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package javafx.scene.transform;

import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.Affine3D;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.SimpleDoubleProperty;
import javafx.geometry.Point2D;
import javafx.geometry.Point3D;

// PENDING_DOC_REVIEW of this whole class

The Affine class represents a general affine transform. An affine transform performs a linear mapping from 2D/3D coordinates to other 2D/3D coordinates while preserving the "straightness" and "parallelness" of lines. Affine transformations can be constructed using sequence rotations, translations, scales, and shears.

For simple transformations application developers should use the specific Translate, Scale, Rotate, or Shear transforms, which are more lightweight and thus more optimal for this simple purpose. The Affine class, on the other hand, has the advantage of being able to represent a general affine transform and perform matrix operations on it in place, so it fits better for more complex transformation usages.

Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3 row by 4 column matrix. This matrix transforms source coordinates (x,y,z) into destination coordinates (x',y',z') by considering them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector by the matrix according to the following process:

     [ x']   [  mxx  mxy  mxz  tx  ] [ x ]   [ mxx * x + mxy * y + mxz * z + tx ]
     [ y'] = [  myx  myy  myz  ty  ] [ y ] = [ myx * x + myy * y + myz * z + ty ]
     [ z']   [  mzx  mzy  mzz  tz  ] [ z ]   [ mzx * x + mzy * y + mzz * z + tz ]
                                     [ 1 ]
Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * <p> * The {@code Affine} class represents a general affine transform. An affine * transform performs a linear mapping from 2D/3D coordinates to other 2D/3D * coordinates while preserving the "straightness" and "parallelness" * of lines. * Affine transformations can be constructed using sequence rotations, * translations, scales, and shears.</p> * * <p> * For simple transformations application developers should use the * specific {@code Translate}, {@code Scale}, {@code Rotate}, or {@code Shear} * transforms, which are more lightweight and thus more optimal for this simple * purpose. The {@code Affine} class, on the other hand, has the advantage * of being able to represent a general affine transform and perform matrix * operations on it in place, so it fits better for more complex transformation * usages.</p> * <p> * Such a coordinate transformation can be represented by a 3 row by * 4 column matrix. This matrix transforms source coordinates {@code (x,y,z)} * into destination coordinates {@code (x',y',z')} by considering * them to be a column vector and multiplying the coordinate vector * by the matrix according to the following process:</p> * * <pre> * [ x'] [ mxx mxy mxz tx ] [ x ] [ mxx * x + mxy * y + mxz * z + tx ] * [ y'] = [ myx myy myz ty ] [ y ] = [ myx * x + myy * y + myz * z + ty ] * [ z'] [ mzx mzy mzz tz ] [ z ] [ mzx * x + mzy * y + mzz * z + tz ] * [ 1 ] * </pre> * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public class Affine extends Transform {
Tracks atomic changes of more elements.
/** * Tracks atomic changes of more elements. */
AffineAtomicChange atomicChange = new AffineAtomicChange();
This constant is used for the internal state2d variable to indicate that no calculations need to be performed and that the source coordinates only need to be copied to their destinations to complete the transformation equation of this transform.
See Also:
  • state2d
/** * This constant is used for the internal state2d variable to indicate * that no calculations need to be performed and that the source * coordinates only need to be copied to their destinations to * complete the transformation equation of this transform. * @see #state2d */
private static final int APPLY_IDENTITY = 0;
This constant is used for the internal state2d and state3d variables that the translation components of the matrix need to be added to complete the transformation equation of this transform.
See Also:
/** * This constant is used for the internal state2d and state3d variables * that the translation components of the matrix need to be added * to complete the transformation equation of this transform. * @see #state2d * @see #state3d */
private static final int APPLY_TRANSLATE = 1;
This constant is used for the internal state2d and state3d variables to indicate that the scaling components of the matrix need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. If the APPLY_SHEAR bit is also set then it indicates that the scaling components are 0.0. If the APPLY_SHEAR bit is not also set then it indicates that the scaling components are not 1.0. If neither the APPLY_SHEAR nor the APPLY_SCALE bits are set then the scaling components are 1.0, which means that the x and y components contribute to the transformed coordinate, but they are not multiplied by any scaling factor.
See Also:
/** * This constant is used for the internal state2d and state3d variables * to indicate that the scaling components of the matrix need * to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of * this transform. If the APPLY_SHEAR bit is also set then it * indicates that the scaling components are 0.0. If the * APPLY_SHEAR bit is not also set then it indicates that the * scaling components are not 1.0. If neither the APPLY_SHEAR * nor the APPLY_SCALE bits are set then the scaling components * are 1.0, which means that the x and y components contribute * to the transformed coordinate, but they are not multiplied by * any scaling factor. * @see #state2d * @see #state3d */
private static final int APPLY_SCALE = 2;
This constant is used for the internal state2d variable to indicate that the shearing components of the matrix (mxy and myx) need to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this transform. The presence of this bit in the state variable changes the interpretation of the APPLY_SCALE bit as indicated in its documentation.
See Also:
  • state2d
/** * This constant is used for the internal state2d variable to indicate * that the shearing components of the matrix (mxy and myx) need * to be factored in to complete the transformation equation of this * transform. The presence of this bit in the state variable changes * the interpretation of the APPLY_SCALE bit as indicated in its * documentation. * @see #state2d */
private static final int APPLY_SHEAR = 4;
This constant is used for the internal state3d variable to indicate that the matrix represents a 2D-only transform.
/** * This constant is used for the internal state3d variable to indicate * that the matrix represents a 2D-only transform. */
private static final int APPLY_NON_3D = 0;
This constant is used for the internal state3d variable to indicate that the matrix is not in any of the recognized simple states and therefore needs a full usage of all elements to complete the transformation equation of this transform.
/** * This constant is used for the internal state3d variable to indicate * that the matrix is not in any of the recognized simple states * and therefore needs a full usage of all elements to complete * the transformation equation of this transform. */
private static final int APPLY_3D_COMPLEX = 4;
If this is a 2D transform, this field keeps track of which components of the matrix need to be applied when performing a transformation. If this is a 3D transform, its state is store in the state3d variable and value of state2d is undefined.
See Also:
/** * If this is a 2D transform, this field keeps track of which components * of the matrix need to be applied when performing a transformation. * If this is a 3D transform, its state is store in the state3d variable * and value of state2d is undefined. * @see #APPLY_IDENTITY * @see #APPLY_TRANSLATE * @see #APPLY_SCALE * @see #APPLY_SHEAR * @see #state3d * @see #updateState() */
private transient int state2d;
This field keeps track of whether or not this transform is 3D and if so it tracks several simple states that can be treated faster. If the state is equal to APPLY_NON_3D, this is a 2D transform with its state stored in the state2d variable. If the state is equal to APPLY_3D_COMPLEX, the matrix is not in any of the simple states and needs to be fully processed. Otherwise we recognize scale (mxx, myy and mzz are not all equal to 1.0), translation (tx, ty and tz are not all equal to 0.0) and their combination. In one of the simple states all of the other elements of the matrix are equal to 0.0 (not even shear is allowed).
See Also:
/** * This field keeps track of whether or not this transform is 3D and if so * it tracks several simple states that can be treated faster. If the state * is equal to APPLY_NON_3D, this is a 2D transform with its state stored * in the state2d variable. If the state is equal to APPLY_3D_COMPLEX, * the matrix is not in any of the simple states and needs to be fully * processed. Otherwise we recognize scale (mxx, myy and mzz * are not all equal to 1.0), translation (tx, ty and tz are not all * equal to 0.0) and their combination. In one of the simple states * all of the other elements of the matrix are equal to 0.0 (not even * shear is allowed). * @see #APPLY_NON_3D * @see #APPLY_TRANSLATE * @see #APPLY_SCALE * @see #APPLY_3D_COMPLEX * @see #state2d * @see #updateState() */
private transient int state3d; // Variables used for the elements until user requests creation // of the heavy-weight properties private double xx; private double xy; private double xz; private double yx; private double yy; private double yz; private double zx; private double zy; private double zz; private double xt; private double yt; private double zt;
Creates a new instance of Affine containing an identity transform.
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code Affine} containing an identity transform. */
public Affine() { xx = yy = zz = 1.0; }
Creates a new instance of Affine filled with the values from the specified transform.
  • transform – transform whose matrix is to be filled to the new instance
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code Affine} filled with the values from * the specified transform. * @param transform transform whose matrix is to be filled to the new * instance * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code transform} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public Affine(Transform transform) { this(transform.getMxx(), transform.getMxy(), transform.getMxz(), transform.getTx(), transform.getMyx(), transform.getMyy(), transform.getMyz(), transform.getTy(), transform.getMzx(), transform.getMzy(), transform.getMzz(), transform.getTz()); }
Creates a new instance of Affine with a 2D transform specified by the element values.
  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element
  • myx – the YX coordinate element
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code Affine} with a 2D transform specified * by the element values. * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element * @param mxy the XY coordinate element * @param tx the X coordinate translation element * @param myx the YX coordinate element * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public Affine(double mxx, double mxy, double tx, double myx, double myy, double ty) { xx = mxx; xy = mxy; xt = tx; yx = myx; yy = myy; yt = ty; zz = 1.0; updateState2D(); }
Creates a new instance of Affine with a transform specified by the element values.
  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element
  • mxz – the XZ coordinate element
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element
  • myx – the YX coordinate element
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element
  • myz – the YZ coordinate element
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element
  • mzx – the ZX coordinate element
  • mzy – the ZY coordinate element
  • mzz – the Z coordinate scaling element
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code Affine} with a transform specified * by the element values. * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element * @param mxy the XY coordinate element * @param mxz the XZ coordinate element * @param tx the X coordinate translation element * @param myx the YX coordinate element * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element * @param myz the YZ coordinate element * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element * @param mzx the ZX coordinate element * @param mzy the ZY coordinate element * @param mzz the Z coordinate scaling element * @param tz the Z coordinate translation element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public Affine(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx, double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz) { xx = mxx; xy = mxy; xz = mxz; xt = tx; yx = myx; yy = myy; yz = myz; yt = ty; zx = mzx; zy = mzy; zz = mzz; zt = tz; updateState(); }
Creates a new instance of Affine with a transformation matrix specified by an array.
  • matrix – array containing the flattened transformation matrix
  • type – type of matrix contained in the array
  • offset – offset of the first element in the array
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Creates a new instance of {@code Affine} with a transformation matrix * specified by an array. * @param matrix array containing the flattened transformation matrix * @param type type of matrix contained in the array * @param offset offset of the first element in the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array is too short for * the specified {@code type} and {@code offset} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified matrix is not affine * (the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 1]} or * the last line of a 3D 4x4 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 0, 1]}. * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code matrix} * or {@code type} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public Affine(double[] matrix, MatrixType type, int offset) { if (matrix.length < offset + type.elements()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The array is too short."); } switch(type) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case MT_2D_3x3: if (matrix[offset + 6] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 7] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 8] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_2D_2x3: xx = matrix[offset++]; xy = matrix[offset++]; xt = matrix[offset++]; yx = matrix[offset++]; yy = matrix[offset++]; yt = matrix[offset]; zz = 1.0; updateState2D(); return; case MT_3D_4x4: if (matrix[offset + 12] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 13] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 14] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 15] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_3D_3x4: xx = matrix[offset++]; xy = matrix[offset++]; xz = matrix[offset++]; xt = matrix[offset++]; yx = matrix[offset++]; yy = matrix[offset++]; yz = matrix[offset++]; yt = matrix[offset++]; zx = matrix[offset++]; zy = matrix[offset++]; zz = matrix[offset++]; zt = matrix[offset]; updateState(); return; } }
Defines the X coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the X coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mxx; public final void setMxx(double value) { if (mxx == null) { if (xx != value) { xx = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mxxProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMxx() { return mxx == null ? xx : mxx.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mxxProperty() { if (mxx == null) { mxx = new AffineElementProperty(xx) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mxx"; } }; } return mxx; }
Defines the XY coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the XY coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mxy; public final void setMxy(double value) { if (mxy == null) { if (xy != value) { xy = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mxyProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMxy() { return mxy == null ? xy : mxy.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mxyProperty() { if (mxy == null) { mxy = new AffineElementProperty(xy) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mxy"; } }; } return mxy; }
Defines the XZ coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the XZ coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mxz; public final void setMxz(double value) { if (mxz == null) { if (xz != value) { xz = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mxzProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMxz() { return mxz == null ? xz : mxz.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mxzProperty() { if (mxz == null) { mxz = new AffineElementProperty(xz) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mxz"; } }; } return mxz; }
Defines the X coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the X coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty tx; public final void setTx(double value) { if (tx == null) { if (xt != value) { xt = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { txProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getTx() { return tx == null ? xt : tx.get(); } public final DoubleProperty txProperty() { if (tx == null) { tx = new AffineElementProperty(xt) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "tx"; } }; } return tx; }
Defines the YX coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the YX coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty myx; public final void setMyx(double value) { if (myx == null) { if (yx != value) { yx = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { myxProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMyx() { return myx == null ? yx : myx.get(); } public final DoubleProperty myxProperty() { if (myx == null) { myx = new AffineElementProperty(yx) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "myx"; } }; } return myx; }
Defines the Y coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the Y coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty myy; public final void setMyy(double value) { if (myy == null) { if (yy != value) { yy = value; postProcessChange(); } } else{ myyProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMyy() { return myy == null ? yy : myy.get(); } public final DoubleProperty myyProperty() { if (myy == null) { myy = new AffineElementProperty(yy) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "myy"; } }; } return myy; }
Defines the YZ coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the YZ coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty myz; public final void setMyz(double value) { if (myz == null) { if (yz != value) { yz = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { myzProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMyz() { return myz == null ? yz : myz.get(); } public final DoubleProperty myzProperty() { if (myz == null) { myz = new AffineElementProperty(yz) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "myz"; } }; } return myz; }
Defines the Y coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the Y coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty ty; public final void setTy(double value) { if (ty == null) { if (yt != value) { yt = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { tyProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getTy() { return ty == null ? yt : ty.get(); } public final DoubleProperty tyProperty() { if (ty == null) { ty = new AffineElementProperty(yt) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "ty"; } }; } return ty; }
Defines the ZX coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the ZX coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mzx; public final void setMzx(double value) { if (mzx == null) { if (zx != value) { zx = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mzxProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMzx() { return mzx == null ? zx : mzx.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mzxProperty() { if (mzx == null) { mzx = new AffineElementProperty(zx) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mzx"; } }; } return mzx; }
Defines the ZY coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the ZY coordinate element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mzy; public final void setMzy(double value) { if (mzy == null) { if (zy != value) { zy = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mzyProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMzy() { return mzy == null ? zy : mzy.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mzyProperty() { if (mzy == null) { mzy = new AffineElementProperty(zy) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mzy"; } }; } return mzy; }
