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package javafx.css;

import javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation;
import javafx.scene.Node;

import java.io.DataInputStream;
import java.io.DataOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

import com.sun.javafx.css.PseudoClassState;
import com.sun.javafx.css.StyleClassSet;

import static javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation.INHERIT;
import static javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation.LEFT_TO_RIGHT;
import static javafx.geometry.NodeOrientation.RIGHT_TO_LEFT;

A simple selector which behaves according to the CSS standard.
/** * A simple selector which behaves according to the CSS standard. * * @since 9 */
final public class SimpleSelector extends Selector {
If specified in the CSS file, the name of the java class to which this selector is applied. For example, if the CSS file had:
  Rectangle { }
then name would be "Rectangle".
/** * If specified in the CSS file, the name of the java class to which * this selector is applied. For example, if the CSS file had: * <code><pre> * Rectangle { } * </pre></code> * then name would be "Rectangle". */
final private String name;
Returns:The name of the java class to which this selector is applied, or *.
/** * @return The name of the java class to which this selector is applied, or *. */
public String getName() { return name; }
Returns:Immutable List<String> of style-classes of the selector
/** * @return Immutable List&lt;String&gt; of style-classes of the selector */
public List<String> getStyleClasses() { final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<StyleClass> iter = styleClassSet.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { names.add(iter.next().getStyleClassName()); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(names); } public Set<StyleClass> getStyleClassSet() { return styleClassSet; }
styleClasses converted to a set of bit masks
/** styleClasses converted to a set of bit masks */
final private StyleClassSet styleClassSet; final private String id; /* * @return The value of the selector id, which may be an empty string. */ public String getId() { return id; } // a mask of bits corresponding to the pseudoclasses final private PseudoClassState pseudoClassState; Set<PseudoClass> getPseudoClassStates() { return pseudoClassState; }
Returns:Immutable List<String> of pseudo-classes of the selector
/** * @return Immutable List&lt;String&gt; of pseudo-classes of the selector */
List<String> getPseudoclasses() { final List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<PseudoClass> iter = pseudoClassState.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { names.add(iter.next().getPseudoClassName()); } if (nodeOrientation == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { names.add("dir(rtl)"); } else if (nodeOrientation == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { names.add("dir(ltr)"); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(names); } // true if name is not a wildcard final private boolean matchOnName; // true if id given final private boolean matchOnId; // true if style class given final private boolean matchOnStyleClass; // dir(ltr) or dir(rtl), otherwise inherit final private NodeOrientation nodeOrientation; // Used in Match. If nodeOrientation is ltr or rtl, // then count it as a pseudoclass public NodeOrientation getNodeOrientation() { return nodeOrientation; } // TODO: The parser passes styleClasses as a List. Should be array? SimpleSelector(final String name, final List<String> styleClasses, final List<String> pseudoClasses, final String id) { this.name = name == null ? "*" : name; // if name is not null and not empty or wildcard, // then match needs to check name this.matchOnName = (name != null && !("".equals(name)) && !("*".equals(name))); this.styleClassSet = new StyleClassSet(); int nMax = styleClasses != null ? styleClasses.size() : 0; for(int n=0; n<nMax; n++) { final String styleClassName = styleClasses.get(n); if (styleClassName == null || styleClassName.isEmpty()) continue; final StyleClass styleClass = StyleClassSet.getStyleClass(styleClassName); this.styleClassSet.add(styleClass); } this.matchOnStyleClass = (this.styleClassSet.size() > 0); this.pseudoClassState = new PseudoClassState(); nMax = pseudoClasses != null ? pseudoClasses.size() : 0; NodeOrientation dir = NodeOrientation.INHERIT; for(int n=0; n<nMax; n++) { final String pclass = pseudoClasses.get(n); if (pclass == null || pclass.isEmpty()) continue; // TODO: This is not how we should handle functional pseudo-classes in the long-run! if ("dir(".regionMatches(true, 0, pclass, 0, 4)) { final boolean rtl = "dir(rtl)".equalsIgnoreCase(pclass); dir = rtl ? RIGHT_TO_LEFT : LEFT_TO_RIGHT; continue; } final PseudoClass pseudoClass = PseudoClassState.getPseudoClass(pclass); this.pseudoClassState.add(pseudoClass); } this.nodeOrientation = dir; this.id = id == null ? "" : id; // if id is not null and not empty, then match needs to check id this.matchOnId = (id != null && !("".equals(id))); } @Override public Match createMatch() { final int idCount = (matchOnId) ? 