package org.testng.internal;

import org.testng.DependencyMap;
import org.testng.ITestNGMethod;
import org.testng.TestNGException;
import org.testng.TestRunner;
import org.testng.collections.ListMultiMap;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.xml.XmlClass;
import org.testng.xml.XmlSuite;
import org.testng.xml.XmlTest;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public final class DynamicGraphHelper {

    private DynamicGraphHelper() {
        //Utility class. Defeat instantiation.

    public static DynamicGraph<ITestNGMethod> createDynamicGraph(ITestNGMethod[] methods, XmlTest xmlTest) {
        DynamicGraph<ITestNGMethod> result = new DynamicGraph<>();

        ListMultiMap<Integer, ITestNGMethod> methodsByPriority = Maps.newListMultiMap();
        for (ITestNGMethod method : methods) {
            methodsByPriority.put(method.getPriority(), method);
        List<Integer> availablePriorities = Lists.newArrayList(methodsByPriority.keySet());
        Integer previousPriority = methods.length > 0 ? availablePriorities.get(0) : 0;
        for (int i = 1; i < availablePriorities.size(); i++) {
            Integer currentPriority = availablePriorities.get(i);
            for (ITestNGMethod p0Method : methodsByPriority.get(previousPriority)) {
                for (ITestNGMethod p1Method : methodsByPriority.get(currentPriority)) {
                    result.addEdge(TestRunner.PriorityWeight.priority.ordinal(), p1Method, p0Method);
            previousPriority = currentPriority;

        DependencyMap dependencyMap = new DependencyMap(methods);

        // Keep track of whether we have group dependencies. If we do, preserve-order needs
        // to be ignored since group dependencies create inter-class dependencies which can
        // end up creating cycles when combined with preserve-order.
        boolean hasDependencies = false;
        for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
            //Attempt at adding the method instance to our dynamic graph
            //Addition to the graph will fail only when the method is already present.
            //Presence of a method in the graph is determined by its hashCode.
            //Since addition of the method was a failure lets now try to add it once again by wrapping it
            //in a wrapper object which is capable of fudging the original hashCode.
            boolean added = result.addNode(m);
            if (!added) {
                result.addNode(new WrappedTestNGMethod(m));

            String[] dependentMethods = m.getMethodsDependedUpon();
            if (dependentMethods != null) {
                for (String d : dependentMethods) {
                    ITestNGMethod dm = dependencyMap.getMethodDependingOn(d, m);
                    if (m != dm) {
                        result.addEdge(TestRunner.PriorityWeight.dependsOnMethods.ordinal(), m, dm);

            String[] dependentGroups = m.getGroupsDependedUpon();
            for (String d : dependentGroups) {
                hasDependencies = true;
                List<ITestNGMethod> dg = dependencyMap.getMethodsThatBelongTo(d, m);
                if (dg == null) {
                    throw new TestNGException("Method \"" + m
                            + "\" depends on nonexistent group \"" + d + "\"");
                for (ITestNGMethod ddm : dg) {
                    result.addEdge(TestRunner.PriorityWeight.dependsOnGroups.ordinal(), m, ddm);

        // Preserve order
        // Don't preserve the ordering if we're running in parallel, otherwise the suite will
        // create multiple threads but these threads will be created one after the other,
        // giving the impression of parallelism (multiple thread id's) while still running
        // sequentially.
        if (!hasDependencies
                && xmlTest.getParallel() == XmlSuite.ParallelMode.NONE
                && xmlTest.getPreserveOrder()) {
            // If preserve-order was specified and the class order is A, B
            // create a new set of dependencies where each method of B depends
            // on all the methods of A
            ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> classDependencies
                    = createClassDependencies(methods, xmlTest);

            for (Map.Entry<ITestNGMethod, List<ITestNGMethod>> es : classDependencies.entrySet()) {
                for (ITestNGMethod dm : es.getValue()) {
                    result.addEdge(TestRunner.PriorityWeight.preserveOrder.ordinal(), dm, es.getKey());

        // Group by instances
        if (xmlTest.getGroupByInstances()) {
            ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> instanceDependencies = createInstanceDependencies(methods);
            for (Map.Entry<ITestNGMethod, List<ITestNGMethod>> es : instanceDependencies.entrySet()) {
                result.addEdge(TestRunner.PriorityWeight.groupByInstance.ordinal(), es.getKey(), es.getValue());

        return result;

    private static Comparator<XmlClass> classComparator() {
        return new Comparator<XmlClass>() {
            public int compare(XmlClass arg0, XmlClass arg1) {
                return arg0.getIndex() - arg1.getIndex();

    private static ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> createClassDependencies(
            ITestNGMethod[] methods, XmlTest test) {
        Map<String, List<ITestNGMethod>> classes = Maps.newHashMap();
        // Note: use a List here to preserve the ordering but make sure
        // we don't add the same class twice
        List<XmlClass> sortedClasses = Lists.newArrayList();

        for (XmlClass c : test.getXmlClasses()) {
            classes.put(c.getName(), new ArrayList<ITestNGMethod>());
            if (!sortedClasses.contains(c)) {

        // Sort the classes based on their order of appearance in the XML
        Collections.sort(sortedClasses, classComparator());

        Map<String, Integer> indexedClasses1 = Maps.newHashMap();
        Map<Integer, String> indexedClasses2 = Maps.newHashMap();
        int i = 0;
        for (XmlClass c : sortedClasses) {
            indexedClasses1.put(c.getName(), i);
            indexedClasses2.put(i, c.getName());

        ListMultiMap<String, ITestNGMethod> methodsFromClass = Maps.newListMultiMap();
        for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
            methodsFromClass.put(m.getTestClass().getName(), m);

        ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> result = Maps.newListMultiMap();
        for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
            String name = m.getTestClass().getName();
            Integer index = indexedClasses1.get(name);
            // The index could be null if the classes listed in the XML are different
            // from the methods being run (e.g. the .xml only contains a factory that
            // instantiates methods from a different class). In this case, we cannot
            // perform any ordering.
            if (index != null && index > 0) {
                // Make this method depend on all the methods of the class in the previous
                // index
                String classDependedUpon = indexedClasses2.get(index - 1);
                List<ITestNGMethod> methodsDependedUpon = methodsFromClass.get(classDependedUpon);
                for (ITestNGMethod mdu : methodsDependedUpon) {
                    result.put(mdu, m);

        return result;

    private static ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> createInstanceDependencies(ITestNGMethod[] methods) {
        ListMultiMap<Object, ITestNGMethod> instanceMap = Maps.newSortedListMultiMap();
        for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
            instanceMap.put(m.getInstance(), m);

        ListMultiMap<ITestNGMethod, ITestNGMethod> result = Maps.newListMultiMap();
        Object previousInstance = null;
        for (Map.Entry<Object, List<ITestNGMethod>> es : instanceMap.entrySet()) {
            if (previousInstance == null) {
                previousInstance = es.getKey();
            } else {
                List<ITestNGMethod> previousMethods = instanceMap.get(previousInstance);
                Object currentInstance = es.getKey();
                List<ITestNGMethod> currentMethods = instanceMap.get(currentInstance);
                // Make all the methods from the current instance depend on the methods of
                // the previous instance
                for (ITestNGMethod cm : currentMethods) {
                    for (ITestNGMethod pm : previousMethods) {
                        result.put(cm, pm);
                previousInstance = currentInstance;

        return result;