 * Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
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 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

package com.sun.prism.es2;

import java.nio.Buffer;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import com.sun.javafx.PlatformUtil;
import com.sun.prism.MeshView;
import com.sun.prism.PhongMaterial.MapType;
import com.sun.prism.Texture.WrapMode;
import com.sun.prism.impl.PrismSettings;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Color;

abstract class GLContext {

    // Use by glBlendFunc
    final static int GL_ZERO                      = 0;
    final static int GL_ONE                       = 1;
    final static int GL_SRC_COLOR                 = 2;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_COLOR       = 3;
    final static int GL_DST_COLOR                 = 4;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_COLOR       = 5;
    final static int GL_SRC_ALPHA                 = 6;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA       = 7;
    final static int GL_DST_ALPHA                 = 8;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_DST_ALPHA       = 9;
    final static int GL_CONSTANT_COLOR            = 10;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_COLOR  = 11;
    final static int GL_CONSTANT_ALPHA            = 12;
    final static int GL_ONE_MINUS_CONSTANT_ALPHA  = 13;
    final static int GL_SRC_ALPHA_SATURATE        = 14;

    // Texture Type
    final static int GL_FLOAT                     = 20;
    final static int GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE             = 21;
    final static int GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV  = 22;
    final static int GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8      = 23;
    final static int GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_8_8_APPLE  = 24;

    // Use by Texture: Pixel Format
    final static int GL_RGBA                      = 40;
    final static int GL_BGRA                      = 41;
    final static int GL_RGB                       = 42;
    final static int GL_LUMINANCE                 = 43;
    final static int GL_ALPHA                     = 44;
    final static int GL_RGBA32F                   = 45;
    final static int GL_YCBCR_422_APPLE           = 46;

    // Use by Texture
    final static int GL_TEXTURE_2D                = 50;
    final static int GL_TEXTURE_BINDING_2D        = 51;
    final static int GL_NEAREST                   = 52;
    final static int GL_LINEAR                    = 53;
    final static int GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST    = 54;
    final static int GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR      = 55;

    // Use by glPixelStorei
    final static int GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT          = 60;
    final static int GL_UNPACK_ROW_LENGTH         = 61;
    final static int GL_UNPACK_SKIP_PIXELS        = 62;
    final static int GL_UNPACK_SKIP_ROWS          = 63;

    // Use by WrapState
    final static int WRAPMODE_REPEAT              = 100;
    final static int WRAPMODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE       = 101;
    final static int WRAPMODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER     = 102;

    // Use by face culling for 3D implementation
    final static int GL_BACK                      = 110;
    final static int GL_FRONT                     = 111;
    final static int GL_NONE                      = 112;

    // Use for querying hardware/implementation limits
    final static int GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS  = 120;
    final static int GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_VECTORS     = 121;
    final static int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS          = 122;
    final static int GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE                 = 123;
    final static int GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS               = 124;
    final static int GL_MAX_VARYING_COMPONENTS           = 125;
    final static int GL_MAX_VARYING_VECTORS              = 126;
    final static int GL_MAX_VERTEX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS   = 127;
    final static int GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS    = 128;
    final static int GL_MAX_VERTEX_UNIFORM_VECTORS       = 129;

    final static int MAPTYPE_DIFFUSE = MapType.DIFFUSE.ordinal();
    final static int MAPTYPE_SPECULAR = MapType.SPECULAR.ordinal();
    final static int MAPTYPE_BUMP = MapType.BUMP.ordinal();
    final static int MAPTYPE_SELFILLUM = MapType.SELF_ILLUM.ordinal();

    // Use by Uniform Matrix
    final static int NUM_MATRIX_ELEMENTS          = 16;

    long nativeCtxInfo;
    private int maxTextureSize = -1;
    private Boolean nonPowTwoExtAvailable;
    private Boolean clampToZeroAvailable;

