 * Copyright 2002-2018 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameter;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.SqlParameterValue;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Helper methods for named parameter parsing.

Only intended for internal use within Spring's JDBC framework.

Author:Thomas Risberg, Juergen Hoeller
/** * Helper methods for named parameter parsing. * * <p>Only intended for internal use within Spring's JDBC framework. * * @author Thomas Risberg * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 2.0 */
public abstract class NamedParameterUtils {
Set of characters that qualify as comment or quotes starting characters.
/** * Set of characters that qualify as comment or quotes starting characters. */
private static final String[] START_SKIP = new String[] {"'", "\"", "--", "/*"};
Set of characters that at are the corresponding comment or quotes ending characters.
/** * Set of characters that at are the corresponding comment or quotes ending characters. */
private static final String[] STOP_SKIP = new String[] {"'", "\"", "\n", "*/"};
Set of characters that qualify as parameter separators, indicating that a parameter name in a SQL String has ended.
/** * Set of characters that qualify as parameter separators, * indicating that a parameter name in a SQL String has ended. */
private static final String PARAMETER_SEPARATORS = "\"':&,;()|=+-*%/\\<>^";
An index with separator flags per character code. Technically only needed between 34 and 124 at this point.
/** * An index with separator flags per character code. * Technically only needed between 34 and 124 at this point. */
private static final boolean[] separatorIndex = new boolean[128]; static { for (char c : PARAMETER_SEPARATORS.toCharArray()) { separatorIndex[c] = true; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Core methods used by NamedParameterJdbcTemplate and SqlQuery/SqlUpdate //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder.
  • sql – the SQL statement
Returns:the parsed statement, represented as ParsedSql instance
/** * Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. * Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder. * @param sql the SQL statement * @return the parsed statement, represented as ParsedSql instance */
public static ParsedSql parseSqlStatement(final String sql) { Assert.notNull(sql, "SQL must not be null"); Set<String> namedParameters = new HashSet<>(); String sqlToUse = sql; List<ParameterHolder> parameterList = new ArrayList<>(); char[] statement = sql.toCharArray(); int namedParameterCount = 0; int unnamedParameterCount = 0; int totalParameterCount = 0; int escapes = 0; int i = 0; while (i < statement.length) { int skipToPosition = i; while (i < statement.length) { skipToPosition = skipCommentsAndQuotes(statement, i); if (i == skipToPosition) { break; } else { i = skipToPosition; } } if (i >= statement.length) { break; } char c = statement[i]; if (c == ':' || c == '&') { int j = i + 1; if (c == ':' && j < statement.length && statement[j] == ':') { // Postgres-style "::" casting operator should be skipped i = i + 2; continue; } String parameter = null; if (c == ':' && j < statement.length && statement[j] == '{') { // :{x} style parameter while (statement[j] != '}') { j++; if (j >= statement.length) { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("Non-terminated named parameter declaration " + "at position " + i + " in statement: " + sql); } if (statement[j] == ':' || statement[j] == '{') { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException("Parameter name contains invalid character '" + statement[j] + "' at position " + i + " in statement: " + sql); } } if (j - i > 2) { parameter = sql.substring(i + 2, j); namedParameterCount = addNewNamedParameter(namedParameters, namedParameterCount, parameter); totalParameterCount = addNamedParameter( parameterList, totalParameterCount, escapes, i, j + 1, parameter); } j++; } else { while (j < statement.length && !isParameterSeparator(statement[j])) { j++; } if (j - i > 1) { parameter = sql.substring(i + 1, j); namedParameterCount = addNewNamedParameter(namedParameters, namedParameterCount, parameter); totalParameterCount = addNamedParameter( parameterList, totalParameterCount, escapes, i, j, parameter); } } i = j - 1; } else { if (c == '\\') { int j = i + 1; if (j < statement.length && statement[j] == ':') { // escaped ":" should be skipped sqlToUse = sqlToUse.substring(0, i - escapes) + sqlToUse.substring(i - escapes + 1); escapes++; i = i + 2; continue; } } if (c == '?') { int j = i + 1; if (j < statement.length && (statement[j] == '?' || statement[j] == '|' || statement[j] == '&')) { // Postgres-style "??", "?|", "?&" operator should be skipped i = i + 2; continue; } unnamedParameterCount++; totalParameterCount++; } } i++; } ParsedSql parsedSql = new ParsedSql(sqlToUse); for (ParameterHolder ph : parameterList) { parsedSql.addNamedParameter(ph.getParameterName(), ph.getStartIndex(), ph.getEndIndex()); } parsedSql.setNamedParameterCount(namedParameterCount); parsedSql.setUnnamedParameterCount(unnamedParameterCount); parsedSql.setTotalParameterCount(totalParameterCount); return parsedSql; } private static int addNamedParameter( List<ParameterHolder> parameterList, int totalParameterCount, int escapes, int i, int j, String parameter) { parameterList.add(new ParameterHolder(parameter, i - escapes, j - escapes)); totalParameterCount++; return totalParameterCount; } private static int addNewNamedParameter(Set<String> namedParameters, int namedParameterCount, String parameter) { if (!namedParameters.contains(parameter)) { namedParameters.add(parameter); namedParameterCount++; } return namedParameterCount; }
Skip over comments and quoted names present in an SQL statement.
  • statement – character array containing SQL statement
  • position – current position of statement
Returns:next position to process after any comments or quotes are skipped
/** * Skip over comments and quoted names present in an SQL statement. * @param statement character array containing SQL statement * @param position current position of statement * @return next position to process after any comments or quotes are skipped */
private static int skipCommentsAndQuotes(char[] statement, int position) { for (int i = 0; i < START_SKIP.length; i++) { if (statement[position] == START_SKIP[i].charAt(0)) { boolean match = true; for (int j = 1; j < START_SKIP[i].length(); j++) { if (statement[position + j] != START_SKIP[i].charAt(j)) { match = false; break; } } if (match) { int offset = START_SKIP[i].length(); for (int m = position + offset; m < statement.length; m++) { if (statement[m] == STOP_SKIP[i].charAt(0)) { boolean endMatch = true; int endPos = m; for (int n = 1; n < STOP_SKIP[i].length(); n++) { if (m + n >= statement.length) { // last comment not closed properly return statement.length; } if (statement[m + n] != STOP_SKIP[i].charAt(n)) { endMatch = false; break; } endPos = m + n; } if (endMatch) { // found character sequence ending comment or quote return endPos + 1; } } } // character sequence ending comment or quote not found return statement.length; } } } return position; }
Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder, and any select list is expanded to the required number of placeholders. Select lists may contain an array of objects, and in that case the placeholders will be grouped and enclosed with parentheses. This allows for the use of "expression lists" in the SQL statement like:

