 * Copyright 2002-2017 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.remoting.caucho;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.UndeclaredThrowableException;
import java.net.ConnectException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;

import com.caucho.hessian.HessianException;
import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionException;
import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianConnectionFactory;
import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory;
import com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianRuntimeException;
import com.caucho.hessian.io.SerializerFactory;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor;
import org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInvocation;

import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteAccessException;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteConnectFailureException;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteLookupFailureException;
import org.springframework.remoting.RemoteProxyFailureException;
import org.springframework.remoting.support.UrlBasedRemoteAccessor;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

MethodInterceptor for accessing a Hessian service. Supports authentication via username and password. The service URL must be an HTTP URL exposing a Hessian service.

Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. For information on Hessian, see the Hessian website Note: As of Spring 4.0, this client requires Hessian 4.0 or above.

Note: There is no requirement for services accessed with this proxy factory to have been exported using Spring's HessianServiceExporter, as there is no special handling involved. As a consequence, you can also access services that have been exported using Caucho's HessianServlet.

Author:Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
/** * {@link org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor} for accessing a Hessian service. * Supports authentication via username and password. * The service URL must be an HTTP URL exposing a Hessian service. * * <p>Hessian is a slim, binary RPC protocol. * For information on Hessian, see the * <a href="http://www.caucho.com/hessian">Hessian website</a> * <b>Note: As of Spring 4.0, this client requires Hessian 4.0 or above.</b> * * <p>Note: There is no requirement for services accessed with this proxy factory * to have been exported using Spring's {@link HessianServiceExporter}, as there is * no special handling involved. As a consequence, you can also access services that * have been exported using Caucho's {@link com.caucho.hessian.server.HessianServlet}. * * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 29.09.2003 * @see #setServiceInterface * @see #setServiceUrl * @see #setUsername * @see #setPassword * @see HessianServiceExporter * @see HessianProxyFactoryBean * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory * @see com.caucho.hessian.server.HessianServlet */
public class HessianClientInterceptor extends UrlBasedRemoteAccessor implements MethodInterceptor { private HessianProxyFactory proxyFactory = new HessianProxyFactory(); @Nullable private Object hessianProxy;
Set the HessianProxyFactory instance to use. If not specified, a default HessianProxyFactory will be created.

Allows to use an externally configured factory instance, in particular a custom HessianProxyFactory subclass.

/** * Set the HessianProxyFactory instance to use. * If not specified, a default HessianProxyFactory will be created. * <p>Allows to use an externally configured factory instance, * in particular a custom HessianProxyFactory subclass. */
public void setProxyFactory(@Nullable HessianProxyFactory proxyFactory) { this.proxyFactory = (proxyFactory != null ? proxyFactory : new HessianProxyFactory()); }
Specify the Hessian SerializerFactory to use.

This will typically be passed in as an inner bean definition of type com.caucho.hessian.io.SerializerFactory, with custom bean property values applied.

/** * Specify the Hessian SerializerFactory to use. * <p>This will typically be passed in as an inner bean definition * of type {@code com.caucho.hessian.io.SerializerFactory}, * with custom bean property values applied. */
public void setSerializerFactory(SerializerFactory serializerFactory) { this.proxyFactory.setSerializerFactory(serializerFactory); }
Set whether to send the Java collection type for each serialized collection. Default is "true".
/** * Set whether to send the Java collection type for each serialized * collection. Default is "true". */
public void setSendCollectionType(boolean sendCollectionType) { this.proxyFactory.getSerializerFactory().setSendCollectionType(sendCollectionType); }
Set whether to allow non-serializable types as Hessian arguments and return values. Default is "true".
/** * Set whether to allow non-serializable types as Hessian arguments * and return values. Default is "true". */
public void setAllowNonSerializable(boolean allowNonSerializable) { this.proxyFactory.getSerializerFactory().setAllowNonSerializable(allowNonSerializable); }
Set whether overloaded methods should be enabled for remote invocations. Default is "false".
See Also:
  • setOverloadEnabled.setOverloadEnabled
/** * Set whether overloaded methods should be enabled for remote invocations. * Default is "false". * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setOverloadEnabled */
public void setOverloadEnabled(boolean overloadEnabled) { this.proxyFactory.setOverloadEnabled(overloadEnabled); }
Set the username that this factory should use to access the remote service. Default is none.

The username will be sent by Hessian via HTTP Basic Authentication.

See Also:
  • setUser.setUser
/** * Set the username that this factory should use to access the remote service. * Default is none. * <p>The username will be sent by Hessian via HTTP Basic Authentication. * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setUser */
public void setUsername(String username) { this.proxyFactory.setUser(username); }
Set the password that this factory should use to access the remote service. Default is none.

The password will be sent by Hessian via HTTP Basic Authentication.