Defines the Z coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the Z coordinate scaling element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty mzz; public final void setMzz(double value) { if (mzz == null) { if (zz != value) { zz = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { mzzProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getMzz() { return mzz == null ? zz : mzz.get(); } public final DoubleProperty mzzProperty() { if (mzz == null) { mzz = new AffineElementProperty(zz) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "mzz"; } }; } return mzz; }
Defines the Z coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix.
/** * Defines the Z coordinate translation element of the 3x4 matrix. */
private AffineElementProperty tz; public final void setTz(double value) { if (tz == null) { if (zt != value) { zt = value; postProcessChange(); } } else { tzProperty().set(value); } } @Override public final double getTz() { return tz == null ? zt : tz.get(); } public final DoubleProperty tzProperty() { if (tz == null) { tz = new AffineElementProperty(zt) { @Override public Object getBean() { return Affine.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "tz"; } }; } return tz; }
Sets the specified element of the transformation matrix.
  • type – type of matrix to work with
  • row – zero-based row number
  • column – zero-based column number
  • value – new value of the specified transformation matrix element
  • IndexOutOfBoundsException – if the indices are not within the specified matrix type
  • IllegalArgumentException – if setting the value would break transform's affinity (for convenience the method allows to set the elements of the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix to [0, 0, 1] and the elements of the last line of a 3D 4x4 matrix to [0, 0, 0, 1]).
  • NullPointerException – if the specified type is null
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Sets the specified element of the transformation matrix. * @param type type of matrix to work with * @param row zero-based row number * @param column zero-based column number * @param value new value of the specified transformation matrix element * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the indices are not within * the specified matrix type * @throws IllegalArgumentException if setting the value would break * transform's affinity (for convenience the method allows to set * the elements of the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix to * {@code [0, 0, 1]} and the elements of the last line * of a 3D 4x4 matrix to {@code [0, 0, 0, 1]}). * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code type} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setElement(MatrixType type, int row, int column, double value) { if (row < 0 || row >= type.rows() || column < 0 || column >= type.columns()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Index outside of affine " + "matrix " + type + ": [" + row + ", " + column + "]"); } switch(type) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case MT_2D_2x3: // fall-through case MT_2D_3x3: if (!isType2D()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot access 2D matrix " + "of a 3D transform"); } switch(row) { case 0: switch(column) { case 0: setMxx(value); return; case 1: setMxy(value); return; case 2: setTx(value); return; } case 1: switch(column) { case 0: setMyx(value); return; case 1: setMyy(value); return; case 2: setTy(value); return; } case 2: switch(column) { case 0: if (value == 0.0) return; else break; case 1: if (value == 0.0) return; else break; case 2: if (value == 1.0) return; else break; } } break; case MT_3D_3x4: // fall-through case MT_3D_4x4: switch(row) { case 0: switch(column) { case 0: setMxx(value); return; case 1: setMxy(value); return; case 2: setMxz(value); return; case 3: setTx(value); return; } case 1: switch(column) { case 0: setMyx(value); return; case 1: setMyy(value); return; case 2: setMyz(value); return; case 3: setTy(value); return; } case 2: switch(column) { case 0: setMzx(value); return; case 1: setMzy(value); return; case 2: setMzz(value); return; case 3: setTz(value); return; } case 3: switch(column) { case 0: if (value == 0.0) return; else break; case 1: if (value == 0.0) return; else break; case 2: if (value == 0.0) return; else break; case 3: if (value == 1.0) return; else break; } } break; } // reaches here when last line is set to something else than 0 .. 0 1 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set affine matrix " + type + " element " + "[" + row + ", " + column + "] to " + value); }
Affine element property which handles the atomic changes of more properties.
/** * Affine element property which handles the atomic changes of more * properties. */
private class AffineElementProperty extends SimpleDoubleProperty { private boolean needsValueChangedEvent = false; private double oldValue; public AffineElementProperty(double initialValue) { super(initialValue); } @Override public void invalidated() { // if an atomic change runs, postpone the change notifications if (!atomicChange.runs()) { updateState(); transformChanged(); } } @Override protected void fireValueChangedEvent() { // if an atomic change runs, postpone the change notifications if (!atomicChange.runs()) { super.fireValueChangedEvent(); } else { needsValueChangedEvent = true; } }
Called before an atomic change
/** * Called before an atomic change */
private void preProcessAtomicChange() { // remember the value before an atomic change oldValue = get(); }
Called after an atomic change
/** * Called after an atomic change */
private void postProcessAtomicChange() { // if there was a change notification during the atomic change, // fire it now if (needsValueChangedEvent) { needsValueChangedEvent = false; // the value might have change back an forth // (happens quite commonly for transforms with pivot) if (oldValue != get()) { super.fireValueChangedEvent(); } } } }
Called by each element property after value change to update the state variables and call transform change notifications. If an atomic change runs, this is a NOP and the work is done in the end of the entire atomic change.
/** * Called by each element property after value change to * update the state variables and call transform change notifications. * If an atomic change runs, this is a NOP and the work is done * in the end of the entire atomic change. */
private void postProcessChange() { if (!atomicChange.runs()) { updateState(); transformChanged(); } } /* ************************************************************************* * * * State getters * * * **************************************************************************/ @Override boolean computeIs2D() { return (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D); } @Override boolean computeIsIdentity() { return state3d == APPLY_NON_3D && state2d == APPLY_IDENTITY; } @Override public double determinant() { if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { return getDeterminant2D(); } else { return getDeterminant3D(); } }
2D implementation of determinant(). The behavior is undefined if this is a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code determinant()}. * The behavior is undefined if this is a 3D transform. * @return determinant */
private double getDeterminant2D() { // assert(state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: return getMxx() * getMyy() - getMxy() * getMyx(); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: return -(getMxy() * getMyx()); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: return getMxx() * getMyy(); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: return 1.0; } }
3D implementation of determinant(). The behavior is undefined if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code determinant()}. * The behavior is undefined if this is a 2D transform. * @return determinant */
private double getDeterminant3D() { // assert(state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return 1.0; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return getMxx() * getMyy() * getMzz(); case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: final double myx = getMyx(); final double myy = getMyy(); final double myz = getMyz(); final double mzx = getMzx(); final double mzy = getMzy(); final double mzz = getMzz(); return (getMxx() * (myy * mzz - mzy * myz) + getMxy() * (myz * mzx - mzz * myx) + getMxz() * (myx * mzy - mzx * myy)); } } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Transform creators * * * **************************************************************************/ @Override public Transform createConcatenation(Transform transform) { Affine a = clone(); a.append(transform); return a; } @Override public Affine createInverse() throws NonInvertibleTransformException { Affine t = clone(); t.invert(); return t; } @Override public Affine clone() { return new Affine(this); } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Matrix setters * * * **************************************************************************/
Sets the values of this instance to the values provided by the specified transform.
  • transform – transform whose matrix is to be filled to this instance
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Sets the values of this instance to the values provided by the specified * transform. * @param transform transform whose matrix is to be filled to this instance * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code transform} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setToTransform(Transform transform) { setToTransform( transform.getMxx(), transform.getMxy(), transform.getMxz(), transform.getTx(), transform.getMyx(), transform.getMyy(), transform.getMyz(), transform.getTy(), transform.getMzx(), transform.getMzy(), transform.getMzz(), transform.getTz()); }
Sets the values of this instance to the 2D transform specified by the element values.
  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element
  • myx – the YX coordinate element
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Sets the values of this instance to the 2D transform specified * by the element values. * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element * @param mxy the XY coordinate element * @param tx the X coordinate translation element * @param myx the YX coordinate element * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setToTransform(double mxx, double mxy, double tx, double myx, double myy, double ty) { setToTransform(mxx, mxy, 0.0, tx, myx, myy, 0.0, ty, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); }
Sets the values of this instance to the transform specified by the element values.
  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element
  • mxz – the XZ coordinate element
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element
  • myx – the YX coordinate element
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element
  • myz – the YZ coordinate element
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element
  • mzx – the ZX coordinate element
  • mzy – the ZY coordinate element
  • mzz – the Z coordinate scaling element
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Sets the values of this instance to the transform specified * by the element values. * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element * @param mxy the XY coordinate element * @param mxz the XZ coordinate element * @param tx the X coordinate translation element * @param myx the YX coordinate element * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element * @param myz the YZ coordinate element * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element * @param mzx the ZX coordinate element * @param mzy the ZY coordinate element * @param mzz the Z coordinate scaling element * @param tz the Z coordinate translation element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setToTransform(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx, double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz) { atomicChange.start(); setMxx(mxx); setMxy(mxy); setMxz(mxz); setTx(tx); setMyx(myx); setMyy(myy); setMyz(myz); setTy(ty); setMzx(mzx); setMzy(mzy); setMzz(mzz); setTz(tz); updateState(); atomicChange.end(); }
Sets the values of this instance to the transformation matrix specified by an array.
  • matrix – array containing the flattened transformation matrix
  • type – type of matrix contained in the array
  • offset – offset of the first element in the array
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Sets the values of this instance to the transformation matrix * specified by an array. * @param matrix array containing the flattened transformation matrix * @param type type of matrix contained in the array * @param offset offset of the first element in the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array is too short for * the specified {@code type} and {@code offset} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified matrix is not affine * (the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 1]} or * the last line of a 3D 4x4 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 0, 1]}. * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code matrix} * or {@code type} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setToTransform(double[] matrix, MatrixType type, int offset) { if (matrix.length < offset + type.elements()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The array is too short."); } switch(type) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case MT_2D_3x3: if (matrix[offset + 6] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 7] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 8] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_2D_2x3: setToTransform(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; case MT_3D_4x4: if (matrix[offset + 12] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 13] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 14] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 15] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_3D_3x4: setToTransform(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; } }
Resets this transform to the identity transform.
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Resets this transform to the identity transform. * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void setToIdentity() { atomicChange.start(); if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { setMxx(1.0); setMxy(0.0); setMxz(0.0); setTx(0.0); setMyx(0.0); setMyy(1.0); setMyz(0.0); setTy(0.0); setMzx(0.0); setMzy(0.0); setMzz(1.0); setTz(0.0); state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else if (state2d != APPLY_IDENTITY) { setMxx(1.0); setMxy(0.0); setTx(0.0); setMyx(0.0); setMyy(1.0); setTy(0.0); state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } atomicChange.end(); } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Matrix operations * * * **************************************************************************/ /* ************************************************* * Inversion * **************************************************/
Inverts this transform in place.
  • NonInvertibleTransformException – if this transform cannot be inverted
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * Inverts this transform in place. * @throws NonInvertibleTransformException if this transform * cannot be inverted * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void invert() throws NonInvertibleTransformException { atomicChange.start(); if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { invert2D(); updateState2D(); } else { invert3D(); updateState(); } atomicChange.end(); }
2D implementation of invert(). The behavior is undefined for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code invert()}. * The behavior is undefined for a 3D transform. */
private void invert2D() throws NonInvertibleTransformException { double Mxx, Mxy, Mxt; double Myx, Myy, Myt; double det; // assert(state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: Mxx = getMxx(); Mxy = getMxy(); Mxt = getTx(); Myx = getMyx(); Myy = getMyy(); Myt = getTy(); det = getDeterminant2D(); if (det == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(Myy / det); setMyx(-Myx / det); setMxy(-Mxy / det); setMyy(Mxx / det); setTx((Mxy * Myt - Myy * Mxt) / det); setTy((Myx * Mxt - Mxx * Myt) / det); return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: Mxx = getMxx(); Mxy = getMxy(); Myx = getMyx(); Myy = getMyy(); det = getDeterminant2D(); if (det == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(Myy / det); setMyx(-Myx / det); setMxy(-Mxy / det); setMyy(Mxx / det); return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: Mxy = getMxy(); Mxt = getTx(); Myx = getMyx(); Myt = getTy(); if (Mxy == 0.0 || Myx == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMyx(1.0 / Mxy); setMxy(1.0 / Myx); setTx(-Myt / Myx); setTy(-Mxt / Mxy); return; case APPLY_SHEAR: Mxy = getMxy(); Myx = getMyx(); if (Mxy == 0.0 || Myx == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMyx(1.0 / Mxy); setMxy(1.0 / Myx); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: Mxx = getMxx(); Mxt = getTx(); Myy = getMyy(); Myt = getTy(); if (Mxx == 0.0 || Myy == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(1.0 / Mxx); setMyy(1.0 / Myy); setTx(-Mxt / Mxx); setTy(-Myt / Myy); return; case APPLY_SCALE: Mxx = getMxx(); Myy = getMyy(); if (Mxx == 0.0 || Myy == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(1.0 / Mxx); setMyy(1.0 / Myy); return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(-getTx()); setTy(-getTy()); return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: return; } }
3D implementation of invert(). The behavior is undefined if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code invert()}. * The behavior is undefined if this is a 2D transform. */
private void invert3D() throws NonInvertibleTransformException { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(-getTx()); setTy(-getTy()); setTz(-getTz()); return; case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); final double mzz_s = getMzz(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0 || mzz_s == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(1.0 / mxx_s); setMyy(1.0 / myy_s); setMzz(1.0 / mzz_s); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxx_st = getMxx(); final double tx_st = getTx(); final double myy_st = getMyy(); final double ty_st = getTy(); final double mzz_st = getMzz(); final double tz_st = getTz(); if (mxx_st == 0.0 || myy_st == 0.0 || mzz_st == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } setMxx(1.0 / mxx_st); setMyy(1.0 / myy_st); setMzz(1.0 / mzz_st); setTx(-tx_st / mxx_st); setTy(-ty_st / myy_st); setTz(-tz_st / mzz_st); return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: // InvM = Transpose(Cofactor(M)) / det(M) // Cofactor(M) = matrix of cofactors(0..3,0..3) // cofactor(r,c) = (-1 if r+c is odd) * minor(r,c) // minor(r,c) = det(M with row r and col c removed) // For an Affine3D matrix, minor(r, 3) is {0, 0, 0, det} // which generates {0, 0, 0, 1} and so can be ignored. final double mxx = getMxx(); final double mxy = getMxy(); final double mxz = getMxz(); final double tx = getTx(); final double myx = getMyx(); final double myy = getMyy(); final double myz = getMyz(); final double ty = getTy(); final double mzy = getMzy(); final double mzx = getMzx(); final double mzz = getMzz(); final double tz = getTz(); final double det = mxx * (myy * mzz - mzy * myz) + mxy * (myz * mzx - mzz * myx) + mxz * (myx * mzy - mzx * myy); if (det == 0.0) { atomicChange.cancel(); throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } final double cxx = myy * mzz - myz * mzy; final double cyx = - myx * mzz + myz * mzx; final double czx = myx * mzy - myy * mzx; final double cxt = - mxy * (myz * tz - mzz * ty) - mxz * (ty * mzy - tz * myy) - tx * (myy * mzz - mzy * myz); final double cxy = - mxy * mzz + mxz * mzy; final double cyy = mxx * mzz - mxz * mzx; final double czy = - mxx * mzy + mxy * mzx; final double cyt = mxx * (myz * tz - mzz * ty) + mxz * (ty * mzx - tz * myx) + tx * (myx * mzz - mzx * myz); final double cxz = mxy * myz - mxz * myy; final double cyz = - mxx * myz + mxz * myx; final double czz = mxx * myy - mxy * myx; final double czt = - mxx * (myy * tz - mzy * ty) - mxy * (ty * mzx - tz * myx) - tx * (myx * mzy - mzx * myy); setMxx(cxx / det); setMxy(cxy / det); setMxz(cxz / det); setTx(cxt / det); setMyx(cyx / det); setMyy(cyy / det); setMyz(cyz / det); setTy(cyt / det); setMzx(czx / det); setMzy(czy / det); setMzz(czz / det); setTz(czt / det); return; } } /* ************************************************* * General concatenations * **************************************************/