select id, name, state from table where (name, age) in (('John', 35), ('Ann', 50))

The parameter values passed in are used to determine the number of placeholders to be used for a select list. Select lists should be limited to 100 or fewer elements. A larger number of elements is not guaranteed to be supported by the database and is strictly vendor-dependent.

  • parsedSql – the parsed representation of the SQL statement
  • paramSource – the source for named parameters
See Also:
Returns:the SQL statement with substituted parameters
/** * Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. Named * parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder, and any select list is expanded * to the required number of placeholders. Select lists may contain an array of * objects, and in that case the placeholders will be grouped and enclosed with * parentheses. This allows for the use of "expression lists" in the SQL statement * like: <br /><br /> * {@code select id, name, state from table where (name, age) in (('John', 35), ('Ann', 50))} * <p>The parameter values passed in are used to determine the number of placeholders to * be used for a select list. Select lists should be limited to 100 or fewer elements. * A larger number of elements is not guaranteed to be supported by the database and * is strictly vendor-dependent. * @param parsedSql the parsed representation of the SQL statement * @param paramSource the source for named parameters * @return the SQL statement with substituted parameters * @see #parseSqlStatement */
public static String substituteNamedParameters(ParsedSql parsedSql, @Nullable SqlParameterSource paramSource) { String originalSql = parsedSql.getOriginalSql(); List<String> paramNames = parsedSql.getParameterNames(); if (paramNames.isEmpty()) { return originalSql; } StringBuilder actualSql = new StringBuilder(originalSql.length()); int lastIndex = 0; for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.size(); i++) { String paramName = paramNames.get(i); int[] indexes = parsedSql.getParameterIndexes(i); int startIndex = indexes[0]; int endIndex = indexes[1]; actualSql.append(originalSql, lastIndex, startIndex); if (paramSource != null && paramSource.hasValue(paramName)) { Object value = paramSource.getValue(paramName); if (value instanceof SqlParameterValue) { value = ((SqlParameterValue) value).getValue(); } if (value instanceof Collection) { Iterator<?> entryIter = ((Collection<?>) value).iterator(); int k = 0; while (entryIter.hasNext()) { if (k > 0) { actualSql.append(", "); } k++; Object entryItem = entryIter.next(); if (entryItem instanceof Object[]) { Object[] expressionList = (Object[]) entryItem; actualSql.append('('); for (int m = 0; m < expressionList.length; m++) { if (m > 0) { actualSql.append(", "); } actualSql.append('?'); } actualSql.append(')'); } else { actualSql.append('?'); } } } else { actualSql.append('?'); } } else { actualSql.append('?'); } lastIndex = endIndex; } actualSql.append(originalSql, lastIndex, originalSql.length()); return actualSql.toString(); }
Convert a Map of named parameter values to a corresponding array.
  • parsedSql – the parsed SQL statement
  • paramSource – the source for named parameters
  • declaredParams – the List of declared SqlParameter objects (may be null). If specified, the parameter metadata will be built into the value array in the form of SqlParameterValue objects.
Returns:the array of values
/** * Convert a Map of named parameter values to a corresponding array. * @param parsedSql the parsed SQL statement * @param paramSource the source for named parameters * @param declaredParams the List of declared SqlParameter objects * (may be {@code null}). If specified, the parameter metadata will * be built into the value array in the form of SqlParameterValue objects. * @return the array of values */
public static Object[] buildValueArray( ParsedSql parsedSql, SqlParameterSource paramSource, @Nullable List<SqlParameter> declaredParams) { Object[] paramArray = new Object[parsedSql.getTotalParameterCount()]; if (parsedSql.getNamedParameterCount() > 0 && parsedSql.getUnnamedParameterCount() > 0) { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException( "Not allowed to mix named and traditional ? placeholders. You have " + parsedSql.getNamedParameterCount() + " named parameter(s) and " + parsedSql.getUnnamedParameterCount() + " traditional placeholder(s) in statement: " + parsedSql.getOriginalSql()); } List<String> paramNames = parsedSql.getParameterNames(); for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.size(); i++) { String paramName = paramNames.get(i); try { Object value = paramSource.getValue(paramName); SqlParameter param = findParameter(declaredParams, paramName, i); paramArray[i] = (param != null ? new SqlParameterValue(param, value) : value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { throw new InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException( "No value supplied for the SQL parameter '" + paramName + "': " + ex.getMessage()); } } return paramArray; }
