// ASM: a very small and fast Java bytecode manipulation framework
// Copyright (c) 2000-2011 INRIA, France Telecom
// All rights reserved.
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package org.objectweb.asm.commons;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.objectweb.asm.ConstantDynamic;
import org.objectweb.asm.Handle;
import org.objectweb.asm.Label;
import org.objectweb.asm.MethodVisitor;
import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;
import org.objectweb.asm.Type;

A MethodVisitor to insert before, after and around advices in methods and constructors. For constructors, the code keeps track of the elements on the stack in order to detect when the super class constructor is called (note that there can be multiple such calls in different branches). onMethodEnter is called after each super class constructor call, because the object cannot be used before it is properly initialized.
Author:Eugene Kuleshov, Eric Bruneton
/** * A {@link MethodVisitor} to insert before, after and around advices in methods and constructors. * For constructors, the code keeps track of the elements on the stack in order to detect when the * super class constructor is called (note that there can be multiple such calls in different * branches). {@code onMethodEnter} is called after each super class constructor call, because the * object cannot be used before it is properly initialized. * * @author Eugene Kuleshov * @author Eric Bruneton */
public abstract class AdviceAdapter extends GeneratorAdapter implements Opcodes {
The "uninitialized this" value.
/** The "uninitialized this" value. */
private static final Object UNINITIALIZED_THIS = new Object();
Any value other than "uninitialized this".
/** Any value other than "uninitialized this". */
private static final Object OTHER = new Object();
Prefix of the error message when invalid opcodes are found.
/** Prefix of the error message when invalid opcodes are found. */
private static final String INVALID_OPCODE = "Invalid opcode ";
The access flags of the visited method.
/** The access flags of the visited method. */
protected int methodAccess;
The descriptor of the visited method.
/** The descriptor of the visited method. */
protected String methodDesc;
Whether the visited method is a constructor.
/** Whether the visited method is a constructor. */
private final boolean isConstructor;
Whether the super class constructor has been called (if the visited method is a constructor), at the current instruction. There can be multiple call sites to the super constructor (e.g. for Java code such as super(expr ? value1 : value2);), in different branches. When scanning the bytecode linearly, we can move from one branch where the super constructor has been called to another where it has not been called yet. Therefore, this value can change from false to true, and vice-versa.
/** * Whether the super class constructor has been called (if the visited method is a constructor), * at the current instruction. There can be multiple call sites to the super constructor (e.g. for * Java code such as {@code super(expr ? value1 : value2);}), in different branches. When scanning * the bytecode linearly, we can move from one branch where the super constructor has been called * to another where it has not been called yet. Therefore, this value can change from false to * true, and vice-versa. */
private boolean superClassConstructorCalled;
The values on the current execution stack frame (long and double are represented by two elements). Each value is either UNINITIALIZED_THIS (for the uninitialized this value), or OTHER (for any other value). This field is only maintained for constructors, in branches where the super class constructor has not been called yet.
/** * The values on the current execution stack frame (long and double are represented by two * elements). Each value is either {@link #UNINITIALIZED_THIS} (for the uninitialized this value), * or {@link #OTHER} (for any other value). This field is only maintained for constructors, in * branches where the super class constructor has not been called yet. */
private List<Object> stackFrame;
The stack map frames corresponding to the labels of the forward jumps made *before* the super class constructor has been called (note that the Java Virtual Machine forbids backward jumps before the super class constructor is called). Note that by definition (cf. the 'before'), when we reach a label from this map, superClassConstructorCalled must be reset to false. This field is only maintained for constructors.
/** * The stack map frames corresponding to the labels of the forward jumps made *before* the super * class constructor has been called (note that the Java Virtual Machine forbids backward jumps * before the super class constructor is called). Note that by definition (cf. the 'before'), when * we reach a label from this map, {@link #superClassConstructorCalled} must be reset to false. * This field is only maintained for constructors. */
private Map<Label, List<Object>> forwardJumpStackFrames;
Constructs a new AdviceAdapter.
  • api – the ASM API version implemented by this visitor. Must be one of Opcodes.ASM4, Opcodes.ASM5, Opcodes.ASM6 or Opcodes.ASM7.
  • methodVisitor – the method visitor to which this adapter delegates calls.
  • access – the method's access flags (see Opcodes).
  • name – the method's name.
  • descriptor – the method's descriptor (see Type).