Appends the specified transform to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • transform – transform to be appended to this instance
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the specified transform to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * {@code transform} second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param transform transform to be appended to this instance * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code transform} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void append(Transform transform) { transform.appendTo(this); }

Appends the 2D transform specified by the element values to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be appended
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be appended
  • myx – the YX coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be appended
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be appended
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D transform specified by the element values to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * {@code transform} second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * appended * @param mxy the XY coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param tx the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be * appended * @param myx the YX coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * appended * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be * appended * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void append(double mxx, double mxy, double tx, double myx, double myy, double ty) { if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { atomicChange.start(); final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); setMxx(m_xx * mxx + m_xy * myx); setMxy(m_xx * mxy + m_xy * myy); setTx(m_xx * tx + m_xy * ty + getTx()); setMyx(m_yx * mxx + m_yy * myx); setMyy(m_yx * mxy + m_yy * myy); setTy(m_yx * tx + m_yy * ty + getTy()); updateState(); atomicChange.end(); } else { append(mxx, mxy, 0.0, tx, myx, myy, 0.0, ty, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); } }

Appends the transform specified by the element values to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be appended
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • mxz – the XZ coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be appended
  • myx – the YX coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be appended
  • myz – the YZ coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be appended
  • mzx – the ZX coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • mzy – the ZY coordinate element of the transform to be appended
  • mzz – the Z coordinate scaling element of the transform to be appended
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation element of the transform to be appended
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the transform specified by the element values to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * {@code transform} second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * appended * @param mxy the XY coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param mxz the XZ coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param tx the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be * appended * @param myx the YX coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * appended * @param myz the YZ coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be * appended * @param mzx the ZX coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param mzy the ZY coordinate element of the transform to be appended * @param mzz the Z coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * appended * @param tz the Z coordinate translation element of the transform to be * appended * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void append(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx, double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz) { atomicChange.start(); final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_xz = getMxz(); final double t_x = getTx(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_yz = getMyz(); final double t_y = getTy(); final double m_zx = getMzx(); final double m_zy = getMzy(); final double m_zz = getMzz(); final double t_z = getTz(); setMxx(m_xx * mxx + m_xy * myx + m_xz * mzx); setMxy(m_xx * mxy + m_xy * myy + m_xz * mzy); setMxz(m_xx * mxz + m_xy * myz + m_xz * mzz); setTx( m_xx * tx + m_xy * ty + m_xz * tz + t_x); setMyx(m_yx * mxx + m_yy * myx + m_yz * mzx); setMyy(m_yx * mxy + m_yy * myy + m_yz * mzy); setMyz(m_yx * mxz + m_yy * myz + m_yz * mzz); setTy( m_yx * tx + m_yy * ty + m_yz * tz + t_y); setMzx(m_zx * mxx + m_zy * myx + m_zz * mzx); setMzy(m_zx * mxy + m_zy * myy + m_zz * mzy); setMzz(m_zx * mxz + m_zy * myz + m_zz * mzz); setTz( m_zx * tx + m_zy * ty + m_zz * tz + t_z); updateState(); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the transform specified by the array to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • matrix – array containing the flattened transformation matrix to be appended
  • type – type of matrix contained in the array
  • offset – offset of the first matrix element in the array
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the transform specified by the array to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * {@code transform} second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param matrix array containing the flattened transformation matrix * to be appended * @param type type of matrix contained in the array * @param offset offset of the first matrix element in the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array is too short for * the specified {@code type} and {@code offset} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified matrix is not affine * (the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 1]} or * the last line of a 3D 4x4 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 0, 1]}. * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code matrix} * or {@code type} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void append(double[] matrix, MatrixType type, int offset) { if (matrix.length < offset + type.elements()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The array is too short."); } switch(type) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case MT_2D_3x3: if (matrix[offset + 6] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 7] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 8] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_2D_2x3: append(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; case MT_3D_4x4: if (matrix[offset + 12] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 13] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 14] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 15] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_3D_3x4: append(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; } } @Override void appendTo(Affine a) { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch(state2d) { case APPLY_IDENTITY: return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.appendTranslation(getTx(), getTy()); return; case APPLY_SCALE: a.appendScale(getMxx(), getMyy()); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.appendTranslation(getTx(), getTy()); a.appendScale(getMxx(), getMyy()); return; default: a.append(getMxx(), getMxy(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getTy()); return; } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.appendTranslation(getTx(), getTy(), getTz()); return; case APPLY_SCALE: a.appendScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), getMzz()); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.appendTranslation(getTx(), getTy(), getTz()); a.appendScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), getMzz()); return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: a.append(getMxx(), getMxy(), getMxz(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getMyz(), getTy(), getMzx(), getMzy(), getMzz(), getTz()); return; } }

Prepends the specified transform to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified transform first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • transform – transform to be prepended to this instance
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the specified transform to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified {@code transform} first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param transform transform to be prepended to this instance * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code transform} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prepend(Transform transform) { transform.prependTo(this); }

Prepends the 2D transform specified by the element values to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified transform first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be prepended
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be prepended
  • myx – the YX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be prepended
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be prepended
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D transform specified by the element values to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified {@code transform} first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * prepended * @param mxy the XY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param tx the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be * prepended * @param myx the YX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * prepended * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be * prepended * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prepend(double mxx, double mxy, double tx, double myx, double myy, double ty) { if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { atomicChange.start(); final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double t_x = getTx(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double t_y = getTy(); setMxx(mxx * m_xx + mxy * m_yx); setMxy(mxx * m_xy + mxy * m_yy); setTx(mxx * t_x + mxy * t_y + tx); setMyx(myx * m_xx + myy * m_yx); setMyy(myx * m_xy + myy * m_yy); setTy(myx * t_x + myy * t_y + ty); updateState2D(); atomicChange.end(); } else { prepend(mxx, mxy, 0.0, tx, myx, myy, 0.0, ty, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); } }

Prepends the transform specified by the element values to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified transform first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • mxx – the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be prepended
  • mxy – the XY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • mxz – the XZ coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • tx – the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be prepended
  • myx – the YX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • myy – the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be prepended
  • myz – the YZ coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be prepended
  • mzx – the ZX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • mzy – the ZY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended
  • mzz – the Z coordinate scaling element of the transform to be prepended
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation element of the transform to be prepended
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the transform specified by the element values to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified {@code transform} first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param mxx the X coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * prepended * @param mxy the XY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param mxz the XZ coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param tx the X coordinate translation element of the transform to be * prepended * @param myx the YX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param myy the Y coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * prepended * @param myz the YZ coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param ty the Y coordinate translation element of the transform to be * prepended * @param mzx the ZX coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param mzy the ZY coordinate element of the transform to be prepended * @param mzz the Z coordinate scaling element of the transform to be * prepended * @param tz the Z coordinate translation element of the transform to be * prepended * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prepend(double mxx, double mxy, double mxz, double tx, double myx, double myy, double myz, double ty, double mzx, double mzy, double mzz, double tz) { atomicChange.start(); final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_xz = getMxz(); final double t_x = getTx(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_yz = getMyz(); final double t_y = getTy(); final double m_zx = getMzx(); final double m_zy = getMzy(); final double m_zz = getMzz(); final double t_z = getTz(); setMxx(mxx * m_xx + mxy * m_yx + mxz * m_zx); setMxy(mxx * m_xy + mxy * m_yy + mxz * m_zy); setMxz(mxx * m_xz + mxy * m_yz + mxz * m_zz); setTx( mxx * t_x + mxy * t_y + mxz * t_z + tx); setMyx(myx * m_xx + myy * m_yx + myz * m_zx); setMyy(myx * m_xy + myy * m_yy + myz * m_zy); setMyz(myx * m_xz + myy * m_yz + myz * m_zz); setTy( myx * t_x + myy * t_y + myz * t_z + ty); setMzx(mzx * m_xx + mzy * m_yx + mzz * m_zx); setMzy(mzx * m_xy + mzy * m_yy + mzz * m_zy); setMzz(mzx * m_xz + mzy * m_yz + mzz * m_zz); setTz( mzx * t_x + mzy * t_y + mzz * t_z + tz); updateState(); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the transform specified by the array to this instance. The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified transform first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified transform.