    // TODO : Consider moving these cached values to ES2Context.
    // track some other state here to avoid redundant state changes
    private int activeTexUnit;
    private int[] boundTextures = new int[4];
    private int viewportX, viewportY, viewportWidth, viewportHeight;
    // depthTest is initialized to false in the native initState method
    private boolean depthTest = false;
    private boolean msaa = false;
    private int maxSampleSize = -1;

    private static final int FBO_ID_UNSET = -1;
    private static final int FBO_ID_NOCACHE = -2;
    private int nativeFBOID = PlatformUtil.isMac() || PlatformUtil.isIOS() ? FBO_ID_NOCACHE : FBO_ID_UNSET;

    private static native void nActiveTexture(long nativeCtxInfo, int texUnit);
    private static native void nBindFBO(long nativeCtxInfo, int nativeFBOID);
    private static native void nBindTexture(long nativeCtxInfo, int texID);
    private static native void nBlendFunc(int sFactor, int dFactor);
    private static native void nClearBuffers(long nativeCtxInfo,
            float red, float green, float blue, float alpha,
            boolean clearColor, boolean clearDepth, boolean ignoreScissor);
    private static native int nCompileShader(long nativeCtxInfo, String src,
            boolean vertex);
    private static native int nCreateDepthBuffer(long nativeCtxInfo, int width,
            int height, int msaa);
    private static native int nCreateRenderBuffer(long nativeCtxInfo, int width,
            int height, int msaa);
    private static native int nCreateFBO(long nativeCtxInfo, int texID);
    private static native int nCreateProgram(long nativeCtxInfo,
            int vertexShaderID, int[] fragmentShaderID,
            int numAttrs, String[] attrs, int[] indexs);
    private static native int nCreateTexture(long nativeCtxInfo, int width,
            int height);
    private static native void nDeleteRenderBuffer(long nativeCtxInfo, int rbID);
    private static native void nDeleteFBO(long nativeCtxInfo, int fboID);
    private static native void nDeleteShader(long nativeCtxInfo, int shadeID);
    private static native void nDeleteTexture(long nativeCtxInfo, int tID);
    private static native void nDisposeShaders(long nativeCtxInfo,
            int pID, int vID, int[] fID);
    private static native void nFinish();
    private static native int nGenAndBindTexture();
    private static native int nGetFBO();
    private static native int nGetIntParam(int pname);
    private static native int nGetMaxSampleSize();
    private static native int nGetUniformLocation(long nativeCtxInfo,
            int programID, String name);
    private static native void nPixelStorei(int pname, int param);
    private static native boolean nReadPixelsByte(long nativeCtxInfo, int length,
            Buffer buffer, byte[] pixelArr, int x, int y, int w, int h);
    private static native boolean nReadPixelsInt(long nativeCtxInfo, int length,
            Buffer buffer, int[] pixelArr, int x, int y, int w, int h);
    private static native void nScissorTest(long nativeCtxInfo, boolean enable,
            int x, int y, int w, int h);
    private static native void nSetDepthTest(long nativeCtxInfo, boolean depthTest);
    private static native void nSetMSAA(long nativeCtxInfo, boolean msaa);
    private static native void nTexParamsMinMax(int min, int max);
    private static native boolean nTexImage2D0(int target, int level, int internalFormat,
            int width, int height, int border, int format,
            int type, Object pixels, int pixelsByteOffset, boolean useMipmap);
    private static native boolean nTexImage2D1(int target, int level, int internalFormat,
            int width, int height, int border, int format,
            int type, Object pixels, int pixelsByteOffset, boolean useMipmap);
    private static native void nTexSubImage2D0(int target, int level,
            int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, int format,
            int type, Object pixels, int pixelsByteOffset);
    private static native void nTexSubImage2D1(int target, int level,
            int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, int format,
            int type, Object pixels, int pixelsByteOffset);
    private static native void nUpdateViewport(long nativeCtxInfo, int x, int y,
            int w, int h);
    private static native void nUniform1f(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, float v0);
    private static native void nUniform2f(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, float v0,
            float v1);
    private static native void nUniform3f(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, float v0,
            float v1, float v2);
    private static native void nUniform4f(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, float v0,
            float v1, float v2, float v3);
    private static native void nUniform4fv0(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int count,
            Object value, int valueByteOffset);
    private static native void nUniform4fv1(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int count,
            Object value, int valueByteOffset);
    private static native void nUniform1i(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int v0);
    private static native void nUniform2i(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int v0,
            int v1);
    private static native void nUniform3i(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int v0,
            int v1, int v2);
    private static native void nUniform4i(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int v0,
            int v1, int v2, int v3);
    private static native void nUniform4iv0(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int count,
            Object value, int valueByteOffset);
    private static native void nUniform4iv1(long nativeCtxInfo, int location, int count,
            Object value, int valueByteOffset);
    private static native void nUniformMatrix4fv(long nativeCtxInfo, int location,
            boolean transpose, float values[]);
    private static native void nUpdateFilterState(long nativeCtxInfo, int texID,
            boolean linearFilter);
    private static native void nUpdateWrapState(long nativeCtxInfo, int texID,
            int wrapMode);
    private static native void nUseProgram(long nativeCtxInfo, int pID);

