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package com.sun.javafx.sg.prism;

import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineCap;
import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeLineJoin;
import javafx.scene.shape.StrokeType;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.Shape;
import com.sun.javafx.geom.transform.BaseTransform;
import com.sun.prism.BasicStroke;
import com.sun.prism.Graphics;
import com.sun.prism.PrinterGraphics;
import com.sun.prism.RTTexture;
import com.sun.prism.Texture;
import com.sun.prism.impl.PrismSettings;
import com.sun.prism.paint.Paint;
import com.sun.prism.shape.ShapeRep;
import static com.sun.prism.shape.ShapeRep.InvalidationType.LOCATION_AND_GEOMETRY;

public abstract class NGShape extends NGNode {
    public enum Mode { EMPTY, FILL, STROKE, STROKE_FILL }

We cache a representation of this shape into an image if we are rendering the shape with a 3D transform. We attempt to keep this cached image from render to render, and invalidate it if this NGShape changes either in geometry or visuals.
/** * We cache a representation of this shape into an image if we are * rendering the shape with a 3D transform. We attempt to keep this * cached image from render to render, and invalidate it if * this NGShape changes either in geometry or visuals. */
private RTTexture cached3D; private double cachedW, cachedH; protected Paint fillPaint; protected Paint drawPaint; protected BasicStroke drawStroke; protected Mode mode = Mode.FILL; protected ShapeRep shapeRep; private boolean smooth; public void setMode(Mode mode) { if (mode != this.mode) { this.mode = mode; geometryChanged(); } } public Mode getMode() { return mode; } public void setSmooth(boolean smooth) { smooth = !PrismSettings.forceNonAntialiasedShape && smooth; if (smooth != this.smooth) { this.smooth = smooth; visualsChanged(); } } public boolean isSmooth() { return smooth; } public void setFillPaint(Object fillPaint) { if (fillPaint != this.fillPaint || (this.fillPaint != null && this.fillPaint.isMutable())) { this.fillPaint = (Paint) fillPaint; visualsChanged(); invalidateOpaqueRegion(); } } public Paint getFillPaint() { return fillPaint; } public void setDrawPaint(Object drawPaint) { if (drawPaint != this.drawPaint || (this.drawPaint != null && this.drawPaint.isMutable())) { this.drawPaint = (Paint) drawPaint; visualsChanged(); } } public void setDrawStroke(BasicStroke drawStroke) { if (this.drawStroke != drawStroke) { this.drawStroke = drawStroke; geometryChanged(); } } public void setDrawStroke(float strokeWidth, StrokeType strokeType, StrokeLineCap lineCap, StrokeLineJoin lineJoin, float strokeMiterLimit, float[] strokeDashArray, float strokeDashOffset) { int type; if (strokeType == StrokeType.CENTERED) { type = BasicStroke.TYPE_CENTERED; } else if (strokeType == StrokeType.INSIDE) { type = BasicStroke.TYPE_INNER; } else { type = BasicStroke.TYPE_OUTER; } int cap; if (lineCap == StrokeLineCap.BUTT) { cap = BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT; } else if (lineCap == StrokeLineCap.SQUARE) { cap = BasicStroke.CAP_SQUARE; } else { cap = BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND; } int join; if (lineJoin == StrokeLineJoin.BEVEL) { join = BasicStroke.JOIN_BEVEL; } else if (lineJoin == StrokeLineJoin.MITER) { join = BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER; } else { join = BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND; } if (drawStroke == null) { drawStroke = new BasicStroke(type, strokeWidth, cap, join, strokeMiterLimit); } else { drawStroke.set(type, strokeWidth, cap, join, strokeMiterLimit); } if (strokeDashArray.length > 0) { drawStroke.set(strokeDashArray, strokeDashOffset); } else { drawStroke.set((float[])null, 0f); } geometryChanged(); } public abstract Shape getShape(); protected ShapeRep createShapeRep(Graphics g) { return g.getResourceFactory().createPathRep(); } @Override protected void visualsChanged() { super.visualsChanged(); // If there is a cached image, we have to forget about it // and regenerate it when we paint if needs3D if (cached3D != null) { cached3D.dispose(); cached3D = null; } } private static double hypot(double x, double y, double z) { return Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); } // Allow the scaled size in pixels to vary by a distance approximately // large enough to affect the sampling result in a LINEAR interpolation. // If we move by 1/256th of a pixel from one color to the opposite color // then in the worst case the sample value might change by +/- 1 bit. static final double THRESHOLD = 1.0 / 256.0; @Override protected void renderContent(Graphics g) { if (mode == Mode.EMPTY) { return; } // Need