  • matrix – array containing the flattened transformation matrix to be prepended
  • type – type of matrix contained in the array
  • offset – offset of the first matrix element in the array
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the transform specified by the array to this instance. * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding the two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified {@code transform} first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified transform. * </p> * * @param matrix array containing the flattened transformation matrix * to be prepended * @param type type of matrix contained in the array * @param offset offset of the first matrix element in the array * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the array is too short for * the specified {@code type} and {@code offset} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified matrix is not affine * (the last line of a 2D 3x3 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 1]} or * the last line of a 3D 4x4 matrix is not {@code [0, 0, 0, 1]}. * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code matrix} * or {@code type} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prepend(double[] matrix, MatrixType type, int offset) { if (matrix.length < offset + type.elements()) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("The array is too short."); } switch(type) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case MT_2D_3x3: if (matrix[offset + 6] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 7] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 8] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_2D_2x3: prepend(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; case MT_3D_4x4: if (matrix[offset + 12] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 13] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 14] != 0.0 || matrix[offset + 15] != 1.0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The matrix is " + "not affine"); } // fall-through case MT_3D_3x4: prepend(matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++], matrix[offset++]); return; } } @Override void prependTo(Affine a) { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch(state2d) { case APPLY_IDENTITY: return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.prependTranslation(getTx(), getTy()); return; case APPLY_SCALE: a.prependScale(getMxx(), getMyy()); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.prependScale(getMxx(), getMyy()); a.prependTranslation(getTx(), getTy()); return; default: a.prepend(getMxx(), getMxy(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getTy()); return; } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.prependTranslation(getTx(), getTy(), getTz()); return; case APPLY_SCALE: a.prependScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), getMzz()); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: a.prependScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), getMzz()); a.prependTranslation(getTx(), getTy(), getTz()); return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: a.prepend(getMxx(), getMxy(), getMxz(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getMyz(), getTy(), getMzx(), getMzy(), getMzz(), getTz()); return; } } /* ************************************************* * Translate * **************************************************/

Appends the 2D translation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Translate(tx, ty)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified translation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified translation.

  • tx – the X coordinate translation
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D translation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Translate(tx, ty))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * translation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified translation. * </p> * @param tx the X coordinate translation * @param ty the Y coordinate translation * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendTranslation(double tx, double ty) { atomicChange.start(); translate2D(tx, ty); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the translation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Translate(tx, ty, tz)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified translation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified translation.

  • tx – the X coordinate translation
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the translation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Translate(tx, ty, tz))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * translation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified translation. * </p> * @param tx the X coordinate translation * @param ty the Y coordinate translation * @param tz the Z coordinate translation * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendTranslation(double tx, double ty, double tz) { atomicChange.start(); translate3D(tx, ty, tz); atomicChange.end(); }
2D implementation of appendTranslation(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to transalte3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendTranslation()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code transalte3D()}. */
private void translate2D(double tx, double ty) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { translate3D(tx, ty, 0.0); return; } switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(tx * getMxx() + ty * getMxy() + getTx()); setTy(tx * getMyx() + ty * getMyy() + getTy()); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: setTx(tx * getMxx() + ty * getMxy()); setTy(tx * getMyx() + ty * getMyy()); if (getTx() != 0.0 || getTy() != 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(ty * getMxy() + getTx()); setTy(tx * getMyx() + getTy()); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR: setTx(ty * getMxy()); setTy(tx * getMyx()); if (getTx() != 0.0 || getTy() != 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(tx * getMxx() + getTx()); setTy(ty * getMyy() + getTy()); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setTx(tx * getMxx()); setTy(ty * getMyy()); if (getTx() != 0.0 || getTy() != 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(tx + getTx()); setTy(ty + getTy()); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: setTx(tx); setTy(ty); if (tx != 0.0 || ty != 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; } }
3D implementation of appendTranslation(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendTranslation()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void translate3D(double tx, double ty, double tz) { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: translate2D(tx, ty); if (tz != 0.0) { setTz(tz); if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) == 0) { state3d = (state2d & APPLY_SCALE) | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } else { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(tx + getTx()); setTy(ty + getTy()); setTz(tz + getTz()); if (getTz() == 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else { state2d = APPLY_TRANSLATE; } } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setTx(tx * getMxx()); setTy(ty * getMyy()); setTz(tz * getMzz()); if (getTx() != 0.0 || getTy() != 0.0 || getTz() != 0.0) { state3d |= APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(tx * getMxx() + getTx()); setTy(ty * getMyy() + getTy()); setTz(tz * getMzz() + getTz()); if (getTz() == 0.0) { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_SCALE; } if (getMzz() == 1.0) { state2d = state3d; state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; } } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: setTx(tx * getMxx() + ty * getMxy() + tz * getMxz() + getTx()); setTy(tx * getMyx() + ty * getMyy() + tz * getMyz() + getTy()); setTz(tx * getMzx() + ty * getMzy() + tz * getMzz() + getTz()); updateState(); return; } }

Prepends the translation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Translate(tx, ty, tz)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified translation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified translation.

  • tx – the X coordinate translation
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation
  • tz – the Z coordinate translation
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the translation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Translate(tx, ty, tz))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified translation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified translation. * </p> * @param tx the X coordinate translation * @param ty the Y coordinate translation * @param tz the Z coordinate translation * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependTranslation(double tx, double ty, double tz) { atomicChange.start(); preTranslate3D(tx, ty, tz); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the 2D translation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Translate(tx, ty)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified translation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified translation.

  • tx – the X coordinate translation
  • ty – the Y coordinate translation
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D translation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Translate(tx, ty))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified translation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified translation. * </p> * @param tx the X coordinate translation * @param ty the Y coordinate translation * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependTranslation(double tx, double ty) { atomicChange.start(); preTranslate2D(tx, ty); atomicChange.end(); }
2D implementation of prependTranslation(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to preTransalte3D.
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependTranslation()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to * {@code preTransalte3D}. * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
private void preTranslate2D(double tx, double ty) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { preTranslate3D(tx, ty, 0.0); return; } setTx(getTx() + tx); setTy(getTy() + ty); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d &= ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; } else { state2d |= APPLY_TRANSLATE; } }
3D implementation of prependTranslation(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependTranslation()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void preTranslate3D(double tx, double ty, double tz) { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: preTranslate2D(tx, ty); if (tz != 0.0) { setTz(tz); if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) == 0) { state3d = (state2d & APPLY_SCALE) | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } else { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() + tx); setTy(getTy() + ty); setTz(getTz() + tz); if (getTz() == 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else { state2d = APPLY_TRANSLATE; } } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setTx(tx); setTy(ty); setTz(tz); if (tx != 0.0 || ty != 0.0 || tz != 0.0) { state3d |= APPLY_TRANSLATE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() + tx); setTy(getTy() + ty); setTz(getTz() + tz); if (getTz() == 0.0) { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_SCALE; } if (getMzz() == 1.0) { state2d = state3d; state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; } } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: setTx(getTx() + tx); setTy(getTy() + ty); setTz(getTz() + tz); if (getTz() == 0.0 && getMxz() == 0.0 && getMyz() == 0.0 && getMzx() == 0.0 && getMzy() == 0.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; updateState2D(); } // otherwise state remains COMPLEX return; } } /* ************************************************* * Scale * **************************************************/

Appends the 2D scale to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D scale to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy) { atomicChange.start(); scale2D(sx, sy); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { translate2D(pivotX, pivotY); scale2D(sx, sy); translate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); } else { scale2D(sx, sy); } atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • pivot – the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to * {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY())}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param pivot the point about which the scale occurs * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, Point2D pivot) { appendScale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }

Appends the scale to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the scale to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double sz) { atomicChange.start(); scale3D(sx, sy, sz); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivotX, * pivotY, pivotZ))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double sz, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0 || pivotZ != 0.0) { translate3D(pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ); scale3D(sx, sy, sz); translate3D(-pivotX, -pivotY, -pivotZ); } else { scale3D(sx, sy, sz); } atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified scale second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
  • pivot – the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * scale second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @param pivot the point about which the scale occurs * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendScale(double sx, double sy, double sz, Point3D pivot) { appendScale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ()); }
2D implementation of appendScale(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to scale3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendScale()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code scale3D()}. */
private void scale2D(double sx, double sy) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { scale3D(sx, sy, 1.0); return; } int mystate = state2d; switch (mystate) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); // fall-through case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: setMxy(getMxy() * sy); setMyx(getMyx() * sx); if (getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { mystate &= APPLY_TRANSLATE; if (getMxx() != 1.0 || getMyy() != 1.0) { mystate |= APPLY_SCALE; } state2d = mystate; } else if (getMxx() == 0.0 && getMyy() == 0.0) { state2d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d = (mystate &= APPLY_TRANSLATE); } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxx(sx); setMyy(sy); if (sx != 1.0 || sy != 1.0) { state2d = (mystate | APPLY_SCALE); } return; } }
3D implementation of appendScale(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendScale()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void scale3D(double sx, double sy, double sz) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: scale2D(sx, sy); if (sz != 1.0) { setMzz(sz); if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) == 0) { state3d = (state2d & APPLY_TRANSLATE) | APPLY_SCALE; } else { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setMxx(sx); setMyy(sy); setMzz(sz); if (sx != 1.0 || sy != 1.0 || sz != 1.0) { state3d |= APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); if (getMzz() == 1.0) { state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else { state2d = APPLY_SCALE; } } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { state3d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } if (getTz() == 0.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { state2d = state3d; state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMxy(getMxy() * sy); setMxz(getMxz() * sz); setMyx(getMyx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMyz(getMyz() * sz); setMzx(getMzx() * sx); setMzy(getMzy() * sy); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); if (sx == 0.0 || sy == 0.0 || sz == 0.0) { updateState(); } // otherwise state remains COMPLEX return; } }

Prepends the 2D scale to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D scale to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy) { atomicChange.start(); preScale2D(sx, sy); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { preTranslate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); preScale2D(sx, sy); preTranslate2D(pivotX, pivotY); } else { preScale2D(sx, sy); } atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), </p>pivot.getY())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • pivot – the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), * </p>pivot.getY()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param pivot the point about which the scale occurs * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy, Point2D pivot) { prependScale(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }

Prepends the scale to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the scale to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy, double sz) { atomicChange.start(); preScale3D(sx, sy, sz); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to * {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the point about which the scale occurs * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy, double sz, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0 || pivotZ != 0.0) { preTranslate3D(-pivotX, -pivotY, -pivotZ); preScale3D(sx, sy, sz); preTranslate3D(pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ); } else { preScale3D(sx, sy, sz); } atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the scale with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified scale first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified scale.

