logLevel = logLevel; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void initContentBuffer(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { Properties testAttrs = new Properties(); testAttrs.setProperty("name", m_className); testAttrs.setProperty("verbose", String.valueOf(m_logLevel)); suiteBuffer.push("test", testAttrs); suiteBuffer.push("classes"); Properties classAttrs = new Properties(); classAttrs.setProperty("name", m_className); if ((null != m_methodNames) && (m_methodNames.size() > 0)) { suiteBuffer.push("class", classAttrs); suiteBuffer.push("methods"); for (Object methodName : m_methodNames) { Properties methodAttrs = new Properties(); methodAttrs.setProperty("name", (String) methodName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("include", methodAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("methods"); suiteBuffer.pop("class"); } else { suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("class", classAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("classes"); suiteBuffer.pop("test"); } } static class ClassesAndMethodsSuite extends CustomizedSuite { protected Map<String, Collection<String>> m_classes; protected int m_logLevel; ClassesAndMethodsSuite(final String projectName, final Map<String, Collection<String>> classes, final Map<String, String> parameters, final String annotationType, final int logLevel) { super(projectName, "Custom suite", parameters, annotationType); m_classes = classes; m_logLevel = logLevel; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void initContentBuffer(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { Properties testAttrs = new Properties(); testAttrs.setProperty("name", m_projectName); testAttrs.setProperty("verbose", String.valueOf(m_logLevel)); suiteBuffer.push("test", testAttrs); suiteBuffer.push("classes"); for(Map.Entry<String, Collection<String>> entry : m_classes.entrySet()) { Properties classAttrs = new Properties(); classAttrs.setProperty("name", entry.getKey()); Collection<String> methodNames= sanitize(entry.getValue()); if ((null != methodNames) && (methodNames.size() > 0)) { suiteBuffer.push("class", classAttrs); suiteBuffer.push("methods"); for (String methodName : methodNames) { Properties methodAttrs = new Properties(); methodAttrs.setProperty("name", methodName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("include", methodAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("methods"); suiteBuffer.pop("class"); } else { suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("class", classAttrs); } } suiteBuffer.pop("classes"); suiteBuffer.pop("test"); } private Collection<String> sanitize(Collection<String> source) { if(null == source) { return null; } List<String> result= Lists.newArrayList(); for(String name: source) { if(isStringNotBlank(name)) { result.add(name); } } return result; } }
ClassListSuite TODO cquezel JavaDoc.
/** * <code>ClassListSuite</code> TODO cquezel JavaDoc. */
static class ClassListSuite extends CustomizedSuite { protected Collection<String> m_packageNames; protected Collection<String> m_classNames; protected Collection<String> m_groupNames; protected int m_logLevel; ClassListSuite(final String projectName, final Collection<String> packageNames, final Collection<String> classNames, final Collection<String> groupNames, final Map<String, String> parameters, final String annotationType, final int logLevel) { super(projectName, "Custom suite", parameters, annotationType); m_packageNames = packageNames; m_classNames = classNames; m_groupNames = groupNames; m_logLevel = logLevel; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override protected void initContentBuffer(XMLStringBuffer suiteBuffer) { Properties testAttrs = new Properties(); testAttrs.setProperty("name", m_projectName); testAttrs.setProperty("verbose", String.valueOf(m_logLevel)); suiteBuffer.push("test", testAttrs); if (null != m_groupNames) { suiteBuffer.push("groups"); suiteBuffer.push("run"); for (String groupName : m_groupNames) { Properties includeAttrs = new Properties(); includeAttrs.setProperty("name", groupName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("include", includeAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("run"); suiteBuffer.pop("groups"); } // packages belongs to suite according to the latest DTD if ((m_packageNames != null) && (m_packageNames.size() > 0)) { suiteBuffer.push("packages"); for (String packageName : m_packageNames) { Properties packageAttrs = new Properties(); packageAttrs.setProperty("name", packageName); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("package", packageAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("packages"); } if ((m_classNames != null) && (m_classNames.size() > 0)) { suiteBuffer.push("classes"); for (String className : m_classNames) { Properties classAttrs = new Properties(); classAttrs.setProperty("name", className); suiteBuffer.addEmptyElement("class", classAttrs); } suiteBuffer.pop("classes"); } suiteBuffer.pop("test"); } } }