package org.testng.internal;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.testng.IClass;
import org.testng.IClassListener;
import org.testng.IConfigurable;
import org.testng.IDataProviderListener;
import org.testng.IHookable;
import org.testng.IInvokedMethod;
import org.testng.IInvokedMethodListener;
import org.testng.IRetryAnalyzer;
import org.testng.ITestClass;
import org.testng.ITestContext;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.ITestResult;
import org.testng.Reporter;
import org.testng.SkipException;
import org.testng.SuiteRunState;
import org.testng.TestException;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.annotations.IConfigurationAnnotation;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.collections.Sets;
import org.testng.internal.InvokeMethodRunnable.TestNGRuntimeException;
import static org.testng.internal.ParameterHandler.ParameterBag;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.AnnotationHelper;
import org.testng.internal.annotations.IAnnotationFinder;
import org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerInvoker;
import org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod;
import org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadExecutionException;
import org.testng.internal.thread.ThreadUtil;
import org.testng.internal.thread.graph.IWorker;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;

import static org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod.AFTER_INVOCATION;
import static org.testng.internal.invokers.InvokedMethodListenerMethod.BEFORE_INVOCATION;

This class is responsible for invoking methods: - test methods - configuration methods - possibly in a separate thread and then for notifying the result listeners.
Author:Cedric Beust, Alexandru Popescu
/** * This class is responsible for invoking methods: * - test methods * - configuration methods * - possibly in a separate thread * and then for notifying the result listeners. * * @author <a href="">Cedric Beust</a> * @author <a href=''>Alexandru Popescu</a> */
public class Invoker implements IInvoker { private final ITestContext m_testContext; private final ITestResultNotifier m_notifier; private final IAnnotationFinder m_annotationFinder; private final SuiteRunState m_suiteState; private final boolean m_skipFailedInvocationCounts; private final Collection<IInvokedMethodListener> m_invokedMethodListeners; private final boolean m_continueOnFailedConfiguration; private final List<IClassListener> m_classListeners; private final Collection<IDataProviderListener> m_dataproviderListeners;
Group failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently
/** Group failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently */
private final Map<String, Boolean> m_beforegroupsFailures = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
Class failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently
/** Class failures must be synced as the Invoker is accessed concurrently */
private final Map<Class<?>, Set<Object>> m_classInvocationResults = Maps.newConcurrentMap();
Test methods whose configuration methods have failed.
/** Test methods whose configuration methods have failed. */
private final Map<ITestNGMethod, Set<Object>> m_methodInvocationResults = Maps.newConcurrentMap(); private IConfiguration m_configuration;
Predicate to filter methods
/** Predicate to filter methods */
private static final Predicate<ITestNGMethod, IClass> CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS = new CanRunFromClassPredicate();
Predicate to filter methods
/** Predicate to filter methods */
private static final Predicate<ITestNGMethod, IClass> SAME_CLASS = new SameClassNamePredicate(); private void setClassInvocationFailure(Class<?> clazz, Object instance) { synchronized(m_classInvocationResults){ Set<Object> instances = m_classInvocationResults.get( clazz ); if (instances == null) { instances = Sets.newHashSet(); m_classInvocationResults.put(clazz, instances); } instances.add(instance); } } private void setMethodInvocationFailure(ITestNGMethod method, Object instance) { Set<Object> instances = m_methodInvocationResults.get(method); if (instances == null) { instances = Sets.newHashSet(); m_methodInvocationResults.put(method, instances); } instances.add(TestNgMethodUtils.getMethodInvocationToken(method, instance)); } public Invoker(IConfiguration configuration, ITestContext testContext, ITestResultNotifier notifier, SuiteRunState state, boolean skipFailedInvocationCounts, Collection<IInvokedMethodListener> invokedMethodListeners, List<IClassListener> classListeners, Collection<IDataProviderListener> dataProviderListeners) { m_configuration = configuration; m_testContext= testContext; m_suiteState= state; m_notifier= notifier; m_annotationFinder= configuration.getAnnotationFinder(); m_skipFailedInvocationCounts = skipFailedInvocationCounts; m_invokedMethodListeners = invokedMethodListeners; m_continueOnFailedConfiguration = testContext.getSuite().getXmlSuite().getConfigFailurePolicy() == XmlSuite.FailurePolicy.CONTINUE; m_classListeners = classListeners; m_dataproviderListeners = dataProviderListeners; }
Invoke configuration methods if they belong to the same TestClass passed in parameter..

TODO: Calculate ahead of time which methods should be invoked for each class. Might speed things up for users who invoke the same test class with different parameters in the same suite run. If instance is non-null, the configuration will be run on it. If it is null, the configuration methods will be run on all the instances retrieved from the ITestClass.
