 * Copyright 2015 Terracotta, Inc., a Software AG company.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.terracotta.offheapstore.disk.paging;

import static org.terracotta.offheapstore.util.Validation.shouldValidate;
import static org.terracotta.offheapstore.util.Validation.validate;

An augmented AA tree allocator with unusual alignment/allocation properties.

This allocator allocates only power-of-two size chunks. In addition these chunks are then only allocated on alignment with their own size. Hence a chunk of 2n size can only be allocated to an address satisfying a=2nx where x is a long.

Author:Chris Dennis
/** * An augmented AA tree allocator with unusual alignment/allocation properties. * <p> * This allocator allocates only power-of-two size chunks. In addition these * chunks are then only allocated on alignment with their own size. Hence a * chunk of 2<sup>n</sup> size can only be allocated to an address satisfying * a=2<sup>n</sup>x where x is a long. * * @author Chris Dennis */
public class PowerOfTwoFileAllocator { private static final boolean DEBUG = Boolean.getBoolean(PowerOfTwoFileAllocator.class.getName() + ".DEBUG"); private static final boolean VALIDATING = shouldValidate(PowerOfTwoFileAllocator.class); private static final Region NULL_NODE = new Region(); private Region root = NULL_NODE; private Region deletedNode; private Region lastNode; private Region deletedElement; private long occupied; public PowerOfTwoFileAllocator() { this(Long.MAX_VALUE); } public PowerOfTwoFileAllocator(long size) { this.root = new Region(0, size); } public Long allocate(long size) { if (Long.bitCount(size) != 1) { throw new AssertionError("Size " + size + " is not a power of two"); } final Region r = find(size); if (r == null) { return null; } else { mark(r); return r.start(); } } public void free(long address, long length) { if (length != 0) { Region r = new Region(address, address + length - 1); free(r); freed(r); } } public void mark(long address, long length) { if (length != 0) { mark(new Region(address, address + length - 1)); } } public long occupied() { return occupied; } private void allocated(Region r) { occupied += r.size(); } private void freed(Region r) { occupied -= r.size(); } private void mark(Region r) { Region current = remove(find(r)); Region newRange = current.remove(r); if (newRange != null) { insert(current); insert(newRange); } else if (!current.isNull()) { insert(current); } allocated(r); } private void free(Region r) { // Step 1 : Check if the previous number is present, if so add to the same Range. Region prev = find(new Region(r.start() - 1)); if (prev != null) { prev = remove(prev); prev.merge(r); Region next = remove((new Region(r.end() + 1))); if (next != null) { prev.merge(next); } insert(prev); return; } // Step 2 : Check if the next number is present, if so add to the same Range. Region next = find(new Region(r.end() + 1)); if (next != null) { next = remove(next); next.merge(r); insert(next); return; } // Step 3: Add a new range for just this number. insert(r); }
Insert into the tree.
  • x – the item to insert.
/** * Insert into the tree. * * @param x the item to insert. */
private void insert(Region x) { this.root = insert(x, this.root); }
Remove from the tree.
  • x – the item to remove.
/** * Remove from the tree. * * @param x the item to remove. */
private Region remove(Region x) { this.deletedNode = NULL_NODE; this.root = remove(x, this.root); Region d = this.deletedElement; // deletedElement is set to null to free the reference, // deletedNode is not freed as it will endup pointing to a valid node. this.deletedElement = null; if (d == null) { return null; } else { return new Region(d); } }
Find a region of the given size.
/** * Find a region of the given size. */
private Region find(long size) { validate(!VALIDATING || Long.bitCount(size) == 1); Region current = this.root; if ((current.available() & size) == 0) { //no region big enough for us... return null; } else { while (true) { if (current.left != null && (current.left.available() & size) != 0) { current = current.left; } else if ((current.availableHere() & size) != 0) { long mask = size - 1; long a = (current.start() + mask) & ~mask; return new Region(a, a + size - 1); } else if (current.right != null && (current.right.available() & size) != 0) { current = current.right; } else { throw new AssertionError(); } } } }
Find an item in the tree.
  • x – the item to search for.
Returns:the matching item of null if not found.
/** * Find an item in the tree. * * @param x * the item to search for. * @return the matching item of null if not found. */
private Region find(Region x) { Region current = this.root; while (current != NULL_NODE) { long res = x.orderRelativeTo(current); if (res < 0) { current = current.left; } else if (res > 0) { current = current.right; } else { return current; } } return null; }
Internal method to insert into a subtree.
  • x – the item to insert.
  • t – the node that roots the tree.
Returns:the new root. if x is already present.
/** * Internal method to insert into a subtree. * * @param x * the item to insert. * @param t * the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root. * if x is already present. */
private Region insert(Region x, Region t) { if (t == NULL_NODE) { t = x; } else if (x.orderRelativeTo(t) < 0) { t.left(insert(x, t.left)); } else if (x.orderRelativeTo(t) > 0) { t.right(insert(x, t.right)); } else { throw new AssertionError("Cannot insert " + x + " into " + this); } t = skew(t); t = split(t); return t; }
Internal method to remove from a subtree.
  • x – the item to remove.
  • t – the node that roots the tree.
Returns:the new root.
/** * Internal method to remove from a subtree. * * @param x * the item to remove. * @param t * the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root. */
private Region remove(Region x, Region t) { if (t != NULL_NODE) { // Step 1: Search down the tree and set lastNode and deletedNode this.lastNode = t; if (x.orderRelativeTo(t) < 0) { t.left(remove(x, t.left)); } else { this.deletedNode = t; t.right(remove(x, t.right)); } // Step 2: If at the bottom of the tree and // x is present, we remove it if (t == this.lastNode) { if (this.deletedNode != NULL_NODE && x.orderRelativeTo(this.deletedNode) == 0) { this.deletedNode.swap(t); this.deletedElement = t; t = t.right; } } else if (t.left.level < t.level - 1 || t.right.level < t.level - 1) { // Step 3: Otherwise, we are not at the bottom; re-balance if (t.right.level > --t.level) { t.right.level = t.level; } t = skew(t); t.right(skew(t.right)); t.right.right(skew(t.right.right)); t = split(t); t.right(split(t.right)); } } return t; }
Skew primitive for AA-trees.
  • t – the node that roots the tree.
Returns:the new root after the rotation.
/** * Skew primitive for AA-trees. * * @param t * the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root after the rotation. */
private static Region skew(Region t) { if (t.left.level == t.level) { t = rotateWithLeftChild(t); } return t; }
Split primitive for AA-trees.
  • t – the node that roots the tree.
Returns:the new root after the rotation.
/** * Split primitive for AA-trees. * * @param t * the node that roots the tree. * @return the new root after the rotation. */
private static Region split(Region t) { if (t.right.right.level == t.level) { t = rotateWithRightChild(t); t.level++; } return t; }
Rotate binary tree node with left child.
/** * Rotate binary tree node with left child. */
private static Region rotateWithLeftChild(Region k2) { Region k1 = k2.left; k2.left(k1.right); k1.right(k2); return k1; }
Rotate binary tree node with right child.
/** * Rotate binary tree node with right child. */
private static Region rotateWithRightChild(Region k1) { Region k2 = k1.right; k1.right(k2.left); k2.left(k1); return k2; }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(super.toString()); if (DEBUG) { sb.append("\nFree Regions = ").append(root.dump()).append(""); } return sb.toString(); }
Class that represents the regions held within this set.
/** * Class that represents the regions held within this set. */
static class Region { private Region left; private Region right; private int level; private long start; private long end; private long availableBitSet; Region() { this.start = 1L; this.end = 0L; this.level = 0; this.left = this; this.right = this; availableBitSet = 0L; } Region(long value) { this(value, value); }
Creates a region containing the given range of values (inclusive).
/** * Creates a region containing the given range of values (inclusive). */
Region(long start, long end) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.left = NULL_NODE; this.right = NULL_NODE; this.level = 1; updateAvailable(); }
Create a shallow copy of a region.