    private static native void nEnableVertexAttributes(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native void nDisableVertexAttributes(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native void nDrawIndexedQuads(long nativeCtxInfo, int numVertices,
            float dataf[], byte datab[]);
    private static native int nCreateIndexBuffer16(long nativeCtxInfo, short data[], int n);
    private static native void nSetIndexBuffer(long nativeCtxInfo, int buffer);

    private static native void nSetDeviceParametersFor2D(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native void nSetDeviceParametersFor3D(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native long nCreateES2Mesh(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native void nReleaseES2Mesh(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeHandle);
    private static native boolean nBuildNativeGeometryShort(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeHandle,
            float[] vertexBuffer, int vertexBufferLength, short[] indexBuffer, int indexBufferLength);
    private static native boolean nBuildNativeGeometryInt(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeHandle,
            float[] vertexBuffer, int vertexBufferLength, int[] indexBuffer, int indexBufferLength);
    private static native long nCreateES2PhongMaterial(long nativeCtxInfo);
    private static native void nReleaseES2PhongMaterial(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeHandle);
    private static native void nSetSolidColor(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativePhongMaterial,
            float r, float g, float b, float a);
    private static native void nSetMap(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativePhongMaterial,
            int mapType, int texID);
    private static native long nCreateES2MeshView(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshInfo);
    private static native void nReleaseES2MeshView(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeHandle);
    private static native void nSetCullingMode(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo,
            int cullingMode);
    private static native void nSetMaterial(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo,
            long nativePhongMaterialInfo);
    private static native void nSetWireframe(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo,
            boolean wireframe);
    private static native void nSetAmbientLight(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo,
            float r, float g, float b);
    private static native void nSetPointLight(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo,
            int index, float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float w);
    private static native void nRenderMeshView(long nativeCtxInfo, long nativeMeshViewInfo);
    private static native void nBlit(long nativeCtxInfo, int srcFBO, int dstFBO,
            int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1,
            int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1);

    void activeTexture(int texUnit) {
        nActiveTexture(nativeCtxInfo, texUnit);

    void bindFBO(int nativeFBOID) {
        switch (this.nativeFBOID) {
            case FBO_ID_UNSET:
                this.nativeFBOID = nativeFBOID;
                nBindFBO(nativeCtxInfo, nativeFBOID);
            case FBO_ID_NOCACHE:
                nBindFBO(nativeCtxInfo, nativeFBOID);
                if (this.nativeFBOID != nativeFBOID) {
                    nBindFBO(nativeCtxInfo, nativeFBOID);
                    this.nativeFBOID = nativeFBOID;

    void bindTexture(int texID) {
        nBindTexture(nativeCtxInfo, texID);

    void blendFunc(int sFactor, int dFactor) {
        nBlendFunc(sFactor, dFactor);