Find a matching parameter in the given list of declared parameters.
  • declaredParams – the declared SqlParameter objects
  • paramName – the name of the desired parameter
  • paramIndex – the index of the desired parameter
Returns:the declared SqlParameter, or null if none found
/** * Find a matching parameter in the given list of declared parameters. * @param declaredParams the declared SqlParameter objects * @param paramName the name of the desired parameter * @param paramIndex the index of the desired parameter * @return the declared SqlParameter, or {@code null} if none found */
@Nullable private static SqlParameter findParameter( @Nullable List<SqlParameter> declaredParams, String paramName, int paramIndex) { if (declaredParams != null) { // First pass: Look for named parameter match. for (SqlParameter declaredParam : declaredParams) { if (paramName.equals(declaredParam.getName())) { return declaredParam; } } // Second pass: Look for parameter index match. if (paramIndex < declaredParams.size()) { SqlParameter declaredParam = declaredParams.get(paramIndex); // Only accept unnamed parameters for index matches. if (declaredParam.getName() == null) { return declaredParam; } } } return null; }
Determine whether a parameter name ends at the current position, that is, whether the given character qualifies as a separator.
/** * Determine whether a parameter name ends at the current position, * that is, whether the given character qualifies as a separator. */
private static boolean isParameterSeparator(char c) { return (c < 128 && separatorIndex[c]) || Character.isWhitespace(c); }
Convert parameter types from an SqlParameterSource into a corresponding int array. This is necessary in order to reuse existing methods on JdbcTemplate. Any named parameter types are placed in the correct position in the Object array based on the parsed SQL statement info.
  • parsedSql – the parsed SQL statement
  • paramSource – the source for named parameters
/** * Convert parameter types from an SqlParameterSource into a corresponding int array. * This is necessary in order to reuse existing methods on JdbcTemplate. * Any named parameter types are placed in the correct position in the * Object array based on the parsed SQL statement info. * @param parsedSql the parsed SQL statement * @param paramSource the source for named parameters */
public static int[] buildSqlTypeArray(ParsedSql parsedSql, SqlParameterSource paramSource) { int[] sqlTypes = new int[parsedSql.getTotalParameterCount()]; List<String> paramNames = parsedSql.getParameterNames(); for (int i = 0; i < paramNames.size(); i++) { String paramName = paramNames.get(i); sqlTypes[i] = paramSource.getSqlType(paramName); } return sqlTypes; }
Convert parameter declarations from an SqlParameterSource to a corresponding List of SqlParameters. This is necessary in order to reuse existing methods on JdbcTemplate. The SqlParameter for a named parameter is placed in the correct position in the resulting list based on the parsed SQL statement info.
  • parsedSql – the parsed SQL statement
  • paramSource – the source for named parameters
/** * Convert parameter declarations from an SqlParameterSource to a corresponding List of SqlParameters. * This is necessary in order to reuse existing methods on JdbcTemplate. * The SqlParameter for a named parameter is placed in the correct position in the * resulting list based on the parsed SQL statement info. * @param parsedSql the parsed SQL statement * @param paramSource the source for named parameters */
public static List<SqlParameter> buildSqlParameterList(ParsedSql parsedSql, SqlParameterSource paramSource) { List<String> paramNames = parsedSql.getParameterNames(); List<SqlParameter> params = new ArrayList<>(paramNames.size()); for (String paramName : paramNames) { params.add(new SqlParameter( paramName, paramSource.getSqlType(paramName), paramSource.getTypeName(paramName))); } return params; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Convenience methods operating on a plain SQL String //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder.

