 * Copyright 2015 Terracotta, Inc., a Software AG company.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.terracotta.offheapstore;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import org.terracotta.offheapstore.exceptions.OversizeMappingException;
import org.terracotta.offheapstore.paging.PageSource;
import org.terracotta.offheapstore.pinning.PinnableCache;
import org.terracotta.offheapstore.pinning.PinnableSegment;
import org.terracotta.offheapstore.storage.StorageEngine;
import org.terracotta.offheapstore.util.DebuggingUtils;

import java.nio.IntBuffer;

An abstract off-heap cache implementation.

Subclasses must implement the two getEvictionIndex(...) methods to instruct the cache regarding which mappings to remove.

Author:Chris Dennis, Manoj Govindassamy
Type parameters:
  • <K> – the type of keys maintained by this map
  • <V> – the type of mapped values
/** * An abstract off-heap cache implementation. * <p> * Subclasses must implement the two {@code getEvictionIndex(...)} methods to * instruct the cache regarding which mappings to remove. * * @param <K> the type of keys maintained by this map * @param <V> the type of mapped values * * @author Chris Dennis * @author Manoj Govindassamy */
public abstract class AbstractOffHeapClockCache<K, V> extends AbstractLockedOffHeapHashMap<K, V> implements PinnableCache<K, V>, PinnableSegment<K, V> { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AbstractOffHeapClockCache.class); private static final int PRESENT_CLOCK = 1 << (Integer.SIZE - 1); private final Random rndm = new Random(); private int clockHand; public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine) { super(source, storageEngine); } public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, boolean tableAllocationsSteal, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine) { super(source, tableAllocationsSteal, storageEngine); } public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine, boolean bootstrap) { super(source, storageEngine, bootstrap); } public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine, int tableSize) { super(source, storageEngine, tableSize); } public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, boolean tableAllocationsSteal, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine, int tableSize) { super(source, tableAllocationsSteal, storageEngine, tableSize); } public AbstractOffHeapClockCache(PageSource source, StorageEngine<? super K, ? super V> storageEngine, int tableSize, boolean bootstrap) { super(source, storageEngine, tableSize, bootstrap); } @Override protected void storageEngineFailure(Object failure) { if (isEmpty()) { throw new OversizeMappingException("Storage Engine and Eviction Failed - Empty Map\nStorage Engine : " + storageEngine); } else { int evictionIndex = getEvictionIndex(); if (evictionIndex < 0) { throw new OversizeMappingException("Storage Engine and Eviction Failed - Everything Pinned (" + getSize() + " mappings) \n" + "Storage Engine : " + storageEngine); } else { evict(evictionIndex, false); } } } @Override protected void tableExpansionFailure(int start, int length) { int evictionIndex = getEvictionIndex(start, length); if (evictionIndex < 0) { if (tryIncreaseReprobe()) { LOGGER.debug("Increased reprobe to {} slots for a {} slot table in a last ditch attempt to avoid storage failure.", getReprobeLength(), getTableCapacity()); } else { String msg = "Table Expansion and Eviction Failed.\n" + "Current Table Size (slots) : " + getTableCapacity() + '\n' + "Current Reprobe Length : " + getReprobeLength() + '\n' + "Resize Will Require : " + DebuggingUtils.toBase2SuffixedString(getTableCapacity() * ENTRY_SIZE * (Integer.SIZE / Byte.SIZE) * 2) + "B\n" + "Table Page Source : " + tableSource; throw new OversizeMappingException(msg); } } else { evict(evictionIndex, false); } } @Override protected void hit(int position, IntBuffer entry) { entry.put(STATUS, PRESENT_CLOCK | entry.get(STATUS)); }
Return the table offset of the to be evicted mapping.

The mapping to be evicted can occur anywhere in this cache's table.

