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package com.sun.media.jfxmediaimpl.platform.ios;

import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.MediaError;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.MediaException;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.effects.AudioEqualizer;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.effects.AudioSpectrum;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.effects.EqualizerBand;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.locator.Locator;
import com.sun.media.jfxmedia.control.MediaPlayerOverlay;
import com.sun.media.jfxmediaimpl.NativeMediaPlayer;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;

iOS MediaPlayer implementation.
/** * iOS MediaPlayer implementation. */
public final class IOSMediaPlayer extends NativeMediaPlayer { private IOSMedia iosMedia; private final NullAudioEQ audioEqualizer; private final NullAudioSpectrum audioSpectrum; private final MediaPlayerOverlay mediaPlayerOverlay; private float mutedVolume = 1.0f; // last volume before mute private boolean muteEnabled; // false by default private IOSMediaPlayer(final IOSMedia sourceMedia) { super(sourceMedia); iosMedia = sourceMedia; // run event loop init(); handleError(iosInitPlayer(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef())); audioEqualizer = new NullAudioEQ(); audioSpectrum = new NullAudioSpectrum(); mediaPlayerOverlay = new MediaPlayerOverlayImpl(); } IOSMediaPlayer(final Locator source) { this(new IOSMedia(source)); } @Override public AudioEqualizer getEqualizer() { return audioEqualizer; } @Override public AudioSpectrum getAudioSpectrum() { return audioSpectrum; } @Override public MediaPlayerOverlay getMediaPlayerOverlay() { return mediaPlayerOverlay; } private void handleError(final int err) throws MediaException { if (0 != err) { final MediaError me = MediaError.getFromCode(err); throw new MediaException("Media error occurred", null, me); } } @Override protected long playerGetAudioSyncDelay() throws MediaException { final long[] audioSyncDelay = new long[1]; handleError(iosGetAudioSyncDelay(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), audioSyncDelay)); return audioSyncDelay[0]; } @Override protected void playerSetAudioSyncDelay(final long delay) throws MediaException { handleError(iosSetAudioSyncDelay(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), delay)); } @Override protected void playerPlay() throws MediaException { handleError(iosPlay(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef())); } @Override protected void playerStop() throws MediaException { handleError(iosStop(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef())); } @Override protected void playerPause() throws MediaException { handleError(iosPause(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef())); } @Override protected float playerGetRate() throws MediaException { final float[] rate = new float[1]; handleError(iosGetRate(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), rate)); return rate[0]; } @Override protected void playerSetRate(final float rate) throws MediaException { handleError(iosSetRate(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), rate)); } @Override protected double playerGetPresentationTime() throws MediaException { double[] presentationTime = new double[1]; handleError(iosGetPresentationTime(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), presentationTime)); return presentationTime[0]; } @Override protected boolean playerGetMute() throws MediaException { return muteEnabled; } @Override protected synchronized void playerSetMute(final boolean enable) throws MediaException { if (enable != muteEnabled) { if (enable) { final float currentVolume = getVolume(); playerSetVolume(0); muteEnabled = true; mutedVolume = currentVolume; } else { muteEnabled = false; playerSetVolume(mutedVolume); } } } @Override protected float playerGetVolume() throws MediaException { synchronized(this) { if (muteEnabled) { return mutedVolume; } } final float[] volume = new float[1]; handleError(iosGetVolume(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), volume)); return volume[0]; } @Override protected synchronized void playerSetVolume(final float volume) throws MediaException { if (!muteEnabled) { final int err = iosSetVolume(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), volume); if (0 != err) { handleError(err); } else { mutedVolume = volume; } } else { mutedVolume = volume; } } @Override protected float playerGetBalance() throws MediaException { final float[] balance = new float[1]; handleError(iosGetBalance(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), balance)); return balance[0]; } @Override protected void playerSetBalance(final float balance) throws MediaException { handleError(iosSetBalance(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), balance)); } @Override protected double playerGetDuration() throws MediaException { final double[] durationArr = new double[1]; handleError(iosGetDuration(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), durationArr)); double duration; if (durationArr[0] == -1.0) { duration = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } else { duration = durationArr[0]; } return duration; } @Override protected void playerSeek(final double streamTime) throws MediaException { handleError(iosSeek(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), streamTime)); } @Override protected void playerInit() throws MediaException { } @Override protected void playerFinish() throws MediaException { handleError(iosFinish(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef())); } @Override protected void playerDispose() { iosDispose(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef()); iosMedia = null; } // Native methods private native int iosInitPlayer(long refNativeMedia); private native int