See Also:
  • setPassword.setPassword
/** * Set the password that this factory should use to access the remote service. * Default is none. * <p>The password will be sent by Hessian via HTTP Basic Authentication. * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setPassword */
public void setPassword(String password) { this.proxyFactory.setPassword(password); }
Set whether Hessian's debug mode should be enabled. Default is "false".
See Also:
  • setDebug.setDebug
/** * Set whether Hessian's debug mode should be enabled. * Default is "false". * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setDebug */
public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.proxyFactory.setDebug(debug); }
Set whether to use a chunked post for sending a Hessian request.
See Also:
  • setChunkedPost.setChunkedPost
/** * Set whether to use a chunked post for sending a Hessian request. * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setChunkedPost */
public void setChunkedPost(boolean chunkedPost) { this.proxyFactory.setChunkedPost(chunkedPost); }
Specify a custom HessianConnectionFactory to use for the Hessian client.
/** * Specify a custom HessianConnectionFactory to use for the Hessian client. */
public void setConnectionFactory(HessianConnectionFactory connectionFactory) { this.proxyFactory.setConnectionFactory(connectionFactory); }
Set the socket connect timeout to use for the Hessian client.
See Also:
  • setConnectTimeout.setConnectTimeout
/** * Set the socket connect timeout to use for the Hessian client. * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setConnectTimeout */
public void setConnectTimeout(long timeout) { this.proxyFactory.setConnectTimeout(timeout); }
Set the timeout to use when waiting for a reply from the Hessian service.
See Also:
  • setReadTimeout.setReadTimeout
/** * Set the timeout to use when waiting for a reply from the Hessian service. * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setReadTimeout */
public void setReadTimeout(long timeout) { this.proxyFactory.setReadTimeout(timeout); }
Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for parsing requests and replies. Default is "false".
See Also:
  • setHessian2Request.setHessian2Request
/** * Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for * parsing requests and replies. Default is "false". * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setHessian2Request */
public void setHessian2(boolean hessian2) { this.proxyFactory.setHessian2Request(hessian2); this.proxyFactory.setHessian2Reply(hessian2); }
Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for parsing requests. Default is "false".
See Also:
  • setHessian2Request.setHessian2Request
/** * Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for * parsing requests. Default is "false". * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setHessian2Request */
public void setHessian2Request(boolean hessian2) { this.proxyFactory.setHessian2Request(hessian2); }
Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for parsing replies. Default is "false".
See Also:
  • setHessian2Reply.setHessian2Reply
/** * Set whether version 2 of the Hessian protocol should be used for * parsing replies. Default is "false". * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#setHessian2Reply */
public void setHessian2Reply(boolean hessian2) { this.proxyFactory.setHessian2Reply(hessian2); } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() { super.afterPropertiesSet(); prepare(); }
Initialize the Hessian proxy for this interceptor.
  • RemoteLookupFailureException – if the service URL is invalid
/** * Initialize the Hessian proxy for this interceptor. * @throws RemoteLookupFailureException if the service URL is invalid */
public void prepare() throws RemoteLookupFailureException { try { this.hessianProxy = createHessianProxy(this.proxyFactory); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { throw new RemoteLookupFailureException("Service URL [" + getServiceUrl() + "] is invalid", ex); } }
Create the Hessian proxy that is wrapped by this interceptor.
  • proxyFactory – the proxy factory to use
See Also:
Returns:the Hessian proxy
/** * Create the Hessian proxy that is wrapped by this interceptor. * @param proxyFactory the proxy factory to use * @return the Hessian proxy * @throws MalformedURLException if thrown by the proxy factory * @see com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory#create */
protected Object createHessianProxy(HessianProxyFactory proxyFactory) throws MalformedURLException { Assert.notNull(getServiceInterface(), "'serviceInterface' is required"); return proxyFactory.create(getServiceInterface(), getServiceUrl(), getBeanClassLoader()); } @Override @Nullable public Object invoke(MethodInvocation invocation) throws Throwable { if (this.hessianProxy == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("HessianClientInterceptor is not properly initialized - " + "invoke 'prepare' before attempting any operations"); } ClassLoader originalClassLoader = overrideThreadContextClassLoader(); try { return invocation.getMethod().invoke(this.hessianProxy, invocation.getArguments()); } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) { Throwable targetEx = ex.getTargetException(); // Hessian 4.0 check: another layer of InvocationTargetException. if (targetEx instanceof InvocationTargetException) { targetEx = ((InvocationTargetException) targetEx).getTargetException(); } if (targetEx instanceof HessianConnectionException) { throw convertHessianAccessException(targetEx); } else if (targetEx instanceof HessianException || targetEx instanceof HessianRuntimeException) { Throwable cause = targetEx.getCause(); throw convertHessianAccessException(cause != null ? cause : targetEx); } else if (targetEx instanceof UndeclaredThrowableException) { UndeclaredThrowableException utex = (UndeclaredThrowableException) targetEx; throw convertHessianAccessException(utex.getUndeclaredThrowable()); } else { throw targetEx; } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new RemoteProxyFailureException( "Failed to invoke Hessian proxy for remote service [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex); } finally { resetThreadContextClassLoader(originalClassLoader); } }
Convert the given Hessian access exception to an appropriate Spring RemoteAccessException.
  • ex – the exception to convert
Returns:the RemoteAccessException to throw
/** * Convert the given Hessian access exception to an appropriate * Spring RemoteAccessException. * @param ex the exception to convert * @return the RemoteAccessException to throw */
protected RemoteAccessException convertHessianAccessException(Throwable ex) { if (ex instanceof HessianConnectionException || ex instanceof ConnectException) { return new RemoteConnectFailureException( "Cannot connect to Hessian remote service at [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex); } else { return new RemoteAccessException( "Cannot access Hessian remote service at [" + getServiceUrl() + "]", ex); } } }