 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.http.client;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Consumer;

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;

import org.springframework.core.ParameterizedTypeReference;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableType;
import org.springframework.core.ResolvableTypeProvider;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.springframework.http.HttpEntity;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.http.codec.multipart.FilePart;
import org.springframework.http.codec.multipart.Part;
import org.springframework.lang.NonNull;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;

Prepare the body of a multipart request, resulting in a MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity>. Parts may be concrete values or via asynchronous types such as Reactor Mono, Flux, and others registered in the ReactiveAdapterRegistry.

This builder is intended for use with the reactive WebClient. For multipart requests with the RestTemplate, simply create and populate a MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity> as shown in the Javadoc for FormHttpMessageConverter and in the reference docs.

Below are examples of using this builder:

// Add form field
MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder();
builder.part("form field", "form value").header("foo", "bar");
// Add file part
Resource image = new ClassPathResource("image.jpg");
builder.part("image", image).header("foo", "bar");
// Add content (e.g. JSON)
Account account = ...
builder.part("account", account).header("foo", "bar");
// Add content from Publisher
Mono<Account> accountMono = ...
builder.asyncPart("account", accountMono).header("foo", "bar");
// Build and use
MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> multipartBody = builder.build();
Mono<Void> result = webClient.post()
Author:Arjen Poutsma, Rossen Stoyanchev
See Also:
/** * Prepare the body of a multipart request, resulting in a * {@code MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity>}. Parts may be concrete values or * via asynchronous types such as Reactor {@code Mono}, {@code Flux}, and * others registered in the * {@link org.springframework.core.ReactiveAdapterRegistry ReactiveAdapterRegistry}. * * <p>This builder is intended for use with the reactive * {@link org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient WebClient}. * For multipart requests with the {@code RestTemplate}, simply create and * populate a {@code MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity>} as shown in the Javadoc for * {@link org.springframework.http.converter.FormHttpMessageConverter FormHttpMessageConverter} * and in the * <a href="https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/spring-framework-reference/integration.html#rest-template-multipart">reference docs</a>. * * <p>Below are examples of using this builder: * <pre class="code"> * * // Add form field * MultipartBodyBuilder builder = new MultipartBodyBuilder(); * builder.part("form field", "form value").header("foo", "bar"); * * // Add file part * Resource image = new ClassPathResource("image.jpg"); * builder.part("image", image).header("foo", "bar"); * * // Add content (e.g. JSON) * Account account = ... * builder.part("account", account).header("foo", "bar"); * * // Add content from Publisher * Mono&lt;Account&gt; accountMono = ... * builder.asyncPart("account", accountMono).header("foo", "bar"); * * // Build and use * MultiValueMap&lt;String, HttpEntity&lt;?&gt;&gt; multipartBody = builder.build(); * * Mono&lt;Void&gt; result = webClient.post() * .uri("...") * .body(multipartBody) * .retrieve() * .bodyToMono(Void.class) * </pre> * * @author Arjen Poutsma * @author Rossen Stoyanchev * @since 5.0.2 * @see <a href="https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7578">RFC 7578</a> */
public final class MultipartBodyBuilder { private final LinkedMultiValueMap<String, DefaultPartBuilder> parts = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
Creates a new, empty instance of the MultipartBodyBuilder.
/** * Creates a new, empty instance of the {@code MultipartBodyBuilder}. */
public MultipartBodyBuilder() { }
Add a part where the Object may be:
  • String -- form field
  • Resource -- file part
  • Object -- content to be encoded (e.g. to JSON)
  • HttpEntity -- part content and headers although generally it's easier to add headers through the returned builder
  • Part -- a part from a server request
  • name – the name of the part to add
  • part – the part data
Returns:builder that allows for further customization of part headers
/** * Add a part where the Object may be: * <ul> * <li>String -- form field * <li>{@link org.springframework.core.io.Resource Resource} -- file part * <li>Object -- content to be encoded (e.g. to JSON) * <li>{@link HttpEntity} -- part content and headers although generally it's * easier to add headers through the returned builder * <li>{@link Part} -- a part from a server request * </ul> * @param name the name of the part to add * @param part the part data * @return builder that allows for further customization of part headers */