    boolean canCreateNonPowTwoTextures() {
        if (nonPowTwoExtAvailable == null) {
            /* Note: Currently we are assuming a system with a single
             * or homogeneous GPUs. For the case of heterogeneous GPUs
             * system the string information will need to be per
             * GLContext class. */
            nonPowTwoExtAvailable = PrismSettings.forcePow2
                ? Boolean.FALSE : ES2Pipeline.glFactory.isNPOTSupported();
        return nonPowTwoExtAvailable.booleanValue();

    boolean canClampToZero() {
        if (clampToZeroAvailable == null) {
            /* Note: Currently we are assuming a system with a single
             * or homogeneous GPUs. For the case of heterogeneous GPUs
             * system the string information will need to be per
             * GLContext class. */
            clampToZeroAvailable = PrismSettings.noClampToZero
                ? Boolean.FALSE
                : ES2Pipeline.glFactory.isGL2();
        return clampToZeroAvailable.booleanValue();

    void clearBuffers(Color color, boolean clearColor,
            boolean clearDepth, boolean ignoreScissor) {
        float r = color.getRedPremult();
        float g = color.getGreenPremult();
        float b = color.getBluePremult();
        float a = color.getAlpha();
        nClearBuffers(nativeCtxInfo, r, g, b, a, clearColor, clearDepth,

