 * Copyright 2012-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package org.springframework.boot.orm.jpa;

import java.net.URL;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.sql.DataSource;

import org.springframework.core.task.AsyncTaskExecutor;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.JpaVendorAdapter;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean;
import org.springframework.orm.jpa.persistenceunit.PersistenceUnitManager;
import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils;

Convenient builder for JPA EntityManagerFactory instances. Collects common configuration when constructed and then allows you to create one or more LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean through a fluent builder pattern. The most common options are covered in the builder, but you can always manipulate the product of the builder if you need more control, before returning it from a @Bean definition.
Author:Dave Syer, Phillip Webb, Stephane Nicoll
/** * Convenient builder for JPA EntityManagerFactory instances. Collects common * configuration when constructed and then allows you to create one or more * {@link LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean} through a fluent builder pattern. The * most common options are covered in the builder, but you can always manipulate the * product of the builder if you need more control, before returning it from a * {@code @Bean} definition. * * @author Dave Syer * @author Phillip Webb * @author Stephane Nicoll * @since 1.3.0 */
public class EntityManagerFactoryBuilder { private final JpaVendorAdapter jpaVendorAdapter; private final PersistenceUnitManager persistenceUnitManager; private final Map<String, Object> jpaProperties; private final URL persistenceUnitRootLocation; private AsyncTaskExecutor bootstrapExecutor;
Create a new instance passing in the common pieces that will be shared if multiple EntityManagerFactory instances are created.
  • jpaVendorAdapter – a vendor adapter
  • jpaProperties – the JPA properties to be passed to the persistence provider
  • persistenceUnitManager – optional source of persistence unit information (can be null)
/** * Create a new instance passing in the common pieces that will be shared if multiple * EntityManagerFactory instances are created. * @param jpaVendorAdapter a vendor adapter * @param jpaProperties the JPA properties to be passed to the persistence provider * @param persistenceUnitManager optional source of persistence unit information (can * be null) */
public EntityManagerFactoryBuilder(JpaVendorAdapter jpaVendorAdapter, Map<String, ?> jpaProperties, PersistenceUnitManager persistenceUnitManager) { this(jpaVendorAdapter, jpaProperties, persistenceUnitManager, null); }
Create a new instance passing in the common pieces that will be shared if multiple EntityManagerFactory instances are created.
  • jpaVendorAdapter – a vendor adapter
  • jpaProperties – the JPA properties to be passed to the persistence provider
  • persistenceUnitManager – optional source of persistence unit information (can be null)
  • persistenceUnitRootLocation – the persistence unit root location to use as a fallback (can be null)
/** * Create a new instance passing in the common pieces that will be shared if multiple * EntityManagerFactory instances are created. * @param jpaVendorAdapter a vendor adapter * @param jpaProperties the JPA properties to be passed to the persistence provider * @param persistenceUnitManager optional source of persistence unit information (can * be null) * @param persistenceUnitRootLocation the persistence unit root location to use as a * fallback (can be null) * @since 1.4.1 */
public EntityManagerFactoryBuilder(JpaVendorAdapter jpaVendorAdapter, Map<String, ?> jpaProperties, PersistenceUnitManager persistenceUnitManager, URL persistenceUnitRootLocation) { this.jpaVendorAdapter = jpaVendorAdapter; this.persistenceUnitManager = persistenceUnitManager; this.jpaProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>(jpaProperties); this.persistenceUnitRootLocation = persistenceUnitRootLocation; } public Builder dataSource(DataSource dataSource) { return new Builder(dataSource); }
Configure the bootstrap executor to be used by the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.
  • bootstrapExecutor – the executor
/** * Configure the bootstrap executor to be used by the * {@link LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean}. * @param bootstrapExecutor the executor * @since 2.1.0 */
public void setBootstrapExecutor(AsyncTaskExecutor bootstrapExecutor) { this.bootstrapExecutor = bootstrapExecutor; }
A fluent builder for a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.
/** * A fluent builder for a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean. */
public final class Builder { private DataSource dataSource; private String[] packagesToScan; private String persistenceUnit; private Map<String, Object> properties = new HashMap<>(); private String[] mappingResources; private boolean jta; private Builder(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; }
The names of packages to scan for @Entity annotations.
  • packagesToScan – packages to scan
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * The names of packages to scan for {@code @Entity} annotations. * @param packagesToScan packages to scan * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder packages(String... packagesToScan) { this.packagesToScan = packagesToScan; return this; }
The classes whose packages should be scanned for @Entity annotations.
  • basePackageClasses – the classes to use
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * The classes whose packages should be scanned for {@code @Entity} annotations. * @param basePackageClasses the classes to use * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder packages(Class<?>... basePackageClasses) { Set<String> packages = new HashSet<>(); for (Class<?> type : basePackageClasses) { packages.add(ClassUtils.getPackageName(type)); } this.packagesToScan = StringUtils.toStringArray(packages); return this; }
The name of the persistence unit. If only building one EntityManagerFactory you can omit this, but if there are more than one in the same application you should give them distinct names.
  • persistenceUnit – the name of the persistence unit
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * The name of the persistence unit. If only building one EntityManagerFactory you * can omit this, but if there are more than one in the same application you * should give them distinct names. * @param persistenceUnit the name of the persistence unit * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder persistenceUnit(String persistenceUnit) { this.persistenceUnit = persistenceUnit; return this; }
Generic properties for standard JPA or vendor-specific configuration. These properties override any values provided in the constructor.
  • properties – the properties to use
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * Generic properties for standard JPA or vendor-specific configuration. These * properties override any values provided in the constructor. * @param properties the properties to use * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder properties(Map<String, ?> properties) { this.properties.putAll(properties); return this; }
The mapping resources (equivalent to <mapping-file> entries in persistence.xml) for the persistence unit.