public PartBuilder part(String name, Object part) { return part(name, part, null); }
Variant of part(String, Object) that also accepts a MediaType.
  • name – the name of the part to add
  • part – the part data
  • contentType – the media type to help with encoding the part
Returns:builder that allows for further customization of part headers
/** * Variant of {@link #part(String, Object)} that also accepts a MediaType. * @param name the name of the part to add * @param part the part data * @param contentType the media type to help with encoding the part * @return builder that allows for further customization of part headers */
public PartBuilder part(String name, Object part, @Nullable MediaType contentType) { Assert.hasLength(name, "'name' must not be empty"); Assert.notNull(part, "'part' must not be null"); if (part instanceof Part) { PartBuilder builder = asyncPart(name, ((Part) part).content(), DataBuffer.class); if (contentType != null) { builder.contentType(contentType); } if (part instanceof FilePart) { builder.filename(((FilePart) part).filename()); } return builder; } if (part instanceof PublisherEntity<?,?>) { PublisherPartBuilder<?, ?> builder = new PublisherPartBuilder<>(name, (PublisherEntity<?, ?>) part); if (contentType != null) { builder.contentType(contentType); } this.parts.add(name, builder); return builder; } Object partBody; HttpHeaders partHeaders = null; if (part instanceof HttpEntity) { partBody = ((HttpEntity<?>) part).getBody(); partHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); partHeaders.putAll(((HttpEntity<?>) part).getHeaders()); } else { partBody = part; } if (partBody instanceof Publisher) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Use asyncPart(String, Publisher, Class)" + " or asyncPart(String, Publisher, ParameterizedTypeReference) or" + " or MultipartBodyBuilder.PublisherEntity"); } DefaultPartBuilder builder = new DefaultPartBuilder(name, partHeaders, partBody); if (contentType != null) { builder.contentType(contentType); } this.parts.add(name, builder); return builder; }
Add a part from Publisher content.
  • name – the name of the part to add
  • publisher – a Publisher of content for the part
  • elementClass – the type of elements contained in the publisher
Returns:builder that allows for further customization of part headers
/** * Add a part from {@link Publisher} content. * @param name the name of the part to add * @param publisher a Publisher of content for the part * @param elementClass the type of elements contained in the publisher * @return builder that allows for further customization of part headers */
public <T, P extends Publisher<T>> PartBuilder asyncPart(String name, P publisher, Class<T> elementClass) { Assert.hasLength(name, "'name' must not be empty"); Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(elementClass, "'elementClass' must not be null"); PublisherPartBuilder<T, P> builder = new PublisherPartBuilder<>(name, null, publisher, elementClass); this.parts.add(name, builder); return builder; }
Variant of asyncPart(String, Publisher, Class) with a ParameterizedTypeReference for the element type information.
  • name – the name of the part to add
  • publisher – the part contents
  • typeReference – the type of elements contained in the publisher
Returns:builder that allows for further customization of part headers
/** * Variant of {@link #asyncPart(String, Publisher, Class)} with a * {@link ParameterizedTypeReference} for the element type information. * @param name the name of the part to add * @param publisher the part contents * @param typeReference the type of elements contained in the publisher * @return builder that allows for further customization of part headers */
public <T, P extends Publisher<T>> PartBuilder asyncPart( String name, P publisher, ParameterizedTypeReference<T> typeReference) { Assert.hasLength(name, "'name' must not be empty"); Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(typeReference, "'typeReference' must not be null"); PublisherPartBuilder<T, P> builder = new PublisherPartBuilder<>(name, null, publisher, typeReference); this.parts.add(name, builder); return builder; }
Return a MultiValueMap with the configured parts.
/** * Return a {@code MultiValueMap} with the configured parts. */
public MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> build() { MultiValueMap<String, HttpEntity<?>> result = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(this.parts.size()); for (Map.Entry<String, List<DefaultPartBuilder>> entry : this.parts.entrySet()) { for (DefaultPartBuilder builder : entry.getValue()) { HttpEntity<?> entity = builder.build(); result.add(entry.getKey(), entity); } } return result; }
Builder that allows for further customization of part headers.