/** * Constructs a new {@link AdviceAdapter}. * * @param api the ASM API version implemented by this visitor. Must be one of {@link * Opcodes#ASM4}, {@link Opcodes#ASM5}, {@link Opcodes#ASM6} or {@link Opcodes#ASM7}. * @param methodVisitor the method visitor to which this adapter delegates calls. * @param access the method's access flags (see {@link Opcodes}). * @param name the method's name. * @param descriptor the method's descriptor (see {@link Type Type}). */
protected AdviceAdapter( final int api, final MethodVisitor methodVisitor, final int access, final String name, final String descriptor) { super(api, methodVisitor, access, name, descriptor); methodAccess = access; methodDesc = descriptor; isConstructor = "<init>".equals(name); } @Override public void visitCode() { super.visitCode(); if (isConstructor) { stackFrame = new ArrayList<>(); forwardJumpStackFrames = new HashMap<>(); } else { onMethodEnter(); } } @Override public void visitLabel(final Label label) { super.visitLabel(label); if (isConstructor && forwardJumpStackFrames != null) { List<Object> labelStackFrame = forwardJumpStackFrames.get(label); if (labelStackFrame != null) { stackFrame = labelStackFrame; superClassConstructorCalled = false; forwardJumpStackFrames.remove(label); } } } @Override public void visitInsn(final int opcode) { if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { int stackSize; switch (opcode) { case IRETURN: case FRETURN: case ARETURN: case LRETURN: case DRETURN: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid return in constructor"); case RETURN: // empty stack onMethodExit(opcode); endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); break; case ATHROW: // 1 before n/a after popValue(); onMethodExit(opcode); endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); break; case NOP: case LALOAD: // remove 2 add 2 case DALOAD: // remove 2 add 2 case LNEG: case DNEG: case FNEG: case INEG: case L2D: case D2L: case F2I: case I2B: case I2C: case I2S: case I2F: case ARRAYLENGTH: break; case ACONST_NULL: case ICONST_M1: case ICONST_0: case ICONST_1: case ICONST_2: case ICONST_3: case ICONST_4: case ICONST_5: case FCONST_0: case FCONST_1: case FCONST_2: case F2L: // 1 before 2 after case F2D: case I2L: case I2D: pushValue(OTHER); break; case LCONST_0: case LCONST_1: case DCONST_0: case DCONST_1: pushValue(OTHER); pushValue(OTHER); break; case IALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case FALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case AALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case BALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case CALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case SALOAD: // remove 2 add 1 case POP: case IADD: case FADD: case ISUB: case LSHL: // 3 before 2 after case LSHR: // 3 before 2 after case LUSHR: // 3 before 2 after case L2I: // 2 before 1 after case L2F: // 2 before 1 after case D2I: // 2 before 1 after case D2F: // 2 before 1 after case FSUB: case FMUL: case FDIV: case FREM: case FCMPL: // 2 before 1 after case FCMPG: // 2 before 1 after case IMUL: case IDIV: case IREM: case ISHL: case ISHR: case IUSHR: case IAND: case IOR: case IXOR: case MONITORENTER: case MONITOREXIT: popValue(); break; case POP2: case LSUB: case LMUL: case LDIV: case LREM: case LADD: case LAND: case LOR: case LXOR: case DADD: case DMUL: case DSUB: case DDIV: case DREM: popValue(); popValue(); break; case IASTORE: case FASTORE: case AASTORE: case BASTORE: case CASTORE: case SASTORE: case LCMP: // 4 before 1 after case DCMPL: case DCMPG: popValue(); popValue(); popValue(); break; case LASTORE: case DASTORE: popValue(); popValue(); popValue(); popValue(); break; case DUP: pushValue(peekValue()); break; case DUP_X1: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 2, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); break; case DUP_X2: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 3, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); break; case DUP2: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 2, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 2, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); break; case DUP2_X1: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 3, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 3, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); break; case DUP2_X2: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 4, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 4, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); break; case SWAP: stackSize = stackFrame.size(); stackFrame.add(stackSize - 2, stackFrame.get(stackSize - 1)); stackFrame.remove(stackSize); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_OPCODE + opcode); } } else { switch (opcode) { case RETURN: case IRETURN: case FRETURN: case ARETURN: case LRETURN: case DRETURN: case ATHROW: onMethodExit(opcode); break; default: break; } } super.visitInsn(opcode); } @Override public void visitVarInsn(final int opcode, final int var) { super.visitVarInsn(opcode, var); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { switch (opcode) { case ILOAD: case FLOAD: pushValue(OTHER); break; case LLOAD: case DLOAD: pushValue(OTHER); pushValue(OTHER); break; case ALOAD: pushValue(var == 0 ? UNINITIALIZED_THIS : OTHER); break; case ASTORE: case ISTORE: case FSTORE: popValue(); break; case LSTORE: case DSTORE: popValue(); popValue(); break; case RET: endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_OPCODE + opcode); } } } @Override public void visitFieldInsn( final int opcode, final String owner, final String name, final String descriptor) { super.visitFieldInsn(opcode, owner, name, descriptor); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { char firstDescriptorChar = descriptor.charAt(0); boolean longOrDouble = firstDescriptorChar == 'J' || firstDescriptorChar == 'D'; switch (opcode) { case GETSTATIC: pushValue(OTHER); if (longOrDouble) { pushValue(OTHER); } break; case PUTSTATIC: popValue(); if (longOrDouble) { popValue(); } break; case PUTFIELD: popValue(); popValue(); if (longOrDouble) { popValue(); } break; case GETFIELD: if (longOrDouble) { pushValue(OTHER); } break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException(INVALID_OPCODE + opcode); } } } @Override public void visitIntInsn(final int opcode, final int operand) { super.visitIntInsn(opcode, operand); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled && opcode != NEWARRAY) { pushValue(OTHER); } } @Override public void visitLdcInsn(final Object value) { super.visitLdcInsn(value); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { pushValue(OTHER); if (value instanceof Double || value instanceof Long || (value instanceof ConstantDynamic && ((ConstantDynamic) value).getSize() == 2)) { pushValue(OTHER); } } } @Override public void visitMultiANewArrayInsn(final String descriptor, final int numDimensions) { super.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descriptor, numDimensions); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { for (int i = 0; i < numDimensions; i++) { popValue(); } pushValue(OTHER); } } @Override public void visitTypeInsn(final int opcode, final String type) { super.visitTypeInsn(opcode, type); // ANEWARRAY, CHECKCAST or INSTANCEOF don't change stack. if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled && opcode == NEW) { pushValue(OTHER); } } @Override public void visitMethodInsn( final int opcodeAndSource, final String owner, final String name, final String descriptor, final boolean isInterface) { if (api < Opcodes.ASM5 && (opcodeAndSource & Opcodes.SOURCE_DEPRECATED) == 0) { // Redirect the call to the deprecated version of this method. super.visitMethodInsn(opcodeAndSource, owner, name, descriptor, isInterface); return; } super.visitMethodInsn(opcodeAndSource, owner, name, descriptor, isInterface); int opcode = opcodeAndSource & ~Opcodes.SOURCE_MASK; doVisitMethodInsn(opcode, name, descriptor); } private void doVisitMethodInsn(final int opcode, final String name, final String descriptor) { if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { for (Type argumentType : Type.getArgumentTypes(descriptor)) { popValue(); if (argumentType.getSize() == 2) { popValue(); } } switch (opcode) { case INVOKEINTERFACE: case INVOKEVIRTUAL: popValue(); break; case INVOKESPECIAL: Object value = popValue(); if (value == UNINITIALIZED_THIS && !superClassConstructorCalled && name.equals("<init>")) { superClassConstructorCalled = true; onMethodEnter(); } break; default: break; } Type returnType = Type.getReturnType(descriptor); if (returnType != Type.VOID_TYPE) { pushValue(OTHER); if (returnType.getSize() == 2) { pushValue(OTHER); } } } } @Override public void visitInvokeDynamicInsn( final String name, final String descriptor, final Handle bootstrapMethodHandle, final Object... bootstrapMethodArguments) { super.visitInvokeDynamicInsn(name, descriptor, bootstrapMethodHandle, bootstrapMethodArguments); doVisitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEDYNAMIC, name, descriptor); } @Override public void visitJumpInsn(final int opcode, final Label label) { super.visitJumpInsn(opcode, label); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { switch (opcode) { case IFEQ: case IFNE: case IFLT: case IFGE: case IFGT: case IFLE: case IFNULL: case IFNONNULL: popValue(); break; case IF_ICMPEQ: case IF_ICMPNE: case IF_ICMPLT: case IF_ICMPGE: case IF_ICMPGT: case IF_ICMPLE: case IF_ACMPEQ: case IF_ACMPNE: popValue(); popValue(); break; case JSR: pushValue(OTHER); break; case GOTO: endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); break; default: break; } addForwardJump(label); } } @Override public void visitLookupSwitchInsn(final Label dflt, final int[] keys, final Label[] labels) { super.visitLookupSwitchInsn(dflt, keys, labels); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { popValue(); addForwardJumps(dflt, labels); endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); } } @Override public void visitTableSwitchInsn( final int min, final int max, final Label dflt, final Label... labels) { super.visitTableSwitchInsn(min, max, dflt, labels); if (isConstructor && !superClassConstructorCalled) { popValue(); addForwardJumps(dflt, labels); endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor(); } } @Override public void visitTryCatchBlock( final Label start, final Label end, final Label handler, final String