Note that mapping resources must be relative to the classpath root, e.g. "META-INF/mappings.xml" or "com/mycompany/repository/mappings.xml", so that they can be loaded through ClassLoader.getResource().

  • mappingResources – the mapping resources to use
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * The mapping resources (equivalent to {@code <mapping-file>} entries in * {@code persistence.xml}) for the persistence unit. * <p> * Note that mapping resources must be relative to the classpath root, e.g. * "META-INF/mappings.xml" or "com/mycompany/repository/mappings.xml", so that * they can be loaded through {@code ClassLoader.getResource()}. * @param mappingResources the mapping resources to use * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder mappingResources(String... mappingResources) { this.mappingResources = mappingResources; return this; }
Configure if using a JTA DataSource, i.e. if setDataSource or setJtaDataSource should be called on the LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean.
  • jta – if the data source is JTA
Returns:the builder for fluent usage
/** * Configure if using a JTA {@link DataSource}, i.e. if * {@link LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean#setDataSource(DataSource) * setDataSource} or * {@link LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean#setJtaDataSource(DataSource) * setJtaDataSource} should be called on the * {@link LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean}. * @param jta if the data source is JTA * @return the builder for fluent usage */
public Builder jta(boolean jta) { this.jta = jta; return this; } public LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean build() { LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean(); if (EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.persistenceUnitManager != null) { entityManagerFactoryBean .setPersistenceUnitManager(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.persistenceUnitManager); } if (this.persistenceUnit != null) { entityManagerFactoryBean.setPersistenceUnitName(this.persistenceUnit); } entityManagerFactoryBean.setJpaVendorAdapter(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.jpaVendorAdapter); if (this.jta) { entityManagerFactoryBean.setJtaDataSource(this.dataSource); } else { entityManagerFactoryBean.setDataSource(this.dataSource); } entityManagerFactoryBean.setPackagesToScan(this.packagesToScan); entityManagerFactoryBean.getJpaPropertyMap().putAll(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.jpaProperties); entityManagerFactoryBean.getJpaPropertyMap().putAll(this.properties); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(this.mappingResources)) { entityManagerFactoryBean.setMappingResources(this.mappingResources); } URL rootLocation = EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.persistenceUnitRootLocation; if (rootLocation != null) { entityManagerFactoryBean.setPersistenceUnitRootLocation(rootLocation.toString()); } if (EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.bootstrapExecutor != null) { entityManagerFactoryBean.setBootstrapExecutor(EntityManagerFactoryBuilder.this.bootstrapExecutor); } return entityManagerFactoryBean; } } }