The new Region has NULL left and right children.

/** * Create a shallow copy of a region. * <p> * The new Region has NULL left and right children. */
Region(Region r) { this(r.start(), r.end()); } long available() { if (left == NULL_NODE && right == NULL_NODE) { return availableHere(); } else { return availableBitSet; } } private void updateAvailable() { availableBitSet = availableHere() | left.available() | right.available(); } long availableHere() { long bits = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Long.SIZE - 1; i++) { long size = 1L << i; long mask = size - 1; long a = (start + mask) & ~mask; if ((end - a) >= (size - 1)) { bits |= size; } } return bits; } void left(Region l) { this.left = l; updateAvailable(); } void right(Region r) { this.right = r; updateAvailable(); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} */
@Override public String toString() { if (this == NULL_NODE) { return "EMPTY"; } else { return "Range(" + this.start + "," + this.end + ")" + " available:" + Long.toBinaryString(this.availableHere()); } } private String dump() { String ds = ""; if (this.left != NULL_NODE) { ds = "(" + this.left.dump(); ds += " <= " + String.valueOf(this); } else { ds += "(" + String.valueOf(this); } if (this.right != NULL_NODE) { ds += " => " + this.right.dump() + ")"; } else { ds += ")"; } return ds; }
Returns the size of this range (the number of values within its bounds).
/** * Returns the size of this range (the number of values within its bounds). */
public long size() { // since it is all inclusive return isNull() ? 0 : this.end - this.start + 1; } public boolean isNull() { return this.start > this.end; } public Region remove(Region r) { if (r.start < this.start || r.end > this.end) { throw new AssertionError("Ranges : Illegal value passed to remove : " + this + " remove called for : " + r); } if (this.start == r.start) { this.start = r.end + 1; updateAvailable(); return null; } else if (this.end == r.end) { this.end = r.start - 1; updateAvailable(); return null; } else { Region newRegion = new Region(r.end + 1, this.end); this.end = r.start - 1; updateAvailable(); return newRegion; } }
Merge the supplied region into this region (if they are adjoining).
  • r – region to merge
/** * Merge the supplied region into this region (if they are adjoining). * * @param r region to merge */
public void merge(Region r) { if (this.start == r.end + 1) { this.start = r.start; } else if (this.end == r.start - 1) { this.end = r.end; } else { throw new AssertionError("Ranges : Merge called on non contiguous values : [this]:" + this + " and " + r); } updateAvailable(); }
Order this region relative to another.
/** * Order this region relative to another. */
public int orderRelativeTo(Region other) { if (this.start < other.start) { return -1; } else if (this.end > other.end) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } private void swap(Region other) { long temp = this.start; this.start = other.start; other.start = temp; temp = this.end; this.end = other.end; other.end = temp; updateAvailable(); }
Returns the start of this range (inclusive).
/** * Returns the start of this range (inclusive). */
public long start() { return start; } public long end() { return end; } } }