/** * Builder that allows for further customization of part headers. */
public interface PartBuilder {
Set the media type of the part.
  • contentType – the content type
See Also:
/** * Set the {@linkplain MediaType media type} of the part. * @param contentType the content type * @since 5.2 * @see HttpHeaders#setContentType(MediaType) */
PartBuilder contentType(MediaType contentType);
Set the filename parameter for a file part. This should not be necessary with Resource based parts that expose a filename but may be useful for Publisher parts.
  • filename – the filename to set on the Content-Disposition
/** * Set the filename parameter for a file part. This should not be * necessary with {@link org.springframework.core.io.Resource Resource} * based parts that expose a filename but may be useful for * {@link Publisher} parts. * @param filename the filename to set on the Content-Disposition * @since 5.2 */
PartBuilder filename(String filename);
Add part header values.
  • headerName – the part header name
  • headerValues – the part header value(s)
See Also:
Returns:this builder
/** * Add part header values. * @param headerName the part header name * @param headerValues the part header value(s) * @return this builder * @see HttpHeaders#addAll(String, List) */
PartBuilder header(String headerName, String... headerValues);
Manipulate the part headers through the given consumer.
  • headersConsumer – consumer to manipulate the part headers with
Returns:this builder
/** * Manipulate the part headers through the given consumer. * @param headersConsumer consumer to manipulate the part headers with * @return this builder */
PartBuilder headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders> headersConsumer); } private static class DefaultPartBuilder implements PartBuilder { private final String name; @Nullable protected HttpHeaders headers; @Nullable protected final Object body; public DefaultPartBuilder(String name, @Nullable HttpHeaders headers, @Nullable Object body) { this.name = name; this.headers = headers; this.body = body; } @Override public PartBuilder contentType(MediaType contentType) { initHeadersIfNecessary().setContentType(contentType); return this; } @Override public PartBuilder filename(String filename) { initHeadersIfNecessary().setContentDispositionFormData(this.name, filename); return this; } @Override public PartBuilder header(String headerName, String... headerValues) { initHeadersIfNecessary().addAll(headerName, Arrays.asList(headerValues)); return this; } @Override public PartBuilder headers(Consumer<HttpHeaders> headersConsumer) { headersConsumer.accept(initHeadersIfNecessary()); return this; } private HttpHeaders initHeadersIfNecessary() { if (this.headers == null) { this.headers = new HttpHeaders(); } return this.headers; } public HttpEntity<?> build() { return new HttpEntity<>(this.body, this.headers); } } private static class PublisherPartBuilder<S, P extends Publisher<S>> extends DefaultPartBuilder { private final ResolvableType resolvableType; public PublisherPartBuilder(String name, @Nullable HttpHeaders headers, P body, Class<S> elementClass) { super(name, headers, body); this.resolvableType = ResolvableType.forClass(elementClass); } public PublisherPartBuilder(String name, @Nullable HttpHeaders headers, P body, ParameterizedTypeReference<S> typeRef) { super(name, headers, body); this.resolvableType = ResolvableType.forType(typeRef); } public PublisherPartBuilder(String name, PublisherEntity<S, P> other) { super(name, other.getHeaders(), other.getBody()); this.resolvableType = other.getResolvableType(); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public HttpEntity<?> build() { P publisher = (P) this.body; Assert.state(publisher != null, "Publisher must not be null"); return new PublisherEntity<>(this.headers, publisher, this.resolvableType); } }
Specialization of HttpEntity for use with a Publisher-based body, for which we also need to keep track of the element type.
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the type contained in the publisher
  • <P> – the publisher
/** * Specialization of {@link HttpEntity} for use with a * {@link Publisher}-based body, for which we also need to keep track of * the element type. * @param <T> the type contained in the publisher * @param <P> the publisher */
static final class PublisherEntity<T, P extends Publisher<T>> extends HttpEntity<P> implements ResolvableTypeProvider { private final ResolvableType resolvableType; PublisherEntity( @Nullable MultiValueMap<String, String> headers, P publisher, ResolvableType resolvableType) { super(publisher, headers); Assert.notNull(publisher, "'publisher' must not be null"); Assert.notNull(resolvableType, "'resolvableType' must not be null"); this.resolvableType = resolvableType; }
Return the element type for the Publisher body.
/** * Return the element type for the {@code Publisher} body. */
@Override @NonNull public ResolvableType getResolvableType() { return this.resolvableType; } } }