/** * Invoke configuration methods if they belong to the same TestClass passed * in parameter.. <p/>TODO: Calculate ahead of time which methods should be * invoked for each class. Might speed things up for users who invoke the * same test class with different parameters in the same suite run. * * If instance is non-null, the configuration will be run on it. If it is null, * the configuration methods will be run on all the instances retrieved * from the ITestClass. */
@Override public void invokeConfigurations(IClass testClass, ITestNGMethod[] allMethods, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, Object[] parameterValues, Object instance) { invokeConfigurations(testClass, null, allMethods, suite, params, parameterValues, instance, null); } private void invokeConfigurations(IClass testClass, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, ITestNGMethod[] allMethods, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, Object[] parameterValues, Object instance, ITestResult testMethodResult) { if(null == allMethods || allMethods.length == 0) { log(5, "No configuration methods found"); return; } ITestNGMethod[] methods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterMethods(testClass, allMethods, SAME_CLASS); for(ITestNGMethod tm : methods) { if(null == testClass) { testClass= tm.getTestClass(); } long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object instanceTouse = instance != null ? instance : tm.getInstance(); ITestResult testResult = new TestResult(testClass, instanceTouse, tm, null, time, time, m_testContext); IConfigurationAnnotation configurationAnnotation= null; try { Object inst = tm.getInstance(); if (inst == null) { inst = instance; } Class<?> objectClass = inst.getClass(); ConstructorOrMethod method = tm.getConstructorOrMethod(); // Only run the configuration if // - the test is enabled and // - the Configuration method belongs to the same class or a parent configurationAnnotation = AnnotationHelper.findConfiguration(m_annotationFinder, method); boolean alwaysRun = MethodHelper.isAlwaysRun(configurationAnnotation); boolean canProcessMethod = MethodHelper.isEnabled(objectClass, m_annotationFinder) || alwaysRun; if (!canProcessMethod) { log(3, "Skipping " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true) + " because " + objectClass.getName() + " is not enabled"); continue; } if (MethodHelper.isDisabled(configurationAnnotation)) { log(3, "Skipping " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true) + " because it is not enabled"); continue; } if (!confInvocationPassed(tm, currentTestMethod, testClass, instance) && !alwaysRun) { log(3, "Skipping " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)); handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite); continue; } log(3, "Invoking " + Utils.detailedMethodName(tm, true)); if (testMethodResult != null) { ((TestResult) testMethodResult).setMethod(currentTestMethod); } Object[] parameters = Parameters.createConfigurationParameters(tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), params, parameterValues, currentTestMethod, m_annotationFinder, suite, m_testContext, testMethodResult); testResult.setParameters(parameters); runConfigurationListeners(testResult, true /* before */); Object newInstance = computeInstance(instance, inst, tm); invokeConfigurationMethod(newInstance, tm, parameters, testResult); runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */); } catch(Throwable ex) { handleConfigurationFailure(ex, tm, testResult, configurationAnnotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite); } } // for methods } private static Object computeInstance(Object instance, Object inst, ITestNGMethod tm) { if (instance == null || !tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(instance.getClass())) { return inst; } return instance; }
Marks the current TestResult as skipped and invokes the listeners.
/** * Marks the current <code>TestResult</code> as skipped and invokes the listeners. */
private void handleConfigurationSkip(ITestNGMethod tm, ITestResult testResult, IConfigurationAnnotation annotation, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, Object instance, XmlSuite suite) { recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite); testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP); runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */); } private void handleConfigurationFailure(Throwable ite, ITestNGMethod tm, ITestResult testResult, IConfigurationAnnotation annotation, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, Object instance, XmlSuite suite) { Throwable cause= ite.getCause() != null ? ite.getCause() : ite; if(isSkipExceptionAndSkip(cause)) { testResult.setThrowable(cause); handleConfigurationSkip(tm, testResult, annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite); return; } Utils.log("", 3, "Failed to invoke configuration method " + tm.getQualifiedName() + ":" + cause.getMessage()); handleException(cause, tm, testResult, 1); runConfigurationListeners(testResult, false /* after */); // // If in TestNG mode, need to take a look at the annotation to figure out // what kind of @Configuration method we're dealing with // if (null != annotation) { recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(tm, testResult.getTestClass(), annotation, currentTestMethod, instance, suite); } }
Record internally the failure of a Configuration, so that we can determine later if @Test should be skipped.
/** * Record internally the failure of a Configuration, so that we can determine * later if @Test should be skipped. */
private void recordConfigurationInvocationFailed(ITestNGMethod tm, IClass testClass, IConfigurationAnnotation annotation, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, Object instance, XmlSuite suite) { // If beforeTestClass or afterTestClass failed, mark either the config method's // entire class as failed, or the class under tests as failed, depending on // the configuration failure policy if (annotation.getBeforeTestClass() || annotation.getAfterTestClass()) { // tm is the configuration method, and currentTestMethod is null for BeforeClass // methods, so we need testClass if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) { setClassInvocationFailure(testClass.getRealClass(), instance); } else { setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance); } } // If before/afterTestMethod failed, mark either the config method's entire // class as failed, or just the current test method as failed, depending on // the configuration failure policy else if (annotation.getBeforeTestMethod() || annotation.getAfterTestMethod()) { if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) { setMethodInvocationFailure(currentTestMethod, instance); } else { setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance); } } // If beforeSuite or afterSuite failed, mark *all* the classes as failed // for configurations. At this point, the entire Suite is screwed else if (annotation.getBeforeSuite() || annotation.getAfterSuite()) { m_suiteState.failed(); } // beforeTest or afterTest: mark all the classes in the same // <test> stanza as failed for configuration else if (annotation.getBeforeTest() || annotation.getAfterTest()) { setClassInvocationFailure(tm.getRealClass(), instance); XmlClass[] classes = ClassHelper.findClassesInSameTest(tm.getRealClass(), suite); for(XmlClass xmlClass : classes) { setClassInvocationFailure(xmlClass.getSupportClass(), instance); } } String[] beforeGroups = annotation.getBeforeGroups(); for (String group : beforeGroups) { m_beforegroupsFailures.put(group, Boolean.FALSE); } }
Returns:true if this class or a parent class failed to initialize.