Compiles the given shader program. If successful, this function returns a handle to the newly created shader object; otherwise returns 0.
/** * Compiles the given shader program. If successful, this function returns * a handle to the newly created shader object; otherwise returns 0. */
int compileShader(String shaderSource, boolean vertex) { return nCompileShader(nativeCtxInfo, shaderSource, vertex); } int createDepthBuffer(int width, int height, int msaaSamples) { return nCreateDepthBuffer(nativeCtxInfo, width, height, msaaSamples); } int createRenderBuffer(int width, int height, int msaaSamples) { return nCreateRenderBuffer(nativeCtxInfo, width, height, msaaSamples); }
Will create FBO by generate new FBO and binding it. Note: Will not restore previously bound FBO.
  • texID – if defined, will attach texture to generated FBO
Returns:FBO id
/** * Will create FBO by generate new FBO and binding it. * Note: Will not restore previously bound FBO. * @param texID if defined, will attach texture to generated FBO * @return FBO id */
int createFBO(int texID) { if (nativeFBOID != FBO_ID_NOCACHE) { nativeFBOID = FBO_ID_UNSET; // invalidate FBO ID cache } return nCreateFBO(nativeCtxInfo, texID); }
Compiles and links a new shader program using the given shaders. If successful, this function returns a handle to the newly created shader program; otherwise returns 0.
/** * Compiles and links a new shader program using the given shaders. If * successful, this function returns a handle to the newly created shader * program; otherwise returns 0. */
int createProgram(int vertexShaderID, int[] fragmentShaderIDArr, String[] attrs, int[] indexs) { if (fragmentShaderIDArr == null) { System.err.println("Error: fragmentShaderIDArr is null"); return 0; } boolean shaderSpecified = true; for (int i = 0; i < fragmentShaderIDArr.length; i++) { if (fragmentShaderIDArr[i] == 0) { shaderSpecified = false; break; } } if (vertexShaderID == 0 || fragmentShaderIDArr.length == 0 || !shaderSpecified) { System.err.println("Both vertexShader and fragmentShader(s) must be specified"); } if (attrs.length != indexs.length) { System.err.println("attrs.length must be equal to index.length"); } return nCreateProgram(nativeCtxInfo, vertexShaderID, fragmentShaderIDArr, attrs.length, attrs, indexs); } int createTexture(int width, int height) { return nCreateTexture(nativeCtxInfo, width, height); } void deleteRenderBuffer(int dbID) { nDeleteRenderBuffer(nativeCtxInfo, dbID); } void deleteFBO(int fboID) { nDeleteFBO(nativeCtxInfo, fboID); } void deleteShader(int shadeID) { nDeleteShader(nativeCtxInfo, shadeID); } void blitFBO(int msaaFboID, int dstFboID, int srcX0, int srcY0, int srcX1, int srcY1, int dstX0, int dstY0, int dstX1, int dstY1) { nBlit(nativeCtxInfo, msaaFboID, dstFboID, srcX0, srcY0, srcX1, srcY1, dstX0, dstY0, dstX1, dstY1); } void deleteTexture(int tID) { nDeleteTexture(nativeCtxInfo, tID); } void disposeShaders(int pID, int vID, int[] fID) { nDisposeShaders(nativeCtxInfo, pID, vID, fID); } void finish() { nFinish(); } int genAndBindTexture() { int texID = nGenAndBindTexture(); boundTextures[activeTexUnit] = texID; return texID; } int getBoundFBO() { switch (nativeFBOID) { case FBO_ID_UNSET: nativeFBOID = nGetFBO(); return nativeFBOID; case FBO_ID_NOCACHE: return nGetFBO(); default: return nativeFBOID; } } long getNativeCtxInfo() { return nativeCtxInfo; } abstract long getNativeHandle(); /***************************************************/ int getActiveTextureUnit() { return activeTexUnit; } // Forcibly sets the active texture unit to the given index. void setActiveTextureUnit(int unit) { activeTexture(unit); activeTexUnit = unit; } // Sets the active texture unit to the given index only if it was // not already the active index. void updateActiveTextureUnit(int unit) { if (unit != getActiveTextureUnit()) { setActiveTextureUnit(unit); } } int getBoundTexture() { return boundTextures[activeTexUnit]; } int getBoundTexture(int unit) { return boundTextures[unit]; } int getNumBoundTexture() { return boundTextures.length; } // Forcibly sets the currently bound texture to the given object. void setBoundTexture(int texid) { bindTexture(texid); boundTextures[activeTexUnit] = texid; } // Sets the currently bound texture to the given object only if it was // not already the current texture. void updateBoundTexture(int texid) { if (texid != getBoundTexture()) { setBoundTexture(texid); } } /***********************************************************/ int getIntParam(int param) { return nGetIntParam(param); } int getSampleSize() { int maxSamples = getMaxSampleSize(); return maxSamples < 2 ? 0 : (maxSamples < 4 ? 