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package javafx.scene.effect;

import javafx.beans.Observable;
import javafx.beans.property.DoubleProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.DoublePropertyBase;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectProperty;
import javafx.beans.property.ObjectPropertyBase;
import javafx.scene.Node;

import com.sun.javafx.util.Utils;
import com.sun.javafx.effect.EffectDirtyBits;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.BaseBounds;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.javafx.scene.BoundsAccessor;
import com.sun.scenario.effect.PhongLighting;

An effect that simulates a light source shining on the given content, which can be used to give flat objects a more realistic, three-dimensional appearance.


Light.Distant light = new Light.Distant();
Lighting lighting = new Lighting();
Text text = new Text();
text.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 60));

The code above produces the following:

Since:JavaFX 2.0
/** * An effect that simulates a light source shining on the given content, * which can be used to give flat objects a more realistic, three-dimensional * appearance. * * <p> * Example: * <pre>{@code * Light.Distant light = new Light.Distant(); * light.setAzimuth(-135.0); * * Lighting lighting = new Lighting(); * lighting.setLight(light); * lighting.setSurfaceScale(5.0); * * Text text = new Text(); * text.setText("JavaFX!"); * text.setFill(Color.STEELBLUE); * text.setFont(Font.font(null, FontWeight.BOLD, 60)); * text.setX(10.0); * text.setY(10.0); * text.setTextOrigin(VPos.TOP); * * text.setEffect(lighting); * }</pre> * <p> The code above produces the following: </p> * <p> * <img src="doc-files/lighting.png" alt="The visual effect of Lighting on text"> * </p> * @since JavaFX 2.0 */
public class Lighting extends Effect { @Override com.sun.scenario.effect.PhongLighting createPeer() { return new PhongLighting(getLightInternal().getPeer()); };
Creates a new instance of Lighting with default parameters.
/** * Creates a new instance of Lighting with default parameters. */
public Lighting() { Shadow shadow = new Shadow(); shadow.setRadius(10.0f); setBumpInput(shadow); }
Creates a new instance of Lighting with the specified light.
  • light – the light source for this Lighting effect
Since:JavaFX 2.1
/** * Creates a new instance of Lighting with the specified light. * @param light the light source for this {@code Lighting} effect * @since JavaFX 2.1 */
public Lighting(Light light) { Shadow shadow = new Shadow(); shadow.setRadius(10.0f); setBumpInput(shadow); setLight(light); } private final Light defaultLight = new Light.Distant();
The light source for this Lighting effect.
/** * The light source for this {@code Lighting} effect. */
private ObjectProperty<Light> light = new ObjectPropertyBase<Light>(new Light.Distant()) { @Override public void invalidated() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); effectBoundsChanged(); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Lighting.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "light"; } }; public final void setLight(Light value) { lightProperty().set(value); } public final Light getLight() { return light.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<Light> lightProperty() { return light; } private final LightChangeListener lightChangeListener = new LightChangeListener(); @Override Effect copy() { Lighting lighting = new Lighting(this.getLight()); lighting.setBumpInput(this.getBumpInput()); lighting.setContentInput(this.getContentInput()); lighting.setDiffuseConstant(this.getDiffuseConstant()); lighting.setSpecularConstant(this.getSpecularConstant()); lighting.setSpecularExponent(this.getSpecularExponent()); lighting.setSurfaceScale(this.getSurfaceScale()); return lighting; } private class LightChangeListener extends EffectChangeListener { Light light; public void register(Light value) { light = value; super.register(light == null ? null : light.effectDirtyProperty()); } @Override public void invalidated(Observable valueModel) { if (light.isEffectDirty()) { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); effectBoundsChanged(); } } };
The optional bump map input. If not specified, a bump map will be automatically generated from the default input. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used to generate a default bump map.
@defaultValuea Shadow effect with a radius of 10
/** * The optional bump map input. * If not specified, a bump map will be automatically generated * from the default input. * If set to {@code null}, or left unspecified, a graphical image of * the {@code Node} to which the {@code Effect} is attached will be * used to generate a default bump map. * @defaultValue a Shadow effect with a radius of 10 */
private ObjectProperty<Effect> bumpInput; public final void setBumpInput(Effect value) { bumpInputProperty().set(value); } public final Effect getBumpInput() { return bumpInput == null ? null : bumpInput.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<Effect> bumpInputProperty() { if (bumpInput == null) { bumpInput = new EffectInputProperty("bumpInput"); } return bumpInput; }
The content input for this Effect. If set to null, or left unspecified, a graphical image of the Node to which the Effect is attached will be used as the input.