Returns:table offset of the mapping to be evicted
/** * Return the table offset of the to be evicted mapping. * <p> * The mapping to be evicted can occur anywhere in this cache's table. * * @return table offset of the mapping to be evicted */
public int getEvictionIndex() { /* * If the table has been shrunk then it's possible for the clock-hand to * point past the end of the table. We cannot allow the initial-hand to * be equal to this otherwise we may never be able to terminate this loop. */ if (clockHand >= hashtable.capacity()) { clockHand = 0; } int initialHand = clockHand; int loops = 0; while (true) { if ((clockHand += ENTRY_SIZE) + STATUS >= hashtable.capacity()) { clockHand = 0; } int hand = hashtable.get(clockHand + STATUS); if (evictable(hand) && ((hand & PRESENT_CLOCK) == 0)) { return clockHand; } else if ((hand & PRESENT_CLOCK) == PRESENT_CLOCK) { hashtable.put(clockHand + STATUS, hand & ~PRESENT_CLOCK); } if (initialHand == clockHand && ++loops == 2) { return -1; } } }
Return the table offset of the to be evicted mapping within the given probe sequence.

The mapping to be evicted must occur within the given probe sequence.

  • start – initial slot in probe sequence
  • length – number of slots in probe sequence
Returns:table offset of the mapping to be evicted
/** * Return the table offset of the to be evicted mapping within the given probe * sequence. * <p> * The mapping to be evicted must occur within the given probe sequence. * * @param start initial slot in probe sequence * @param length number of slots in probe sequence * @return table offset of the mapping to be evicted */
private int getEvictionIndex(int start, int length) { /* * TODO This pseudo clock eviction may not be the best algorithm. Currently * the algorithm is to do a regular eviction selection, which helps the clock * by advancing it, and also some clock-bit clearing. If the resultant index * is in our probe sequence (which isn't the most simple of calculations - I * think I have it right here) then just return that as the eviction index, * and all is good. If that index is not in our probe sequence, then we evict * that element anyway, we then go on to see if any of the entries in our * probe sequence have their clock bit cleared, if so we evict one of them to * clear space for the incoming element. If all elements have set clock bits * then we just kick one out at random. */ int index = getEvictionIndex(); int tableLength = hashtable.capacity(); int probeLength = length * ENTRY_SIZE; if (probeLength >= hashtable.capacity()) { return index; } int end = (start + probeLength) & (tableLength - 1); if (index < 0) { return index; } else if ((end > start) && (index >= start) && (index <= end)) { return index; } else if ((end < start) && ((index >= start) || (index < end))) { return index; } else { evict(index, false); for (int i = 0, clock = start; i < length; i++) { if ((clock += ENTRY_SIZE) >= tableLength) { clock = start; } int hand = hashtable.get(clock + STATUS); if (evictable(hand) && ((hand & PRESENT_CLOCK) == 0)) { return clock; } } int lastEvictable = -1; for (int i = 0, clock = start; i < rndm.nextInt(length) || (lastEvictable < 0 && i < length); i++) { if ((clock += ENTRY_SIZE) >= tableLength) { clock = start; } int hand = hashtable.get(clock + STATUS); if (evictable(hand)) { lastEvictable = clock; } } return lastEvictable; } } protected boolean evictable(int status) { return (status & STATUS_USED) == STATUS_USED && ((status & Metadata.PINNED) == 0); } @Override public boolean evict(int index, boolean shrink) { Lock l = writeLock(); l.lock(); try { if (evictable(hashtable.get(index + STATUS))) { removeAtTableOffset(index, shrink); return true; } else { return false; } } finally { l.unlock(); } } @Override public boolean isPinned(Object key) { Integer metadata = getMetadata(key, Metadata.PINNED); return metadata != null && metadata != 0; } @Override public void setPinning(K key, boolean pinned) { if (pinned) { getAndSetMetadata(key, Metadata.PINNED, Metadata.PINNED); } else { getAndSetMetadata(key, Metadata.PINNED, 0); } } @Override public V putPinned(K key, V value) { return put(key, value, Metadata.PINNED); } @Override public V getAndPin(K key) { return getValueAndSetMetadata(key, Metadata.PINNED, Metadata.PINNED); } }