class org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0020) ACC_SUPER
  this_class: org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch
  super_class: java.lang.Object
  private final ShadowMatch primary;
    descriptor: LShadowMatch;
    flags: (0x0012) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_FINAL

  private final ShadowMatch other;
    descriptor: LShadowMatch;
    flags: (0x0012) ACC_PRIVATE, ACC_FINAL

  public void <init>(ShadowMatch, ShadowMatch);
    descriptor: (LShadowMatch;LShadowMatch;)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=3, args_size=3
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 32
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problems: \n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.aspectj cannot be resolved\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method buildPointcutExpression(ClassLoader) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method initializePointcutParser(ClassLoader) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutParser\n\tPointcutParameter cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutParameter cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutParser cannot be resolved\n\tPointcutPrimitive cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tReflectionWorldException cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getFallbackPointcutExpression(Class<?>) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getTargetShadowMatch(Method, Class<?>) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type ShadowMatch\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tThe method obtainPointcutExpression() from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getTargetShadowMatch(Method, Class<?>) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type ShadowMatch\n\tJoinPointMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getShadowMatch(Method, Method) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type ShadowMatch\n\tPointcutExpression cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method buildPointcutExpression(ClassLoader) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type PointcutExpression\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tJoinPointMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getShadowMatch(Method, Method) from the type AspectJExpressionPointcut refers to the missing type ShadowMatch\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPointcutDesignatorHandler cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getDesignatorName() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.BeanPointcutDesignatorHandler must override or implement a supertype method\n\tContextBasedMatcher cannot be resolved to a type\n\tContextBasedMatcher cannot be resolved to a type\n\tNamePattern cannot be resolved to a type\n\tNamePattern cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method couldMatchJoinPointsInType(Class) of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.BeanContextMatcher must override or implement a supertype method\n\tMatchingContext cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMatchingContext cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMatchingContext cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method mayNeedDynamicTest() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.BeanContextMatcher must override or implement a supertype method\n\tFuzzyBoolean cannot be resolved to a type\n\tNamePattern cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tShadowMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method alwaysMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n\tThe method maybeMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n\tThe method neverMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n\tJoinPointMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMatchingContext cannot be resolved to a type\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;
         Name  Flags

  public boolean alwaysMatches();
    descriptor: ()Z
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 687
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problem: \n\tThe method alwaysMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;

  public boolean maybeMatches();
    descriptor: ()Z
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 692
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problem: \n\tThe method maybeMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;

  public boolean neverMatches();
    descriptor: ()Z
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=1, args_size=1
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 697
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problem: \n\tThe method neverMatches() of type AspectJExpressionPointcut.DefensiveShadowMatch must override or implement a supertype method\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;

  public JoinPointMatch matchesJoinPoint(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]);
    descriptor: (Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;[Ljava/lang/Object;)LJoinPointMatch;
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=4, args_size=4
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 702
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problem: \n\tJoinPointMatch cannot be resolved to a type\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;
              Name  Flags

  public void setMatchingContext(MatchingContext);
    descriptor: (LMatchingContext;)V
    flags: (0x0001) ACC_PUBLIC
      stack=3, locals=2, args_size=2
        start local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
         0: .line 712
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problem: \n\tMatchingContext cannot be resolved to a type\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        end local 0 // org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch this
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature
            0    1     0  this  Lorg/springframework/aop/aspectj/AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch;
               Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
NestHost: org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut
  private DefensiveShadowMatch = org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut$DefensiveShadowMatch of org.springframework.aop.aspectj.AspectJExpressionPointcut