iosGetAudioSyncDelay(long refNativeMedia, long[] syncDelay); private native int iosSetAudioSyncDelay(long refNativeMedia, long delay); private native int iosPlay(long refNativeMedia); private native int iosPause(long refNativeMedia); private native int iosStop(long refNativeMedia); private native int iosGetRate(long refNativeMedia, float[] rate); private native int iosSetRate(long refNativeMedia, float rate); private native int iosGetPresentationTime(long refNativeMedia, double[] time); private native int iosGetVolume(long refNativeMedia, float[] volume); private native int iosSetVolume(long refNativeMedia, float volume); private native int iosGetBalance(long refNativeMedia, float[] balance); private native int iosSetBalance(long refNativeMedia, float balance); private native int iosGetDuration(long refNativeMedia, double[] duration); private native int iosSeek(long refNativeMedia, double streamTime); private native void iosDispose(long refNativeMedia); private native int iosFinish(long refNativeMedia); // Overlay native methods private native int iosSetOverlayX(long mediaRef, double x); private native int iosSetOverlayY(long mediaRef, double y); private native int iosSetOverlayVisible(long mediaRef, boolean visible); private native int iosSetOverlayWidth(long mediaRef, double width); private native int iosSetOverlayHeight(long mediaRef, double height); private native int iosSetOverlayPreserveRatio(long mediaRef, boolean preserveRatio); private native int iosSetOverlayOpacity(long mediaRef, double opacity); private native int iosSetOverlayTransform(long mediaRef, double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double mxt, double myx, double myy, double myz, double myt, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double mzt); private static final class NullAudioEQ implements AudioEqualizer { private boolean enabled = false; private Map<Double, EqualizerBand> bands = new HashMap<Double,EqualizerBand>(); public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean bEnable) { enabled = bEnable; } public EqualizerBand addBand(double centerFrequency, double bandwidth, double gain) { Double key = new Double(centerFrequency); if (bands.containsKey(key)) { removeBand(centerFrequency); } EqualizerBand newBand = new NullEQBand(centerFrequency, bandwidth, gain); bands.put(key, newBand); return newBand; } public boolean removeBand(double centerFrequency) { Double key = new Double(centerFrequency); if (bands.containsKey(key)) { bands.remove(key); return true; } return false; } } private static final class NullAudioSpectrum implements AudioSpectrum { private boolean enabled = false; private int bandCount = 128; private double interval = 0.1; private int threshold = 60; private float[] fakeData; public boolean getEnabled() { return enabled; } public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { this.enabled = enabled; } public int getBandCount() { return bandCount; } public void setBandCount(int bands) { bandCount = bands; fakeData = new float[bandCount]; } public double getInterval() { return interval; } public void setInterval(double interval) { this.interval = interval; } public int getSensitivityThreshold() { return threshold; } public void setSensitivityThreshold(int threshold) { this.threshold = threshold; } public float[] getMagnitudes(float[] mag) { int size = fakeData.length; if (mag == null || mag.length < size) { mag = new float[size]; } System.arraycopy(fakeData, 0, mag, 0, size); return mag; } public float[] getPhases(float[] phs) { int size = fakeData.length; if (phs == null || phs.length < size) { phs = new float[size]; } System.arraycopy(fakeData, 0, phs, 0, size); return phs; } } private static final class NullEQBand implements EqualizerBand { private double center; private double bandwidth; private double gain; NullEQBand(double center, double bandwidth, double gain) { this.center = center; this.bandwidth = bandwidth; this.gain = gain; } public double getCenterFrequency() { return center; } public void setCenterFrequency(double centerFrequency) { center = centerFrequency; } public double getBandwidth() { return bandwidth; } public void setBandwidth(double bandwidth) { this.bandwidth = bandwidth; } public double getGain() { return gain; } public void setGain(double gain) { this.gain = gain; } } private final class MediaPlayerOverlayImpl implements MediaPlayerOverlay { @Override public void setOverlayX(final double x) { handleError(iosSetOverlayX(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), x)); } @Override public void setOverlayY(final double y) { handleError(iosSetOverlayY(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), y)); } @Override public void setOverlayVisible(final boolean visible) { handleError(iosSetOverlayVisible(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), visible)); } @Override public void setOverlayWidth(final double width) { handleError(iosSetOverlayWidth(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), width)); } @Override public void setOverlayHeight(final double height) { handleError(iosSetOverlayHeight(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), height)); } @Override public void setOverlayPreserveRatio(final boolean preserveRatio) { handleError(iosSetOverlayPreserveRatio(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), preserveRatio)); } @Override public void setOverlayOpacity(final double opacity) { handleError(iosSetOverlayOpacity(iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), opacity)); } @Override public void setOverlayTransform( final double mxx, final double mxy, final double mxz, final double mxt, final double myx, final double myy, final double myz, final double myt, final double mzx, final double mzy, final double mzz, final double mzt) { handleError(iosSetOverlayTransform( iosMedia.getNativeMediaRef(), mxx, mxy, mxz, mxt, myx, myy, myz, myt, mzx, mzy, mzz, mzt)); } } }