1 : 0; int styleClassCount = styleClassSet.size(); return new Match(this, pseudoClassState, idCount, styleClassCount); } @Override public boolean applies(Styleable styleable) { // handle functional pseudo-class :dir() // INHERIT applies to both :dir(rtl) and :dir(ltr) if (nodeOrientation != INHERIT && styleable instanceof Node) { final Node node = (Node)styleable; final NodeOrientation orientation = node.getNodeOrientation(); if (orientation == INHERIT ? node.getEffectiveNodeOrientation() != nodeOrientation : orientation != nodeOrientation) { return false; } } // if the selector has an id, // then bail if it doesn't match the node's id // (do this first since it is potentially the cheapest check) if (matchOnId) { final String otherId = styleable.getId(); final boolean idMatch = id.equals(otherId); if (!idMatch) return false; } // If name is not a wildcard, // then bail if it doesn't match the node's class name // if not wildcard, then match name with node's class name if (matchOnName) { final String otherName = styleable.getTypeSelector(); final boolean classMatch = this.name.equals(otherName); if (!classMatch) return false; } if (matchOnStyleClass) { final StyleClassSet otherStyleClassSet = new StyleClassSet(); final List<String> styleClasses = styleable.getStyleClass(); for(int n=0, nMax = styleClasses.size(); n<nMax; n++) { final String styleClassName = styleClasses.get(n); if (styleClassName == null || styleClassName.isEmpty()) continue; final StyleClass styleClass = StyleClassSet.getStyleClass(styleClassName); otherStyleClassSet.add(styleClass); } boolean styleClassMatch = matchStyleClasses(otherStyleClassSet); if (!styleClassMatch) return false; } return true; } @Override public boolean applies(Styleable styleable, Set<PseudoClass>[] pseudoClasses, int depth) { final boolean applies = applies(styleable); // // We only need the pseudo-classes if the selector applies to the node. // if (applies && pseudoClasses != null && depth < pseudoClasses.length) { if (pseudoClasses[depth] == null) { pseudoClasses[depth] = new PseudoClassState(); } pseudoClasses[depth].addAll(pseudoClassState); } return applies; } @Override public boolean stateMatches(final Styleable styleable, Set<PseudoClass> states) { // [foo bar] matches [foo bar bang], // but [foo bar bang] doesn't match [foo bar] return states != null ? states.containsAll(pseudoClassState) : false; } // Are the Selector's style classes a subset of the Node's style classes? // // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#class-html // The following selector matches any P element whose class attribute has been // assigned a list of whitespace-separated values that includes both // pastoral and marine: // // p.pastoral.marine { color: green } // // This selector matches when class="pastoral blue aqua marine" but does not // match for class="pastoral blue". private boolean matchStyleClasses(StyleClassSet otherStyleClasses) { return otherStyleClasses.containsAll(styleClassSet); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj == null) { return false; } if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; } final SimpleSelector other = (SimpleSelector) obj; if ((this.name == null) ? (other.name != null) : !this.name.equals(other.name)) { return false; } if ((this.id == null) ? (other.id != null) : !this.id.equals(other.id)) { return false; } if (this.styleClassSet.equals(other.styleClassSet) == false) { return false; } if (this.pseudoClassState.equals(other.pseudoClassState) == false) { return false; } return true; } /* Hash code is used in Style's hash code and Style's hash code is used by StyleHelper */ @Override public int hashCode() { int hash = 7; hash = 31 * (hash + name.hashCode()); hash = 31 * (hash + styleClassSet.hashCode()); hash = 31 * (hash + styleClassSet.hashCode()); hash = (id != null) ? 31 * (hash + id.hashCode()) : 0; hash = 31 * (hash + pseudoClassState.hashCode()); return hash; }
Converts this object to a string.
/** Converts this object to a string. */
@Override public String toString() { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); if (name != null && name.isEmpty() == false) sbuf.append(name); else sbuf.append("*"); Iterator<StyleClass> iter1 = styleClassSet.iterator(); while(iter1.hasNext()) { final StyleClass styleClass = iter1.next(); sbuf.append('.').append(styleClass.getStyleClassName()); } if (id != null && id.isEmpty() == false) { sbuf.append('#'); sbuf.append(id); } Iterator<PseudoClass> iter2 = pseudoClassState.iterator(); while(iter2.hasNext()) { final PseudoClass pseudoClass = iter2.next(); sbuf.append(':').append(pseudoClass.getPseudoClassName()); } return sbuf.toString(); } @Override protected final void writeBinary(final DataOutputStream os, final StyleConverter.StringStore stringStore) throws IOException { super.writeBinary(os, stringStore); os.writeShort(stringStore.addString(name)); os.writeShort(styleClassSet.size()); Iterator<StyleClass> iter1 = styleClassSet.iterator(); while(iter1.hasNext()) { final StyleClass sc = iter1.next(); os.writeShort(stringStore.addString(sc.getStyleClassName())); } os.writeShort(stringStore.addString(id)); int pclassSize = pseudoClassState.size() + (nodeOrientation == RIGHT_TO_LEFT || nodeOrientation == LEFT_TO_RIGHT ? 1 : 0); os.writeShort(pclassSize); Iterator<PseudoClass> iter2 = pseudoClassState.iterator(); while(iter2.hasNext()) { final PseudoClass pc = iter2.next(); os.writeShort(stringStore.addString(pc.getPseudoClassName())); } if (nodeOrientation == RIGHT_TO_LEFT) { os.writeShort(stringStore.addString("dir(rtl)")); } else if (nodeOrientation == LEFT_TO_RIGHT) { os.writeShort(stringStore.addString("dir(ltr)")); } } static SimpleSelector readBinary(int bssVersion, final DataInputStream is, final String[] strings) throws IOException { final String name = strings[is.readShort()]; final int nStyleClasses = is.readShort(); final List<String> styleClasses = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int n=0; n < nStyleClasses; n++) { styleClasses.add(strings[is.readShort()]); } final String id = strings[is.readShort()]; final int nPseudoclasses = is.readShort(); final List<String> pseudoclasses = new ArrayList<String>(); for(int n=0; n < nPseudoclasses; n++) { pseudoclasses.add(strings[is.readShort()]); } return new SimpleSelector(name, styleClasses, pseudoclasses, id); } }