 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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package org.springframework.http.server.reactive;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.net.InetSocketAddress;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.function.IntPredicate;
import javax.net.ssl.SSLSession;

import io.undertow.connector.ByteBufferPool;
import io.undertow.connector.PooledByteBuffer;
import io.undertow.server.HttpServerExchange;
import io.undertow.server.handlers.Cookie;
import org.xnio.channels.StreamSourceChannel;
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux;

import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBuffer;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferFactory;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.DataBufferUtils;
import org.springframework.core.io.buffer.PooledDataBuffer;
import org.springframework.http.HttpCookie;
import org.springframework.http.HttpHeaders;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.LinkedMultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.MultiValueMap;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

Adapt ServerHttpRequest to the Undertow HttpServerExchange.
Author:Marek Hawrylczak, Rossen Stoyanchev
/** * Adapt {@link ServerHttpRequest} to the Undertow {@link HttpServerExchange}. * * @author Marek Hawrylczak * @author Rossen Stoyanchev * @since 5.0 */
class UndertowServerHttpRequest extends AbstractServerHttpRequest { private final HttpServerExchange exchange; private final RequestBodyPublisher body; public UndertowServerHttpRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory) throws URISyntaxException { super(initUri(exchange), "", initHeaders(exchange)); this.exchange = exchange; this.body = new RequestBodyPublisher(exchange, bufferFactory); this.body.registerListeners(exchange); } private static URI initUri(HttpServerExchange exchange) throws URISyntaxException { Assert.notNull(exchange, "HttpServerExchange is required."); String requestURL = exchange.getRequestURL(); String query = exchange.getQueryString(); String requestUriAndQuery = StringUtils.isEmpty(query) ? requestURL : requestURL + "?" + query; return new URI(requestUriAndQuery); } private static HttpHeaders initHeaders(HttpServerExchange exchange) { UndertowHeadersAdapter headersMap = new UndertowHeadersAdapter(exchange.getRequestHeaders()); return new HttpHeaders(headersMap); } @Override public String getMethodValue() { return this.exchange.getRequestMethod().toString(); } @Override protected MultiValueMap<String, HttpCookie> initCookies() { MultiValueMap<String, HttpCookie> cookies = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); for (String name : this.exchange.getRequestCookies().keySet()) { Cookie cookie = this.exchange.getRequestCookies().get(name); HttpCookie httpCookie = new HttpCookie(name, cookie.getValue()); cookies.add(name, httpCookie); } return cookies; } @Override public InetSocketAddress getRemoteAddress() { return this.exchange.getSourceAddress(); } @Nullable @Override protected SslInfo initSslInfo() { SSLSession session = this.exchange.getConnection().getSslSession(); if (session != null) { return new DefaultSslInfo(session); } return null; } @Override public Flux<DataBuffer> getBody() { return Flux.from(this.body); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T getNativeRequest() { return (T) this.exchange; } @Override protected String initId() { return ObjectUtils.getIdentityHexString(this.exchange.getConnection()); } private class RequestBodyPublisher extends AbstractListenerReadPublisher<DataBuffer> { private final StreamSourceChannel channel; private final DataBufferFactory bufferFactory; private final ByteBufferPool byteBufferPool; public RequestBodyPublisher(HttpServerExchange exchange, DataBufferFactory bufferFactory) { super(UndertowServerHttpRequest.this.getLogPrefix()); this.channel = exchange.getRequestChannel(); this.bufferFactory = bufferFactory; this.byteBufferPool = exchange.getConnection().getByteBufferPool(); } private void registerListeners(HttpServerExchange exchange) { exchange.addExchangeCompleteListener((ex, next) -> { onAllDataRead(); next.proceed(); }); this.channel.getReadSetter().set(c -> onDataAvailable()); this.channel.getCloseSetter().set(c -> onAllDataRead()); this.channel.resumeReads(); } @Override protected void checkOnDataAvailable() { this.channel.resumeReads(); // We are allowed to try, it will