 * Copyright 2012-2019 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *      https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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package org.springframework.boot.actuate.health;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.function.Function;

import org.springframework.util.Assert;

Default ContributorRegistry implementation.
Author:Phillip Webb
Type parameters:
  • <C> – the health contributor type
See Also:
/** * Default {@link ContributorRegistry} implementation. * * @param <C> the health contributor type * @author Phillip Webb * @see DefaultHealthContributorRegistry * @see DefaultReactiveHealthContributorRegistry */
class DefaultContributorRegistry<C> implements ContributorRegistry<C> { private final Function<String, String> nameFactory; private final Object monitor = new Object(); private volatile Map<String, C> contributors; DefaultContributorRegistry() { this(Collections.emptyMap()); } DefaultContributorRegistry(Map<String, C> contributors) { this(contributors, HealthContributorNameFactory.INSTANCE); } DefaultContributorRegistry(Map<String, C> contributors, Function<String, String> nameFactory) { Assert.notNull(contributors, "Contributors must not be null"); Assert.notNull(nameFactory, "NameFactory must not be null"); this.nameFactory = nameFactory; Map<String, C> namedContributors = new LinkedHashMap<>(); contributors.forEach((name, contributor) -> namedContributors.put(nameFactory.apply(name), contributor)); this.contributors = Collections.unmodifiableMap(namedContributors); } @Override public void registerContributor(String name, C contributor) { Assert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null"); Assert.notNull(contributor, "Contributor must not be null"); String adaptedName = this.nameFactory.apply(name); synchronized (this.monitor) { Assert.state(!this.contributors.containsKey(adaptedName), () -> "A contributor named \"" + adaptedName + "\" has already been registered"); Map<String, C> contributors = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.contributors); contributors.put(adaptedName, contributor); this.contributors = Collections.unmodifiableMap(contributors); } } @Override public C unregisterContributor(String name) { Assert.notNull(name, "Name must not be null"); String adaptedName = this.nameFactory.apply(name); synchronized (this.monitor) { C unregistered = this.contributors.get(adaptedName); if (unregistered != null) { Map<String, C> contributors = new LinkedHashMap<>(this.contributors); contributors.remove(adaptedName); this.contributors = Collections.unmodifiableMap(contributors); } return unregistered; } } @Override public C getContributor(String name) { return this.contributors.get(name); } @Override public Iterator<NamedContributor<C>> iterator() { Iterator<Map.Entry<String, C>> iterator = this.contributors.entrySet().iterator(); return new Iterator<NamedContributor<C>>() { @Override public boolean hasNext() { return iterator.hasNext(); } @Override public NamedContributor<C> next() { Entry<String, C> entry = iterator.next(); return NamedContributor.of(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } }; } }