 * Copyright 2002-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package org.springframework.jmx.support;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;

import javax.management.MBeanServerConnection;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnectorFactory;
import javax.management.remote.JMXServiceURL;

import org.springframework.aop.TargetSource;
import org.springframework.aop.framework.ProxyFactory;
import org.springframework.aop.target.AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanClassLoaderAware;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.DisposableBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.FactoryBean;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean;
import org.springframework.lang.Nullable;
import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.CollectionUtils;

FactoryBean that creates a JMX 1.2 MBeanServerConnection to a remote MBeanServer exposed via a JMXServerConnector. Exposes the MBeanServer for bean references.
Author:Rob Harrop, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
/** * {@link FactoryBean} that creates a JMX 1.2 {@code MBeanServerConnection} * to a remote {@code MBeanServer} exposed via a {@code JMXServerConnector}. * Exposes the {@code MBeanServer} for bean references. * * @author Rob Harrop * @author Juergen Hoeller * @since 1.2 * @see MBeanServerFactoryBean * @see ConnectorServerFactoryBean * @see org.springframework.jmx.access.MBeanClientInterceptor#setServer * @see org.springframework.jmx.access.NotificationListenerRegistrar#setServer */
public class MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean implements FactoryBean<MBeanServerConnection>, BeanClassLoaderAware, InitializingBean, DisposableBean { @Nullable private JMXServiceURL serviceUrl; private Map<String, Object> environment = new HashMap<>(); private boolean connectOnStartup = true; @Nullable private ClassLoader beanClassLoader = ClassUtils.getDefaultClassLoader(); @Nullable private JMXConnector connector; @Nullable private MBeanServerConnection connection; @Nullable private JMXConnectorLazyInitTargetSource connectorTargetSource;
Set the service URL of the remote MBeanServer.
/** * Set the service URL of the remote {@code MBeanServer}. */
public void setServiceUrl(String url) throws MalformedURLException { this.serviceUrl = new JMXServiceURL(url); }
Set the environment properties used to construct the JMXConnector as java.util.Properties (String key/value pairs).
/** * Set the environment properties used to construct the {@code JMXConnector} * as {@code java.util.Properties} (String key/value pairs). */
public void setEnvironment(Properties environment) { CollectionUtils.mergePropertiesIntoMap(environment, this.environment); }
Set the environment properties used to construct the JMXConnector as a Map of String keys and arbitrary Object values.
/** * Set the environment properties used to construct the {@code JMXConnector} * as a {@code Map} of String keys and arbitrary Object values. */
public void setEnvironmentMap(@Nullable Map<String, ?> environment) { if (environment != null) { this.environment.putAll(environment); } }
Set whether to connect to the server on startup.

Default is true.

Can be turned off to allow for late start of the JMX server. In this case, the JMX connector will be fetched on first access.

/** * Set whether to connect to the server on startup. * <p>Default is {@code true}. * <p>Can be turned off to allow for late start of the JMX server. * In this case, the JMX connector will be fetched on first access. */
public void setConnectOnStartup(boolean connectOnStartup) { this.connectOnStartup = connectOnStartup; } @Override public void setBeanClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader) { this.beanClassLoader = classLoader; }
Creates a JMXConnector for the given settings and exposes the associated MBeanServerConnection.
/** * Creates a {@code JMXConnector} for the given settings * and exposes the associated {@code MBeanServerConnection}. */
@Override public void afterPropertiesSet() throws IOException { if (this.serviceUrl == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Property 'serviceUrl' is required"); } if (this.connectOnStartup) { connect(); } else { createLazyConnection(); } }
Connects to the remote MBeanServer using the configured service URL and environment properties.
/** * Connects to the remote {@code MBeanServer} using the configured service URL and * environment properties. */
private void connect() throws IOException { Assert.state(this.serviceUrl != null, "No JMXServiceURL set"); this.connector = JMXConnectorFactory.connect(this.serviceUrl, this.environment); this.connection = this.connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); }
Creates lazy proxies for the JMXConnector and MBeanServerConnection.
/** * Creates lazy proxies for the {@code JMXConnector} and {@code MBeanServerConnection}. */
private void createLazyConnection() { this.connectorTargetSource = new JMXConnectorLazyInitTargetSource(); TargetSource connectionTargetSource = new MBeanServerConnectionLazyInitTargetSource(); this.connector = (JMXConnector) new ProxyFactory(JMXConnector.class, this.connectorTargetSource).getProxy(this.beanClassLoader); this.connection = (MBeanServerConnection) new ProxyFactory(MBeanServerConnection.class, connectionTargetSource).getProxy(this.beanClassLoader); } @Override @Nullable public MBeanServerConnection getObject() { return this.connection; } @Override public Class<? extends MBeanServerConnection> getObjectType() { return (this.connection != null ? this.connection.getClass() : MBeanServerConnection.class); } @Override public boolean isSingleton() { return true; }
Closes the underlying JMXConnector.
/** * Closes the underlying {@code JMXConnector}. */
@Override public void destroy() throws IOException { if (this.connector != null && (this.connectorTargetSource == null || this.connectorTargetSource.isInitialized())) { this.connector.close(); } }
Lazily creates a JMXConnector using the configured service URL and environment properties.
See Also:
/** * Lazily creates a {@code JMXConnector} using the configured service URL * and environment properties. * @see MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean#setServiceUrl(String) * @see MBeanServerConnectionFactoryBean#setEnvironment(java.util.Properties) */
private class JMXConnectorLazyInitTargetSource extends AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource { @Override protected Object createObject() throws Exception { Assert.state(serviceUrl != null, "No JMXServiceURL set"); return JMXConnectorFactory.connect(serviceUrl, environment); } @Override public Class<?> getTargetClass() { return JMXConnector.class; } }
Lazily creates an MBeanServerConnection.
/** * Lazily creates an {@code MBeanServerConnection}. */
private class MBeanServerConnectionLazyInitTargetSource extends AbstractLazyCreationTargetSource { @Override protected Object createObject() throws Exception { Assert.state(connector != null, "JMXConnector not initialized"); return connector.getMBeanServerConnection(); } @Override public Class<?> getTargetClass() { return MBeanServerConnection.class; } } }