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package com.sun.media.jfxmedia.locator;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
import java.net.HttpURLConnection;
import java.net.JarURLConnection;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URLConnection;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ClosedChannelException;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
import java.util.Map;

Connection holders hold and maintain connection do different kinds of sources
/** * Connection holders hold and maintain connection do different kinds of sources * */
public abstract class ConnectionHolder { private static int DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096; ReadableByteChannel channel; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE); static ConnectionHolder createMemoryConnectionHolder(ByteBuffer buffer) { return new MemoryConnectionHolder(buffer); } static ConnectionHolder createURIConnectionHolder(URI uri, Map<String,Object> connectionProperties) throws IOException { return new URIConnectionHolder(uri, connectionProperties); } static ConnectionHolder createFileConnectionHolder(URI uri) throws IOException { return new FileConnectionHolder(uri); } static ConnectionHolder createHLSConnectionHolder(URI uri) throws IOException { return new HLSConnectionHolder(uri); }
Reads a block of data from the current position of the opened stream.
Returns:The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel has reached end-of-stream.
/** * Reads a block of data from the current position of the opened stream. * * @return The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the channel * has reached end-of-stream. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if an attempt is made to read after * closeConnection has been called */
public int readNextBlock() throws IOException { buffer.rewind(); if (buffer.limit() < buffer.capacity()) { buffer.limit(buffer.capacity()); } // avoid NPE if channel does not exist or has been closed if (null == channel) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } return channel.read(buffer); } public ByteBuffer getBuffer() { return buffer; }
Reads a block of data from the arbitrary position of the opened stream.
Returns:The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the given position is greater than or equal to the file's current size.
/** * Reads a block of data from the arbitrary position of the opened stream. * * @return The number of bytes read, possibly zero, or -1 if the given position * is greater than or equal to the file's current size. * * @throws ClosedChannelException if an attempt is made to read after * closeConnection has been called */
abstract int readBlock(long position, int size) throws IOException;
Detects whether this source needs buffering at the pipeline level. When true the pipeline contains progressbuffer after the source.
Returns:true if the source needs a buffer, false otherwise.
/** * Detects whether this source needs buffering at the pipeline level. * When true the pipeline contains progressbuffer after the source. * * @return true if the source needs a buffer, false otherwise. */
abstract boolean needBuffer();
Detects whether the source is seekable.
Returns:true if the source is seekable, false otherwise.
/** * Detects whether the source is seekable. * @return true if the source is seekable, false otherwise. */
abstract boolean isSeekable();
Detects whether the source is a random access source. If the method returns true then the source is capable of working in pull mode. To be able to work in pull mode holder must provide implementation.
Returns:true is the source is random access, false otherwise.
/** * Detects whether the source is a random access source. If the method returns * true then the source is capable of working in pull mode. To be able to work * in pull mode holder must provide implementation. * @return true is the source is random access, false otherwise. */
abstract boolean isRandomAccess();
Performs a seek request to the desired position.
Returns:-1 if the seek request failed or new stream position
/** * Performs a seek request to the desired position. * * @return -1 if the seek request failed or new stream position */
public abstract long seek(long position);
Closes connection when done. Overriding methods should call this method in the beginning of their implementation.
/** * Closes connection when done. * Overriding methods should call this method in the beginning of their implementation. */
public void closeConnection() { try { if (channel != null) { channel.close(); } } catch (IOException ioex) {} finally { channel = null; } }
Get or set properties.
  • prop – - Property ID.
  • value – - Depends on property ID.
Returns:- Depends on property ID.
/** * Get or set properties. * * @param prop - Property ID. * @param value - Depends on property ID. * @return - Depends on property ID. */
int property(int prop, int value) { return 0; }
Get stream size. Behavior can vary based on subclass implementation. For example HLS will load next segment and return segment size.
Returns:- Stream size.