/** * The content input for this {@code Effect}. * If set to {@code null}, or left unspecified, a graphical image of * the {@code Node} to which the {@code Effect} is attached will be * used as the input. * @defaultValue null */
private ObjectProperty<Effect> contentInput; public final void setContentInput(Effect value) { contentInputProperty().set(value); } public final Effect getContentInput() { return contentInput == null ? null : contentInput.get(); } public final ObjectProperty<Effect> contentInputProperty() { if (contentInput == null) { contentInput = new EffectInputProperty("contentInput"); } return contentInput; } @Override boolean checkChainContains(Effect e) { Effect localBumpInput = getBumpInput(); Effect localContentInput = getContentInput(); if (localContentInput == e || localBumpInput == e) return true; if (localContentInput != null && localContentInput.checkChainContains(e)) return true; if (localBumpInput != null && localBumpInput.checkChainContains(e)) return true; return false; }
The diffuse constant.
      Min: 0.0
      Max: 2.0
  Default: 1.0
 Identity: n/a
/** * The diffuse constant. * <pre> * Min: 0.0 * Max: 2.0 * Default: 1.0 * Identity: n/a * </pre> * @defaultValue 1.0 */
private DoubleProperty diffuseConstant; public final void setDiffuseConstant(double value) { diffuseConstantProperty().set(value); } public final double getDiffuseConstant() { return diffuseConstant == null ? 1 : diffuseConstant.get(); } public final DoubleProperty diffuseConstantProperty() { if (diffuseConstant == null) { diffuseConstant = new DoublePropertyBase(1) { @Override public void invalidated() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Lighting.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "diffuseConstant"; } }; } return diffuseConstant; }
The specular constant.
      Min: 0.0
      Max: 2.0
  Default: 0.3
 Identity: n/a
/** * The specular constant. * <pre> * Min: 0.0 * Max: 2.0 * Default: 0.3 * Identity: n/a * </pre> * @defaultValue 0.3 */
private DoubleProperty specularConstant; public final void setSpecularConstant(double value) { specularConstantProperty().set(value); } public final double getSpecularConstant() { return specularConstant == null ? 0.3 : specularConstant.get(); } public final DoubleProperty specularConstantProperty() { if (specularConstant == null) { specularConstant = new DoublePropertyBase(0.3) { @Override public void invalidated() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Lighting.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "specularConstant"; } }; } return specularConstant; }
The specular exponent.
      Min:  0.0
      Max: 40.0
  Default: 20.0
 Identity:  n/a
/** * The specular exponent. * <pre> * Min: 0.0 * Max: 40.0 * Default: 20.0 * Identity: n/a * </pre> * @defaultValue 20.0 */
private DoubleProperty specularExponent; public final void setSpecularExponent(double value) { specularExponentProperty().set(value); } public final double getSpecularExponent() { return specularExponent == null ? 20 : specularExponent.get(); } public final DoubleProperty specularExponentProperty() { if (specularExponent == null) { specularExponent = new DoublePropertyBase(20) { @Override public void invalidated() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Lighting.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "specularExponent"; } }; } return specularExponent; }
The surface scale factor.
      Min:  0.0
      Max: 10.0
  Default:  1.5
 Identity:  n/a
/** * The surface scale factor. * <pre> * Min: 0.0 * Max: 10.0 * Default: 1.5 * Identity: n/a * </pre> * @defaultValue 1.5 */
private DoubleProperty surfaceScale; public final void setSurfaceScale(double value) { surfaceScaleProperty().set(value); } public final double getSurfaceScale() { return surfaceScale == null ? 1.5 : surfaceScale.get(); } public final DoubleProperty surfaceScaleProperty() { if (surfaceScale == null) { surfaceScale = new DoublePropertyBase(1.5) { @Override public void invalidated() { markDirty(EffectDirtyBits.EFFECT_DIRTY); } @Override public Object getBean() { return Lighting.this; } @Override public String getName() { return "surfaceScale"; } }; } return surfaceScale; } private Light getLightInternal() { Light localLight = getLight(); return localLight == null ? defaultLight : localLight; } @Override void update() { Effect localBumpInput = getBumpInput(); if (localBumpInput != null) { localBumpInput.sync(); } Effect localContentInput = getContentInput(); if (localContentInput != null) { localContentInput.sync(); } PhongLighting peer = (PhongLighting) getPeer(); peer.setBumpInput(localBumpInput == null ? null : localBumpInput.getPeer()); peer.setContentInput(localContentInput == null ? null : localContentInput.getPeer()); peer.setDiffuseConstant((float)Utils.clamp(0, getDiffuseConstant(), 2)); peer.setSpecularConstant((float)Utils.clamp(0, getSpecularConstant(), 2)); peer.setSpecularExponent((float)Utils.clamp(0, getSpecularExponent(), 40)); peer.setSurfaceScale((float)Utils.clamp(0, getSurfaceScale(), 10)); // we don't need to register on default light in case the light is null // because default light never changes lightChangeListener.register(getLight()); getLightInternal().sync(); peer.setLight(getLightInternal().getPeer()); } @Override BaseBounds getBounds(BaseBounds bounds, BaseTransform tx, Node node, BoundsAccessor boundsAccessor) { return getInputBounds(bounds, tx, node, boundsAccessor, getContentInput()); } }