 * Copyright (c) 2010, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
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package com.sun.glass.ui.monocle;

import com.sun.glass.ui.Application;
import com.sun.glass.ui.CommonDialogs.ExtensionFilter;
import com.sun.glass.ui.CommonDialogs.FileChooserResult;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Cursor;
import com.sun.glass.ui.GlassRobot;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Pixels;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Screen;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Size;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Timer;
import com.sun.glass.ui.View;
import com.sun.glass.ui.Window;
import javafx.collections.SetChangeListener;

import java.io.File;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.IntBuffer;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;

public final class MonocleApplication extends Application {

    private final NativePlatform platform =
    private final RunnableProcessor runnableProcessor = platform.getRunnableProcessor();

Bit to indicate that a device has touch support
/** Bit to indicate that a device has touch support */
private static final int DEVICE_TOUCH = 0;
Bit to indicate that a device has multitouch support
/** Bit to indicate that a device has multitouch support */
private static final int DEVICE_MULTITOUCH = 1;
Bit to indicate that a device has relative motion pointer support
/** Bit to indicate that a device has relative motion pointer support */
private static final int DEVICE_POINTER = 2;
Bit to indicate that a device has arrow keys and a select key
/** Bit to indicate that a device has arrow keys and a select key */
private static final int DEVICE_5WAY = 3;
Bit to indicate that a device has a full PC keyboard
/** Bit to indicate that a device has a full PC keyboard */
private static final int DEVICE_PC_KEYBOARD = 4;
Largest bit used in device capability bitmasks
/** Largest bit used in device capability bitmasks */
private static final int DEVICE_MAX = 4;
A running count of the numbers of devices with each device capability
/** A running count of the numbers of devices with each device capability */
private int[] deviceFlags = new int[DEVICE_MAX + 1]; private Thread shutdownHookThread; private Runnable renderEndNotifier = () -> platform.getScreen().swapBuffers(); MonocleApplication() { for (InputDevice device : platform.getInputDeviceRegistry().getInputDevices()) { updateDeviceFlags(device, true); } platform.getInputDeviceRegistry().getInputDevices().addListener( (SetChangeListener<InputDevice>) change -> { if (change.wasAdded()) { InputDevice device = change.getElementAdded(); updateDeviceFlags(device, true); } else if (change.wasRemoved()) { InputDevice device = change.getElementRemoved(); updateDeviceFlags(device, false); } } ); } private void updateDeviceFlags(InputDevice device, boolean added) { int modifier = added ? 1 : -1; if (device.isTouch()) { deviceFlags[DEVICE_TOUCH] += modifier; } if (device.isMultiTouch()) { deviceFlags[DEVICE_MULTITOUCH] += modifier; } if (device.isRelative()) { deviceFlags[DEVICE_POINTER] += modifier; if (deviceFlags[DEVICE_POINTER] >= 1 && added) { staticCursor_setVisible(true); } else if (deviceFlags[DEVICE_POINTER] < 1 && !added) { staticCursor_setVisible(false); } } if (device.isFullKeyboard()) { deviceFlags[DEVICE_PC_KEYBOARD] += modifier; } if (device.is5Way()) { deviceFlags[DEVICE_5WAY] += modifier; } } @Override protected void runLoop(Runnable launchable) { runnableProcessor.invokeLater(launchable); long stackSize = AccessController.doPrivileged( (PrivilegedAction<Long>) () -> Long.getLong("monocle.stackSize", 0)); Thread t = new Thread( new ThreadGroup("Event"), runnableProcessor, "Event Thread", stackSize); setEventThread(t); t.start(); shutdownHookThread = new Thread("Monocle shutdown hook") { @Override public void run() { platform.shutdown(); } }; Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHookThread); } @Override protected void _invokeAndWait(Runnable runnable) { runnableProcessor.invokeAndWait(runnable); } @Override protected void _invokeLater(Runnable runnable) { runnableProcessor.invokeLater(runnable); } @Override protected Object _enterNestedEventLoop() { return runnableProcessor.enterNestedEventLoop(); } @Override protected void _leaveNestedEventLoop(Object retValue) { runnableProcessor.leaveNestedEventLoop(retValue); } @Override public