/** * Get stream size. * Behavior can vary based on subclass implementation. * For example HLS will load next segment and return segment size. * * @return - Stream size. */
int getStreamSize() { return -1; } private static class FileConnectionHolder extends ConnectionHolder { private RandomAccessFile file = null; FileConnectionHolder(URI uri) throws IOException { channel = openFile(uri); } boolean needBuffer() { return false; } boolean isRandomAccess() { return true; } boolean isSeekable() { return true; } public long seek(long position) { try { ((FileChannel)channel).position(position); return position; } catch(IOException ioex) { return -1; } } int readBlock(long position, int size) throws IOException { if (null == channel) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if (buffer.capacity() < size) { buffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(size); } buffer.rewind().limit(size); return ((FileChannel)channel).read(buffer, position); } private ReadableByteChannel openFile(final URI uri) throws IOException { if (file != null) { file.close(); } file = new RandomAccessFile(new File(uri), "r"); return file.getChannel(); } @Override public void closeConnection() { super.closeConnection(); if (file != null) { try { file.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } finally { file = null; } } } } private static class URIConnectionHolder extends ConnectionHolder { private URI uri; private URLConnection urlConnection; URIConnectionHolder(URI uri, Map<String,Object> connectionProperties) throws IOException { this.uri = uri; urlConnection = uri.toURL().openConnection(); if (connectionProperties != null) { for(Map.Entry<String,Object> entry : connectionProperties.entrySet()) { Object value = entry.getValue(); if (value instanceof String) { urlConnection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), (String)value); } } } channel = openChannel(null); } boolean needBuffer() { String scheme = uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(); return ("http".equals(scheme) || "https".equals(scheme)); } boolean isSeekable() { return (urlConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection) || (urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) || isJRT(); } boolean isRandomAccess() { return false; } int readBlock(long position, int size) throws IOException { throw new IOException(); } public long seek(long position) { if (urlConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection) { URLConnection tmpURLConnection = null; //closeConnection(); try{ tmpURLConnection = uri.toURL().openConnection(); HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection)tmpURLConnection; httpConnection.setRequestMethod("GET"); httpConnection.setUseCaches(false); httpConnection.setRequestProperty("Range", "bytes=" + position + "-"); // If range request worked properly we should get responce code 206 (HTTP_PARTIAL) // Else fail seek and let progressbuffer to download all data. It is pointless for us to download it and throw away. if (httpConnection.getResponseCode() == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL) { closeConnection(); urlConnection = tmpURLConnection; tmpURLConnection = null; channel = openChannel(null); return position; } else { return -1; } } catch (IOException ioex) { return -1; } finally { if (tmpURLConnection != null) { Locator.closeConnection(tmpURLConnection); } } } else if ((urlConnection instanceof JarURLConnection) || isJRT()) { try { closeConnection(); urlConnection = uri.toURL().openConnection(); // Skip data that we do not need long skip_left = position; InputStream inputStream = urlConnection.getInputStream(); do { long skip = inputStream.skip(skip_left); skip_left -= skip; } while (skip_left > 0); channel = openChannel(inputStream); return position; } catch (IOException ioex) { return -1; } } return -1; } @Override public void closeConnection() { super.closeConnection(); Locator.closeConnection(urlConnection); urlConnection = null; } private ReadableByteChannel openChannel(InputStream inputStream) throws IOException { return (inputStream == null) ? Channels.newChannel(urlConnection.getInputStream()) : Channels.newChannel(inputStream); } private boolean isJRT() { String scheme = uri.getScheme().toLowerCase(); return "jrt".equals(scheme); } } // A "ConnectionHolder" that "reads" from a ByteBuffer, generally loaded from // some unsupported or buggy source private static class MemoryConnectionHolder extends ConnectionHolder { private final ByteBuffer backingBuffer; public MemoryConnectionHolder(ByteBuffer buf) { if (null == buf) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't connect to null buffer..."); } if (buf.isDirect()) { // we can use it, or rather a duplicate directly backingBuffer = buf.duplicate(); } else { // operate on a copy of the buffer backingBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(buf.capacity()); backingBuffer.put(buf); } // rewind since the default position is expected to be at zero backingBuffer.rewind(); // readNextBlock should never be called since we're random access // but just to be safe (and for unit tests...) channel = new ReadableByteChannel() { public int read(ByteBuffer bb) throws IOException { if (backingBuffer.remaining() <= 0) { return -1; // EOS } int actual; if (bb.equals(buffer)) { // we'll cheat here as we know that bb is buffer and rather // than copy the data, just slice it like for readBlock actual = Math.min(DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE, backingBuffer.remaining()); if (actual > 0) { buffer = backingBuffer.slice(); buffer.limit(actual); } } else { actual = Math.min(bb.remaining(), backingBuffer.remaining()); if (actual > 0) { backingBuffer.limit(backingBuffer.position() + actual); bb.put(backingBuffer); backingBuffer.limit(backingBuffer.capacity()); } } return actual; } public boolean isOpen() { return true; // open 24/7/365 } public void close() throws IOException { // never closed... } }; } @Override int readBlock(long position, int size) throws IOException { // mimic stream behavior if (null == channel) { throw new ClosedChannelException(); } if ((int)position > backingBuffer.capacity()) { return -1; //EOS } backingBuffer.position((int)position); buffer = backingBuffer.slice(); int actual = Math.min(backingBuffer.remaining(), size); buffer.limit(actual); // only give as much as asked backingBuffer.position(backingBuffer.position() + actual); return actual; } @Override boolean needBuffer() { return false; } @Override boolean isSeekable() { return true; } @Override boolean isRandomAccess() { return true; } @Override public long seek(long position) { if ((int)position < backingBuffer.capacity()) { backingBuffer.limit(backingBuffer.capacity()); backingBuffer.position((int)position); return position; } return -1; } @Override public void closeConnection() { // more stream behavior mimicry channel = null; } } }