 * Copyright 2002-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.http.server.reactive;

import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;

import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscriber;
import org.reactivestreams.Subscription;
import reactor.core.publisher.Operators;

import org.springframework.core.log.LogDelegateFactory;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Publisher returned from ServerHttpResponse.writeWith(Publisher).
Author:Arjen Poutsma, Violeta Georgieva, Rossen Stoyanchev
/** * Publisher returned from {@link ServerHttpResponse#writeWith(Publisher)}. * * @author Arjen Poutsma * @author Violeta Georgieva * @author Rossen Stoyanchev * @since 5.0 */
class WriteResultPublisher implements Publisher<Void> {
Special logger for debugging Reactive Streams signals.
See Also:
/** * Special logger for debugging Reactive Streams signals. * @see LogDelegateFactory#getHiddenLog(Class) * @see AbstractListenerReadPublisher#rsReadLogger * @see AbstractListenerWriteProcessor#rsWriteLogger * @see AbstractListenerWriteFlushProcessor#rsWriteFlushLogger */
private static final Log rsWriteResultLogger = LogDelegateFactory.getHiddenLog(WriteResultPublisher.class); private final AtomicReference<State> state = new AtomicReference<>(State.UNSUBSCRIBED); @Nullable private volatile Subscriber<? super Void> subscriber; private volatile boolean completedBeforeSubscribed; @Nullable private volatile Throwable errorBeforeSubscribed; private final String logPrefix; public WriteResultPublisher(String logPrefix) { this.logPrefix = logPrefix; } @Override public final void subscribe(Subscriber<? super Void> subscriber) { if (rsWriteResultLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsWriteResultLogger.trace(this.logPrefix + this.state + " subscribe: " + subscriber); } this.state.get().subscribe(this, subscriber); }
Invoke this to delegate a completion signal to the subscriber.
/** * Invoke this to delegate a completion signal to the subscriber. */
public void publishComplete() { if (rsWriteResultLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsWriteResultLogger.trace(this.logPrefix + this.state + " publishComplete"); } this.state.get().publishComplete(this); }
Invoke this to delegate an error signal to the subscriber.
/** * Invoke this to delegate an error signal to the subscriber. */
public void publishError(Throwable t) { if (rsWriteResultLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsWriteResultLogger.trace(this.logPrefix + this.state + " publishError: " + t); } this.state.get().publishError(this, t); } private boolean changeState(State oldState, State newState) { return this.state.compareAndSet(oldState, newState); }
Subscription to receive and delegate request and cancel signals from the subscriber to this publisher.
/** * Subscription to receive and delegate request and cancel signals from the * subscriber to this publisher. */
private static final class WriteResultSubscription implements Subscription { private final WriteResultPublisher publisher; public WriteResultSubscription(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { this.publisher = publisher; } @Override public final void request(long n) { if (rsWriteResultLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsWriteResultLogger.trace(this.publisher.logPrefix + state() + " request: " + n); } state().request(this.publisher, n); } @Override public final void cancel() { if (rsWriteResultLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsWriteResultLogger.trace(this.publisher.logPrefix + state() + " cancel"); } state().cancel(this.publisher); } private State state() { return this.publisher.state.get(); } }
Represents a state for the Publisher to be in.

/** * Represents a state for the {@link Publisher} to be in. * <p><pre> * UNSUBSCRIBED * | * v * SUBSCRIBING * | * v * SUBSCRIBED * | * v * COMPLETED * </pre> */
private enum State { UNSUBSCRIBED { @Override void subscribe(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Subscriber<? super Void> subscriber) { Assert.notNull(subscriber, "Subscriber must not be null"); if (publisher.changeState(this, SUBSCRIBING)) { Subscription subscription = new WriteResultSubscription(publisher); publisher.subscriber = subscriber; subscriber.onSubscribe(subscription); publisher.changeState(SUBSCRIBING, SUBSCRIBED); // Now safe to check "beforeSubscribed" flags, they won't change once in NO_DEMAND if (publisher.completedBeforeSubscribed) { publisher.publishComplete(); } Throwable publisherError = publisher.errorBeforeSubscribed; if (publisherError != null) { publisher.publishError(publisherError); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException(toString()); } } @Override void publishComplete(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { publisher.completedBeforeSubscribed = true; if(State.SUBSCRIBED.equals(publisher.state.get())) { publisher.state.get().publishComplete(publisher); } } @Override void publishError(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Throwable ex) { publisher.errorBeforeSubscribed = ex; if(State.SUBSCRIBED.equals(publisher.state.get())) { publisher.state.get().publishError(publisher, ex); } } }, SUBSCRIBING { @Override void request(WriteResultPublisher publisher, long n) { Operators.validate(n); } @Override void publishComplete(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { publisher.completedBeforeSubscribed = true; if(State.SUBSCRIBED.equals(publisher.state.get())) { publisher.state.get().publishComplete(publisher); } } @Override void publishError(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Throwable ex) { publisher.errorBeforeSubscribed = ex; if(State.SUBSCRIBED.equals(publisher.state.get())) { publisher.state.get().publishError(publisher, ex); } } }, SUBSCRIBED { @Override void request(WriteResultPublisher publisher, long n) { Operators.validate(n); } }, COMPLETED { @Override void request(WriteResultPublisher publisher, long n) { // ignore } @Override void cancel(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { // ignore } @Override void publishComplete(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { // ignore } @Override void publishError(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Throwable t) { // ignore } }; void subscribe(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Subscriber<? super Void> subscriber) { throw new IllegalStateException(toString()); } void request(WriteResultPublisher publisher, long n) { throw new IllegalStateException(toString()); } void cancel(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { if (!publisher.changeState(this, COMPLETED)) { publisher.state.get().cancel(publisher); } } void publishComplete(WriteResultPublisher publisher) { if (publisher.changeState(this, COMPLETED)) { Subscriber<? super Void> s = publisher.subscriber; Assert.state(s != null, "No subscriber"); s.onComplete(); } else { publisher.state.get().publishComplete(publisher); } } void publishError(WriteResultPublisher publisher, Throwable t) { if (publisher.changeState(this, COMPLETED)) { Subscriber<? super Void> s = publisher.subscriber; Assert.state(s != null, "No subscriber"); s.onError(t); } else { publisher.state.get().publishError(publisher, t); } } } }