 * Copyright 2012-2020 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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package org.springframework.boot.context.properties.bind;

import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.function.Consumer;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;
import org.springframework.util.ObjectUtils;

A container object to return the result of a Binder bind operation. May contain either a successfully bound object or an empty result.
Author:Phillip Webb, Madhura Bhave
Type parameters:
  • <T> – the result type
/** * A container object to return the result of a {@link Binder} bind operation. May contain * either a successfully bound object or an empty result. * * @param <T> the result type * @author Phillip Webb * @author Madhura Bhave * @since 2.0.0 */
public final class BindResult<T> { private static final BindResult<?> UNBOUND = new BindResult<>(null); private final T value; private BindResult(T value) { this.value = value; }
Return the object that was bound or throw a NoSuchElementException if no value was bound.
See Also:
Returns:the bound value (never null)
/** * Return the object that was bound or throw a {@link NoSuchElementException} if no * value was bound. * @return the bound value (never {@code null}) * @throws NoSuchElementException if no value was bound * @see #isBound() */
public T get() throws NoSuchElementException { if (this.value == null) { throw new NoSuchElementException("No value bound"); } return this.value; }
Returns true if a result was bound.
Returns:if a result was bound
/** * Returns {@code true} if a result was bound. * @return if a result was bound */
public boolean isBound() { return (this.value != null); }
Invoke the specified consumer with the bound value, or do nothing if no value has been bound.
  • consumer – block to execute if a value has been bound
/** * Invoke the specified consumer with the bound value, or do nothing if no value has * been bound. * @param consumer block to execute if a value has been bound */
public void ifBound(Consumer<? super T> consumer) { Assert.notNull(consumer, "Consumer must not be null"); if (this.value != null) { consumer.accept(this.value); } }
Apply the provided mapping function to the bound value, or return an updated unbound result if no value has been bound.
  • mapper – a mapping function to apply to the bound value. The mapper will not be invoked if no value has been bound.
Type parameters:
  • <U> – the type of the result of the mapping function
Returns:an BindResult describing the result of applying a mapping function to the value of this BindResult.
/** * Apply the provided mapping function to the bound value, or return an updated * unbound result if no value has been bound. * @param <U> the type of the result of the mapping function * @param mapper a mapping function to apply to the bound value. The mapper will not * be invoked if no value has been bound. * @return an {@code BindResult} describing the result of applying a mapping function * to the value of this {@code BindResult}. */
public <U> BindResult<U> map(Function<? super T, ? extends U> mapper) { Assert.notNull(mapper, "Mapper must not be null"); return of((this.value != null) ? mapper.apply(this.value) : null); }
Return the object that was bound, or other if no value has been bound.
  • other – the value to be returned if there is no bound value (may be null)
Returns:the value, if bound, otherwise other
/** * Return the object that was bound, or {@code other} if no value has been bound. * @param other the value to be returned if there is no bound value (may be * {@code null}) * @return the value, if bound, otherwise {@code other} */
public T orElse(T other) { return (this.value != null) ? this.value : other; }
Return the object that was bound, or the result of invoking other if no value has been bound.
  • other – a Supplier of the value to be returned if there is no bound value
Returns:the value, if bound, otherwise the supplied other
/** * Return the object that was bound, or the result of invoking {@code other} if no * value has been bound. * @param other a {@link Supplier} of the value to be returned if there is no bound * value * @return the value, if bound, otherwise the supplied {@code other} */
public T orElseGet(Supplier<? extends T> other) { return (this.value != null) ? this.value : other.get(); }
Return the object that was bound, or throw an exception to be created by the provided supplier if no value has been bound.
  • exceptionSupplier – the supplier which will return the exception to be thrown
Type parameters:
  • <X> – the type of the exception to be thrown
  • X – if there is no value present
Returns:the present value
/** * Return the object that was bound, or throw an exception to be created by the * provided supplier if no value has been bound. * @param <X> the type of the exception to be thrown * @param exceptionSupplier the supplier which will return the exception to be thrown * @return the present value * @throws X if there is no value present */
public <X extends Throwable> T orElseThrow(Supplier<? extends X> exceptionSupplier) throws X { if (this.value == null) { throw exceptionSupplier.get(); } return this.value; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } return ObjectUtils.nullSafeEquals(this.value, ((BindResult<?>) obj).value); } @Override public int hashCode() { return ObjectUtils.nullSafeHashCode(this.value); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") static <T> BindResult<T> of(T value) { if (value == null) { return (BindResult<T>) UNBOUND; } return new BindResult<>(value); } }