  • sx – the X coordinate scale factor
  • sy – the Y coordinate scale factor
  • sz – the Z coordinate scale factor
  • pivot – the point about which the scale occurs
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the scale with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Scale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified scale first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified scale. * </p> * @param sx the X coordinate scale factor * @param sy the Y coordinate scale factor * @param sz the Z coordinate scale factor * @param pivot the point about which the scale occurs * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependScale(double sx, double sy, double sz, Point3D pivot) { prependScale(sx, sy, sz, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ()); }
2D implementation of prependScale(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to preScale3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependScale()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code preScale3D()}. */
private void preScale2D(double sx, double sy) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { preScale3D(sx, sy, 1.0); return; } int mystate = state2d; switch (mystate) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { mystate = mystate & ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; state2d = mystate; } // fall-through case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); // fall-through case APPLY_SHEAR: setMxy(getMxy() * sx); setMyx(getMyx() * sy); if (getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { mystate &= APPLY_TRANSLATE; if (getMxx() != 1.0 || getMyy() != 1.0) { mystate |= APPLY_SCALE; } state2d = mystate; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); setMxy(getMxy() * sx); setMyx(getMyx() * sy); if (getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SCALE; } else { state2d = APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE; } } else if (getTx() ==0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { mystate = mystate & ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; state2d = mystate; } // fall-through case APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d = (mystate &= APPLY_TRANSLATE); } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { mystate = mystate & ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; state2d = mystate; } // fall-through case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxx(sx); setMyy(sy); if (sx != 1.0 || sy != 1.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SCALE; } return; } }
3D implementation of prependScale(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependScale()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void preScale3D(double sx, double sy, double sz) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: preScale2D(sx, sy); if (sz != 1.0) { setMzz(sz); if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) == 0) { state3d = (state2d & APPLY_TRANSLATE) | APPLY_SCALE; } else { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); setTz(getTz() * sz); setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0 && getTz() == 0.0) { state3d &= ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; } if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { state3d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } if (getTz() == 0.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { state2d = state3d; state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); if (getMzz() == 1.0) { state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else { state2d = APPLY_SCALE; } } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setTx(getTx() * sx); setTy(getTy() * sy); setTz(getTz() * sz); setMxx(sx); setMyy(sy); setMzz(sz); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0 && getTz() == 0.0) { state3d &= ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; } if (sx != 1.0 || sy != 1.0 || sz != 1.0) { state3d |= APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: setMxx(getMxx() * sx); setMxy(getMxy() * sx); setMxz(getMxz() * sx); setTx(getTx() * sx); setMyx(getMyx() * sy); setMyy(getMyy() * sy); setMyz(getMyz() * sy); setTy(getTy() * sy); setMzx(getMzx() * sz); setMzy(getMzy() * sz); setMzz(getMzz() * sz); setTz(getTz() * sz); if (sx == 0.0 || sy == 0.0 || sz == 0.0) { updateState(); } // otherwise state remains COMPLEX return; } } /* ************************************************* * Shear * **************************************************/

Appends the shear to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Shear(sx, sy)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified shear second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the shear to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Shear(sx, sy))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * shear second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendShear(double shx, double shy) { atomicChange.start(); shear2D(shx, shy); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the shear with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Shear(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified shear second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the shear pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the shear pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the shear with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Shear(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * shear second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the shear pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the shear pivot point * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendShear(double shx, double shy, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { translate2D(pivotX, pivotY); shear2D(shx, shy); translate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); } else { shear2D(shx, shy); } atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the shear with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Shear(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified shear second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
  • pivot – the shear pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the shear with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Shear(sx, sy, * pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * shear second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @param pivot the shear pivot point * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendShear(double shx, double shy, Point2D pivot) { appendShear(shx, shy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }
2D implementation of appendShear(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to shear3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendShear()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code shear3D()}. */
private void shear2D(double shx, double shy) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { shear3D(shx, shy); return; } int mystate = state2d; switch (mystate) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: double M0, M1; M0 = getMxx(); M1 = getMxy(); setMxx(M0 + M1 * shy); setMxy(M0 * shx + M1); M0 = getMyx(); M1 = getMyy(); setMyx(M0 + M1 * shy); setMyy(M0 * shx + M1); updateState2D(); return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: setMxx(getMxy() * shy); setMyy(getMyx() * shx); if (getMxx() != 0.0 || getMyy() != 0.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SCALE; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: setMxy(getMxx() * shx); setMyx(getMyy() * shy); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SHEAR; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxy(shx); setMyx(shy); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_SHEAR; } return; } }
3D implementation of appendShear(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendShear()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void shear3D(double shx, double shy) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: // cannot happen because currently there is no 3D appendShear // that would call this method directly shear2D(shx, shy); return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setMxy(shx); setMyx(shy); if (shx != 0.0 || shy != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: setMxy(getMxx() * shx); setMyx(getMyy() * shy); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_zx = getMzx(); final double m_zy = getMzy(); setMxx(m_xx + m_xy * shy); setMxy(m_xy + m_xx * shx); setMyx(m_yx + m_yy * shy); setMyy(m_yy + m_yx * shx); setMzx(m_zx + m_zy * shy); setMzy(m_zy + m_zx * shx); updateState(); return; } }

Prepends the shear to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Shear(sx, sy)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified shear first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the shear to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Shear(sx, sy))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified shear first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependShear(double shx, double shy) { atomicChange.start(); preShear2D(shx, shy); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the shear with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Shear(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified shear first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the shear pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the shear pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the shear with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Shear(sx, sy, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified shear first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the shear pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the shear pivot point * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependShear(double shx, double shy, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { preTranslate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); preShear2D(shx, shy); preTranslate2D(pivotX, pivotY); } else { preShear2D(shx, shy); } atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the shear with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Shear(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified shear first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified shear.

  • shx – the XY coordinate element
  • shy – the YX coordinate element
  • pivot – the shear pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the shear with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Shear(sx, sy, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified shear first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified shear. * </p> * @param shx the XY coordinate element * @param shy the YX coordinate element * @param pivot the shear pivot point * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependShear(double shx, double shy, Point2D pivot) { prependShear(shx, shy, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }
2D implementation of prependShear(). If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to preShear3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependShear()}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code preShear3D()}. */
private void preShear2D(double shx, double shy) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { preShear3D(shx, shy); return; } int mystate = state2d; switch (mystate) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double t_x_1 = getTx(); final double t_y_1 = getTy(); setTx(t_x_1 + shx * t_y_1); setTy(t_y_1 + shy * t_x_1); // fall-through case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SHEAR: final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); setMxx(m_xx + shx * m_yx); setMxy(m_xy + shx * m_yy); setMyx(shy * m_xx + m_yx); setMyy(shy * m_xy + m_yy); updateState2D(); return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double t_x_2 = getTx(); final double t_y_2 = getTy(); setTx(t_x_2 + shx * t_y_2); setTy(t_y_2 + shy * t_x_2); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { mystate = mystate & ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; state2d = mystate; } // fall-through case APPLY_SCALE: setMxy(shx * getMyy()); setMyx(shy * getMxx()); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SHEAR; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double t_x_3 = getTx(); final double t_y_3 = getTy(); setTx(t_x_3 + shx * t_y_3); setTy(t_y_3 + shy * t_x_3); if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { mystate = mystate & ~APPLY_TRANSLATE; state2d = mystate; } // fall-through case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxy(shx); setMyx(shy); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state2d = mystate | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_SHEAR; } return; } }
3D implementation of prependShear(). Works fine if this is a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependShear()}. * Works fine if this is a 2D transform. */
private void preShear3D(double shx, double shy) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: // cannot happen because currently there is no 3D prependShear // that would call this method directly preShear2D(shx, shy); return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double tx_t = getTx(); setMxy(shx); setTx(tx_t + getTy() * shx); setMyx(shy); setTy(tx_t * shy + getTy()); if (shx != 0.0 || shy != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: setMxy(getMyy() * shx); setMyx(getMxx() * shy); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double tx_st = getTx(); setMxy(getMyy() * shx); setTx(tx_st + getTy() * shx); setMyx(getMxx() * shy); setTy(tx_st * shy + getTy()); if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double t_x = getTx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_xz = getMxz(); final double m_yz = getMyz(); final double t_y = getTy(); setMxx(m_xx + m_yx * shx); setMxy(m_xy + m_yy * shx); setMxz(m_xz + m_yz * shx); setTx(t_x + t_y * shx); setMyx(m_xx * shy + m_yx); setMyy(m_xy * shy + m_yy); setMyz(m_xz * shy + m_yz); setTy(t_x * shy + t_y); updateState(); return; } } /* ************************************************* * Rotate * **************************************************/

Appends the 2D rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle) { atomicChange.start(); rotate2D(angle); atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { translate2D(pivotX, pivotY); rotate2D(angle); translate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); } else { rotate2D(angle); } atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivot – the rotation pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivot the rotation pivot point * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle, Point2D pivot) { appendRotation(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }

Appends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, new Point3D(axisX, axisY, axisZ))).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • axisX – the X coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
  • axisY – the Y coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
  • axisZ – the Z coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, * pivotZ, new Point3D(axisX, axisY, axisZ)))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param axisX the X coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @param axisY the Y coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @param axisZ the Z coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ, double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0 || pivotZ != 0.0) { translate3D(pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ); rotate3D(angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ); translate3D(-pivotX, -pivotY, -pivotZ); } else { rotate3D(angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ); } atomicChange.end(); }

Appends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, axis)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • axis – the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, * pivotZ, axis))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param axis the rotation axis * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code axis} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ, Point3D axis) { appendRotation(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, axis.getX(), axis.getY(), axis.getZ()); }

Appends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to append(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, this transform first and the specified rotation second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivot – the rotation pivot point
  • axis – the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Appends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code append(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, {@code this} transform first and the specified * rotation second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the right by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivot the rotation pivot point * @param axis the rotation axis * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} * or {@code axis} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void appendRotation(double angle, Point3D pivot, Point3D axis) { appendRotation(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis.getX(), axis.getY(), axis.getZ()); }
Implementation of the appendRotation() around an arbitrary axis.
/** * Implementation of the {@code appendRotation()} around an arbitrary axis. */
private void rotate3D(double angle, double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ) { if (axisX == 0.0 && axisY == 0.0) { if (axisZ > 0.0) { rotate3D(angle); } else if (axisZ < 0.0) { rotate3D(-angle); } // else rotating about zero vector - NOP return; } double mag = Math.sqrt(axisX * axisX + axisY * axisY + axisZ * axisZ); if (mag == 0.0) { return; } mag = 1.0 / mag; final double ax = axisX * mag; final double ay = axisY * mag; final double az = axisZ * mag; final double sinTheta = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); final double cosTheta = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); final double t = 1.0 - cosTheta; final double xz = ax * az; final double xy = ax * ay; final double yz = ay * az; final double Txx = t * ax * ax + cosTheta; final double Txy = t * xy - sinTheta * az; final double Txz = t * xz + sinTheta * ay; final double Tyx = t * xy + sinTheta * az; final double Tyy = t * ay * ay + cosTheta; final double Tyz = t * yz - sinTheta * ax; final double Tzx = t * xz - sinTheta * ay; final double Tzy = t * yz + sinTheta * ax; final double Tzz = t * az * az + cosTheta; switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: final double xx_sst = getMxx(); final double xy_sst = getMxy(); final double yx_sst = getMyx(); final double yy_sst = getMyy(); setMxx(xx_sst * Txx + xy_sst * Tyx); setMxy(xx_sst * Txy + xy_sst * Tyy); setMxz(xx_sst * Txz + xy_sst * Tyz); setMyx(yx_sst * Txx + yy_sst * Tyx); setMyy(yx_sst * Txy + yy_sst * Tyy); setMyz(yx_sst * Txz + yy_sst * Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: final double xy_sht = getMxy(); final double yx_sht = getMyx(); setMxx(xy_sht * Tyx); setMxy(xy_sht * Tyy); setMxz(xy_sht * Tyz); setMyx(yx_sht * Txx); setMyy(yx_sht * Txy); setMyz(yx_sht * Txz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: final double xx_s = getMxx(); final double yy_s = getMyy(); setMxx(xx_s * Txx); setMxy(xx_s * Txy); setMxz(xx_s * Txz); setMyx(yy_s * Tyx); setMyy(yy_s * Tyy); setMyz(yy_s * Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxx(Txx); setMxy(Txy); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx); setMyy(Tyy); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; } break; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: setMxx(Txx); setMxy(Txy); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx); setMyy(Tyy); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double xx_st = getMxx(); final double yy_st = getMyy(); final double zz_st = getMzz(); setMxx(xx_st * Txx); setMxy(xx_st * Txy); setMxz(xx_st * Txz); setMyx(yy_st * Tyx); setMyy(yy_st * Tyy); setMyz(yy_st * Tyz); setMzx(zz_st * Tzx); setMzy(zz_st * Tzy); setMzz(zz_st * Tzz); break; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_xz = getMxz(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_yz = getMyz(); final double m_zx = getMzx(); final double m_zy = getMzy(); final double m_zz = getMzz(); setMxx(m_xx * Txx + m_xy * Tyx + m_xz * Tzx /* + mxt * 0.0 */); setMxy(m_xx * Txy + m_xy * Tyy + m_xz * Tzy /* + mxt * 0.0 */); setMxz(m_xx * Txz + m_xy * Tyz + m_xz * Tzz /* + mxt * 0.0 */); setMyx(m_yx * Txx + m_yy * Tyx + m_yz * Tzx /* + myt * 0.0 */); setMyy(m_yx * Txy + m_yy * Tyy + m_yz * Tzy /* + myt * 0.0 */); setMyz(m_yx * Txz + m_yy * Tyz + m_yz * Tzz /* + myt * 0.0 */); setMzx(m_zx * Txx + m_zy * Tyx + m_zz * Tzx /* + mzt * 0.0 */); setMzy(m_zx * Txy + m_zy * Tyy + m_zz * Tzy /* + mzt * 0.0 */); setMzz(m_zx * Txz + m_zy * Tyz + m_zz * Tzz /* + mzt * 0.0 */); break; } updateState(); }
Table of 2D state changes during predictable quadrant rotations where the shear and scaleAffine values are swapped and negated.
/** * Table of 2D state changes during predictable quadrant rotations where * the shear and scaleAffine values are swapped and negated. */
2D implementation of appendRotation. If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to rotate3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendRotation}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code rotate3D()}. */
private void rotate2D(double theta) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { rotate3D(theta); return; } double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (sin == 1.0) { rotate2D_90(); } else if (sin == -1.0) { rotate2D_270(); } else { double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (cos == -1.0) { rotate2D_180(); } else if (cos != 1.0) { double M0, M1; M0 = getMxx(); M1 = getMxy(); setMxx(cos * M0 + sin * M1); setMxy(-sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMyx(); M1 = getMyy(); setMyx(cos * M0 + sin * M1); setMyy(-sin * M0 + cos * M1); updateState2D(); } } }
2D implementation of appendRotation for 90 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 90 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void rotate2D_90() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(getMxy()); setMxy(-M0); M0 = getMyx(); setMyx(getMyy()); setMyy(-M0); int newstate = rot90conversion[state2d]; if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SCALE && getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { newstate -= APPLY_SCALE; } else if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SHEAR && getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { newstate = (newstate & ~APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE); } state2d = newstate; }
2D implementation of appendRotation for 180 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 180 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void rotate2D_180() { setMxx(-getMxx()); setMyy(-getMyy()); int oldstate = state2d; if ((oldstate & (APPLY_SHEAR)) != 0) { // If there was a shear, then this rotation has no // effect on the state. setMxy(-getMxy()); setMyx(-getMyx()); } else { // No shear means the SCALE state may toggle when // m00 and m11 are negated. if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d = oldstate & ~APPLY_SCALE; } else { state2d = oldstate | APPLY_SCALE; } } }
2D implementation of appendRotation for 270 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 270 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void rotate2D_270() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(-getMxy()); setMxy(M0); M0 = getMyx(); setMyx(-getMyy()); setMyy(M0); int newstate = rot90conversion[state2d]; if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SCALE && getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { newstate -= APPLY_SCALE; } else if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SHEAR && getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { newstate = (newstate & ~APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE); } state2d = newstate; }
3D implementation of appendRotation around Z axis. If this is a 2D transform, the call is redirected to rotate2D().
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendRotation} around Z axis. * If this is a 2D transform, the call is redirected to {@code rotate2D()}. */
private void rotate3D(double theta) { if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { rotate2D(theta); return; } double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (sin == 1.0) { rotate3D_90(); } else if (sin == -1.0) { rotate3D_270(); } else { double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (cos == -1.0) { rotate3D_180(); } else if (cos != 1.0) { double M0, M1; M0 = getMxx(); M1 = getMxy(); setMxx(cos * M0 + sin * M1); setMxy(-sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMyx(); M1 = getMyy(); setMyx(cos * M0 + sin * M1); setMyy(-sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMzx(); M1 = getMzy(); setMzx(cos * M0 + sin * M1); setMzy(-sin * M0 + cos * M1); updateState(); } } }
3D implementation of appendRotation for 90 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 90 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void rotate3D_90() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(getMxy()); setMxy(-M0); M0 = getMyx(); setMyx(getMyy()); setMyy(-M0); M0 = getMzx(); setMzx(getMzy()); setMzy(-M0); switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; return; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: updateState(); return; } }
3D implementation of appendRotation for 180 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 180 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void rotate3D_180() { final double mxx = getMxx(); final double myy = getMyy(); setMxx(-mxx); setMyy(-myy); if (state3d == APPLY_3D_COMPLEX) { setMxy(-getMxy()); setMyx(-getMyx()); setMzx(-getMzx()); setMzy(-getMzy()); updateState(); return; } if (mxx == -1.0 && myy == -1.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { // must have been 3d because of translation, which remained state3d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } else { state3d |= APPLY_SCALE; } }
3D implementation of appendRotation for 270 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code appendRotation} for 270 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void rotate3D_270() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(-getMxy()); setMxy(M0); M0 = getMyx(); setMyx(-getMyy()); setMyy(M0); M0 = getMzx(); setMzx(-getMzy()); setMzy(M0); switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; return; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: updateState(); return; } }