return null if data is not available onDataAvailable(); } @Override protected void readingPaused() { this.channel.suspendReads(); } @Override @Nullable protected DataBuffer read() throws IOException { PooledByteBuffer pooledByteBuffer = this.byteBufferPool.allocate(); boolean release = true; try { ByteBuffer byteBuffer = pooledByteBuffer.getBuffer(); int read = this.channel.read(byteBuffer); if (rsReadLogger.isTraceEnabled()) { rsReadLogger.trace(getLogPrefix() + "Read " + read + (read != -1 ? " bytes" : "")); } if (read > 0) { byteBuffer.flip(); DataBuffer dataBuffer = this.bufferFactory.wrap(byteBuffer); release = false; return new UndertowDataBuffer(dataBuffer, pooledByteBuffer); } else if (read == -1) { onAllDataRead(); } return null; } finally { if (release && pooledByteBuffer.isOpen()) { pooledByteBuffer.close(); } } } @Override protected void discardData() { // Nothing to discard since we pass data buffers on immediately.. } } private static class UndertowDataBuffer implements PooledDataBuffer { private final DataBuffer dataBuffer; private final PooledByteBuffer pooledByteBuffer; public UndertowDataBuffer(DataBuffer dataBuffer, PooledByteBuffer pooledByteBuffer) { this.dataBuffer = dataBuffer; this.pooledByteBuffer = pooledByteBuffer; } @Override public boolean isAllocated() { return this.pooledByteBuffer.isOpen(); } @Override public PooledDataBuffer retain() { return this; } @Override public boolean release() { boolean result; try { result = DataBufferUtils.release(this.dataBuffer); } finally { this.pooledByteBuffer.close(); } return result && this.pooledByteBuffer.isOpen(); } @Override public DataBufferFactory factory() { return this.dataBuffer.factory(); } @Override public int indexOf(IntPredicate predicate, int fromIndex) { return this.dataBuffer.indexOf(predicate, fromIndex); } @Override public int lastIndexOf(IntPredicate predicate, int fromIndex) { return this.dataBuffer.lastIndexOf(predicate, fromIndex); } @Override public int readableByteCount() { return this.dataBuffer.readableByteCount(); } @Override public int writableByteCount() { return this.dataBuffer.writableByteCount(); } @Override public int readPosition() { return this.dataBuffer.readPosition(); } @Override public DataBuffer readPosition(int readPosition) { return this.dataBuffer.readPosition(readPosition); } @Override public int writePosition() { return this.dataBuffer.writePosition(); } @Override public DataBuffer writePosition(int writePosition) { return this.dataBuffer.writePosition(writePosition); } @Override public int capacity() { return this.dataBuffer.capacity(); } @Override public DataBuffer capacity(int newCapacity) { return this.dataBuffer.capacity(newCapacity); } @Override public DataBuffer ensureCapacity(int capacity) { return this.dataBuffer.ensureCapacity(capacity); } @Override public byte getByte(int index) { return this.dataBuffer.getByte(index); } @Override public byte read() { return this.dataBuffer.read(); } @Override public DataBuffer read(byte[] destination) { return this.dataBuffer.read(destination); } @Override public DataBuffer read(byte[] destination, int offset, int length) { return this.dataBuffer.read(destination, offset, length); } @Override public DataBuffer write(byte b) { return this.dataBuffer.write(b); } @Override public DataBuffer write(byte[] source) { return this.dataBuffer.write(source); } @Override public DataBuffer write(byte[] source, int offset, int length) { return this.dataBuffer.write(source, offset, length); } @Override public DataBuffer write(DataBuffer... buffers) { return this.dataBuffer.write(buffers); } @Override public DataBuffer write(ByteBuffer... byteBuffers) { return this.dataBuffer.write(byteBuffers); } @Override public DataBuffer write(CharSequence charSequence, Charset charset) { return this.dataBuffer.write(charSequence, charset); } @Override public DataBuffer slice(int index, int length) { return this.dataBuffer.slice(index, length); } @Override public ByteBuffer asByteBuffer() { return this.dataBuffer.asByteBuffer(); } @Override public ByteBuffer asByteBuffer(int index, int length) { return this.dataBuffer.asByteBuffer(index, length); } @Override public InputStream asInputStream() { return this.dataBuffer.asInputStream(); } @Override public InputStream asInputStream(boolean releaseOnClose) { return this.dataBuffer.asInputStream(releaseOnClose); } @Override public OutputStream asOutputStream() { return this.dataBuffer.asOutputStream(); } } }