/** * @return true if this class or a parent class failed to initialize. */
private boolean classConfigurationFailed(Class<?> cls, Object instance) { for (Class<?> c : m_classInvocationResults.keySet()) { Set<Object> obj = m_classInvocationResults.get(c); boolean containsBeforeTestOrBeforeSuiteFailure = obj.contains(null); if (c == cls || c.isAssignableFrom(cls) && (obj.contains(instance) || containsBeforeTestOrBeforeSuiteFailure)) { return true; } } return false; }
Returns:true if this class has successfully run all its @Configuration method or false if at least one of these methods failed.
/** * @return true if this class has successfully run all its @Configuration * method or false if at least one of these methods failed. */
private boolean confInvocationPassed(ITestNGMethod method, ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, IClass testClass, Object instance) { boolean result = true; Class<?> cls = testClass.getRealClass(); if(m_suiteState.isFailed()) { result = false; } else { boolean hasConfigurationFailures = classConfigurationFailed(cls, instance); if (hasConfigurationFailures) { if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) { result = false; } else { Set<Object> set = getInvocationResults(testClass); result = !set.contains(instance); } return result; } // if method is BeforeClass, currentTestMethod will be null if (m_continueOnFailedConfiguration && hasConfigFailure(currentTestMethod)) { Object key = TestNgMethodUtils.getMethodInvocationToken(currentTestMethod, instance); result = !m_methodInvocationResults.get(currentTestMethod).contains(key); } else if (! m_continueOnFailedConfiguration) { for (Class<?> clazz : m_classInvocationResults.keySet()) { if (clazz.isAssignableFrom(cls) && m_classInvocationResults.get(clazz).contains(instance)) { result = false; break; } } } } // check if there are failed @BeforeGroups String[] groups = method.getGroups(); for (String group : groups) { if (m_beforegroupsFailures.containsKey(group)) { result = false; break; } } return result; } private boolean hasConfigFailure(ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod) { return currentTestMethod != null && m_methodInvocationResults.containsKey(currentTestMethod); } private Set<Object> getInvocationResults(IClass testClass) { Class<?> cls = testClass.getRealClass(); Set<Object> set = null; //We need to continuously search till either our Set is not null (or) till we reached //Object class because it is very much possible that the test method is residing in a child class //and maybe the parent method has configuration methods which may have had a failure //So lets walk up the inheritance tree until either we find failures or till we //reached the Object class. while (!cls.equals(Object.class)) { set = m_classInvocationResults.get(cls); if (set != null) { break; } cls = cls.getSuperclass(); } if (set == null) { //This should never happen because we have walked up all the way till Object class //and yet found no failures, but our logic indicates that there was a failure somewhere up the //inheritance order. We don't know what to do at this point. throw new IllegalStateException("No failure logs for " + testClass.getRealClass()); } return set; }
Effectively invokes a configuration method on all passed in instances.
/** * Effectively invokes a configuration method on all passed in instances. */
//TODO: Change this method to be more like invokeMethod() so that we can handle calls to {@code IInvokedMethodListener} better. private void invokeConfigurationMethod(Object targetInstance, ITestNGMethod tm, Object[] params, ITestResult testResult) throws InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException { // Mark this method with the current thread id tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo()); InvokedMethod invokedMethod = new InvokedMethod(targetInstance, tm, System.currentTimeMillis(), testResult); runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod); try { Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult); ConstructorOrMethod method = tm.getConstructorOrMethod(); IConfigurable configurableInstance = computeConfigurableInstance(method, targetInstance); if (RuntimeBehavior.isDryRun()) { testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS); return; } if (configurableInstance != null) { MethodInvocationHelper.invokeConfigurable(targetInstance, params, configurableInstance, method.getMethod(), testResult); } else { MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethodConsideringTimeout(tm, method, targetInstance, params, testResult); } } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException ex) { throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex); throw ex; } catch (Throwable ex) { throwConfigurationFailure(testResult, ex); throw new TestNGException(ex); } finally { testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult); runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null); } } private IConfigurable computeConfigurableInstance(ConstructorOrMethod method, Object targetInstance) { return IConfigurable.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getDeclaringClass()) ? (IConfigurable) targetInstance : m_configuration.getConfigurable(); } private void throwConfigurationFailure(ITestResult testResult, Throwable ex) { testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE); testResult.setThrowable(ex.getCause() == null ? ex : ex.getCause()); } private void runInvokedMethodListeners(InvokedMethodListenerMethod listenerMethod, IInvokedMethod invokedMethod, ITestResult testResult) { if (noListenersPresent()) { return; } InvokedMethodListenerInvoker invoker = new InvokedMethodListenerInvoker(listenerMethod, testResult, m_testContext); for (IInvokedMethodListener currentListener : m_invokedMethodListeners) { invoker.invokeListener(currentListener, invokedMethod); } } private boolean noListenersPresent() { return (m_invokedMethodListeners == null) || (m_invokedMethodListeners.isEmpty()); } // pass both paramValues and paramIndex to be thread safe in case parallel=true + dataprovider. private ITestResult invokeMethod(Object instance, ITestNGMethod tm, Object[] parameterValues, int parametersIndex, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, ITestClass testClass, ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods, ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, FailureContext failureContext) { TestResult testResult = new TestResult(); invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(tm, groupMethods, suite, params, instance); // // Invoke beforeMethods only if // - firstTimeOnly is not set // - firstTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching at the first invocationCount // ITestNGMethod[] setupConfigMethods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterFirstTimeRunnableSetupConfigurationMethods(tm, beforeMethods); invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm, setupConfigMethods, suite, params, parameterValues, instance, testResult); InvokedMethod invokedMethod = new InvokedMethod(instance, tm, System.currentTimeMillis(), testResult); if (!confInvocationPassed(tm, tm, testClass, instance)) { Throwable exception = ExceptionUtils.getExceptionDetails(m_testContext, instance); ITestResult result = registerSkippedTestResult(tm, instance, System.currentTimeMillis(), exception); m_notifier.addSkippedTest(tm, result); tm.incrementCurrentInvocationCount(); testResult.setMethod(tm); runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); ITestNGMethod[] teardownConfigMethods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterLastTimeRunnableTeardownConfigurationMethods(tm, afterMethods); invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm, teardownConfigMethods, suite, params, parameterValues, instance, testResult); invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(tm, groupMethods, suite, params, instance); return result; } // // Create the ExtraOutput for this method // try { testResult.init(testClass, instance, tm, null, System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, m_testContext); testResult.setParameters(parameterValues); testResult.setParameterIndex(parametersIndex); testResult.setHost(m_testContext.getHost()); testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.STARTED); Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(testResult); // Fix from ansgarkonermann // invokedMethod is used in the finally, which can be invoked if // any of the test listeners throws an exception, therefore, // invokedMethod must have a value before we get here if (!m_suiteState.isFailed()) { runTestListeners(testResult); } log(3, "Invoking " + tm.getQualifiedName()); runInvokedMethodListeners(BEFORE_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); m_notifier.addInvokedMethod(invokedMethod); Method thisMethod = tm.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(); if (RuntimeBehavior.isDryRun()) { setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.SUCCESS); return testResult; } // If this method is a IHookable, invoke its run() method IHookable hookableInstance = IHookable.class.isAssignableFrom(tm.getRealClass()) ? (IHookable) instance : m_configuration.getHookable(); if (MethodHelper.calculateTimeOut(tm) <= 0) { if (hookableInstance != null) { MethodInvocationHelper.invokeHookable(instance, parameterValues, hookableInstance, thisMethod, testResult); } else { // Not a IHookable, invoke directly MethodInvocationHelper.invokeMethod(thisMethod, instance, parameterValues); } setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.SUCCESS); } else { // Method with a timeout MethodInvocationHelper.invokeWithTimeout(tm, instance, parameterValues, testResult, hookableInstance); } } catch(InvocationTargetException ite) { testResult.setThrowable(ite.getCause()); setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE); } catch(ThreadExecutionException tee) { // wrapper for TestNGRuntimeException Throwable cause= tee.getCause(); if(TestNGRuntimeException.class.equals(cause.getClass())) { testResult.setThrowable(cause.getCause()); } else { testResult.setThrowable(cause); } setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE); } catch(Throwable thr) { // covers the non-wrapper exceptions testResult.setThrowable(thr); setTestStatus(testResult, ITestResult.FAILURE); } finally { // Set end time ASAP testResult.setEndMillis(System.currentTimeMillis()); ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionClasses = new ExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, tm, new RegexpExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, tm)); StatusHolder holder = considerExceptions(tm, testResult, expectedExceptionClasses, failureContext); int statusBeforeListenerInvocation = testResult.getStatus(); runInvokedMethodListeners(AFTER_INVOCATION, invokedMethod, testResult); boolean wasResultUnaltered = statusBeforeListenerInvocation == testResult.getStatus(); handleInvocationResults(tm, testResult, failureContext, holder, wasResultUnaltered); // If this method has a data provider and just failed, memorize the number // at which it failed. // Note: we're not exactly testing that this method has a data provider, just // that it has parameters, so might have to revisit this if bugs get reported // for the case where this method has parameters that don't come from a data // provider if (testResult.getThrowable() != null && parameterValues.length > 0) { tm.addFailedInvocationNumber(parametersIndex); } // // Increment the invocation count for this method // tm.incrementCurrentInvocationCount(); runTestListeners(testResult); collectResults(tm, testResult); // // Invoke afterMethods only if // - lastTimeOnly is not set // - lastTimeOnly is set, and we are reaching the last invocationCount // ITestNGMethod[] tearDownConfigMethods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterLastTimeRunnableTeardownConfigurationMethods(tm, afterMethods); invokeConfigurations(testClass, tm, tearDownConfigMethods, suite, params, parameterValues, instance, testResult); // // Invoke afterGroups configurations // invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(tm, groupMethods, suite, params, instance); // Reset the test result last. If we do this too early, Reporter.log() // invocations from listeners will be discarded Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(null); } return testResult; } private static void setTestStatus(ITestResult result, int status) { // set the test to success as long as the testResult hasn't been changed by the user via // Reporter.getCurrentTestResult if (result.getStatus() == ITestResult.STARTED) { result.setStatus(status); } } private void collectResults(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestResult result) { // Collect the results int status = result.getStatus(); if(ITestResult.SUCCESS == status) { m_notifier.addPassedTest(testMethod, result); } else if(ITestResult.SKIP == status) { m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, result); } else if(ITestResult.FAILURE == status) { m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, result); } else if(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE == status) { m_notifier.addFailedButWithinSuccessPercentageTest(testMethod, result); } else { assert false : "UNKNOWN STATUS:" + status; } }
invokeTestMethods() eventually converge here to invoke a single @Test method.