Prepends the 2D rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle) { atomicChange.start(); preRotate2D(angle); atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0) { preTranslate2D(-pivotX, -pivotY); preRotate2D(angle); preTranslate2D(pivotX, pivotY); } else { preRotate2D(angle); } atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY())).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivot – the rotation pivot point
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the 2D rotation with pivot to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY()))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivot the rotation pivot point * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle, Point2D pivot) { prependRotation(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY()); }

Prepends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, new Point3D(axisX, axisY, axisZ))).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • axisX – the X coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
  • axisY – the Y coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
  • axisZ – the Z coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, * pivotZ, new Point3D(axisX, axisY, axisZ)))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param axisX the X coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @param axisY the Y coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @param axisZ the Z coordinate magnitude of the rotation axis * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ, double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ) { atomicChange.start(); if (pivotX != 0.0 || pivotY != 0.0 || pivotZ != 0.0) { preTranslate3D(-pivotX, -pivotY, -pivotZ); preRotate3D(angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ); preTranslate3D(pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ); } else { preRotate3D(angle, axisX, axisY, axisZ); } atomicChange.end(); }

Prepends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, axis)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivotX – the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotY – the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • pivotZ – the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point
  • axis – the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivotX, pivotY, * pivotZ, axis))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivotX the X coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotY the Y coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param pivotZ the Z coordinate of the rotation pivot point * @param axis the rotation axis * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code axis} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle, double pivotX, double pivotY, double pivotZ, Point3D axis) { prependRotation(angle, pivotX, pivotY, pivotZ, axis.getX(), axis.getY(), axis.getZ()); }

Prepends the rotation to this instance. It is equivalent to prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis)).

The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node has the same effect as adding two transforms to its getTransforms() list, the specified rotation first and this transform second.

From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of the specified rotation.

