 * Copyright (c) 2003, PostgreSQL Global Development Group
 * See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.

package org.postgresql.fastpath;

import org.postgresql.core.ParameterList;

import java.sql.SQLException;

// Not a very clean mapping to the new QueryExecutor/ParameterList
// stuff, but it seems hard to support both v2 and v3 cleanly with
// the same model while retaining API compatibility. So I've just
// done it the ugly way..

Each fastpath call requires an array of arguments, the number and type dependent on the function being called.
Deprecated:This API is somewhat obsolete, as one may achieve similar performance and greater functionality by setting up a prepared statement to define the function call. Then, executing the statement with binary transmission of parameters and results substitutes for a fast-path function call.
/** * Each fastpath call requires an array of arguments, the number and type dependent on the function * being called. * * @deprecated This API is somewhat obsolete, as one may achieve similar performance * and greater functionality by setting up a prepared statement to define * the function call. Then, executing the statement with binary transmission of parameters * and results substitutes for a fast-path function call. */
@Deprecated public class FastpathArg {
Encoded byte value of argument.
/** * Encoded byte value of argument. */
private final byte[] bytes; private final int bytesStart; private final int bytesLength;
Constructs an argument that consists of an integer value.
  • value – int value to set
/** * Constructs an argument that consists of an integer value. * * @param value int value to set */
public FastpathArg(int value) { bytes = new byte[4]; bytes[3] = (byte) (value); bytes[2] = (byte) (value >> 8); bytes[1] = (byte) (value >> 16); bytes[0] = (byte) (value >> 24); bytesStart = 0; bytesLength = 4; }
Constructs an argument that consists of an integer value.
  • value – int value to set
/** * Constructs an argument that consists of an integer value. * * @param value int value to set */
public FastpathArg(long value) { bytes = new byte[8]; bytes[7] = (byte) (value); bytes[6] = (byte) (value >> 8); bytes[5] = (byte) (value >> 16); bytes[4] = (byte) (value >> 24); bytes[3] = (byte) (value >> 32); bytes[2] = (byte) (value >> 40); bytes[1] = (byte) (value >> 48); bytes[0] = (byte) (value >> 56); bytesStart = 0; bytesLength = 8; }
Constructs an argument that consists of an array of bytes.
  • bytes – array to store
/** * Constructs an argument that consists of an array of bytes. * * @param bytes array to store */
public FastpathArg(byte[] bytes) { this(bytes, 0, bytes.length); }
Constructs an argument that consists of part of a byte array.
  • buf – source array
  • off – offset within array
  • len – length of data to include
/** * Constructs an argument that consists of part of a byte array. * * @param buf source array * @param off offset within array * @param len length of data to include */
public FastpathArg(byte[] buf, int off, int len) { this.bytes = buf; this.bytesStart = off; this.bytesLength = len; }
Constructs an argument that consists of a String.
  • s – String to store
/** * Constructs an argument that consists of a String. * * @param s String to store */
public FastpathArg(String s) { this(s.getBytes()); } void populateParameter(ParameterList params, int index) throws SQLException { if (bytes == null) { params.setNull(index, 0); } else { params.setBytea(index, bytes, bytesStart, bytesLength); } } }