This method is responsible for actually invoking the method. It decides if the invocation must be done:
  • through an IHookable
  • directly (through reflection)
  • in a separate thread (in case it needs to timeout)

This method is also responsible for invoking @BeforeGroup, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @AfterGroup if it is the case for the passed in @Test method.
/** * invokeTestMethods() eventually converge here to invoke a single @Test method. * <p/> * This method is responsible for actually invoking the method. It decides if the invocation * must be done: * <ul> * <li>through an <code>IHookable</code></li> * <li>directly (through reflection)</li> * <li>in a separate thread (in case it needs to timeout) * </ul> * * <p/> * This method is also responsible for invoking @BeforeGroup, @BeforeMethod, @AfterMethod, @AfterGroup * if it is the case for the passed in @Test method. */
ITestResult invokeTestMethod(Object instance, ITestNGMethod tm, Object[] parameterValues, int parametersIndex, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, ITestClass testClass, ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods, ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, FailureContext failureContext) { // Mark this method with the current thread id tm.setId(ThreadUtil.currentThreadInfo()); return invokeMethod(instance, tm, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite, params, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, failureContext); }
Filter all the beforeGroups methods and invoke only those that apply to the current test method
/** * Filter all the beforeGroups methods and invoke only those that apply * to the current test method */
private void invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, Object instance) { List<ITestNGMethod> filteredMethods = Lists.newArrayList(); String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups(); for (String group : groups) { List<ITestNGMethod> methods = groupMethods.getBeforeGroupMethodsForGroup(group); if (methods != null) { filteredMethods.addAll(methods); } } ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethodsArray = filteredMethods.toArray(new ITestNGMethod[filteredMethods.size()]); // // Invoke the right groups methods // if (beforeMethodsArray.length > 0) { // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite invokeConfigurations(null, beforeMethodsArray, suite, params, /* no parameter values */ null, instance); } // // Remove them so they don't get run again // groupMethods.removeBeforeGroups(groups); } private void invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(ITestNGMethod currentTestMethod, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> params, Object instance) { // Skip this if the current method doesn't belong to any group // (only a method that belongs to a group can trigger the invocation // of afterGroups methods) if (currentTestMethod.getGroups().length == 0) { return; } // See if the currentMethod is the last method in any of the groups // it belongs to Map<String, String> filteredGroups = Maps.newHashMap(); String[] groups = currentTestMethod.getGroups(); for (String group : groups) { if (groupMethods.isLastMethodForGroup(group, currentTestMethod)) { filteredGroups.put(group, group); } } if (filteredGroups.isEmpty()) { return; } // The list of afterMethods to run Map<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> afterMethods = Maps.newHashMap(); // Now filteredGroups contains all the groups for which we need to run the afterGroups // method. Find all the methods that correspond to these groups and invoke them. for (String g : filteredGroups.values()) { List<ITestNGMethod> methods = groupMethods.getAfterGroupMethodsForGroup(g); // Note: should put them in a map if we want to make sure the same afterGroups // doesn't get run twice if (methods != null) { for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) { afterMethods.put(m, m); } } } // Got our afterMethods, invoke them ITestNGMethod[] afterMethodsArray = afterMethods.keySet().toArray(new ITestNGMethod[afterMethods.size()]); // don't pass the IClass or the instance as the method may be external // the invocation must be similar to @BeforeTest/@BeforeSuite invokeConfigurations(null, afterMethodsArray, suite, params, /* no parameter values */ null, instance); // Remove the groups so they don't get run again groupMethods.removeAfterGroups(filteredGroups.keySet()); } int retryFailed(Object instance, ITestNGMethod tm, XmlSuite suite, ITestClass testClass, ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods, ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, List<ITestResult> result, int failureCount, ITestContext testContext, Map<String, String> parameters, int parametersIndex) { FailureContext failure = new FailureContext(); failure.count = failureCount; do { failure.instances = Lists.newArrayList (); Map<String, String> allParameters = Maps.newHashMap(); //TODO: This recreates all the parameters every time when we only need //one specific set. Should optimize it by only recreating the set needed. ParameterHandler handler = new ParameterHandler(m_annotationFinder, m_dataproviderListeners); ParameterBag bag = handler.createParameters(tm, parameters, allParameters, testContext); Object[] parameterValues = Parameters.getParametersFromIndex(bag.parameterHolder.parameters, parametersIndex); result.add(invokeMethod(instance, tm, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite, allParameters, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, failure)); } while (!failure.instances.isEmpty()); return failure.count; }
Invoke all the test methods. Note the plural: the method passed in parameter might be invoked several times if the test class it belongs to has more than one instance (i.e., if an @Factory method has been declared somewhere that returns several instances of this TestClass). If no @Factory method was specified, testMethod will only be invoked once.