  • angle – the angle of the rotation in degrees
  • pivot – the rotation pivot point
  • axis – the rotation axis
Since:JavaFX 8.0
/** * <p> * Prepends the rotation to this instance. * It is equivalent to {@code prepend(new Rotate(angle, pivot.getX(), * pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis))}. * </p><p> * The operation modifies this transform in a way that applying it to a node * has the same effect as adding two transforms to its * {@code getTransforms()} list, the specified rotation first * and {@code this} transform second. * </p><p> * From the matrix point of view, the transformation matrix of this * transform is multiplied on the left by the transformation matrix of * the specified rotation. * </p> * @param angle the angle of the rotation in degrees * @param pivot the rotation pivot point * @param axis the rotation axis * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code pivot} * or {@code axis} is null * @since JavaFX 8.0 */
public void prependRotation(double angle, Point3D pivot, Point3D axis) { prependRotation(angle, pivot.getX(), pivot.getY(), pivot.getZ(), axis.getX(), axis.getY(), axis.getZ()); }
Implementation of the prependRotation() around an arbitrary axis.
/** * Implementation of the {@code prependRotation()} around an arbitrary axis. */
private void preRotate3D(double angle, double axisX, double axisY, double axisZ) { if (axisX == 0.0 && axisY == 0.0) { if (axisZ > 0.0) { preRotate3D(angle); } else if (axisZ < 0.0) { preRotate3D(-angle); } // else rotating about zero vector - NOP return; } double mag = Math.sqrt(axisX * axisX + axisY * axisY + axisZ * axisZ); if (mag == 0.0) { return; } mag = 1.0 / mag; final double ax = axisX * mag; final double ay = axisY * mag; final double az = axisZ * mag; final double sinTheta = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(angle)); final double cosTheta = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(angle)); final double t = 1.0 - cosTheta; final double xz = ax * az; final double xy = ax * ay; final double yz = ay * az; final double Txx = t * ax * ax + cosTheta; final double Txy = t * xy - sinTheta * az; final double Txz = t * xz + sinTheta * ay; final double Tyx = t * xy + sinTheta * az; final double Tyy = t * ay * ay + cosTheta; final double Tyz = t * yz - sinTheta * ax; final double Tzx = t * xz - sinTheta * ay; final double Tzy = t * yz + sinTheta * ax; final double Tzz = t * az * az + cosTheta; switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double xx_sst = getMxx(); final double xy_sst = getMxy(); final double tx_sst = getTx(); final double yx_sst = getMyx(); final double yy_sst = getMyy(); final double ty_sst = getTy(); setMxx(Txx * xx_sst + Txy * yx_sst); setMxy(Txx * xy_sst + Txy * yy_sst); setMxz(Txz); setTx( Txx * tx_sst + Txy * ty_sst); setMyx(Tyx * xx_sst + Tyy * yx_sst); setMyy(Tyx * xy_sst + Tyy * yy_sst); setMyz(Tyz); setTy( Tyx * tx_sst + Tyy * ty_sst); setMzx(Tzx * xx_sst + Tzy * yx_sst); setMzy(Tzx * xy_sst + Tzy * yy_sst); setMzz(Tzz); setTz( Tzx * tx_sst + Tzy * ty_sst); break; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: final double xx_ss = getMxx(); final double xy_ss = getMxy(); final double yx_ss = getMyx(); final double yy_ss = getMyy(); setMxx(Txx * xx_ss + Txy * yx_ss); setMxy(Txx * xy_ss + Txy * yy_ss); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx * xx_ss + Tyy * yx_ss); setMyy(Tyx * xy_ss + Tyy * yy_ss); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx * xx_ss + Tzy * yx_ss); setMzy(Tzx * xy_ss + Tzy * yy_ss); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double xy_sht = getMxy(); final double tx_sht = getTx(); final double yx_sht = getMyx(); final double ty_sht = getTy(); setMxx(Txy * yx_sht); setMxy(Txx * xy_sht); setMxz(Txz); setTx( Txx * tx_sht + Txy * ty_sht); setMyx(Tyy * yx_sht); setMyy(Tyx * xy_sht); setMyz(Tyz); setTy( Tyx * tx_sht + Tyy * ty_sht); setMzx(Tzy * yx_sht); setMzy(Tzx * xy_sht); setMzz(Tzz); setTz( Tzx * tx_sht + Tzy * ty_sht); break; case APPLY_SHEAR: final double xy_sh = getMxy(); final double yx_sh = getMyx(); setMxx(Txy * yx_sh); setMxy(Txx * xy_sh); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyy * yx_sh); setMyy(Tyx * xy_sh); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzy * yx_sh); setMzy(Tzx * xy_sh); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double xx_st = getMxx(); final double tx_st = getTx(); final double yy_st = getMyy(); final double ty_st = getTy(); setMxx(Txx * xx_st); setMxy(Txy * yy_st); setMxz(Txz); setTx( Txx * tx_st + Txy * ty_st); setMyx(Tyx * xx_st); setMyy(Tyy * yy_st); setMyz(Tyz); setTy( Tyx * tx_st + Tyy * ty_st); setMzx(Tzx * xx_st); setMzy(Tzy * yy_st); setMzz(Tzz); setTz( Tzx * tx_st + Tzy * ty_st); break; case APPLY_SCALE: final double xx_s = getMxx(); final double yy_s = getMyy(); setMxx(Txx * xx_s); setMxy(Txy * yy_s); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx * xx_s); setMyy(Tyy * yy_s); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx * xx_s); setMzy(Tzy * yy_s); setMzz(Tzz); break; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double tx_t = getTx(); final double ty_t = getTy(); setMxx(Txx); setMxy(Txy); setMxz(Txz); setTx( Txx * tx_t + Txy * ty_t); setMyx(Tyx); setMyy(Tyy); setMyz(Tyz); setTy( Tyx * tx_t + Tyy * ty_t); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); setTz( Tzx * tx_t + Tzy * ty_t); break; case APPLY_IDENTITY: setMxx(Txx); setMxy(Txy); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx); setMyy(Tyy); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); break; } break; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double tx_t = getTx(); final double ty_t = getTy(); final double tz_t = getTz(); setMxx(Txx); setMxy(Txy); setMxz(Txz); setMyx(Tyx); setMyy(Tyy); setMyz(Tyz); setMzx(Tzx); setMzy(Tzy); setMzz(Tzz); setTx( Txx * tx_t + Txy * ty_t + Txz * tz_t); setTy( Tyx * tx_t + Tyy * ty_t + Tyz * tz_t); setTz( Tzx * tx_t + Tzy * ty_t + Tzz * tz_t); break; case APPLY_SCALE: final double xx_s = getMxx(); final double yy_s = getMyy(); final double zz_s = getMzz(); setMxx(Txx * xx_s); setMxy(Txy * yy_s); setMxz(Txz * zz_s); setMyx(Tyx * xx_s); setMyy(Tyy * yy_s); setMyz(Tyz * zz_s); setMzx(Tzx * xx_s); setMzy(Tzy * yy_s); setMzz(Tzz * zz_s); break; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double xx_st = getMxx(); final double tx_st = getTx(); final double yy_st = getMyy(); final double ty_st = getTy(); final double zz_st = getMzz(); final double tz_st = getTz(); setMxx(Txx * xx_st); setMxy(Txy * yy_st); setMxz(Txz * zz_st); setTx( Txx * tx_st + Txy * ty_st + Txz * tz_st); setMyx(Tyx * xx_st); setMyy(Tyy * yy_st); setMyz(Tyz * zz_st); setTy( Tyx * tx_st + Tyy * ty_st + Tyz * tz_st); setMzx(Tzx * xx_st); setMzy(Tzy * yy_st); setMzz(Tzz * zz_st); setTz( Tzx * tx_st + Tzy * ty_st + Tzz * tz_st); break; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: final double m_xx = getMxx(); final double m_xy = getMxy(); final double m_xz = getMxz(); final double t_x = getTx(); final double m_yx = getMyx(); final double m_yy = getMyy(); final double m_yz = getMyz(); final double t_y = getTy(); final double m_zx = getMzx(); final double m_zy = getMzy(); final double m_zz = getMzz(); final double t_z = getTz(); setMxx(Txx * m_xx + Txy * m_yx + Txz * m_zx /* + Ttx * 0.0 */); setMxy(Txx * m_xy + Txy * m_yy + Txz * m_zy /* + Ttx * 0.0 */); setMxz(Txx * m_xz + Txy * m_yz + Txz * m_zz /* + Ttx * 0.0 */); setTx( Txx * t_x + Txy * t_y + Txz * t_z /* + Ttx * 0.0 */); setMyx(Tyx * m_xx + Tyy * m_yx + Tyz * m_zx /* + Tty * 0.0 */); setMyy(Tyx * m_xy + Tyy * m_yy + Tyz * m_zy /* + Tty * 0.0 */); setMyz(Tyx * m_xz + Tyy * m_yz + Tyz * m_zz /* + Tty * 0.0 */); setTy( Tyx * t_x + Tyy * t_y + Tyz * t_z /* + Tty * 0.0 */); setMzx(Tzx * m_xx + Tzy * m_yx + Tzz * m_zx /* + Ttz * 0.0 */); setMzy(Tzx * m_xy + Tzy * m_yy + Tzz * m_zy /* + Ttz * 0.0 */); setMzz(Tzx * m_xz + Tzy * m_yz + Tzz * m_zz /* + Ttz * 0.0 */); setTz( Tzx * t_x + Tzy * t_y + Tzz * t_z /* + Ttz * 0.0 */); break; } updateState(); }
2D implementation of prependRotation. If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to preRotate3D().
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependRotation}. * If this is a 3D transform, the call is redirected to {@code preRotate3D()}. */
private void preRotate2D(double theta) { if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { preRotate3D(theta); return; } double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (sin == 1.0) { preRotate2D_90(); } else if (sin == -1.0) { preRotate2D_270(); } else { double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (cos == -1.0) { preRotate2D_180(); } else if (cos != 1.0) { double M0, M1; M0 = getMxx(); M1 = getMyx(); setMxx(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setMyx(sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMxy(); M1 = getMyy(); setMxy(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setMyy(sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getTx(); M1 = getTy(); setTx(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setTy(sin * M0 + cos * M1); updateState2D(); } } }
2D implementation of prependRotation for 90 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 90 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void preRotate2D_90() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(-getMyx()); setMyx(M0); M0 = getMxy(); setMxy(-getMyy()); setMyy(M0); M0 = getTx(); setTx(-getTy()); setTy(M0); int newstate = rot90conversion[state2d]; if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SCALE && getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { newstate -= APPLY_SCALE; } else if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SHEAR && getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { newstate = (newstate & ~APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE); } state2d = newstate; }
2D implementation of prependRotation for 180 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 180 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void preRotate2D_180() { setMxx(-getMxx()); setMxy(-getMxy()); setTx(-getTx()); setMyx(-getMyx()); setMyy(-getMyy()); setTy(-getTy()); if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) != 0) { if (getMxx() == 0.0 && getMyy() == 0.0) { state2d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } else { state2d |= APPLY_SCALE; } } else { if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { state2d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } else { state2d |= APPLY_SCALE; } } }
2D implementation of prependRotation for 270 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform.
/** * 2D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 270 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 3D transform. */
private void preRotate2D_270() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(getMyx()); setMyx(-M0); M0 = getMxy(); setMxy(getMyy()); setMyy(-M0); M0 = getTx(); setTx(getTy()); setTy(-M0); int newstate = rot90conversion[state2d]; if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SCALE && getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { newstate -= APPLY_SCALE; } else if ((newstate & (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE)) == APPLY_SHEAR && getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { newstate = (newstate & ~APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE); } state2d = newstate; }
3D implementation of prependRotation around Z axis. If this is a 2D transform, the call is redirected to preRotate2D().
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependRotation} around Z axis. * If this is a 2D transform, the call is redirected to {@code preRotate2D()}. */
private void preRotate3D(double theta) { if (state3d == APPLY_NON_3D) { preRotate2D(theta); return; } double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (sin == 1.0) { preRotate3D_90(); } else if (sin == -1.0) { preRotate3D_270(); } else { double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(theta)); if (cos == -1.0) { preRotate3D_180(); } else if (cos != 1.0) { double M0, M1; M0 = getMxx(); M1 = getMyx(); setMxx(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setMyx(sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMxy(); M1 = getMyy(); setMxy(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setMyy(sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getMxz(); M1 = getMyz(); setMxz(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setMyz(sin * M0 + cos * M1); M0 = getTx(); M1 = getTy(); setTx(cos * M0 - sin * M1); setTy(sin * M0 + cos * M1); updateState(); } } }
3D implementation of prependRotation for 90 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 90 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void preRotate3D_90() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(-getMyx()); setMyx(M0); M0 = getMxy(); setMxy(-getMyy()); setMyy(M0); M0 = getMxz(); setMxz(-getMyz()); setMyz(M0); M0 = getTx(); setTx(-getTy()); setTy(M0); switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; return; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: updateState(); return; } }
3D implementation of prependRotation for 180 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 180 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void preRotate3D_180() { final double mxx = getMxx(); final double myy = getMyy(); setMxx(-mxx); setMyy(-myy); setTx(-getTx()); setTy(-getTy()); if (state3d == APPLY_3D_COMPLEX) { setMxy(-getMxy()); setMxz(-getMxz()); setMyx(-getMyx()); setMyz(-getMyz()); updateState(); return; } if (mxx == -1.0 && myy == -1.0 && getMzz() == 1.0) { // must have been 3d because of translation, which remained state3d &= ~APPLY_SCALE; } else { state3d |= APPLY_SCALE; } }
3D implementation of prependRotation for 270 degrees rotation around Z axis. Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform.
/** * 3D implementation of {@code prependRotation} for 270 degrees rotation * around Z axis. * Behaves wrong when called for a 2D transform. */
private void preRotate3D_270() { double M0 = getMxx(); setMxx(getMyx()); setMyx(-M0); M0 = getMxy(); setMxy(getMyy()); setMyy(-M0); M0 = getMxz(); setMxz(getMyz()); setMyz(-M0); M0 = getTx(); setTx(getTy()); setTy(-M0); switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; return; case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: if (getMxy() != 0.0 || getMyx() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: updateState(); return; } } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Transform, Inverse Transform * * * **************************************************************************/ @Override public Point2D transform(double x, double y) { ensureCanTransform2DPoint(); switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point2D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y + getTx(), getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y + getTy()); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: return new Point2D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point2D( getMxy() * y + getTx(), getMyx() * x + getTy()); case APPLY_SHEAR: return new Point2D(getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point2D( getMxx() * x + getTx(), getMyy() * y + getTy()); case APPLY_SCALE: return new Point2D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point2D(x + getTx(), y + getTy()); case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point2D(x, y); } } @Override public Point3D transform(double x, double y, double z) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y + getTx(), getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y + getTy(), z); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y, z); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D( getMxy() * y + getTx(), getMyx() * x + getTy(), z); case APPLY_SHEAR: return new Point3D(getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x, z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getTx(), getMyy() * y + getTy(), z); case APPLY_SCALE: return new Point3D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y, z); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x + getTx(), y + getTy(), z); case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point3D(x, y, z); } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x + getTx(), y + getTy(), z + getTz()); case APPLY_SCALE: return new Point3D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y, getMzz() * z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getTx(), getMyy() * y + getTy(), getMzz() * z + getTz()); case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y + getMxz() * z + getTx(), getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y + getMyz() * z + getTy(), getMzx() * x + getMzy() * y + getMzz() * z + getTz()); } } @Override void transform2DPointsImpl(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) { double mxx, mxy, tx, myx, myy, ty; switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double y = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * x + mxy * y + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + myy * y + ty; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); myy = getMyy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double y = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * x + mxy * y; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + myy * y; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + ty; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR: mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; } return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: if (srcPts != dstPts || srcOff != dstOff) { System.arraycopy(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts * 2); } return; } } @Override void transform3DPointsImpl(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) { double mxx, mxy, tx, myx, myy, ty, mzz, tz; switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double y = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * x + mxy * y + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + myy * y + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); myy = getMyy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double y = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * x + mxy * y; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + myy * y; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR: mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: if (srcPts != dstPts || srcOff != dstOff) { System.arraycopy(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts * 3); } return; } // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); tz = getTz(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] + tz; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); mzz = getMzz(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mzz * srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); mzz = getMzz(); tz = getTz(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = mzz * srcPts[srcOff++] + tz; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: mxx = getMxx(); mxy = getMxy(); double mxz = getMxz(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); myy = getMyy(); double myz = getMyz(); ty = getTy(); double mzx = getMzx(); double mzy = getMzy(); mzz = getMzz(); tz = getTz(); while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double y = srcPts[srcOff++]; final double z = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * x + mxy * y + mxz * z + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + myy * y + myz * z + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = mzx * x + mzy * y + mzz * z + tz; } return; } } @Override public Point2D deltaTransform(double x, double y) { ensureCanTransform2DPoint(); switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: return new Point2D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: return new Point2D(getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: return new Point2D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point2D(x, y); } } @Override public Point3D deltaTransform(double x, double y, double z) { switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y, z); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: return new Point3D(getMxy() * y, getMyx() * x, z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: return new Point3D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y, z); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point3D(x, y, z); } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x, y, z); case APPLY_SCALE: case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(getMxx() * x, getMyy() * y, getMzz() * z); case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: return new Point3D( getMxx() * x + getMxy() * y + getMxz() * z, getMyx() * x + getMyy() * y + getMyz() * z, getMzx() * x + getMzy() * y + getMzz() * z); } } @Override public Point2D inverseTransform(double x, double y) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { ensureCanTransform2DPoint(); switch (state2d) { default: return super.inverseTransform(x, y); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxy_st = getMxy(); final double myx_st = getMyx(); if (mxy_st == 0.0 || myx_st == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D( (1.0 / myx_st) * y - getTy() / myx_st, (1.0 / mxy_st) * x - getTx() / mxy_st); case APPLY_SHEAR: final double mxy_s = getMxy(); final double myx_s = getMyx(); if (mxy_s == 0.0 || myx_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D((1.0 / myx_s) * y, (1.0 / mxy_s) * x); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxx_st = getMxx(); final double myy_st = getMyy(); if (mxx_st == 0.0 || myy_st == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D( (1.0 / mxx_st) * x - getTx() / mxx_st, (1.0 / myy_st) * y - getTy() / myy_st); case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D((1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point2D(x - getTx(), y - getTy()); case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point2D(x, y); } } @Override public Point3D inverseTransform(double x, double y, double z) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: return super.inverseTransform(x, y, z); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxy_st = getMxy(); final double myx_st = getMyx(); if (mxy_st == 0.0 || myx_st == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / myx_st) * y - getTy() / myx_st, (1.0 / mxy_st) * x - getTx() / mxy_st, z); case APPLY_SHEAR: final double mxy_s = getMxy(); final double myx_s = getMyx(); if (mxy_s == 0.0 || myx_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / myx_s) * y, (1.0 / mxy_s) * x, z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxx_st = getMxx(); final double myy_st = getMyy(); if (mxx_st == 0.0 || myy_st == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / mxx_st) * x - getTx() / mxx_st, (1.0 / myy_st) * y - getTy() / myy_st, z); case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D((1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y, z); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x - getTx(), y - getTy(), z); case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point3D(x, y, z); } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x - getTx(), y - getTy(), z - getTz()); case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); final double mzz_s = getMzz(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0 || mzz_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y, (1.0 / mzz_s) * z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: final double mxx_st = getMxx(); final double myy_st = getMyy(); final double mzz_st = getMzz(); if (mxx_st == 0.0 || myy_st == 0.0 || mzz_st == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / mxx_st) * x - getTx() / mxx_st, (1.0 / myy_st) * y - getTy() / myy_st, (1.0 / mzz_st) * z - getTz() / mzz_st); case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: return super.inverseTransform(x, y, z); } } @Override void inverseTransform2DPointsImpl(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { double mxx, mxy, tx, myx, myy, ty, tmp; switch (state2d) { default: super.inverseTransform2DPointsImpl(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts); return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); ty = getTy(); if (mxy == 0.0 || myx == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } tmp = tx; tx = -ty / myx; ty = -tmp / mxy; tmp = myx; myx = 1.0 / mxy; mxy = 1.0 / tmp; while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + ty; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR: mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); if (mxy == 0.0 || myx == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } tmp = myx; myx = 1.0 / mxy; mxy = 1.0 / tmp; while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } tx = -tx / mxx; ty = -ty / myy; mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - ty; } return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: if (srcPts != dstPts || srcOff != dstOff) { System.arraycopy(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts * 2); } return; } } @Override void inverseTransform3DPointsImpl(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { double mxx, mxy, tx, myx, myy, ty, mzz, tz, tmp; switch (state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: super.inverseTransform3DPointsImpl(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts); return; case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxy = getMxy(); tx = getTx(); myx = getMyx(); ty = getTy(); if (mxy == 0.0 || myx == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } tmp = tx; tx = -ty / myx; ty = -tmp / mxy; tmp = myx; myx = 1.0 / mxy; mxy = 1.0 / tmp; while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SHEAR: mxy = getMxy(); myx = getMyx(); if (mxy == 0.0 || myx == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } tmp = myx; myx = 1.0 / mxy; mxy = 1.0 / tmp; while (--numPts >= 0) { final double x = srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mxy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myx * x; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } tx = -tx / mxx; ty = -ty / myy; mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_IDENTITY: if (srcPts != dstPts || srcOff != dstOff) { System.arraycopy(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts * 3); } return; } // cannot reach case APPLY_TRANSLATE: tx = getTx(); ty = getTy(); tz = getTz(); while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = srcPts[srcOff++] - tz; } return; case APPLY_SCALE: mxx = getMxx(); myy = getMyy(); mzz = getMzz(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0 | mzz == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; mzz = 1.0 / mzz; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++]; dstPts[dstOff++] = mzz * srcPts[srcOff++]; } return; case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: mxx = getMxx(); tx = getTx(); myy = getMyy(); ty = getTy(); mzz = getMzz(); tz = getTz(); if (mxx == 0.0 || myy == 0.0 || mzz == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } tx = -tx / mxx; ty = -ty / myy; tz = -tz / mzz; mxx = 1.0 / mxx; myy = 1.0 / myy; mzz = 1.0 / mzz; while (--numPts >= 0) { dstPts[dstOff++] = mxx * srcPts[srcOff++] + tx; dstPts[dstOff++] = myy * srcPts[srcOff++] + ty; dstPts[dstOff++] = mzz * srcPts[srcOff++] + tz; } return; case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: super.inverseTransform3DPointsImpl(srcPts, srcOff, dstPts, dstOff, numPts); return; } } @Override public Point2D inverseDeltaTransform(double x, double y) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { ensureCanTransform2DPoint(); switch (state2d) { default: return super.inverseDeltaTransform(x, y); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: final double mxy_s = getMxy(); final double myx_s = getMyx(); if (mxy_s == 0.0 || myx_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D((1.0 / myx_s) * y, (1.0 / mxy_s) * x); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point2D((1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point2D(x, y); } } @Override public Point3D inverseDeltaTransform(double x, double y, double z) throws NonInvertibleTransformException { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch (state2d) { default: return super.inverseDeltaTransform(x, y, z); case APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SHEAR: final double mxy_s = getMxy(); final double myx_s = getMyx(); if (mxy_s == 0.0 || myx_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / myx_s) * y, (1.0 / mxy_s) * x, z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException( "Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y, z); case APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_IDENTITY: return new Point3D(x, y, z); } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return new Point3D(x, y, z); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: case APPLY_SCALE: final double mxx_s = getMxx(); final double myy_s = getMyy(); final double mzz_s = getMzz(); if (mxx_s == 0.0 || myy_s == 0.0 || mzz_s == 0.0) { throw new NonInvertibleTransformException("Determinant is 0"); } return new Point3D( (1.0 / mxx_s) * x, (1.0 / myy_s) * y, (1.0 / mzz_s) * z); case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: return super.inverseDeltaTransform(x, y, z); } } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Other API * * * **************************************************************************/
Returns a string representation of this Affine object.
Returns:a string representation of this Affine object.
/** * Returns a string representation of this {@code Affine} object. * @return a string representation of this {@code Affine} object. */
@Override public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Affine [\n"); sb.append("\t").append(getMxx()); sb.append(", ").append(getMxy()); sb.append(", ").append(getMxz()); sb.append(", ").append(getTx()); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("\t").append(getMyx()); sb.append(", ").append(getMyy()); sb.append(", ").append(getMyz()); sb.append(", ").append(getTy()); sb.append('\n'); sb.append("\t").append(getMzx()); sb.append(", ").append(getMzy()); sb.append(", ").append(getMzz()); sb.append(", ").append(getTz()); return sb.append("\n]").toString(); } /* ************************************************************************* * * * Internal implementation stuff * * * **************************************************************************/
Manually recalculates the state of the transform when the matrix changes too much to predict the effects on the state. The following tables specify what the various settings of the state fields say about the values of the corresponding matrix element fields.