This is a shortcut version of parseSqlStatement(String) in combination with substituteNamedParameters(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource).

  • sql – the SQL statement
Returns:the actual (parsed) SQL statement
/** * Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. * Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder. * <p>This is a shortcut version of * {@link #parseSqlStatement(String)} in combination with * {@link #substituteNamedParameters(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource)}. * @param sql the SQL statement * @return the actual (parsed) SQL statement */
public static String parseSqlStatementIntoString(String sql) { ParsedSql parsedSql = parseSqlStatement(sql); return substituteNamedParameters(parsedSql, null); }
Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder and any select list is expanded to the required number of placeholders.

This is a shortcut version of substituteNamedParameters(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource).

  • sql – the SQL statement
  • paramSource – the source for named parameters
Returns:the SQL statement with substituted parameters
/** * Parse the SQL statement and locate any placeholders or named parameters. * Named parameters are substituted for a JDBC placeholder and any select list * is expanded to the required number of placeholders. * <p>This is a shortcut version of * {@link #substituteNamedParameters(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource)}. * @param sql the SQL statement * @param paramSource the source for named parameters * @return the SQL statement with substituted parameters */
public static String substituteNamedParameters(String sql, SqlParameterSource paramSource) { ParsedSql parsedSql = parseSqlStatement(sql); return substituteNamedParameters(parsedSql, paramSource); }
Convert a Map of named parameter values to a corresponding array.

This is a shortcut version of buildValueArray(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource, List<SqlParameter>).

  • sql – the SQL statement
  • paramMap – the Map of parameters
Returns:the array of values
/** * Convert a Map of named parameter values to a corresponding array. * <p>This is a shortcut version of * {@link #buildValueArray(ParsedSql, SqlParameterSource, java.util.List)}. * @param sql the SQL statement * @param paramMap the Map of parameters * @return the array of values */
public static Object[] buildValueArray(String sql, Map<String, ?> paramMap) { ParsedSql parsedSql = parseSqlStatement(sql); return buildValueArray(parsedSql, new MapSqlParameterSource(paramMap), null); } private static class ParameterHolder { private final String parameterName; private final int startIndex; private final int endIndex; public ParameterHolder(String parameterName, int startIndex, int endIndex) { this.parameterName = parameterName; this.startIndex = startIndex; this.endIndex = endIndex; } public String getParameterName() { return this.parameterName; } public int getStartIndex() { return this.startIndex; } public int getEndIndex() { return this.endIndex; } } }