Note that this method also takes care of invoking the beforeTestMethod and afterTestMethod, if any. Note (alex): this method can be refactored to use a SingleTestMethodWorker that directly invokes invokeTestMethod(Object, ITestNGMethod, Object[], int, XmlSuite, Map<String,String>, ITestClass, ITestNGMethod[], ITestNGMethod[], ConfigurationGroupMethods, FailureContext) and this would simplify the implementation (see how DataTestMethodWorker is used)
/** * Invoke all the test methods. Note the plural: the method passed in * parameter might be invoked several times if the test class it belongs * to has more than one instance (i.e., if an @Factory method has been * declared somewhere that returns several instances of this TestClass). * If no @Factory method was specified, testMethod will only be invoked * once. * <p/> * Note that this method also takes care of invoking the beforeTestMethod * and afterTestMethod, if any. * * Note (alex): this method can be refactored to use a SingleTestMethodWorker that * directly invokes * {@link #invokeTestMethod(Object, ITestNGMethod, Object[], int, XmlSuite, Map, ITestClass, ITestNGMethod[], ITestNGMethod[], ConfigurationGroupMethods, FailureContext)} * and this would simplify the implementation (see how DataTestMethodWorker is used) */
@Override public List<ITestResult> invokeTestMethods(ITestNGMethod testMethod, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> testParameters, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, Object instance, ITestContext testContext) { // Potential bug here if the test method was declared on a parent class assert null != testMethod.getTestClass() : "COULDN'T FIND TESTCLASS FOR " + testMethod.getRealClass(); if (!MethodHelper.isEnabled(testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), m_annotationFinder)) { // return if the method is not enabled. No need to do any more calculations return Collections.emptyList(); } // By the time this testMethod to be invoked, // all dependencies should be already run or we need to skip this method, // so invocation count should not affect dependencies check String okToProceed = checkDependencies(testMethod, testContext.getAllTestMethods()); if (okToProceed != null) { // // Not okToProceed. Test is being skipped // ITestResult result = registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, null, System.currentTimeMillis(), new Throwable(okToProceed)); m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, result); return Collections.singletonList(result); } Map<String, String> parameters = testMethod.findMethodParameters(testContext.getCurrentXmlTest()); // For invocationCount > 1 and threadPoolSize > 1 run this method in its own pool thread. if (testMethod.getInvocationCount() > 1 && testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1) { return invokePooledTestMethods(testMethod, suite, parameters, groupMethods, testContext); } long timeOutInvocationCount = testMethod.getInvocationTimeOut(); //FIXME: Is this correct? boolean onlyOne = testMethod.getThreadPoolSize() > 1 || timeOutInvocationCount > 0; int invocationCount = onlyOne ? 1 : testMethod.getInvocationCount(); ExpectedExceptionsHolder expectedExceptionHolder = new ExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, testMethod, new RegexpExpectedExceptionsHolder(m_annotationFinder, testMethod)); ITestClass testClass= testMethod.getTestClass(); List<ITestResult> result = Lists.newArrayList(); FailureContext failure = new FailureContext(); ITestNGMethod[] beforeMethods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterBeforeTestMethods(testClass, CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS); ITestNGMethod[] afterMethods = TestNgMethodUtils.filterAfterTestMethods(testClass, CAN_RUN_FROM_CLASS); while (invocationCount-- > 0) { long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Map<String, String> allParameterNames = Maps.newHashMap(); ParameterHandler handler = new ParameterHandler(m_annotationFinder, m_dataproviderListeners); ParameterBag bag = handler.createParameters(testMethod, parameters, allParameterNames, testContext, instance); if (bag.hasErrors()) { ITestResult tr = bag.errorResult; Throwable throwable = tr.getThrowable(); if (throwable instanceof TestNGException) { tr.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE); m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, tr); } else { tr.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP); m_notifier.addSkippedTest(testMethod, tr); } runTestListeners(tr); result.add(tr); continue; } Iterator<Object[]> allParameterValues = bag.parameterHolder.parameters; int parametersIndex = 0; try { if (bag.runInParallel()) { List<TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker> workers = Lists.newArrayList(); while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) { Object[] next =; if (next == null) { // skipped value parametersIndex++; continue; } Object[] parameterValues = Parameters.injectParameters(next, testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), testContext); TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker w = new TestMethodWithDataProviderMethodWorker(this, testMethod, parametersIndex, parameterValues, instance, suite, parameters, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, expectedExceptionHolder, testContext, m_skipFailedInvocationCounts, invocationCount, failure.count, m_notifier); workers.add(w); // testng387: increment the param index in the bag. parametersIndex++; } PoolService<List<ITestResult>> ps = new PoolService<>(suite.getDataProviderThreadCount()); List<List<ITestResult>> r = ps.submitTasksAndWait(workers); for (List<ITestResult> l2 : r) { result.addAll(l2); } } else { while (allParameterValues.hasNext()) { Object[] next =; if (next == null) { // skipped value parametersIndex++; continue; } Object[] parameterValues = Parameters.injectParameters(next, testMethod.getConstructorOrMethod().getMethod(), testContext); List<ITestResult> tmpResults = Lists.newArrayList(); int tmpResultsIndex = -1; try { tmpResults.add(invokeTestMethod(instance, testMethod, parameterValues, parametersIndex, suite, parameters, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, failure)); tmpResultsIndex++; } finally { boolean lastSucces = false; if (tmpResultsIndex >= 0) { lastSucces = (tmpResults.get(tmpResultsIndex).getStatus() == ITestResult.SUCCESS); } if (failure.instances.isEmpty() || lastSucces) { result.addAll(tmpResults); } else { List<ITestResult> retryResults = Lists.newArrayList(); failure.count = retryFailed( instance, testMethod, suite, testClass, beforeMethods, afterMethods, groupMethods, retryResults, failure.count, testContext, parameters, parametersIndex); result.addAll(retryResults); } // If we have a failure, skip all the // other invocationCounts if (failure.count > 0 && (m_skipFailedInvocationCounts || testMethod.skipFailedInvocations())) { while (invocationCount-- > 0) { result.add(registerSkippedTestResult(testMethod, instance, System.currentTimeMillis(), null)); } } }// end finally parametersIndex++; } } } catch (Throwable cause) { ITestResult r = new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(), instance, testMethod, cause, start, System.currentTimeMillis(), m_testContext); r.setStatus(TestResult.FAILURE); result.add(r); runTestListeners(r); m_notifier.addFailedTest(testMethod, r); } // catch } return result; } private ITestResult registerSkippedTestResult(ITestNGMethod testMethod, Object instance, long start, Throwable throwable) { ITestResult result = new TestResult(testMethod.getTestClass(), instance, testMethod, throwable, start, System.currentTimeMillis(), m_testContext); result.setStatus(TestResult.SKIP); Reporter.setCurrentTestResult(result); runTestListeners(result); return result; }
Invokes a method that has a specified threadPoolSize.