2 : 4); } int getMaxSampleSize() { if (maxSampleSize > -1) { return maxSampleSize; } maxSampleSize = ES2Pipeline.msaa ? nGetMaxSampleSize() : 0; return maxSampleSize; } int getMaxTextureSize() { if (maxTextureSize > -1) { return maxTextureSize; } return maxTextureSize = getIntParam(GLContext.GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE); } int getUniformLocation(int programID, String name) { return nGetUniformLocation(nativeCtxInfo, programID, name); } boolean isShaderCompilerSupported() { // GL2 return true; // else TODO: glGetBooleanv(GL_SHADER_COMPILER, supported, 0); (RT-27526) } abstract void makeCurrent(GLDrawable drawable); void pixelStorei(int pname, int param) { nPixelStorei(pname, param); } boolean readPixels(Buffer buffer, int x, int y, int w, int h) { boolean res = false; if (buffer instanceof ByteBuffer) { ByteBuffer buf = (ByteBuffer) buffer; byte[] arr = buf.hasArray() ? buf.array() : null; int length = buf.capacity(); res = nReadPixelsByte(nativeCtxInfo, length, buffer, arr, x, y, w, h); } else if (buffer instanceof IntBuffer) { IntBuffer buf = (IntBuffer) buffer; int[] arr = buf.hasArray() ? buf.array() : null; int length = buf.capacity() * 4; // Note: This implementation only handle little-endian architectures, // which includes all the platforms we need to support for JavaFX 2.2. // We will need to do extra byte swapping at pixel level if we ever needs // to support big-endian architectures such as Solaris Sparc. res = nReadPixelsInt(nativeCtxInfo, length, buffer, arr, x, y, w, h); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("readPixel: pixel's buffer type is not supported: " + buffer); } return res; } void scissorTest(boolean enable, int x, int y, int w, int h) { nScissorTest(nativeCtxInfo, enable, x, y, w, h); } void setShaderProgram(int progid) { nUseProgram(nativeCtxInfo, progid); } void texParamsMinMax(int pname, boolean useMipmap) { int min = pname; int max = pname; if (useMipmap) { min = (min == GLContext.GL_LINEAR) ? GLContext.GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR : GLContext.GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST; } nTexParamsMinMax(min, max); } boolean texImage2D(int target, int level, int internalFormat, int width, int height, int border, int format, int type, java.nio.Buffer pixels, boolean useMipmap) { boolean result; boolean direct = BufferFactory.isDirect(pixels); if (direct) { result = nTexImage2D0(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels, BufferFactory.getDirectBufferByteOffset(pixels), useMipmap); } else { result = nTexImage2D1(target, level, internalFormat, width, height, border, format, type, BufferFactory.getArray(pixels), BufferFactory.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(pixels), useMipmap); } return result; } void texSubImage2D(int target, int level, int xoffset, int yoffset, int width, int height, int format, int type, java.nio.Buffer pixels) { boolean direct = BufferFactory.isDirect(pixels); if (direct) { nTexSubImage2D0(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels, BufferFactory.getDirectBufferByteOffset(pixels)); } else { nTexSubImage2D1(target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, BufferFactory.getArray(pixels), BufferFactory.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(pixels)); } } void updateViewportAndDepthTest(int x, int y, int w, int h, boolean depthTest) { if (viewportX != x || viewportY != y || viewportWidth != w || viewportHeight != h) { viewportX = x; viewportY = y; viewportWidth = w; viewportHeight = h; nUpdateViewport(nativeCtxInfo, x, y, w, h); } if (this.depthTest != depthTest) { nSetDepthTest(nativeCtxInfo, depthTest); this.depthTest = depthTest; } } void updateMSAAState(boolean msaa) { if (this.msaa != msaa) { nSetMSAA(nativeCtxInfo, msaa); this.msaa = msaa; } } void updateFilterState(int texID, boolean linearFilter) { nUpdateFilterState(nativeCtxInfo, texID, linearFilter); } void updateWrapState(int texID, WrapMode wrapMode) { int wm; switch (wrapMode) { case REPEAT_SIMULATED: // mode should not matter for this case case REPEAT: wm = WRAPMODE_REPEAT; break; case CLAMP_TO_ZERO_SIMULATED: case CLAMP_TO_EDGE_SIMULATED: // needed for top/left edge cases case CLAMP_TO_EDGE: wm = WRAPMODE_CLAMP_TO_EDGE; break; case CLAMP_TO_ZERO: wm = WRAPMODE_CLAMP_TO_BORDER; break; case CLAMP_NOT_NEEDED: return; default: throw new InternalError("Unrecognized wrap mode: "+wrapMode); } nUpdateWrapState(nativeCtxInfo, texID, wm); } void uniform1f(int location, float v0) { nUniform1f(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0); } void uniform2f(int location, float v0, float v1) { nUniform2f(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1); } void uniform3f(int location, float v0, float v1, float v2) { nUniform3f(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1, v2); } void uniform4f(int location, float v0, float v1, float v2, float v3) { nUniform4f(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1, v2, v3); } void uniform4fv(int location, int count, java.nio.FloatBuffer value) { boolean direct = BufferFactory.isDirect(value); if (direct) { nUniform4fv0(nativeCtxInfo, location, count, value, BufferFactory.getDirectBufferByteOffset(value)); } else { nUniform4fv1(nativeCtxInfo, location, count, BufferFactory.getArray(value), BufferFactory.