type) { super.visitTryCatchBlock(start, end, handler, type); // By definition of 'forwardJumpStackFrames', 'handler' should be pushed only if there is an // instruction between 'start' and 'end' at which the super class constructor is not yet // called. Unfortunately, try catch blocks must be visited before their labels, so we have no // way to know this at this point. Instead, we suppose that the super class constructor has not // been called at the start of *any* exception handler. If this is wrong, normally there should // not be a second super class constructor call in the exception handler (an object can't be // initialized twice), so this is not issue (in the sense that there is no risk to emit a wrong // 'onMethodEnter'). if (isConstructor && !forwardJumpStackFrames.containsKey(handler)) { List<Object> handlerStackFrame = new ArrayList<>(); handlerStackFrame.add(OTHER); forwardJumpStackFrames.put(handler, handlerStackFrame); } } private void addForwardJumps(final Label dflt, final Label[] labels) { addForwardJump(dflt); for (Label label : labels) { addForwardJump(label); } } private void addForwardJump(final Label label) { if (forwardJumpStackFrames.containsKey(label)) { return; } forwardJumpStackFrames.put(label, new ArrayList<>(stackFrame)); } private void endConstructorBasicBlockWithoutSuccessor() { // The next instruction is not reachable from this instruction. If it is dead code, we // should not try to simulate stack operations, and there is no need to insert advices // here. If it is reachable with a backward jump, the only possible case is that the super // class constructor has already been called (backward jumps are forbidden before it is // called). If it is reachable with a forward jump, there are two sub-cases. Either the // super class constructor has already been called when reaching the next instruction, or // it has not been called. But in this case there must be a forwardJumpStackFrames entry // for a Label designating the next instruction, and superClassConstructorCalled will be // reset to false there. We can therefore always reset this field to true here. superClassConstructorCalled = true; } private Object popValue() { return stackFrame.remove(stackFrame.size() - 1); } private Object peekValue() { return stackFrame.get(stackFrame.size() - 1); } private void pushValue(final Object value) { stackFrame.add(value); }
Generates the "before" advice for the visited method. The default implementation of this method does nothing. Subclasses can use or change all the local variables, but should not change state of the stack. This method is called at the beginning of the method or after super class constructor has been called (in constructors).
/** * Generates the "before" advice for the visited method. The default implementation of this method * does nothing. Subclasses can use or change all the local variables, but should not change state * of the stack. This method is called at the beginning of the method or after super class * constructor has been called (in constructors). */
protected void onMethodEnter() {}
Generates the "after" advice for the visited method. The default implementation of this method does nothing. Subclasses can use or change all the local variables, but should not change state of the stack. This method is called at the end of the method, just before return and athrow instructions. The top element on the stack contains the return value or the exception instance. For example:
public void onMethodExit(final int opcode) {
  if (opcode == RETURN) {
  } else if (opcode == ARETURN || opcode == ATHROW) {
  } else {
    if (opcode == LRETURN || opcode == DRETURN) {
    } else {
  visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, opcode);
  visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, owner, "onExit", "(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V");
// An actual call back method.
public static void onExit(final Object exitValue, final int opcode) {
/** * Generates the "after" advice for the visited method. The default implementation of this method * does nothing. Subclasses can use or change all the local variables, but should not change state * of the stack. This method is called at the end of the method, just before return and athrow * instructions. The top element on the stack contains the return value or the exception instance. * For example: * * <pre> * public void onMethodExit(final int opcode) { * if (opcode == RETURN) { * visitInsn(ACONST_NULL); * } else if (opcode == ARETURN || opcode == ATHROW) { * dup(); * } else { * if (opcode == LRETURN || opcode == DRETURN) { * dup2(); * } else { * dup(); * } * box(Type.getReturnType(this.methodDesc)); * } * visitIntInsn(SIPUSH, opcode); * visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, owner, "onExit", "(Ljava/lang/Object;I)V"); * } * * // An actual call back method. * public static void onExit(final Object exitValue, final int opcode) { * ... * } * </pre> * * @param opcode one of {@link Opcodes#RETURN}, {@link Opcodes#IRETURN}, {@link Opcodes#FRETURN}, * {@link Opcodes#ARETURN}, {@link Opcodes#LRETURN}, {@link Opcodes#DRETURN} or {@link * Opcodes#ATHROW}. */
protected void onMethodExit(final int opcode) {} }