public interface org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.reactive.AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping$LinksHandler
  minor version: 0
  major version: 59
  flags: flags: (0x0601) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_INTERFACE, ACC_ABSTRACT
  this_class: org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.reactive.AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping$LinksHandler
  super_class: java.lang.Object
  static void <clinit>();
    descriptor: ()V
    flags: (0x0008) ACC_STATIC
      stack=3, locals=0, args_size=0
         0: .line 28
            new java.lang.Error
            ldc "Unresolved compilation problems: \n\tThe import org.reactivestreams cannot be resolved\n\tThe import reactor cannot be resolved\n\tThe import reactor cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.http cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.http cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.http cannot be resolved\n\tThe import cannot be resolved\n\tThe import cannot be resolved\n\tThe import cannot be resolved\n\tThe import cannot be resolved\n\tThe import cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.bind cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.bind cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.bind cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.cors cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.method cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.HandlerMapping cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.reactive.result cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.server cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.server cannot be resolved\n\tThe import org.springframework.web.util cannot be resolved\n\tRequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPathPatternParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPathPatternParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method setOrder(int) is undefined for the type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping\n\tThe method initHandlerMethods() of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping must override or implement a supertype method\n\tHandlerMethod cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method createHandlerMethod(Object, Method) of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping must override or implement a supertype method\n\tHandlerMethod cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMappingInfoHandlerMapping cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method createRequestMappingInfo(WebOperation) from the type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping refers to the missing type RequestMappingInfo\n\tThe method createRequestMappingInfo(WebOperation) from the type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping refers to the missing type RequestMappingInfo\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPatternsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPatternsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPathPatternParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethodsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethodsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethod cannot be resolved\n\tConsumesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tConsumesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tProducesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tProducesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPatternsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPatternsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPathPatternParser cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethodsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethodsRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMethod cannot be resolved to a variable\n\tProducesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tProducesRequestCondition cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method hasCorsConfigurationSource(Object) of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping must override or implement a supertype method\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tCorsConfiguration cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method isHandler(Class<?>) of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping must override or implement a supertype method\n\tRequestMappingInfo cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method getMappingForMethod(Method, Class<?>) of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping must override or implement a supertype method\n\tMono cannot be resolved\n\tSchedulers cannot be resolved\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping.ReactiveWebOperationAdapter must implement the inherited abstract method AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping.ReactiveWebOperation.handle(ServerWebExchange, Map<String,String>)\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tMono cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tServerWebExchange cannot be resolved to a type\n\tPublisher cannot be resolved to a type\n\tResponseEntity cannot be resolved to a type\n\tResponseBody cannot be resolved to a type\n\tResponseBody cannot be resolved to a type\n\tHandlerMethod cannot be resolved to a type\n\tThe method toString() of type AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping.WebFluxEndpointHandlerMethod must override or implement a supertype method\n\tHandlerMethod cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRoleVoter cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRoleVoter cannot be resolved to a type\n\tAuthentication cannot be resolved to a type\n\tAuthentication cannot be resolved to a type\n\tAuthentication cannot be resolved to a type\n\tRoleVoter cannot be resolved to a type\n"
            invokespecial java.lang.Error.<init>:(Ljava/lang/String;)V
        Start  End  Slot  Name  Signature

  public abstract java.lang.Object links(ServerWebExchange);
    descriptor: (LServerWebExchange;)Ljava/lang/Object;
    flags: (0x0401) ACC_PUBLIC, ACC_ABSTRACT
          Name  Flags
SourceFile: ""
NestHost: org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.reactive.AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping
  protected abstract LinksHandler = org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.reactive.AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping$LinksHandler of org.springframework.boot.actuate.endpoint.web.reactive.AbstractWebFluxEndpointHandlerMapping