to know whether we are being asked to print or not final boolean printing = g instanceof PrinterGraphics; // If a 3D transform is being used, then we're going to render to // an intermediate texture before we then do the final render operation. final BaseTransform tx = g.getTransformNoClone(); final boolean needs3D = !tx.is2D(); // If there is already a cached image, then we need to check that // the surface is not lost, and that we haven't switched from a 3D // rendering situation to a 2D one. In either case we need to throw // away this cached image and build up a new one. if (needs3D) { final double scaleX = hypot(tx.getMxx(), tx.getMyx(), tx.getMzx()); final double scaleY = hypot(tx.getMxy(), tx.getMyy(), tx.getMzy()); final double scaledW = scaleX * contentBounds.getWidth(); final double scaledH = scaleY * contentBounds.getHeight(); if (cached3D != null) { cached3D.lock(); if (cached3D.isSurfaceLost() || Math.max(Math.abs(scaledW - cachedW), Math.abs(scaledH - cachedH)) > THRESHOLD) { cached3D.unlock(); cached3D.dispose(); cached3D = null; } } // For rendering the shape in 3D, we need to first render to the cached // image, and then render that image in 3D if (cached3D == null) { final int w = (int) Math.ceil(scaledW); final int h = (int) Math.ceil(scaledH); cachedW = scaledW; cachedH = scaledH; // Nothing to do if the scaled bounds is 0 in either dimension; // attempting to allocate a texture would fail so we just return if (w <= 0 || h <= 0) { return; } cached3D = g.getResourceFactory().createRTTexture(w, h, Texture.WrapMode.CLAMP_TO_ZERO, false); cached3D.setLinearFiltering(isSmooth()); cached3D.contentsUseful(); final Graphics textureGraphics = cached3D.createGraphics(); // Have to move the origin such that when rendering to x=0, we actually end up rendering // at x=bounds.getMinX(). Otherwise anything rendered to the left of the origin would be lost textureGraphics.scale((float) scaleX, (float) scaleY); textureGraphics.translate(-contentBounds.getMinX(), -contentBounds.getMinY()); renderContent2D(textureGraphics, printing); } // Now render the cached image in 3D final int rtWidth = cached3D.getContentWidth(); final int rtHeight = cached3D.getContentHeight(); final float dx0 = contentBounds.getMinX(); final float dy0 = contentBounds.getMinY(); final float dx1 = dx0 + (float) (rtWidth / scaleX); final float dy1 = dy0 + (float) (rtHeight / scaleY); g.drawTexture(cached3D, dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1, 0, 0, rtWidth, rtHeight); cached3D.unlock(); } else { if (cached3D != null) { cached3D.dispose(); cached3D = null; } // Just render in 2D like normal renderContent2D(g, printing); } }
Renders the content as though it is 2D in all cases. In the case that a 3D transform is in use at the time an NGShape is rendered, it will render as 2D into a texture and then transform in 3D that texture.
  • g – The graphics object to render with
/** * Renders the content as though it is 2D in all cases. In the case that a 3D * transform is in use at the time an NGShape is rendered, it will render as 2D * into a texture and then transform in 3D that texture. * * @param g The graphics object to render with */
protected void renderContent2D(Graphics g, boolean printing) { // Set smooth property on shape boolean saveAA = g.isAntialiasedShape(); boolean isAA = isSmooth(); if (isAA != saveAA) { g.setAntialiasedShape(isAA); } ShapeRep localShapeRep = printing ? null : this.shapeRep; if (localShapeRep == null) { localShapeRep = createShapeRep(g); } Shape shape = getShape(); if (mode != Mode.STROKE) { g.setPaint(fillPaint); localShapeRep.fill(g, shape, contentBounds); } if (mode != Mode.FILL && drawStroke.getLineWidth() > 0) { g.setPaint(drawPaint); g.setStroke(drawStroke); localShapeRep.draw(g, shape, contentBounds); } if (isAA != saveAA) { g.setAntialiasedShape(saveAA); } if (!printing) { this.shapeRep = localShapeRep; } } @Override protected boolean hasOverlappingContents() { return mode == Mode.STROKE_FILL; } protected Shape getStrokeShape() { return drawStroke.createStrokedShape(getShape()); } @Override protected void geometryChanged() { // TODO: consider caching the stroke shape (RT-26940) super.geometryChanged(); if (shapeRep != null) { shapeRep.invalidate(LOCATION_AND_GEOMETRY); } // If there is a cached image, we have to forget about it // and regenerate it when we paint if needs3D if (cached3D != null) { cached3D.dispose(); cached3D = null; } } @Override protected boolean hasOpaqueRegion() { final Mode mode = getMode(); final Paint fillPaint = getFillPaint(); return super.hasOpaqueRegion() && (mode == Mode.FILL || mode == Mode.STROKE_FILL) && (fillPaint != null && fillPaint.isOpaque()); } }