 * Copyright 2012-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
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package org.springframework.boot;

import org.springframework.util.ClassUtils;

An enumeration of possible types of web application.
Author:Andy Wilkinson, Brian Clozel
/** * An enumeration of possible types of web application. * * @author Andy Wilkinson * @author Brian Clozel * @since 2.0.0 */
public enum WebApplicationType {
The application should not run as a web application and should not start an embedded web server.
/** * The application should not run as a web application and should not start an * embedded web server. */
The application should run as a servlet-based web application and should start an embedded servlet web server.
/** * The application should run as a servlet-based web application and should start an * embedded servlet web server. */
The application should run as a reactive web application and should start an embedded reactive web server.
/** * The application should run as a reactive web application and should start an * embedded reactive web server. */
REACTIVE; private static final String[] SERVLET_INDICATOR_CLASSES = { "javax.servlet.Servlet", "org.springframework.web.context.ConfigurableWebApplicationContext" }; private static final String WEBMVC_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet"; private static final String WEBFLUX_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org.springframework.web.reactive.DispatcherHandler"; private static final String JERSEY_INDICATOR_CLASS = "org.glassfish.jersey.servlet.ServletContainer"; private static final String SERVLET_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS = "org.springframework.web.context.WebApplicationContext"; private static final String REACTIVE_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS = "org.springframework.boot.web.reactive.context.ReactiveWebApplicationContext"; static WebApplicationType deduceFromClasspath() { if (ClassUtils.isPresent(WEBFLUX_INDICATOR_CLASS, null) && !ClassUtils.isPresent(WEBMVC_INDICATOR_CLASS, null) && !ClassUtils.isPresent(JERSEY_INDICATOR_CLASS, null)) { return WebApplicationType.REACTIVE; } for (String className : SERVLET_INDICATOR_CLASSES) { if (!ClassUtils.isPresent(className, null)) { return WebApplicationType.NONE; } } return WebApplicationType.SERVLET; } static WebApplicationType deduceFromApplicationContext(Class<?> applicationContextClass) { if (isAssignable(SERVLET_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS, applicationContextClass)) { return WebApplicationType.SERVLET; } if (isAssignable(REACTIVE_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_CLASS, applicationContextClass)) { return WebApplicationType.REACTIVE; } return WebApplicationType.NONE; } private static boolean isAssignable(String target, Class<?> type) { try { return ClassUtils.resolveClassName(target, null).isAssignableFrom(type); } catch (Throwable ex) { return false; } } }