Window createWindow(Window owner, Screen screen, int styleMask) { return new MonocleWindow(owner, screen, styleMask); } @Override public Window createWindow(long parent) { return new MonocleWindow(parent); } @Override public View createView() { return new MonocleView(); } @Override public Cursor createCursor(int type) { return new MonocleCursor(type); } @Override public Cursor createCursor(int x, int y, Pixels pixels) { return new MonocleCursor(x, y, pixels); } @Override protected void staticCursor_setVisible(boolean visible) { NativeCursor cursor = NativePlatformFactory.getNativePlatform().getCursor(); cursor.setVisibility(deviceFlags[DEVICE_POINTER] >= 1 ? visible : false); } @Override protected Size staticCursor_getBestSize(int width, int height) { NativeCursor cursor = NativePlatformFactory.getNativePlatform().getCursor(); return cursor.getBestSize(); } @Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, ByteBuffer data) { return new MonoclePixels(width, height, data); } @Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, IntBuffer data) { return new MonoclePixels(width, height, data); } @Override public Pixels createPixels(int width, int height, IntBuffer data, float scalex, float scaley) { return new MonoclePixels(width, height, data, scalex, scaley); } @Override protected int staticPixels_getNativeFormat() { return platform.getScreen().getNativeFormat(); } @Override public GlassRobot createRobot() { return new MonocleRobot(); } @Override protected double staticScreen_getVideoRefreshPeriod() { return 0.0; } @Override protected Screen[] staticScreen_getScreens() { NativeScreen ns = platform.getScreen(); Screen screen = new Screen(1l, // dummy native pointer; ns.getDepth(), 0, 0, ns.getWidth(), ns.getHeight(), 0, 0, ns.getWidth(), ns.getHeight(), 0, 0, ns.getWidth(), ns.getHeight(), ns.getWidth(), ns.getHeight(), 1.f, 1.f, ns.getScale(), ns.getScale()); // Move the cursor to the middle of the screen MouseState mouseState = new MouseState(); mouseState.setX(ns.getWidth() / 2); mouseState.setY(ns.getHeight() / 2); MouseInput.getInstance().setState(mouseState, false); return new Screen[] { screen }; } @Override public Timer createTimer(Runnable runnable) { return new MonocleTimer(runnable); } @Override protected int staticTimer_getMinPeriod() { return MonocleTimer.getMinPeriod_impl(); } @Override protected int staticTimer_getMaxPeriod() { return MonocleTimer.getMaxPeriod_impl(); } public boolean hasWindowManager() { return false; } @Override protected FileChooserResult staticCommonDialogs_showFileChooser( Window owner, String folder, String filename, String title, int type, boolean multipleMode, ExtensionFilter[] extensionFilters, int defaultFilterIndex) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override protected File staticCommonDialogs_showFolderChooser(Window owner, String folder, String title) { Thread.dumpStack(); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override protected long staticView_getMultiClickTime() { return MonocleView._getMultiClickTime(); } @Override protected int staticView_getMultiClickMaxX() { return MonocleView._getMultiClickMaxX(); } @Override protected int staticView_getMultiClickMaxY() { return MonocleView._getMultiClickMaxY(); } @Override protected boolean _supportsTransparentWindows() { return true; } @Override protected boolean _supportsUnifiedWindows() { return false; } @Override public boolean hasTwoLevelFocus() { return deviceFlags[DEVICE_PC_KEYBOARD] == 0 && deviceFlags[DEVICE_5WAY] > 0; } @Override public boolean hasVirtualKeyboard() { return deviceFlags[DEVICE_PC_KEYBOARD] == 0 && deviceFlags[DEVICE_TOUCH] > 0; } @Override public boolean hasTouch() { return deviceFlags[DEVICE_TOUCH] > 0; } @Override public boolean hasMultiTouch() { return deviceFlags[DEVICE_MULTITOUCH] > 0; } @Override public boolean hasPointer() { return deviceFlags[DEVICE_POINTER] > 0; } @Override public void notifyRenderingFinished() { invokeLater(renderEndNotifier); } @Override protected void finishTerminating() { //if this method is getting called, we don't need the shutdown hook Runtime.getRuntime().removeShutdownHook(shutdownHookThread); setEventThread(null); platform.shutdown(); super.finishTerminating(); } void enterDnDEventLoop() { _enterNestedEventLoop(); } void leaveDndEventLoop() { _leaveNestedEventLoop(null); } @Override protected int _getKeyCodeForChar(char c) { return KeyInput.getInstance().getKeyCodeForChar(c); } }