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(value)); } } void uniform1i(int location, int v0) { nUniform1i(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0); } void uniform2i(int location, int v0, int v1) { nUniform2i(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1); } void uniform3i(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2) { nUniform3i(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1, v2); } void uniform4i(int location, int v0, int v1, int v2, int v3) { nUniform4i(nativeCtxInfo, location, v0, v1, v2, v3); } void uniform4iv(int location, int count, java.nio.IntBuffer value) { boolean direct = BufferFactory.isDirect(value); if (direct) { nUniform4iv0(nativeCtxInfo, location, count, value, BufferFactory.getDirectBufferByteOffset(value)); } else { nUniform4iv1(nativeCtxInfo, location, count, BufferFactory.getArray(value), BufferFactory.getIndirectBufferByteOffset(value)); } } void uniformMatrix4fv(int location, boolean transpose, float values[]) { nUniformMatrix4fv(nativeCtxInfo, location, transpose, values); } void enableVertexAttributes() { nEnableVertexAttributes(nativeCtxInfo); } void disableVertexAttributes() { nDisableVertexAttributes(nativeCtxInfo); } void drawIndexedQuads(float coords[], byte colors[], int numVertices) { nDrawIndexedQuads(nativeCtxInfo, numVertices, coords, colors); } int createIndexBuffer16(short data[]) { return nCreateIndexBuffer16(nativeCtxInfo, data, data.length); } void setIndexBuffer(int ib) { nSetIndexBuffer(nativeCtxInfo, ib); } void setDeviceParametersFor2D() { nSetDeviceParametersFor2D(nativeCtxInfo); } void setDeviceParametersFor3D() { nSetDeviceParametersFor3D(nativeCtxInfo); } long createES2Mesh() { return nCreateES2Mesh(nativeCtxInfo); } void releaseES2Mesh(long nativeHandle) { nReleaseES2Mesh(nativeCtxInfo, nativeHandle); } boolean buildNativeGeometry(long nativeHandle, float[] vertexBuffer, int vertexBufferLength, short[] indexBuffer, int indexBufferLength) { return nBuildNativeGeometryShort(nativeCtxInfo, nativeHandle, vertexBuffer, vertexBufferLength, indexBuffer, indexBufferLength); } boolean buildNativeGeometry(long nativeHandle, float[] vertexBuffer, int vertexBufferLength, int[] indexBuffer, int indexBufferLength) { return nBuildNativeGeometryInt(nativeCtxInfo, nativeHandle, vertexBuffer, vertexBufferLength, indexBuffer, indexBufferLength); } long createES2PhongMaterial() { return nCreateES2PhongMaterial(nativeCtxInfo); } void releaseES2PhongMaterial(long nativeHandle) { nReleaseES2PhongMaterial(nativeCtxInfo, nativeHandle); } void setSolidColor(long nativePhongMaterial, float r, float g, float b, float a) { nSetSolidColor(nativeCtxInfo, nativePhongMaterial, r, g, b, a); } void setMap(long nativePhongMaterial, int mapType, int texID) { nSetMap(nativeCtxInfo, nativePhongMaterial, mapType, texID); } long createES2MeshView(long nativeMeshInfo) { return nCreateES2MeshView(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshInfo); } void releaseES2MeshView(long nativeHandle) { nReleaseES2MeshView(nativeCtxInfo, nativeHandle); } void setCullingMode(long nativeMeshViewInfo, int cullMode) { int cm; if (cullMode == MeshView.CULL_NONE) { cm = GL_NONE; } else if (cullMode == MeshView.CULL_BACK) { cm = GL_BACK; } else if (cullMode == MeshView.CULL_FRONT) { cm = GL_FRONT; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal value for CullMode: " + cullMode); } nSetCullingMode(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo, cm); } void setMaterial(long nativeMeshViewInfo, long nativePhongMaterialInfo) { nSetMaterial(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo, nativePhongMaterialInfo); } void setWireframe(long nativeMeshViewInfo, boolean wireframe) { nSetWireframe(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo, wireframe); } void setAmbientLight(long nativeMeshViewInfo, float r, float g, float b) { nSetAmbientLight(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo, r, g, b); } void setPointLight(long nativeMeshViewInfo, int index, float x, float y, float z, float r, float g, float b, float w) { nSetPointLight(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo, index, x, y, z, r, g, b, w); } void renderMeshView(long nativeMeshViewInfo) { nRenderMeshView(nativeCtxInfo, nativeMeshViewInfo); } }