/** * Invokes a method that has a specified threadPoolSize. */
private List<ITestResult> invokePooledTestMethods(ITestNGMethod testMethod, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> parameters, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, ITestContext testContext) { // // Create the workers // List<IWorker<ITestNGMethod>> workers = Lists.newArrayList(); // Create one worker per invocationCount for (int i = 0; i < testMethod.getInvocationCount(); i++) { // we use clones for reporting purposes ITestNGMethod clonedMethod= testMethod.clone(); clonedMethod.setInvocationCount(1); clonedMethod.setThreadPoolSize(1); MethodInstance mi = new MethodInstance(clonedMethod); workers.add(new SingleTestMethodWorker(this, mi, suite, parameters, testContext, m_classListeners)); } return runWorkers(testMethod, workers, testMethod.getThreadPoolSize(), groupMethods, suite, parameters); } static class FailureContext { int count = 0; List<Object> instances = Lists.newArrayList(); } private static class StatusHolder { boolean handled = false; int status; } private StatusHolder considerExceptions(ITestNGMethod tm, ITestResult testresult, ExpectedExceptionsHolder exceptionsHolder, FailureContext failure) { StatusHolder holder = new StatusHolder(); holder.status = testresult.getStatus(); holder.handled = false; Throwable ite = testresult.getThrowable(); if (holder.status == ITestResult.FAILURE && ite != null) { // Invocation caused an exception, see if the method was annotated with @ExpectedException if (exceptionsHolder != null) { if (exceptionsHolder.isExpectedException(ite)) { testresult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS); holder.status = ITestResult.SUCCESS; } else { if (isSkipExceptionAndSkip(ite)) { holder.status = ITestResult.SKIP; } else { testresult.setThrowable(exceptionsHolder.wrongException(ite)); holder.status = ITestResult.FAILURE; } } } else { handleException(ite, tm, testresult, failure.count++); holder.handled = true; holder.status = testresult.getStatus(); } } else if (holder.status != ITestResult.SKIP && exceptionsHolder != null) { TestException exception = exceptionsHolder.noException(tm); if (exception != null) { testresult.setThrowable(exception); holder.status = ITestResult.FAILURE; } } return holder; } private void handleInvocationResults(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestResult testResult, FailureContext failure, StatusHolder holder, boolean wasResultUnaltered) { // // Go through all the results and create a TestResult for each of them // List<ITestResult> resultsToRetry = Lists.newArrayList(); Throwable ite = testResult.getThrowable(); int status = computeTestStatusComparingTestResultAndStatusHolder(testResult, holder, wasResultUnaltered); boolean handled = holder.handled; IRetryAnalyzer retryAnalyzer = testMethod.getRetryAnalyzer(); boolean willRetry = retryAnalyzer != null && status == ITestResult.FAILURE && failure.instances != null && retryAnalyzer.retry(testResult); if (willRetry) { resultsToRetry.add(testResult); Object instance = testResult.getInstance(); if (!failure.instances.contains(instance)) { failure.instances.add(instance); } testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SKIP); } else { testResult.setStatus(status); if (status == ITestResult.FAILURE && !handled) { handleException(ite, testMethod, testResult, failure.count++); } } } private static int computeTestStatusComparingTestResultAndStatusHolder(ITestResult testResult, StatusHolder holder, boolean wasResultUnaltered) { if (wasResultUnaltered) { return holder.status; } return testResult.getStatus(); } private boolean isSkipExceptionAndSkip(Throwable ite) { return SkipException.class.isAssignableFrom(ite.getClass()) && ((SkipException) ite).isSkip(); }
To reduce thread contention and also to correctly handle thread-confinement this method invokes the @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups corresponding to the current @Test method.