                    SCALE          TRANSLATE        OTHER ELEMENTS
                mxx, myy, mzz      tx, ty, tz       all remaining
TRANSLATE (TR)       1.0           not all 0.0           0.0
SCALE (SC)       not all 1.0           0.0               0.0
TR | SC          not all 1.0       not all 0.0           0.0
3D_COMPLEX           any               any            not all 0.0
NON_3D: mxz, myz, mzx, mzy, tz are 0.0, mzz is 1.0, for the rest
        see state2d


Contains meaningful value only if state3d == APPLY_NON_3D. Note that the rules governing the SCALE fields are slightly different depending on whether the SHEAR flag is also set.
                    SCALE            SHEAR          TRANSLATE
                   mxx/myy          mxy/myx           tx/ty
IDENTITY             1.0              0.0              0.0
TRANSLATE (TR)       1.0              0.0          not both 0.0
SCALE (SC)       not both 1.0         0.0              0.0
TR | SC          not both 1.0         0.0          not both 0.0
SHEAR (SH)           0.0          not both 0.0         0.0
TR | SH              0.0          not both 0.0     not both 0.0
SC | SH          not both 0.0     not both 0.0         0.0
TR | SC | SH     not both 0.0     not both 0.0     not both 0.0
/** * Manually recalculates the state of the transform when the matrix * changes too much to predict the effects on the state. * The following tables specify what the various settings of the * state fields say about the values of the corresponding matrix * element fields. * * <h4>state3d:</h4> * <pre> * SCALE TRANSLATE OTHER ELEMENTS * mxx, myy, mzz tx, ty, tz all remaining * * TRANSLATE (TR) 1.0 not all 0.0 0.0 * SCALE (SC) not all 1.0 0.0 0.0 * TR | SC not all 1.0 not all 0.0 0.0 * 3D_COMPLEX any any not all 0.0 * NON_3D: mxz, myz, mzx, mzy, tz are 0.0, mzz is 1.0, for the rest * see state2d * </pre> * * <h4>state2d:</h4> * Contains meaningful value only if state3d == APPLY_NON_3D. * Note that the rules governing the SCALE fields are slightly * different depending on whether the SHEAR flag is also set. * <pre> * SCALE SHEAR TRANSLATE * mxx/myy mxy/myx tx/ty * * IDENTITY 1.0 0.0 0.0 * TRANSLATE (TR) 1.0 0.0 not both 0.0 * SCALE (SC) not both 1.0 0.0 0.0 * TR | SC not both 1.0 0.0 not both 0.0 * SHEAR (SH) 0.0 not both 0.0 0.0 * TR | SH 0.0 not both 0.0 not both 0.0 * SC | SH not both 0.0 not both 0.0 0.0 * TR | SC | SH not both 0.0 not both 0.0 not both 0.0 * </pre> */
private void updateState() { updateState2D(); state3d = APPLY_NON_3D; if (getMxz() != 0.0 || getMyz() != 0.0 || getMzx() != 0.0 || getMzy() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } else { if ((state2d & APPLY_SHEAR) == 0) { if (getTz() != 0.0) { state3d |= APPLY_TRANSLATE; } if (getMzz() != 1.0) { state3d |= APPLY_SCALE; } if (state3d != APPLY_NON_3D) { state3d |= (state2d & (APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE)); } } else { if (getMzz() != 1.0 || getTz() != 0.0) { state3d = APPLY_3D_COMPLEX; } } } }
2D part of updateState(). It is sufficient to call this method when we know this this a 2D transform and the operation was 2D-only so it could not switch the transform to 3D.
/** * 2D part of {@code updateState()}. It is sufficient to call this method * when we know this this a 2D transform and the operation was 2D-only * so it could not switch the transform to 3D. */
private void updateState2D() { if (getMxy() == 0.0 && getMyx() == 0.0) { if (getMxx() == 1.0 && getMyy() == 1.0) { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_IDENTITY; } else { state2d = APPLY_TRANSLATE; } } else { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SCALE; } else { state2d = (APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE); } } } else { if (getMxx() == 0.0 && getMyy() == 0.0) { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = APPLY_SHEAR; } else { state2d = (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_TRANSLATE); } } else { if (getTx() == 0.0 && getTy() == 0.0) { state2d = (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE); } else { state2d = (APPLY_SHEAR | APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE); } } } }
Convenience method used internally to throw exceptions when a case was forgotten in a switch statement.
/** * Convenience method used internally to throw exceptions when * a case was forgotten in a switch statement. */
private static void stateError() { throw new InternalError("missing case in a switch"); } @Override void apply(final Affine3D trans) { trans.concatenate(getMxx(), getMxy(), getMxz(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getMyz(), getTy(), getMzx(), getMzy(), getMzz(), getTz()); } @Override BaseTransform derive(final BaseTransform trans) { switch(state3d) { default: stateError(); // cannot reach case APPLY_NON_3D: switch(state2d) { case APPLY_IDENTITY: return trans; case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return trans.deriveWithTranslation(getTx(), getTy()); case APPLY_SCALE: return trans.deriveWithScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), 1.0); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: // fall through default: return trans.deriveWithConcatenation( getMxx(), getMyx(), getMxy(), getMyy(), getTx(), getTy()); } case APPLY_TRANSLATE: return trans.deriveWithTranslation(getTx(), getTy(), getTz()); case APPLY_SCALE: return trans.deriveWithScale(getMxx(), getMyy(), getMzz()); case APPLY_SCALE | APPLY_TRANSLATE: // fall through case APPLY_3D_COMPLEX: return trans.deriveWithConcatenation( getMxx(), getMxy(), getMxz(), getTx(), getMyx(), getMyy(), getMyz(), getTy(), getMzx(), getMzy(), getMzz(), getTz()); } }
Keeps track of the atomic changes of more elements. Don't forget to end or cancel a running atomic operation when an exception is to be thrown during one.
/** * Keeps track of the atomic changes of more elements. * Don't forget to end or cancel a running atomic operation * when an exception is to be thrown during one. */
private class AffineAtomicChange { private boolean running = false; private void start() { if (running) { throw new InternalError("Affine internal error: " + "trying to run inner atomic operation"); } if (mxx != null) mxx.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (mxy != null) mxy.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (mxz != null) mxz.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (tx != null) tx.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (myx != null) myx.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (myy != null) myy.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (myz != null) myz.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (ty != null) ty.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzx != null) mzx.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzy != null) mzy.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzz != null) mzz.preProcessAtomicChange(); if (tz != null) tz.preProcessAtomicChange(); running = true; } private void end() { running = false; transformChanged(); if (mxx != null) mxx.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (mxy != null) mxy.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (mxz != null) mxz.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (tx != null) tx.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (myx != null) myx.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (myy != null) myy.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (myz != null) myz.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (ty != null) ty.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzx != null) mzx.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzy != null) mzy.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (mzz != null) mzz.postProcessAtomicChange(); if (tz != null) tz.postProcessAtomicChange(); } private void cancel() { running = false; } private boolean runs() { return running; } }
Used only by tests to check the 2d matrix state
/** * Used only by tests to check the 2d matrix state */
int getState2d() { return state2d; }
Used only by tests to check the 3d matrix state
/** * Used only by tests to check the 3d matrix state */
int getState3d() { return state3d; }
Used only by tests to check the atomic operation state
/** * Used only by tests to check the atomic operation state */
boolean atomicChangeRuns() { return atomicChange.runs(); } }