/** * To reduce thread contention and also to correctly handle thread-confinement * this method invokes the @BeforeGroups and @AfterGroups corresponding to the current @Test method. */
private List<ITestResult> runWorkers(ITestNGMethod testMethod, List<IWorker<ITestNGMethod>> workers, int threadPoolSize, ConfigurationGroupMethods groupMethods, XmlSuite suite, Map<String, String> parameters) { // Invoke @BeforeGroups on the original method (reduce thread contention, // and also solve thread confinement) ITestClass testClass= testMethod.getTestClass(); Object[] instances = testClass.getInstances(true); for(Object instance: instances) { invokeBeforeGroupsConfigurations(testMethod, groupMethods, suite, parameters, instance); } long maxTimeOut= -1; // 10 seconds for(IWorker<ITestNGMethod> tmw : workers) { long mt= tmw.getTimeOut(); if(mt > maxTimeOut) { maxTimeOut= mt; } } ThreadUtil.execute("methods", workers, threadPoolSize, maxTimeOut, true); // // Collect all the TestResults // List<ITestResult> result = Lists.newArrayList(); for (IWorker<ITestNGMethod> tmw : workers) { if (tmw instanceof TestMethodWorker) { result.addAll(((TestMethodWorker)tmw).getTestResults()); } } for(Object instance: instances) { invokeAfterGroupsConfigurations(testMethod, groupMethods, suite, parameters, instance); } return result; }
Checks to see of the test method has certain dependencies that prevents TestNG from executing it
  • testMethod – test method being checked for
Returns:error message or null if dependencies have been run successfully
/** * Checks to see of the test method has certain dependencies that prevents * TestNG from executing it * @param testMethod test method being checked for * @return error message or null if dependencies have been run successfully */
private String checkDependencies(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestNGMethod[] allTestMethods) { // If this method is marked alwaysRun, no need to check for its dependencies if (testMethod.isAlwaysRun()) { return null; } // Any missing group? if (testMethod.getMissingGroup() != null && !testMethod.ignoreMissingDependencies()) { return "Method " + testMethod + " depends on nonexistent group \"" + testMethod.getMissingGroup() + "\""; } // If this method depends on groups, collect all the methods that // belong to these groups and make sure they have been run successfully String[] groups = testMethod.getGroupsDependedUpon(); if (null != groups && groups.length > 0) { // Get all the methods that belong to the group depended upon for (String element : groups) { ITestNGMethod[] methods = MethodGroupsHelper.findMethodsThatBelongToGroup(testMethod, m_testContext.getAllTestMethods(), element); if (methods.length == 0 && !testMethod.ignoreMissingDependencies()) { // Group is missing return "Method " + testMethod + " depends on nonexistent group \"" + element + "\""; } if (!haveBeenRunSuccessfully(testMethod, methods)) { return "Method " + testMethod + " depends on not successfully finished methods in group \"" + element + "\""; } } } // depends on groups // If this method depends on other methods, make sure all these other // methods have been run successfully if (TestNgMethodUtils.cannotRunMethodIndependently(testMethod)) { ITestNGMethod[] methods = MethodHelper.findDependedUponMethods(testMethod, allTestMethods); if (!haveBeenRunSuccessfully(testMethod, methods)) { return "Method " + testMethod + " depends on not successfully finished methods"; } } return null; }
Returns:the test results that apply to one of the instances of the testMethod.
/** * @return the test results that apply to one of the instances of the testMethod. */
private Set<ITestResult> keepSameInstances(ITestNGMethod method, Set<ITestResult> results) { Set<ITestResult> result = Sets.newHashSet(); for (ITestResult r : results) { Object o = method.getInstance(); // Keep this instance if 1) It's on a different class or 2) It's on the same class // and on the same instance Object instance = r.getInstance() != null ? r.getInstance() : r.getMethod().getInstance(); if (r.getTestClass() != method.getTestClass() || instance == o) result.add(r); } return result; }
Returns:true if all the methods have been run successfully
/** * @return true if all the methods have been run successfully */
private boolean haveBeenRunSuccessfully(ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestNGMethod[] methods) { // Make sure the method has been run successfully for (ITestNGMethod method : methods) { Set<ITestResult> results = keepSameInstances(testMethod, m_notifier.getPassedTests(method)); Set<ITestResult> failedAndSkippedMethods = Sets.newHashSet(); failedAndSkippedMethods.addAll(m_notifier.getFailedTests(method)); failedAndSkippedMethods.addAll(m_notifier.getSkippedTests(method)); Set<ITestResult> failedresults = keepSameInstances(testMethod, failedAndSkippedMethods); // If failed results were returned on the same instance, then these tests didn't pass if (failedresults != null && failedresults.size() > 0) { return false; } for (ITestResult result : results) { if(!result.isSuccess()) { return false; } } } return true; }
An exception was thrown by the test, determine if this method should be marked as a failure or as failure_but_within_successPercentage
/** * An exception was thrown by the test, determine if this method * should be marked as a failure or as failure_but_within_successPercentage */
private void handleException(Throwable throwable, ITestNGMethod testMethod, ITestResult testResult, int failureCount) { if (throwable != null && testResult.getThrowable() == null) { testResult.setThrowable(throwable); } int successPercentage= testMethod.getSuccessPercentage(); int invocationCount= testMethod.getInvocationCount(); float numberOfTestsThatCanFail= ((100 - successPercentage) * invocationCount) / 100f; if(failureCount < numberOfTestsThatCanFail) { testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.SUCCESS_PERCENTAGE_FAILURE); } else { testResult.setStatus(ITestResult.FAILURE); } } interface Predicate<K, T> { boolean isTrue(K k, T v); } static class CanRunFromClassPredicate implements Predicate <ITestNGMethod, IClass> { @Override public boolean isTrue(ITestNGMethod m, IClass v) { return m.canRunFromClass(v); } } static class SameClassNamePredicate implements Predicate<ITestNGMethod, IClass> { @Override public boolean isTrue(ITestNGMethod m, IClass c) { return c == null || m.getTestClass().getName().equals(c.getName()); } } private void runConfigurationListeners(ITestResult tr, boolean before) { if (before) { TestListenerHelper.runPreConfigurationListeners(tr, m_notifier.getConfigurationListeners()); } else { TestListenerHelper.runPostConfigurationListeners(tr, m_notifier.getConfigurationListeners()); } } void runTestListeners(ITestResult tr) { TestListenerHelper.runTestListeners(tr, m_notifier.getTestListeners()); } private void log(int level, String s) { Utils.log("Invoker " + Thread.currentThread().hashCode(), level, s); } }